The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Winged Wolves

“Thus, your grace, we’d like for our small village to join the alliance of races. I do apologize for the bluntness. Sadly, there isn’t much time left – our home is under attack from frost monsters hailing from the alps. A few years back, the establishment of the Ardanian crown was something that had reached our leader – though we didn’t pay heed for politics always planted the seed for chaos and misunderstanding,” knelt formally with a single person staring at her majesty and speaking, the winged wolves were desperate. “Therefore, selfish as it may be, we’re still inhabitants of the bountiful land of Arda – all we want is for the protection of our village,” the plea ended in silence. Peering over the balustrade above, low-ranked nobles who came for a visit. Wine glass in hand with elaborate attire and accessories, they listened with the utmost care.

The winged wolves were a race of demi-humans unknown to many. Their stories reached back till the ancient age – angels that disguised themselves as wolves. Thought to have been extinct long ago and no purpose in venturing into the alps, their race remained untouched and unknown. Now that monsters had begun to plague the land, it grew too difficult to hold back the beasts. The kingdom was at its tipping point – sooner or later, the monsters would overwhelm the defenses. A war of attrition, in the long run – they would suffer consequences that had deeper implications.

‘It’s becoming redundant, monsters are the sole bane of this kingdom. I wish I could take to the battlefield and exterminate the source,’ the face devoid of emotions, Queen Shanna thought long and hard about what was to be done. A new race joining the alliance would have both advantages and disadvantages. The former would mean more items, manpower, knowledge, and money. The latter would mean that it was the crown’s responsibility to dispatch a platoon of fighters to the alps. ‘Our forces are already thin as is, from dwarves to high-elves and not to forget the general populous, the royal guards can spare no man.’

In that moment of doubt, a messenger returned, “The King has returned victorious from the long-awaited quest. He’s now the guild-master of Arda.” From blank to suddenly cheerful, she stood without notice.

“Majesty,” the old sage called for it was out of character.

“Today is an auspicious day, my people – our king has returned from the capital. He comes with great news,” she spoke loudly. *What’s happening?* many asked to no avail. “King Staxius has been acknowledged as the guild-master of Arda,” the glee on her face was as if the first ray of light at dawn. *Seriously?* the nobles atop could neither believe their eyes nor ears. At last, after so many months, the king returned victoriously.

“Winged-wolves, I, Queen of Arda, formally welcome thine race to the alliance of races,” after which the room filled with chatter and murmurs. It didn’t take long for the information to reach every representative’s and high-ranking noble’s ears. A guild meant for Arda alone – it would open up many opportunities. People could have a place to leave quests for others to fill. The monster slaying would mean more money, which in turn meant that the fighters would be paid to risk their lives. Not to mention the evaluation orb and machine, a way to differentiate between the worthy and the pretenders. Independent guilds – more autonomy for those who wished – an army of adventurers under the king’s rule.


‘This place sure hasn’t changed,’ the scent of alcohol and sweaty men gave a punch as soon as he entered one of the taverns. ‘Human or not,’ he took a seat, ‘-they all act the same around this drink.’

“Prophecy,” now inside her bedchambers, Xula called on her spirit.

“Yes, my lady?” the audience outside was concluded with the winged-wolves joining the Ardanian crown. They were welcomed with open hands. A boy was left at the castle to act as the guide back into the alps.

“Where’s Staxius?” she asked whilst changing into a lesser cumbersome outfit. From the heavy royalty dress to now a black long-sleeved shirt with grey skinny-pants, her tone seemed anxious.

“On the second floor,” a firm answer.

“Good,” with a cap on, she leaped out the balcony.

“MAJESTY?” confused, Prophecy jumped after her master and left.

Meanwhile at the tavern, having mugs of ale atop mugs of ale, Staxius drank without restraint.

“Slow down there boy,” one of the dwarves called, he smiled with a mug in hand. Since it was rare that the king visited the lower-floors, many forgot how he looked. Not to mention the change in hair color and physical appearance – a new man in the eyes of the others.

“I wish I could,” another mug emptied, “-but this is too delicious to let it go to waste.” the crowd of drunks gathered. “One more, one more, one more,” a chant began.

“Lemme show ya how it’s done,” the dwarf approached.

“Here we go again,” the tavern lady voiced with a cheerful smile.

“Should we not stop them?” one of the assistants asked.

“No, tis a drinking contest between men, our job is to provide booze and food – let them fight it out,” the lady headed back into the kitchen leaving the assistant to mount the counter.

“Drink, drink, drink, drink,” feet stomped in consortium thus creating a rhythm. One heavy and loud, one that got the dwarf and Staxius ready to drink.

“There you are,” the tavern lady came with mugs filled with ale – not the ordinary, but ones that were stronger and more vicious. “A duel special from the house,” she said in a sadistic tone, “-can you handle mama’s special blend?”

“Oh no,” the crowd laughed, “-this is going to be tough,” they could not believe it, “-mama’s blend, someone is getting knocked out,” amidst all this playful chaos, a lady dressed in a black shirt arrived. The assistant quickly guided her towards the growing crowd, “-care to watch this duel before I serve ya?” her voice friendly, the visitor could but take a seat and watch.

The rhythmic stomps and chants continued, both adversaries stood face to face with a mug in hand. “Let’s go, boy, I’ll show ya how a dwarf drinks,” it started, one after the other, mugs on top of mugs, they drank.

