The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 284

Chapter 284: Home

“Alright man,” standing up, “-thanks for the drinks. Do tell God-father that I’ll be taking care of the God’s Ale production as well as Angel’s Dust. Cake will be in charge of the negotiations and exportation, see you later,” glass emptied with droplets of water rolling down its size.

“See you soon, Shadow,” hands cleaning other glass, Jason smiled and nodded.

‘That lasted far longer than I had expected. Catching up with things as they are after many months later is tough. I guess Snow was pushed out the continent by threats from the Overlord himself. The spy, apparently a girl who went by a stage-name I forgot, was the one who helped in extracting information out of many high-ranking players. Using her body to get what she wants,’ outside, a chilly breeze blew, ‘-if she had been on our side, I can’t imagine the number of information we could have had,’ returning to Pandora, the time displayed 16:00. ‘I’ll check in with the Alchemist Sect tomorrow after the news has spread a little.’

‘Arda,’ stood before the portal, ‘-I’m a bit reluctant to walk in,’ as if standing behind, the shadow of Xula waiting with arms crossed. Dazzled, ‘-so bright,’ covering his eyes, ‘-the adventuring guild,’ stood in front of the building. From left to right, people moved and spoke to one another, the place seemed livelier than before. Further into the city, Guild-buildings of the differing associates. ‘Look at the guild,’ slowly and carefully examining the surrounding, people were seen pushing to rush inside.

Inside in the middle, four queues formed. To the right, available quests and those recently complete. ‘How many people are there?’ curious, seeing the massive crowd, ‘-I’ve yet to check the guild card,’ reaching inside the pocket – [Member Count] to which the hologram of a display materialized.

[Adventurers: Arda]

Tier 1 – Platinum: 0


Tier 2 – Gold: 0

Tier 3 – Silver: 4

Tier 4 – Bronze: 2

Tier 5 – Ruby: 25

Tier 6 – Emerald: 6

Tier 7 – Sapphire: 67

Tier 8 – Steel: 123

Tier 9 – Obsidian: 453

Tier 10 – Porcelain : 902

‘I see,’ paused to stare, ‘-there are around 1,600 total members,’ he walked without being noticed. The screen displayed, *-Adventurers without Certifications from either the Fighters or the Mages guild won’t be allowed to take in quests.* As stated, only members with a Sword or Star symbol engraved on their adventuring tag were seen moving about. ‘Guess it’s becoming popular,’ seeing progress, he climbed to the top floor.

*Click,* warm light hit against the red-curtains, giving off a feeling of being home. The smell of new furniture and books lingered about. The table itself was empty, none was present. ‘Let’s check the messages,’ a bigger version of the hologram materialized. Browsing through the interface, reaching towards the messages, ‘-oh damn,’ around 1000+ notifications. A single name was seen across, Serene Balthazar.

Spending the next hour reading every report Serene wrote. He had a better understanding of how the province and the four vampire clans settled under the new rule. Nothing majors stood out when it came to the nightwalkers. The latter preferred the shadows and never drawing attention – tis was the way they had survived and lived. ‘She’s efficient,’ impressed, the screen turned off, ‘-it’s as if I never left,’ the chair turned. ‘Adapt to survive; the people who work under me are more competent than I am in some fields. Serene and Auic are prime examples; finding problems before it set-ablaze. It’s nice to see all the pieces I’ve worked towards amassing working as one. A giant clock ticking for my sake. I manipulated, used psychological attacks to break, and make many fall into my lap and still come out as the supposed savior. Changing personas depending on the people I met, I’ve lost the true me. Who am I, I wonder, a cold-blooded murderer, a loving father, a loving husband, a big brother, or an example. I’ve no clue myself – guess that’s the drawback of always changing to becoming another person. One thing is clear, there are some I need to protect, and there are some I have to kill. It took more time than I’d had expected,’ the face changed to one conniving with a smirk, ‘-but I’m now an essential member in how Hidros is ruled. Galienne, Xula, Raulf, Renaud, Karlson, Jason, Josiah, Ernis, Aceline, the couple from Autumn’s Blossom, Cake, and more. Quite the line-up of pawns at my disposal. Add the wielder of Knightfall to that mix. Killing him would have been easier; however, witnessing how much damage he inflicted, made one thing clear. People can hurt God’s with curses – I’m still not fully healed. A scary prospect,’ *Beep.* [Welcome home, majesty. Queen Shanna Islegust has requested for thy presence at once,] a message from Serene. ‘Be composed and move.’

*Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

Despite how it looked, the Blood-King wasn’t what he appeared to be. Hidden behind many layers of deception and personas unique to him – the part of changing his way of speech, mannerism, and stance, depended on the person. A living mirror that reflected the victim’s ideal trust-worthy friend. Subconsciously, he worked for one purpose – to get stronger and influential. On the day Lady Goldberg was found out, though it was a little bit, the true-self came out for a stroll. Summoning the portal to the underworld, one that is reined by the Demon God, could not have been done. Even if the person was the God of Death, that was sacrilege – to invade onto another deity’s property.

Creation, it who followed Staxius’s journey since attaining Divinity, shuddered. The strongest being in the universe felt fear. “Entering the domain of another god,” it voiced loudly in anger, “-THAT’S BLASPHEMY.”

“Calm down,” sitting on a hovering chair whilst sipping tea upside down, Lord Death held a smile. “Diablo doesn’t seem angered,” a window gazing to where the Demon God resided, “-he’s happy.”

“STOP SPYING ON ME,” sat on a throne made of magma with a body of corrupt souls, “-The young god entered my domain without my asking,” lit with a purple flame, the eyes stared Creation and the Death Reaper, “-I’ve reason to be angry,” he said with a thunderous voice followed by screams of the corrupt. “Still,” an image of Staxius came to life, “-he’s intriguing. The boy paid the toll to enter my realm and gave my servants a chance to go and enjoy.” Holding a chain with humanoid demons crawling as if dogs, “-better keep an eye on him. There’s more than divinity flowing through that soul – I sense a demon as well,” to which he laughed maniacally, “-HOW CAN I FORGET DAEMONUM GLADIO,” he turned to the portal, “-YOU THOUGHT I’D FORGET. VILE GOD OF DEATH, YOU STOLE MY WIFE AND TURNED HER INTO A SWORD, HAVE YOU NO SHAME!”

“Oh, better close that,” to which he turned, “-phew,” wiping the invisible sweat off the head, “-Diablo sure is angry.”

“You’re the one who stole his wife?” asked Creation, the voices kept on changing.

“N-no,” averting the gaze, “-I do apologize, but the awakening of the ancient gods might turn to more than you can chew, Creation. The vow to not create an army of God-slayers will come back to haunt you. If something isn’t done, you will lose the crown of Creator. God’s are much worse than humans – believe it.”

‘Worry not, Death Reaper. I’ve got a potential heir in mind. She lives on the same plain as humans. A fairy turned Angel and soon Demi-God. Once her body and soul allow the divine power to flow, she’ll awaken as my progeny. We have to wait and watch – time is none of the concern. Without the Sickle of Kronos, the God of Time can’t act to his full power. I’m sure that troubled child is off somewhere killing for killing. Aloof as you seem, Lord Death, before Kronos’s death, I saw what happened. Stealing the symbol of power before the succession.’

*Hicc,* “-hiccups,” standing before the castle, ‘-I wonder what’s that all about,’ holding in a breath – the body relaxed.

“Glad you made it back,” appeared in a bat-shaped mist, “-Majesty awaits thine presence.”

“Serene,” they walked, “-you look far more comfortable than I’d like,” examining her face, “-there’s a sadistic look in thy eyes. Don’t act innocent, something happened, didn’t it?”

