The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: Moving on

‘Home at last,’ hopping out the thunderous helicopter, Staxius stood facing the mansion. The air coming off said place was one of loneliness, one that a stray pet would often give. A sadness unlike anything a human could ever hope to feel – “Boss,” snapped from the emptiness displayed by the home, Cake spoke.

“I didn’t say this earlier, but no one ever comes by this place any longer. I know that Kniq stayed here till a few months ago – the members moved to settle elsewhere,” they walked with Elliot and his sister in tow. “I approached Viola to ask the reason why,” they exchanged glances, “-she said that it was too painful to stay alone in this massive house. Auic and Avon moved to a residential district, closer to the guild Headquarters so that they’d be able to work. Deadeyes and Achilles left for Plaustan on special request by the central guild. Viola, on the other hand, returned to Dorchester since they needed help rebuilding,” the walk continued.

“What about the Lymsey sisters?”

“They come by every two weeks to clean up,” voiced Cake with a faded smile.

“I see,” not surprised, they arrived at the road path leading into the garage.

“On another note,” seeing him wander towards the garage, Cake added, “-The twins are taking a break from adventuring. I’ve no idea on the reason why but they returned to studying. Living as if every day was your last has more impact on one’s health that is given credit for.”

“What about Kniq, are they disbanded?” asked Staxius, the door opened with a faint squeak.


“No, they’re alive and well. The only difference is that they don’t take on a random job. The Capital has given them the name of the Special Unit. Only when things are out of hand and quests have grown too hard – only then that are the Winged Warriors called. The money given as rewards for said jobs is enough to survive several months without working.”

“I would ask how you know all of that,” spoke Staxius as they climbed the stairs, “-but that’d be a waste of breath,” the face relaxed. Ghosts of the past, faint murmurs, disfigured silhouettes running across the hall – one of a girl and the other of a fox-eared lady. He could hear what they’d say, ‘stop running, you’ll catch a cold.’ The death of Lizzie hadn’t left the conscience yet. ‘Adelana was right,’ reaching the final step, he paused and stared, ‘-the reason she died was that I focused too much on myself. Tunnel vision to sort out the curse of starting over again – in that agenda, I forgot what was important and left a girl to suffer and die.’

“Watch out,” yelled Elliot, Staxius stumbled and lost balance.

“Thanks,” with a sniffle, “-just a little fatigued,” he faced forwards and walked. *Click,* every door opened, he entered and watched for a few minutes then changed the room. Inside, images of they who stayed here played similar to a movie. ‘Guess I’ll have to get used to loneliness,’ he entered his room, ‘-I’m immortal. The people I know now will soon be a fond memory,’ stuffy, it felt heavy and hot, *click,* the balcony opened.

“The mansion sure is extravagant,” commented Cake as she joined, “-the pilot looks like an ant from here.”

“I guess so,” he turned and leaned on the balustrade.

“Why did you not wait for me?” panting, Sharon arrived with sweat dripping off her forehead, “-impatient much,” loud breaths followed.

“Now’s a good time to ask,” she walked and stared up, “-who the hell are you, old man?” the duo behind leaned in closer to have a better hearing.

“Sure are persistent,” he mumbled and exchanged a glare to Cake, she understood.

“The person you keep on referring as old man is the leader of Phantom. An Arms-dealer,” her tone strict, “-I’m his secretary as well as vice-leader.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you have a mansion of such magnitude inside the NOBLE DISTRICT,” her eyes narrowed further, she seemed to have more questions than before.

“Cake,” ignoring the girl, “-I’m headed to the Castle. Take Elliot and his sister, find them a house or apartment. Give them supplies to last two months, pay for everything – house included, then calculate how much they’ll have to repay,” turning to the siblings, “-a fresh start, go out, meet new people, and work towards repaying the debt. Take how long you want,” on that, he stepped inside, “-Sharon, you’re coming with me.”

“Is he serious?” Elliot turned to Cake, “-are you really going to do what he says?” a single tear of happiness fell to the floor.

“Yes, if he says so, then yeah,” she moved in turn, her footsteps were heavier than before. An aura of bliss swirled around, a more relaxed face than before, “-what are you waiting for?” stopped shy of the door, “-let’s go.”

Minutes turned to hours, each went their own way, “-Majesty,” called a butler, “-the King of Arda has come to visit,” inside the castle, sifting through papers, she stumbled and nearly fell.

“The who?” stood with a look of shock.

“King of Arda, majesty.”

“On my way,” she scurried to the door and walked meters after meters till the throne-room came in view.

“You barged into the castle without even saying a word, and the guard let you through, even gave nods,” Sharon kept on pestering, “-who are you OLD MAN,” she gritted.

“Keep your stance straight,” towards the right – the queen accompanied by four maids entered the room. Usually, few visiting nobles would stand and chat inside said room – a place to converse without looking awfully out of place.

“Majesty,” instantly, Sharon knelt and bowed her head, “-what are you doing?” she grabbed and pulled his pants, afraid of that insolence being shown.

“Staxius,” no care to ethics, Gallienne’s face lit with relief. Opposed to sitting on the throne and speaking, she moved towards the duo and smiled giving a curtsy, “-it’s a pleasure to see you again, King of Arda.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” taking her hand, a kiss out of courtesy, “-I’m glad to see that you’re doing well.”

Turning to the lady knelt, “-Sharon, Apostle of Syhton,” sharp and clear, hearing her name, the heart skipped a beat. “-Raise thy head.”

