The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 285

Chapter 285: Settling in

“Who are you?” paralyzed and unable to channel mana momentarily, the lady asked with a nervous expression.

“I’d like to ask you the same question,” index touching her neck and staring down to Triste, “-see what you did?” he gritted, “-children should not be that bratty,” the eyes cold, the sobs lowered.

“I-I’m sorry,” a few sniffles with snot dripping, “-l-let my m-mommy go,” he asked.

“Promise that none of you will make a sound or harsh movement, else,” a snap towards the tent, *poof,* instant combustion – a hole that opened the way for the scent of fresh fish to invade.

“Excuse me, majesty,” bowed Haru, “-could you please let go of the Dryad?” courteous and warm, her ears twitched happily.

“Fine,” breathing calmly, he dispelled and returned control to the host. Shuddered, the mother, breathing heavily through her mouth, created icy-cold mist. The puff of air enveloped Haru???s face, her whiskers reacted to which, *ACHOO,* snot flew over. *Splat,* dodged, it hit the board.

“That much firepower,” eyes opened in astonishment, “-who needs a gun when you can sneeze snot that far,” Staxius laughed. Triste, bothered till a few seconds ago, laughed – it disarmed the lady who manifested with the intent of harming.


“Back to business,” settled, he walked over to Haru, “-care to explain in greater detail what’s happening here. I thought the town was meant as a link between Hidros and Arda – what’s the division all about?”

“Do take a seat majesty,” doing a full 360, Triste’s voice changed, the boy grew into an adult, “-mother, you can return to the forest,” he turned and hugged the lady, “-please don’t leave thy haven for my sake. You’ll lose what little power you’re left remaining. I promise to watch over little Triste, make me that promise,” holding her hands, the lady accepted and vanished.

“Quite interesting,” said Staxius, “-don’t mind me,” pulling a chair, he sat with Haru beside. Facing them, Triste, a boy who grew instantly.

“Before questions are asked, I’ll introduce myself once again, I’m Triste, no family name. I’m a Dymph. The boy who spoke to you earlier is also named Triste, to not be confused, call him, Triste Jr. The boy is the real host of this vessel, a lost child who was torn to shreds by wolves. Upon that misty day, the snow turned to crimson, my mother, protector of the snow-forest, came across the child who barely drew breath. That was where I, a water spirit, was bound to the body. Contract formed, my soul provided the power for regeneration, as a result – I became the secondary personality. Don’t mind the boy, he’s still a child, but a good one – a little deaf to people speaking. That out of the way,” he stood, “-employed by Queen Shanna, I’m Commander Triste in charge of Town Eden, at your service,” hands-on chest, a salute.

“Nice to make your acquaintance,” stood, a firm handshake.

“How may I help?” he sat.

“First of all,” turning to Haru, “-why don’t you go,” gestured for her to speak, her tail wiggled.

“It’s about time,” as if charging for an attack, both hands slammed the table, “-Where have you been?” she asked with eyes that didn’t reflect her words. “I was worried when Triste Jr said you went on break, I w-was s-scar... not like that matters,” changing her sentence mid-way, “-I’d like to sell panties for the opening.”

“Again,” Triste laughed, “-you sure love panties,” a wink signaling an inside joke, her cheeks reddened and purr came out, though muffled. *Cough,* clearing her throat as a distraction, she stared away defiantly with arms crossed with a humph.

“I see,” fondly watching as the two spoke, Staxius waited with a smirk.

“It’s not what you meo-hink,” she jumped back with hairs standing up, “-d-d-don’t g-g-et the w-wrong ide-meow.”

“The cat is scared, now is she?” commented Staxius, “-I never said anything,” he turned to Triste. “Congratulations,” he nodded.

“About what?” he asked, confused.

“About you having an eccentric partner,” he referred to Haru and Triste being in a relation.

“P-P-partner,” he coughed furiously, “-t-there’s n-nothing between us,” he turned in shame.

“Y-yes, as he s-said,” flustered, she stared away.

“Are you sure?” asked Staxius with a cheesy accent, “-because from where I’m sitting, you two seem to complement one another quite nicely,” he laughed.

“MAJESTY,” a simultaneous yell.

“In any case, I’m going to be selling panties for the opening, make sure the Triste Jr doesn’t interrupt the event like usual,” composed, she took a seat with her tail moving as if a pendulum.

“Leave him to me,” he nodded, “-why is it that you’re here, majesty?”

“I’ve got a lot of questions,” arms crossed, “-care to explain the general layout of the town, this supposed event of selling panties and the division of the two districts.”

“As you wish,” standing, “-we’ve two districts, one for humans and one for non-humans. I know it’s meant for the understanding of our kinds. It’s a gradual change, both races are still suspicious of one another. Demi’s have been and are still being used as slaves in some parts of the continent. You know that full well, can’t expect our people to bow down and obey. Change has to come from each side. To prevent any large-scale conflict, the middle bridge, named Etem, host a pathway into the two districts,” pointing at the map, “-you see this area,” going around the bridge, two identical districts, “-the trading district.” The layout of both halves is similar, non-humans and humans are treated the same. The division is there so we can better guard the people against themselves. There are three bridges in total, Log, Etem, and Husty. At the moment, only Etem will be used. As for Log and Husty, they are to be closed off till we see the situation evolve.”

“Understandable,” he nodded, “-what about the big opening?”

“It’s to take place tomorrow, the first time we’ll be able to trade with one another. During that time, Etem will be opened for people to go back and forth. That’s about it, I think,” the explanation ended.

