The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 281

Chapter 281: Birth of Phantom

*Brr, Brr,* flashes of light across a dimly lit room. As if replicating thunder and lightning, the table vibrated, ‘-who is it at this hour,’ focused on her screen, Cake reluctantly reached for her phone. Lollipop in mouth, the sender read, Shadow. Dumbfounded, the candy fell to the floor, “-it’s him,” without a second left to spare, reaching for a trench coat – the door barged open.

“Lady Cake, is something the matter?” at intervals stood guards dressed in black. Each wore glasses with pistols and assault rifles.

“Gather the troupes,” glasses off, she walked, her high-heels clopped menacingly. Order’s given, three of the guards sprinted down the stairs – an elevator was called to the fourth floor. Outside, two runways of two kilometers in length with lights to help at night. Back against the office building, to the right, two hangars as big as the office itself. The latter, despite how it appeared, was immense. To its left, four helipads with guards on the lookout. Around the perimeter, a five-meter-high wall with guard-towers on each corner. The overall architecture was clean and solid, nothing stood out apart from the fancy looking office building.

“We’re here,” stood in line, around twenty men dressed the same of which their skin complexion differentiated from one another.

“Good,” as the leader, she faced them full on with a glare, “-listen up,” they went on guard, “-the leader of Phantom sent a message. As most of you know, the one in charge of our family is Shadow, else known as the alchemist or sometimes referred to as the Black Death,” she paced from left to right. ‘The message I received, was blank. It read in the note that if ever he was in trouble, he’d give a sign. I figured as much. Eight months to build a fortress,’ her gaze wandered despite being challenged by the night. The moment I spoke to Karlson about what Shadow’s dream was, he instantly called the Godfather. The next thing I know was hundreds of kilos of gold in bars traveled across the ocean. Not only that, but many construction companies were employed, with that amount of manpower, the process grew easier. As for the land, a former member named Viper sent over deeds of lands which had Staxius’s name as the owner. The border goes as far as the eye can see, I can’t imagine what string he pulled,” far away, rotors came to life. Loud and intimidating, the blades spun without care, the pressure lifted dust off the landing pad.

“I want two units of five members, each unit will have its own helicopter. We’re going on a rescue mission, the destination is the border between Oxshield and Kreston,” they walked over, “-as for me,” she stared the main character, an attack helicopter with shark-decals.

“Boss, we’re ready for liftoff,” yelled across one of the squad leaders.


“Good,” an armored door slid open, “-we need to make it there before sunrise. Don’t fire unless I give the signal,” headphones on, each was connected with one another. Apart from the one Cake used, the other two were also armored but without guns, mainly used for transportation of people or cargo.

‘I can’t wait to see the look on his face,’ she smirked, three helicopters took off. In formation, they moved towards the border. ‘The RS-F2, which costs around 125,000 Gold, and the RS-F1: Armored-Variant which is around 70,000 Gold each. I’ve no idea why and how, but Renaud gifted the RS-F1 whilst the Overlord, a man so secretive none knows his voice let alone face, sent over the RS-F2. Shadow is loved and admired by the whole organization,’ focused, the sun rose, it glared across the cockpit. Aviator glasses on, the pilot, also a member of Phantom as shown by a blank badge, flew without stopping.

Meanwhile, barely awake, close to passing out, Staxius moved. The girl they rescued slept; her lightness turned into a heavy burden as the time continued. The impact of forcing Nike’s wings made itself apparent – Blood-Arts could barely keep the injuries in check.

“Sorry to say this,” drenched, “-we won’t make it,” voiced Elliot.

“I agree with him,” nodded Sharon, exhausted. “We’ve been running for god knows how long. Their forces are sure to catch us soon, I can feel them coming,” as she said, the bushes behind moved briskly.

“The fence,” pointed Elista, “-f-freedom,” she came too, “-s-so c-close yet s-so far.”

“It’s not the time to be poetic,” fired the sniper. Backs against the fence, the entrance was around two-kilometers to the right.

“There’s only one thing to do,” placed on the ground, “-try and take out as many as you can,” ordered Staxius, “-I’ll break the fence.”

“You can’t,” argued Adete, “-we don’t have enough blood. All is being used to stop thine organs from breaking – if you fall here, we’re all doomed.”

“I know,” tearing open the right thumb with a flick, *Blood-Arts: Orenmir,* barely long enough to be considered as a short-sword, *Lightning-Strike: Shadow Variant,* eyes closed, what little mana was left transferred to the last attack. *Clang,* clean-cut, he fell as soon as the fence broke. He laid and faced the orangish sky, “-go on and escape. I’ll catch up in a few hours,” he ordered,”-I want to sleep.” *BANG, BANG,* laid beside, “-I made a vow that I’d be your servant if my sister was rescued. A servant must always stay with his master, that’s the contract I signed – say what you want, I’m staying right here,” one by one, the infantry unit of Kreston jumped out gun’s blazing.

“Just go,” grass as tall as him had overgrown the area, it made it hard to be spotted.

“LISTEN,” yelled Adete, “-take the girls and escape. Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine,” her voice held contempt. One by one, the soldiers closed in, the sun rose – “let’s go,” urged Sharon, “-It’s not time for heroics. The old man will be fine,” to which after a closer look, her eyes turned in shame. Blood had blackened around the face, body, and clothes – half of the thumb missing, an eye barely opened.

“What happened to the plan about an escape?” asked Sharon, “-was it but a lie, a white lie so we’d not lose faith?”

