The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: Bait

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” along the road, Void continued to move.

“Sure about what?” he turned with a smirk,”-wasn’t my wife getting jealous earlier, what’s this change of heart all of a sudden?”

“Oh please, don’t forget who I am,” she pinched his arms, “-in seriousness, are you sure about this?”

“You’re Shanna Islegust, not the Queen of Arda, but my lovely wife. None knows who the ruler of said province is, therefore – thou art but a flower in the glimmering sunlight,” on that note, the car stopped shy of the town-square. Parked in a lot at the back of the restaurant, arms locked, the couple walked through the door.

“Let me say this already,” he whispered, “-people are going to stare; don’t order Prophecy to go on a killing spree just because of a lustful gaze.”

“I’m not some blood-thirsty killer,” she smugly tugged onto his arm, “-unlike someone I know,” to which, they climbed the stairs. Taken asunder by the lady who walked in, many of the gents and ladies could but avert their gazes. Her aura was intimidating and her beauty unforgiving, a simple look told it all.

“Guess I’m not the only one who has an immense presence,” in jest, he voiced and arrived on the first floor.


A twist of the doorknob later, a dimly lit room with candles atop tables and mild whispers. Waiters and waitresses stood at the ready to assist whoever stepped through. A comforting smile and a respectful bow, “-how may I be of help?” they asked for it was a place reserved for special occasions.

“They are with me,” from a shadowy corner, Undrar stepped out and took charge. “-As you wish,” with another bow, the waiter stepped away.

“Quite a fancy place you’ve chosen,” he commented.

“I didn’t think you’d come,” she voiced in a baffled tone.

“Good evening, Viola,” a soft and gentle voice came from beside Staxius – she didn’t notice till the lady stepped forward.

“...” baffled by who the lady was, the dragon stopped and stared.

“Snap out of it,”

“Queen Shanna?” she asked.

“Quiet,” he demanded not wanting to raise suspicion.

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” Xula smiled, one with the same warmth as a babe laughing, innocent and pure.

“I’m glad you could make it,” both ladies bowed their heads to one another.

“Shall we get to dinner?” Staxius asked, impatient for they were low on time.

“Yes, yes,” Viola guided the way to their table. Sadly, only one seat had been saved – a problem that was fixed immediately. Two intimidating auras approached, one was of their master and the other unknown. “Who’s she?” asked Achilles.

“She’s pretty,” Emma voiced,

“Yes, sister, very, very pretty,” Emmy added.

“I apologize for the late introductions,” stood at the table, Staxius spoke, “-this is my wife, Shanna, she’ll be dining with us.”

“Greetings everyone, I’m Shanna Islegust. Please, don’t be tactful on my account. A friend of my husband is a friend of mine.”

A reluctance to speak went around the table. None knew what to do nor ask, dinner was ordered for the late visitors. “Your grace, pardon my asking, what is it that brings you here?” returning from the washroom, Auic, her face turned pale after seeing the queen.

“Good evening, majesty,” Avon reached out and tried to grab onto Shanna’s hand.

“Back off,” shooting out of her, Prophecy, fully materialized. “It’s not a good evening since you’re here,” she voiced and stood in between the two.

“It should be fine,” Xula calmed her spirit.

“But majesty...” separated from the others, the risk of people overhearing their conversation was nullified.

“If master is the king of Arda, doesn’t mean that Shanna is the queen?” after a few seconds, Deadeyes told what he found out.

“Good job, genius,” Achilles gave a sarcastic remark.

“Let me properly introduce everyone,” not keen on witnessing the awkward exchange, he took charge and went around the table.

“First of all, this is Auic, you’ve already met therefore I’ll skip the details. Since the day we left Arda, she has been taking care of most of the tedious household tasks – a super secretary,” a few steps away, “-here’s Avon, my trusty guard, a bit too fabulous for his own good.” In the same manner, the introductions continued, “-here’s Deadeyes, reliable marksman as well as a good friend. Next is Achilles, the strongest fighter in our guild. Then we have, Viola, my sister, but you’ve already met again. Afterward, the Lymsey sisters here’s Emma and here’s Emmy, both are strong and good fighters – Kniq’s newest recruits,” now reaching the end of the trip around the table, “-this is Lizzie, once a rogue but now a part of the family. She’s like my daughter, no scrap that, she’s my daughter,” the ending line made her flutter with joy, “-thus, concludes the introductions.” Food arrived, the rest chose to have dessert and accompany the couple. Still awestruck by how pretty his wife was, the ladies could but smile and watch.

Once the meal was done, Shanna took charge and spoke to every single person. Since she was a queen by status, the others knew not how to act. By taking the first step, the awkwardness reduced. A good sign, it didn’t take long for them to open up. Minutes turned to hours, their table filled with chatter and laughter with Xula in the middle.

‘We better move, the castle must be going crazy right about now,’ the phone rang, the caller displayed Cake. “Hello?” not wanting to intrude, he headed to the balcony.

“Hello boss, are you free by any chance?”

“Depends, what is it that you want?”

“Well, there’s going to be a deal happening soon at one of the warehouses in the business district. Do you think you can make it, I’m going to leak the information that Shadow will be present for the deal.”

“I guess that you’ve managed to find out who the spy is?”

“Yes, though it’s speculation. This leak should be our way out of the UO’s grasp.”