‘This is some strong stuff,’ Staxius thought at one point, the dwarf remained untouched – the geezer had experience. “Come on, vampire, you better not lose,” Adete whispered playfully.

“MAMA BRING MORE OF THAT BLEND,” a voice came from inside the crowd.

“More?” she turned and faced her assistants. “They said more,” the assistants confirmed her doubt.

“Coming,” she fired back with another sadistic smile.

“How much are they planning to drink?” the visitor asked rhetorically.

“This will go on for a few minutes, the effect is going to kick in soon,” the assistant who bared bunny-ears and tail, answered, “-want me to get you something?” she turned and faced she who had spoken.

“Yes, could I have some fries?” the voice soft and dignified. The bunny-girl could but reach out and grab the lady’s hands, “-you’re so cute,” after which she ran inside the kitchen.

‘Who would have known,’ she thought, ‘-who would have known that the King and Queen would once sit at a tavern and relish the pleasures of what our citizens enjoy,’ the fries arrived with an extra serving. “Thank you.”

“Psst,” slouched onto his chair, the room span in circles. “-don’t want to ruin your fun, but I think that’s your wife sitting there having chips,” Adete pointed at the counter – to a girl wearing a cap.

“Surely you jest,” a glance later, ‘-shit, that really is Xula.’

“Here’s the fifth round,” the tavern lady arrived, “-good luck,” she left.

“What do you say...burrh,” *cough, cough,* “-boy... hic... Ouff, this is strong.”

“Let’s end it,” hands-on mugs, tis was the final. Both had reached their tipping point. “I bet on old man Ackee,”

“I bet on the new dude,” in that fashion, the customers placed free-drinks on the line as opposed to money. A loud thump caught many by surprise later. “The new boy is the victor,” *HELL YEAH!* The drinking contest ended. Cheers and applause filled the room.

“The loser gets the tab, right?” with an unbothered smile, he stood as if sober. “-Tell old man Ackee that it was a pleasure drinking.”

“HAHAHA,” they loved it.

“Let’s go,” money on the counter, Staxius left the establishment and walked hand in hand with Xula.

“That was quite the welcome, wasn’t it?” Staxius spoke and pulled her into an alleyway.

“I wanted to see you, that’s all,” she leaped into his arms to which his body leaned against the opposite wall. “It’s been far too long, and now that the quest has been accomplished, you’re returning home, aren’t you?” softly, she stared up – her eyes had a gentleness and warmth unlike anything he’d seen before. It always amazed how pretty and delicate his wife actually was.

“I don’t think so, there is much to be done at the capital still,” her head rested on his chest, “-I’ll be back after Eira’s tournament.”

“Unfair,” her arms tightened.

“Don’t worry,” a peck on her head later, “-I’ll always return home,” he said in a warm tone.

“I know you will,” her grip lessened, “-shall we head back?”

“No,” without notice, he grabbed her hand and ran, “-that drinking duel has removed all my sense of tact. Xula, I love you,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* instantly, they jumped from Arda to Rosespire.

“Where even are we?” stood in the middle of a giant yard with a lovely mansion upfront.

“My mansion,” since the others were out for dinner, it didn’t matter, “-come on in,” he led the way.

“This sure is new,” she giggled.

“What is?” he asked whilst climbing the stairs.

“You taking charge and being bold for once. Usually, my husband is the type of person to remain calm and compose in front of everything,” she stopped abruptly, “-how many live here beside you?” a chill was sensed in her tone.

“Oh, my party,” after which he went into further details onto each individual.

“I see,” her eyes narrowed.

“Come on,” in a blink, Xula was held in a princess carry, “-don’t say that my wife is jealous,” a cheerful smile remained on his face.

“No... I’m not,” she pouted, “-just...” the words wouldn’t come out, “-forget it,” she yelled and stared away.

“In that case,” he stepped out the mansion, “-let’s go meet them,” Void turned on. “Mark your territory,” he said in jest, “-I’ve wanted for you to talk to the people I depend on.”

“You’re cruel,” she stared out the window and thought, ‘-how can I ever doubt your integrity. The way you speak and talk is as if I’m being a child, though it does feel nice. I’m glad to have you as a husband,’ the car drove.

A few minutes later, “-before we go have dinner, let’s get some clothes,” parked outside a luxury shop, Staxius walked in. “Let me spoil you today.”

“As you wish,” she gave a kiss then headed off to try outfits and clothes. Anything that fancied her eye was bought without checking the price.

“Just look at those two, can you be any more obnoxious with spending money?” a few visitors gave side-glances. Annoyed, Staxius returned the glances with a bone-chilling gaze.

“I’ll wear this one,” A pink with shades of light-green frilly short dress. One that had a rose made out of ruby pinned onto the left side where one’s heart would be. Her green hair complimented the outfit fully, after changing – it even took Staxius by surprise. Not too formal and not too casual, the perfect balance.

“Heaven on earth,” he said in a baffled tone, “-thy art Venus who’s braced this unworthy man.”

“Cut it out,” she tapped on his head joyfully.

“You sure are radiating,” the flattery didn’t stop for it came from the heart.

“That would be 50 Gold, sir,” an enormous price for a few outfits.

*Beep,* “thanks for your patronage,” with a nod, the helpers smiled.

“That sure was expensive,” she added and entered the car.

“Let me spoil you, dearest wife.”

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