“Shut up,” he smiled, “-back up has arrived.”

*OPEN FIRE,* Gatling gun reigned supreme, the sound of a dragon breathing fire. No concern to its surrounding, missiles, explosions, heavy arsenal of weapons – everything used.

“What is this?” laid, a rainbow of fire, the ground trembled in fear, bodies flew, limbs landed from one place to another.

*Go, go, go,* ordered Cake, hovered, the squads jumped and ran.

*Bang, bang, bang,” some silenced, and some deafening, men in black tuxedos surrounded the escapees.

“Who are you people?” asked Elliot.

“We are those without name, we are those without homes, we live and die in the shadows, we’re Phantom,” to which, “-let’s move,” the squad leader ordered. Hands around broad shoulders, Sharon, Elista, and Elliot were escorted whilst being backed by other fighters. The Gatling gun continued to fire without end, a gunfight began between Kreston’s infantry and Phantom.

“Lady Cake,” through the earpiece, “-Master Shadow has been found and identified.”

“What are you waiting for, take him in,” she ordered.

“The heart rate has stopped, no pulse, no sign of life, ma’am, he’s dead,” said a medic.

“I don’t care, just bring him in,” her voice seemed agitated over the transmission, with nods and looks of shock, dragged across the grass – a lifeless corpse placed inside the same chopper as Cake. *Let’s move out,* without fail and no casualties, they returned.

“Shoot anyone who dares to point a gun at us, we’re still not in the clear,” headphones removed, “-I’m going to check on him,” she stood and moved to the back.

‘Look at him,’ she thought then leaned against the door. “Are you dead?” a few taps on the cold-cheeks made her shudder.

“Don’t kneel and look as if you’ve lost a loved one,” in came Adete, “-don’t you have some mana potions or something. I’m pretty sure that they’re ready for sale,” eyes narrowed, she asked as if a strict mother.

“Matter of fact,” stood,”-we do have supplies for adventurers,” she reached into a medical box, “-I doubt how it might help a dead-person,” the fear in the words being said was felt through her shaky tone.

“Pour everything in his mouth,” bold and unthreatened.

“Sure,” blurred, with a lump in her throat, Cake poured flask after flask into the body. It seemed disrespectful to treat someone deceased in such a manner.

Acting as the catalyst, with each potion, the mana refilled little by little. After reaching a threshold of around one-fifth of his normal capacity, which was half in comparison to a normal human – Auto-regeneration kicked in. From face to thumb to legs, a dark-purple light enveloped its host – a few seconds later, a mark burnt itself on the right arm. “Cough,” sat upright, “-I’m alive,” he breathed, “-we made it out?” as if nothing happened, nonchalant, he asked.

“We made it out?” confused, Cake leaned closer, “-are you alive?” she poked his cheeks.

“Cut it out,” without looking, he held her finger, “-I’m alive,” a cold glance. “Where are we and what is this?”

“You’d be surprised,” deciding not to get involved, she smiled nervously, “-we’re in helicopters. A third of our fleet, there’s one spare on stand-by at the base.”

“Are you saying that the airfield is built?”

“Yes, it’s fully operational,” she smiled.

“Well done,” he smiled, “-what about funds, how much did it cost?”

“Around two-million gold for the base; we were sponsored by The Godfather. Apparently, the project caught the Overlord’s ear – he willingly gave us the money in bars of gold and diamonds. Let me tell you, the amount of cash we have in the bank is mind-blowing – a fortune that not even dukes possess.”

“What about returning the money, I’m sure you know that he didn’t give us the cash for nothing. We’re meant to pay it back in full,” he turned with a skeptical look.

“No need to worry,” she smiled, “-I’ve already repaid the Overlord with interest. From the bars alone, the price was estimated at around three million, using a few tips and tricks, I managed to export it the mainland and sell it for twice the price. I’m not the strategist for nothing,” she laughed proudly, “-Phantom has turned to the selling of arms. There are countries where buying weapons is banned. Therefore,” she stared out the window, “-I decided it would be best for us to take a break in a field that none has really bothered to touch. We sell everything from pistols to magical wands. The more restricted it is, the more profit we get.”

“You’ve been busy I see,” not fully recovered, the mind could barely comprehend what she had said. As the airfield was being built, Cake traveled around the world in good faith. Her objective, to make acquaintance with powerful leaders. Hidros, still ruled under a monarchy as opposed to other places where laws have grown restricting – allowed the movement of narcotics and weapons. Secretive, and under the table, using air as the medium, she bought, sold, and traded many things, some included humans at times.

“What do the other gangs think about it?”

“The Godfathers and Overlord are not opposed to the idea. Rather, they often bring clientele and purchase weapons through us. You see, this unexplored field has many pros and cons.”

“I’m glad,” he breathed, “-Cake, my secretary, you’ve continued expanding and continuing the dream I spoke about. Thank you for everything,” he turned.

“No worries boss, you did say that the underground will be my chance to rebuilt an empire I lost,” she paused, ‘-not only that, the reason I decided to become an arms dealer was for you. The day of retribution will soon come, war will ravage the land, we’ll make money out of death. Once we’ve amassed an army of our own, we’ll take to the frost-land and annihilate Snow and everyone remotely linked to them. That’s the vow I made when Lizzie died – she was thine daughter, and someone important.”

“My Lady, we’re five-minutes till landing,” voiced the pilot.

“On it,” she returned to the cockpit, “-sit tight,” she winked, the massive compound came in view.

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