The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 282

Chapter 282: Quest Complete

“We’ve landed,” soft as a fluffy pillow, the helicopter touched. On stand by stood the other guards.

“Welcome back,” the door slid open, Cake jumped out.

“Where’s the stretcher?” she asked with a piercing voice, startled, medics from outside town arrived in ambulances.

“Over here ma’am,” they pointed at the white and red vans.

“Where are we?” asked Elliot as he stepped out, besides, Sharon and Elista. Each was baffled by such a place, enormous and menacing, none would have guessed it from above. Once landed, it put into perspective how large the area was.

“You ok?” fatigued, Staxius spoke and got off with the help of Cake who held a hand, “-never would I have guessed you built the place in such little time,” in awe, the eyes wandered, “-it’s better than I had envisioned.”

“Excuse us, ma’am,” the squad leaders, in total, four, stood before the troupes and the chopper. “May we ask who we’ve rescued?” a little perplexed, unrest settled.


“Mind thine tongue,” without provocation, her voice changed from friendly to strict, “-the man we rescued is the leader of Phantom. Be disrespectful once again and I’ll have thine life as payment,” cold, the shout reached the other three.

“Things don’t look ok...” added Elista with a cough, “-at least we’re out of Kreston,” she smiled, “-that place is somewhere I never want to hear nor speak about.”

“I agree,” nodded Sharon with an injured arm, “-back home, I feel relieved.”

“Not me,” skeptical, Elliot had doubts, “-this place isn’t something a man can just buy. Do you realize how much money and connection one needs to build such a fortress? Two runways and hangars, there’s also the flying vehicles and fire-power that rivals my weapon.”

“You three,” Cake’s attention turned, “-come here,” she ordered, to which they obeyed. Ambulances were at the ready, “-take them away,” the medics rushed in with stretchers.

“This may come across as rude but,” voiced, “-I think Master needs the attention more than we do,” Elliot gave a piece of his thought.

“Who needs attention?” spoke Staxius, “-I’m fine,” to which he coughed, “-I need rest,” healed to some extent what ailed was the lack of energy and mana.

“Heard that,” glanced Cake, “-everyone who’s remotely injured is going to the hospital,” thus, the two ambulances filled with patients. Direction, a hospice built on the northern side of town – one with the financial backing of the DG.

Massive gates shut with a siren; the scenery changed. Mostly worn out and bullet filled buildings were spotted, some had broken windows whilst others were covered with mold and rust.

Meanwhile, far away, inside Arda, Queen Gallienne sat with a big belly. “Majesty, please take a rest for now,” pleaded a maid with braided hair, her nose covered with freckles and large ears – an elf.

“There’s work to do,” heavy, her movement was a little sluggish, “-it’s not like I’m overdoing it,” she turned and smiled, “-I’ll be fine as long as I complete the minimum required work. Tell the Old sage to not be that anxious, I know everyone is worried but I’m fine, truly,” a calm explanation which forced the maid to bow. ‘Tiresome,’ the door closed, in front rested a table with papers, ‘-eight months,’ she sighed and sat. Memories about the day he left returned, vague:

“The King of Arda has headed off to Kreston. There was an unexpected development, the scheme involving the Prince and I was but a diversion. The real game happened in Rosespire – Sharon, Apostle of Syhton, was abducted. I’ve strong reason to blame Kreston since the pope views her as a pseudo apostle,” composed, the details were further explained.

???Just like that?” angry with good reason, “-he headed off to that land of fanatic to save someone he has no connection too?” eyes turned red, “-DOES THAT SEEM FAIR?” Xula’s tone didn’t accept what had happened.

“It may seem as if I’m using the King for my benefit,” regretful, Gallienne’s eyes spoke the truth, “-I never wanted to use him in such a manner. I’m already deeply indebted to Staxius – no matter what I say or do; tis was a decision he made. After all, I did promise that if Sharon was brought back safe and sound – then I’d take that burden off his shoulders.”

“Always doing things on your own,” sighed Xula, the memories faded, “-leaving a lady in such a state. I’ve got an idiot for a husband, a loveable idiot,” with a smile and a kick felt, she continued her work.

Inside Rosespire; adventuring grew to be more popular. Monsters evolved and were of higher numbers. In response to that, the guilds recruited more people – together, they fought and grew stronger. Plaustan turned out to be the new destination. A tower reaching several kilometers up with the top never insight – a dungeon. Name given; Tower of Aris. Many expedition groups were sent; monsters were stronger the higher one climbed. A challenge and goal to work towards. The highest party had climbed was Floor 25, the floor of Minotaur and half-spiders and half-lizards. Floor 10, a death-trap for tier 7- Sapphire and lower. Reason for it was a boss-ranked monster name Galiante, a rock-monster with a giant hammer as a weapon. Ranking around ten-meters in size with very strong defense – many have died trying to figure out the weakness. Still, it didn’t stop people from trying, the Qaisars dropped was worth the risk.

On that, everyone with an adventuring tag could enter at their peril. Thanks to that, the Province of Plaustan beneficiated with the coming business – many merchants, traders, and blacksmiths settled into a makeshift town named Aria.

Kniq’s name grew to be popular. Achilles especially, the lady was named a true-born hero by most. Her ability to overcome any hardship gave birth to songs and ballads. Her legacy forever engraved in song. Crossing borders, bards made and carried their art. Relatively small and not having accepted any members, the Guild was known for only going on extreme quests. Dispatched only when the situation grew out of hand – their Wings, once spotted on the battlefield, gave a spark of determination and hope.