“When is it?”

“In one hour, I have a feeling that the assassins might show up. This might be out of line, boss...”

“Go ahead and say it,”

“Could you get yourself captured, the more information we get from them, the better it will be in the long run. The weaker you seem, the better it will be,”

“I understand, send the information,” the phone hung. ‘A personality change, I’ll have to make sure that the mask doesn’t get removed. The weaker you are, the more confident the other will get, and the more confident they are, the more information they might willingly give out. Though I doubt someone’s going to reveal their master plan. All we need is any information they give. It’s going to be tough; they are out to kill me – honestly, I could just torture and get what I want that way,’ a chilly breeze blew by, ‘-I’ll go with Cake’s plan for now,’ an exhale later, he walked inside.

“I’m sorry everyone,” he apologized and called onto Xula; “-however, we need to leave early. I’ll see you all later,” the door closed and the couple headed out.

“They do care about you,” she voiced whilst in the car.

“You read their mind, didn’t you?” he chuckled, “-in any case, I won’t be returning to Arda anytime soon – a job request just popped up.”

“I understand, do come back soon,” now in Pandora with the portal leading to Arda active, “-I’ll be waiting,” a tight embrace later, she left.

‘Come back soon,’ he laughed and jumped back to the mansion, ‘-I better keep everything I hold dear safe,’ knelt before a chest, the various necklaces, the guild card, bank card, and everything else was safeguarded, even Xula’s glove.’

“Are we going to war?” Adete asked for she had remained hidden for the entirety of the time Xula was present.

“Yes, this might get ugly,” anything that could trace him back to being related to Kniq or the Haggard name was left out. “Tharis and Orenmir,” dressed in black, with stripes of red, Shadow headed out. *Blood-Arts: Crimson Thread,* the only way to make the mask a part of his body was to channel blood inside its structure. In turn, the disguise had changed in appearance and remained stuck to the face by the power of blood.

Hidden in an inn, “-wake up Aiden,” Elsa mercilessly stepped onto the boy’s hand. Unable to retaliate, he sat and waited. “We’ve just gotten a tip that Shadow will be present for the deal happening a few minutes from now on. Get ready, it’s killing time,” she said with a smile.

“A worthy person to snatch their heart, what lovely news.”

The cloudy night sky had a change of heart. As opposed to being nice and friendly, it rained or rather poured. The combination of rain and wind made Staxius shiver as he drove through the streets at neck-breaking speed. ‘The deal is real – there’s no chance of an ambush. I killed the last group that tried to attack us,’ ten minutes out, countless possibilities and outcomes played till a likely event was found. ‘The number of people trying to kill me is unknown, I’d guess two or more. Going by that, one of the assaulters will try to start up a fire-fight or something. They will do so since I’ve got the advantage of being hidden. It’s their first move – how I deal with the situation will decide how they react,’ after which, he arrived.

Located on the southern outskirts, a place not that popular, inside a small warehouse, he arrived. “Good to have you onboard, Shadow,” the DG members greeted the man with open arms.

“I’ll take to the high-grounds,” a jump later, he vanished.

“That’s him for ya,” armed to the teeth, the guards were confident.

‘Now we wait,’ sat behind the crates with Adete up top, the all-seeing eye was used. Jumping from person to person, he had an overview of the whole vicinity. ‘Let’s see what you’re made of,’ the customers arrived in a blacked-out SUV. In the middle, arms with Angel’s Dust, an experimental drug that was brewed following the success of God’s Ale, the deal began.

“SURPRISE,” below, an explosion blew off the door, a boy with a chained as his necklace walked in. Gun in hand, he began to shoot, “-get down,” the guards laid down and fired. The bullets deflected off the boy’s skin.

‘Right on schedule,’ Staxius added nonchalantly, “-listen up, Adete, I want you to always stay at least ten meters away from me. You will act as my eyes in the sky, in return, I promise to get you a lot of blood.”

“If blood is on the line, then who am I to refuse – go out there and do your job, vampire,” she took flight at the same time Staxius jumped down. “Come to me, my sword,” the concealment spell broke, *ting, ting, ting,* fragments of bullets fell right behind.

“You can cut bullets,” the man who rushed exclaimed, his face had similarities to a dragon, “-let’s have some fun,” gun in hand, he continued to fire.

“-get back, leave this fight to me,” armed with a sword, Staxius jumped in. Slash after slash, any projectile that would remotely come close was stopped. ‘A dragon...’ a flash image of Eira came in mind, after which he charged forward. *Clang,* the swing stopped before reaching the target, the boy blocked it with his arms, one hardened with scales. “Weak,” with a push later, Staxius was sent back.

“Why don’t you speak, Shadow, is that all you got?” cockiness filled his voice.

‘Time for you to shine, my gun,’ unholstered, twelve-bullets were fired – all hit the exact same spot near his heart. “My scales are far stronger than metal,” the face held a smug expression. Without wasting time, the pistol got thrown in the air, it distracted the boy for a few seconds.

“Rest in peace,” Shadow voiced whilst in mid-air, “-the tip of the sword connected with the same point the bullets made contact earlier – it cracked.

“Impossible,” before it reached any vital organs, “-that’s enough,” a female voice ordered after which a hand reached out, grabbed onto his legs, and threw him backward.

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