“Good,” holding his chin, “-it’s a good set up. To slowly restart our connection to one another. About the guard details, who’s going to preside over that responsibility?”

“You’ve not heard of it?” he asked.

“Obviously not, that’s why I’m asking,” fired back Staxius.

“Have you spoken to Serene?” asked Haru.

“We exchanged a few words...” eyes narrowed, “-I’ll be going now,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

‘Annoying,’ he thought and returned to the guild, ‘-Serene has things to explain.’ Barging into the office,”-Majesty,” a warm voice called.

“Yes,” as if nothing happened, “-is there something you need to tell me, perhaps concerning the town Eden?”

“Did they tell you?” she stood and walked over from his desk.

“No one said anything,” in the center, he watched as Serene paced around, “-it sort of clicked; a pretty easy connection,” he stared.

“Nothing escapes thine mind,” stopped and seductively leaned on the table with legs crossed, “-should I dive into more details?”

“Yes, please,” he moved over, “-and don’t try to be seductive,” the drawer opened, “-changing your hair color to red and wearing that short skirt isn’t going to accomplish much,” he sat and reached for a cigar.

“Come on,” red lipsticks and red eyes, she climbed on the table and moved as if a cat, showing cleavage.

“Are you done?” blowing smoke into her face, she coughed.

“Come on, majesty,” rolling her eyes, she got off, “-don’t you think the Blood-king needs a few mistresses and maybe a harem. You’re practically a demi-god.”

“God actually,” he smoked, “-though it doesn’t matter now. The Queen of Arda is plenty enough for me,” he laughed, “-no one is as scary like her.”

“I agree,” to which she tied her hair in a ponytail, “-about the thing at hand,” the screen popped up, “-Commander Triste has requested the guild to be on the guard detail tomorrow. He’s asked this of the guild master – to have adventurers of each province be present so that there’s no feeling of oppression.”

“You choose to tell me that now?” disappointed, “-Arda is already big as is, asking the central guild to send over members might be a far-stretch.”

“I do apologize for having kept it a secret, but you seemed to have more pressing matters at hand.”

“I appreciate the concern, really,” a faint smile, “-it’s admirable that you’re thinking of taking the burden off my shoulder,” cigar pointing at her face, “-you seem to be in far worse shape than I am. Handling the guild and nightwalkers must be thought. I’m part to blame – I was gone for eight months; I can’t hope to imagine the work that was put in. Therefore,” he stood, “-I’m back now, don’t hold back and addon the work that I’m due,” a smile, “-I’ll handle the talk with Mr. Serlo. Send over that list of things that are priority. Have a break, it’s an order,” hands in pocket, he walked.

“Don’t complain if the work piles on,” she shouted.

‘I see,’ standing on the roof of the guild, ‘-the people around me are working hard to try and lower my burden. I’ve got good assistants,’ the cigar finished, ‘-time to get my head back in the game.’

*Beep, beep, beep,* “-sorry to disturb.”

“No worries, how may I help, Guild master of Arda?”

“Is there anyone you can send over from the guild, I need adventurers to handle guard duties. Town Eden is opening, I’m sure you know what that means. On my end, we’ll have the people ready, I’m sorry and I know it’s late, but can you send over a team?”

“A team,” Raulf paused, “-give me a moment,” to which orders were heard in the background.

“There’s Pegasus, their main party – they were on a quest near Azure’s wall, should I send them over?” he asked.

“Yeah, they’ll do, are they trusted by the people?”

“Yes, that guild is loved by children especially,”

“Children liking a guild that has probably killed before, why not,” he sighed.

“Good, I’ll send you a message of their time of arrival, be sure to explain the details in full when they arrive.”

“No problem, thanks for the help given the short notice.”

“Oh, it’s no problem, you’ll be paying in gold or items?” Raulf laughed.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll pay you once the job is done,” the call ended.

‘The time is 13:00, checking in with the Guild assistants is the wisest choice,’ teleporting to the ground floor – “-Guild master,” gasped one of the adventurers, a returning party stopped and stared.

“That’s the aura of a powerful man,” said the leader in awe, a dwarf with a hammer as big as him.

“Can I help?” an elf with blond hair and a shirt that seemed on the verge of exploding.

“I’d like to request a quest, care to help?” he asked with a smile.

“Yes,” on that, speaking for a few minutes, the decision was to add a quest notice with a red-color, signaling an official quest. The reward was 50 silvers per day, the higher the rank, the more one would get paid. A limit of 30 people, the instant the quest went on the board – seeing the name, S.Haggard, they flocked over to the desk for more information.

‘That’s taken care of,’ returning to the office, *dring.*

“Hello?” answered, the phone displayed an unknown caller.

“Hey, is that you?” a familiar voice.

“You, who?” the voice deep and monotonous.

“It’s Aceline, is this Staxius?”

“Yeah, is something the matter, how did you get this number anyway?” asked since the call came from the Guild-card.

“Oh, Gallienne gave it to me,” she laughed, the background seemed to be filled with flashes and clicks, “-are you free tomorrow at 14:00, I’d like to bring the first Platinum Adventurer for a segment on my show.”

“14:00, you seem busy, why don’t I call you back later. I’ll check the schedule.”

“As you wish, don’t disappoint, Mr. Hero,” the call ended.

‘Hero, that’s a new one,’ he chuckled and sat, ‘-let’s see what I’ve got for tomorrow.’ Settling in nicely to where he belonged, the work resumed.


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