Fresh breeze blew from the east, helpless, white curtains flowed and obeyed the winds every command. A radio, soft, provided an ambiance that served to break an otherwise morguelike silence. Stationed around the building, men in black sitting inside cars. “Master?”

“Elliot,” awake – the eyes opened with freshness paired with lightness. Checkered marble tiles in white and black, a light, not that extravagant on the ceiling. Besides, on another bed, rested a familiar face.

“You’re awake?” Elliot asked.

“No, I’m still sleeping,” sarcastically, Staxius sat upright and looked around. “Where are we?”

“A hospital,” another voice came from the left, close to the window, “-Lady Cake brought us here,” as if a stickman drawn by kids, Elista spoke with half a smile.

“Old man,” directly across, “-who the heck are you?” asked Sharon with a confused voice.

“No one particular,” dazed to focused, “-Adete,” he called.

“What is it?” sat on a fruit basket and enjoying grapes, her tone was displeased.

“Care to fill me on the details of what happened after we reached the border. My memory is vague at best – I can faintly remember a shark as a helicopter.”

“You don’t remember?” asked Adete.

“Obviously not, else why would I ask?” a little out of character, the words came without filter nor care.

Hovering to his shoulder, a detailed summary of what transpired was given. ‘We can’t afford to lose time,’ wide awake,”-where’s Cake?” slid across the bed, feet inside white-slippers, “-give me a second,” reaching for the door, a sweat heavy hallway came in sight. People in wheelchairs, a few guards beside the door, and a lady wearing a black leather jacket who spoke on her phone.

“Wasn’t that Shadow?” exchanging glances, the guards reached out, “-sir,” he stopped.

“What is it?” he turned with a cold stare, “-if it’s not of importance, then I’d appreciate you letting go.”

“I do apologize,” said one of the guards, “-but lady Cake has ordered us to not let anyone leave,” unable to see what they thought for they wore glasses, Staxius’s patience ran dry.

*Death Element: Hand of God,* without thinking, an arm fell to the ground. “MY ARM,” the screams echoed down the hall, every patient and doctor in the vicinity was alerted, “-HELP ME, SOMEONE,” he screamed, “-MY ARM IS GONE,” a grown man, one who was in good shape, cried.

‘What just happened,’ subconsciously, the first spell from having attained divinity was unlocked. ‘Hand of God,’ he thought, ‘-I know exactly how the spell works. It’s a pair of hands that are invisible and controlled using my mind. I can attack, defend, and do anything a psychic could with her mind.’

“God damn it,” phone cut, “-BOSS,” in came Cake, “-do be mindful of the people you attack,” her voice was more disappointed in how that man lost an arm. “I don’t mind you killing people, please be more careful, we’re already low on manpower.” Laid on the floor in a growing puddle of blood, he continued to cry.

“I apologize,” *Death Element: Hand of God,* the limb floated, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Thread,* arm reattached, *Skill: Mana Manipulation,* using the victim’s mana – Staxius forced the body to heal itself at a faster rate than usual. “It’s going to leave a scar,” as easy as breathing, he watched as Cake’s eyelids kept on opening and closing.

“How powerful did you get?” asked Cake as the guard stood and moved his fingers.

“No idea,” the face seemed empty, “-it’s as normal as breathing.”


“I need to head to Rosespire right now,” he ordered.

“Now?” asked Cake, “-by car I presume?”

“Have you not visited my mansion before, the yard is big enough to accommodate two choppers.”

“As you wish, Boss,” she smiled, “-before we do that, I’d like to discuss of what is to happen with the people you’ve brought with?”

“I’ll figure something out,” he walked and stopped shy of the door, “-be careful next time,” a warning to the guard.

“I told you, people, to not be overly confident around him. Shadow is far deadlier than I am,” whispered Cake, “-a strong leader was what you pest wanted, then there you have it,” she chuckled.

“We’re doomed,” mumbled the guard to one another.

“Is everyone healed?” asked Staxius upon entering. They nodded in agreement.

“Good,” he turned to Sharon, “-I’m taking you to the castle this instant.”

“No worries, old man.”

“And you two,” he turned to Elliot, “-I’m sorry about this,” he approached, “-the reason I asked for help back in Kreston was to have a bait in case we could not have escaped. So, you see, I never really had the idea of taking you in,” emotionless, how he felt was laid for all to see. “That was what I had planned at the start,” he turned to Elista, “-thine story felt a little similar to what I felt sometime in the past,” he breathed, “-therefore, I’ll make this promise, you will have a place to stay – and expect me to take back the money in full. Take as long as you want, start again, with skills like that – becoming an adventurer and climbing the ranks will be easy.”

“I knew it would have happened sooner or later,” smiled Elliot, “-nevertheless, I’ll always come to thine help if ever the time arises.”

“Good, focus on making Elista feel at home, that’s your job,” to that, exiting the hospice with an armed escort – sat inside an armed RFS; Phantom headed to the airfield. ‘I’ve completed Gallienne’s quest. I need to head back to Arda as soon as possible. It’s close to nine-months, I can’t afford to not be by her side,’ staring out the window, memories of the time in Kreston flashed. ‘Duke Hawkins, you truly did change side. Sadly, even if Gallienne pushes, you won’t move. The Pope is holding you hostage, not only you but the whole province. It’d be foolish to kill him and wipe their religion, those people are far gone to be saved. Mindless brain-washed zombies – it’s better to find a more peaceful approach. Even so, that decision will be in how the Queen decides to act. My job is complete as far as concerned.

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