“I do apologize but I’ve no clue to what you might be referring too.”

“You wish not to speak anymore on the matter,” he paused, “-which leads me to suspect that something is very much wrong.”

“I can assure one thing, her majesty has been impatiently waiting,” not wishing to reveal any more, Serene led the way inside. Her pace, faster than Staxius – the footsteps echoed down the large-empty hall till the throne room. There, two guards with a push opened the gates. Inside, coming from the main-entrance as opposed to coming from the portal towards the left, Staxius walked.

Full center, with light emanating from the wall that had changed designs. A glance at the balcony revealed a few nobles anxiously waiting. Beside Xula, stood the old-sage with a look of perpetual concern. Along the red-carpet, leading to the Queen, Guards stood at intervals of two-meters. Unbothered, matching Xula’s glare, he walked.

“Welcome back, King of Arda,” loudly with a hint of anger, the queen spoke.

“Glad to be back, Majesty,” hands on chest, he bowed, ‘-someone’s angry.’

“Do you have any idea to what month or date we are?” she asked.

“I’m afraid not, majesty,” staring her, the situation grew to be more confusing.

“We’re in October. The 24th to be precise.”

“Is it relating to...” the pieces fitted, eight-months and before that.

“The look on thine face says it all,” her gaze piercing, “-do you have something to say on the matter?”

“Words won’t undo the mistake I’ve done. I missed our wedding anniversary, 15th August,” to that, he knelt.

“You do understand,” she stepped down from the throne, “-leaving the queen, one who is holding thy heir and heir to the kingdom, alone, without guard – is the worst thing a man could do.”

Her feet moved till it stood a few centimeters away, ‘-She’ll have my head, I swear.’ Death could not have compared to how scary a woman could be. Not to mention that the lady was his wife and Queen to a kingdom. Not even a mother could rival the pressure being felt. ‘Killing dragons would be easier than this,’ he breathed.

“As long as you understand,” she held out a hand.

“I beg your pardon?” he looked up in confusion, “-have I missed something?”

“Take her hand already, majesty,” from the balcony yelled noble ladies. The guards who stared intently earlier gave little chuckles.

‘Even the sage facepalmed,’ to which, Serene materialized next to Xula.

“Get up already,” Xula smiled, “-I got you,” she winked, the throne room filled with laughter. “HAIL QUEEN SHANNA!”

“An all-mighty vampire brought down by his betrothed,” Adete slipped to add insult to injury. “You may be able to fight against a whole kingdom to save a single girl. Yet,” turning to Xula, “-our queen will always win,” laughed Serene.

“That much is true,” shaking his head, “-I’m sorry for leaving without saying a word,” he took her hand and kissed it.

“No need to worry,” a smile, “-I heard from the Queen of Hidros about the promise that was made. I can understand the worth of one’s words.”

“Still,” he interjected, “-I missed our anniversary as well as,” the eyes turned to the belly,”-the heir, Lizzie,” staring up, “-must have been tough, carrying our offspring as well as handling the kingdom.”

“I sense the guilt,” standing on her toe, she patted his head, “-it’s fine. I had the help of everyone here. Ladies who’ve already had their first child. Doctors from the academy – the attention was more cumbersome than handling our babe.”

“I see,” turned and facing the guards as well as the nobles, “-from the bottom of my heart, thank you for caring for Queen Shanna in my absence.”

“Wait till the child is born. It’s only going to get tougher from here on,” laughed the nobles, a bright aura lit around the room.

‘Blissful, I can see everything so clearly. My family, the people who care about us, a kingdom that depends on us to guide and lead. Away from the land of fanatics, all that religious talk, and constant pain. Lizzie’s aura is slowly growing strong, I can feel her mana – more potent. I guess this is what you call home,’ grabbing his arms, Xula rested her head and smiled. ‘I actually belong somewhere,’ for the first time, faint as it was, a tear dropped to the floor.

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