“Majesty,” she obeyed – bandaged, half of her face was covered. Embarrassed, Sharon could but stare away, matching the Queen’s gaze would have been rude, in her mind.

“Welcome back home,” friendly, Gallienne reached and gave a hug, “-Kreston will pay for what they did,” whispered, both got up.

“Hence ends my promise to you,” voiced Staxius, “-Hidros counts on you, majesty.”

“Thank you so much,” a sigh of relief, “-I’m forever indebted, eight months fighting Kreston’s army to bring back our Bishop. I’m sure the public will be happy,” she turned to the door, “-you won’t mind if this news is printed on newspapers?”

“Do as you wish,” not particularly bothered, he waited for the opportune time to leave.

“To celebrate thine success,” walking back to the podium, “-I’d like to grant thee the first-ever title of Platinum Ranked adventurer.”

“I graciously accept,” within an hour, Staxius’s status changed from Gold-ranked to Platinum. The first one to ever be given since the quest that was completed was one beyond the rank of Tier-one. Infiltration of a province known for being unwelcoming towards strangers. The rescue of a person of utmost importance to the kingdom – each of them was hard enough on their own. Adding the fact that he survived eight months in that place, nothing but praises.

The moment it updated; the information dashed from the castle to the Central Guild as if a bolt of lightning. Announced on the screens, [Platinum Ranked Quest: Search and Rescue of Bishop Sharon. Status: Completed] kept as a secret, the details were revealed. [Adventurer known as Xenos: Upgraded from Tier-Two Gold to Tier-One Platinum]

“Melisa, MELISA,” yelled Diane across the room.

“What is it?” nearly choking on her tea, she shrugged.

“Look, look,” Diane pointed to the screen.

“Oh no,” the tea spilled, “-Xenos is back,” she stood. The few returning adventurers were awe-struck. “We have the first-ever platinum ranked adventurer,” they mumbled and cheered for it was a thing of pride to behold – a thing of legend.

‘He did it,’ inside his office, Raulf smiled, ‘-Xenos returns with yet another miracle. Saving Oxshield more than once, he deserves to be praised even further. In fact, he should be in Arda helping his kingdom but instead, due to the wish he made, and pact forged unknowingly. He’s doing everything he can to stabilize our Kingdom so that our Queen can comfortably take her throne and lead. Tomorrow’s going to be fun, can’t wait to see what the news will write.”

“Majesty,” inside the throne room, “-I’d like to take my leave,” a formal bow, “-Arda awaits my return,” empty, he turned and walked – each step echoed with a sound of profound woefulness.

“Wait,” in came Sharon, “-I’m so sorry for having called you Old man on various occasions,” she knelt.

“It’s fine,” without much concern, he continued, “-make sure to guide your people to a better future. My job is done here, good-bye.”

‘He might not want to admit it,’ the figure faded into the brightly lit doorway, ‘-but he’s a good person deep down. Only he who knows the value of life, he who knows what It’s like to lose someone important is worthy. Not a hero, but someone who’s reliable and unbound by the idealism of saving those in need. He’ll do whatever is needed to achieve a goal – I admire that most about you, old-friend,’ in that instant, memories rushed, “-Tempest,” she mumbled.

“I presume we’re moving back to Arda?” asked Adete once inside the car.

“Not really,” it roared, “-we’re going back, that much is true. But I’d like to continue the research on the Relic-class scroll. Before that, we’re headed to the Twin-Jelly Bar. I need to check on Jason,” parked at the mansion, using portals in the attic, he headed to Pandora.

*Cough,* footprints formed each time he walked, cobwebs around the ceiling. ‘I wonder what Dorothy thinks,’ he laughed then coughed, ‘-I employed her to then leave for eight months,’ going down the laboratory, stockpiles of supplies for the making of God’s Ale. ‘-Guess Cake has been handling the production,’ the machine seemed a little worn-out from all the work. Going to the ground floor, ‘-god damn,’ the scrolls and potion were sold out.

Dear Lord Staxius,

All the supplies in the shop have been sold. I’m writing this on the 23rd of April. A nice lady came over to our house and asked if I’d like to return to work. I accepted, and tis the result. We sold out in a few weeks. Since there’s no idea when you’re coming back – I’ve decided to work at a café in the capital. Do come to pay a visit if you ever read this note, the name is The Ladybug.

‘Good to see she moved on from the whole adventuring business. I might visit you soon, Dorothy,’ he stepped out, ‘-even the Adamantite armor has been sold.’ In that instant,’-I forgot about the whole Potion business with the Alchemy’s Sect,’ a facepalm later, ‘-I’m going to guess that Clarise is probably mad at me. Nothing beats honesty, if the news is given tomorrow, then they’ll know the reason why I left,’ on that, taking the back alley, he headed to the bar.

“Look who we have ‘ere,” commented Timothy, “-you were gone for so long I thought you died on the job or something.”

“Good luck taking me out that easily,” he winked and headed towards the toilet.

“Alright, take care,” waved the bartender.

‘What will Jason say when I suddenly show up,’ opened, he headed inside. Things never changed, the purple lights kept on flashing, muffled music played. Mask on, he walked in, “-Jason,” on the counter, with not many people around, a voice called.

“What?” distressed, he fired back.

“A shot of whiskey,” a glimpse of the crimson mask, caught him off guard, to which, “-welcome back,” startled, the hands trembled whilst pouring the drink.

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