The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Schemes atop Schemes

*Crash,* Through the wall and into the garage where trucks were parked, the noise resounded across the empty and somber streets. The rain continued to pour, visibility was poor.

“Why did you intervene,” now partially a dragon, the boy argued.

“Shut it,” a push of a button later, Elsa sent jolts across his body. Unable to speak nor move a muscle, Aiden fell to the floor as if life had been sucked out of him. “If I hadn’t jumped in, you would have died,” a disgust filled voice later, the lady walked out the warehouse and into the garage. There, an unconscious man was found, “-this is the fabled shadow,” she knelt. “Nothing really stands out, no presence to speak of, a well-built body that’s for sure,” her eyes went around the man, “-an interesting choice for tattoos,” she stood. *Click,* the shock stopped, “-get over here, Dragonkin,” she ordered.

“As you wish,” half of his strength drained, he stumbled out.

“Pick him up,” an SUV was brought in – tied and gagged, Shadow was captured instead of killed.

‘Now that’s new,’ Adete flew and tailed the vehicle. Minutes turned into hours, the night turn into dawn – the rain cleared leaving fog, they drove out of the capital. ‘Did my master get defeated or...?” confused about why that happened, she continued on her duties, ‘-I’m counting on you, lady who smells of sweets.’

Back in Rosespire, it was now morning, reports about the deal rushed through Cake’s screen and phone. “Good,” she exclaimed, “-they took the bait. I doubt anyone could defeat my boss. We’re ready to go to war,” the door knocked.


“Let’s go,” she answered and left whilst dressed in a black leather outfit. “I assume that we’ve found the spy?”

“Yes,” the guard said without much interest, a car in which Jason sat, waited outside the apartment complex.

“Let’s go,” he demanded for time was of the essence. Last night, at the same time Shadow fought, Cake led another operation. A fight happened under the guise of the then cloudy night sky – one that none from the public knew, the underground was active. With Jason’s help and Karlson’s intervention, it was tracked to the Twin Jellyfish Bar. It took days upon days to clear out the other possible locations. “Shadow is on the move, spread the rumor across the bar,” a text rang signaling the start of the operation. Rumor alone would not get the spy’s attention since the latter had remained a mystery for all these months. That was were Karlson came in – hand in hand with Jason, acting as if something major was to go down; they purposely tried to not stand-out. The rumors were rumors, though it must have originated from somewhere, that was what Cake relied on the spy to think.

Per her plan, it worked, trying to stand out would have ruined everything. By doing the complete reversal and leaving a small opening for the man to exploit, it was easy to reel in the catch. Many agents under Jason’s direct command waited – it might not have looked it but that lowly bartender was the right-hand man of Karlson. The moment someone tried to act out of order, one guard would track his movement. More often than not, the ones being tracked were but drunkards. As luck would have it, the spy wasn’t in the bar – but in the private pleasure rooms. Karlson’s meeting room was bugged with a microphone.

“Give me a second,” laid on the bed with a girl atop, he stopped unnaturally, his phone vibrated.

*Skill: Far-sight,* “It’s him,” the girl whispered into another mic after checking onto what the man did. The target was confirmed, “-capture him,” a reply from Jason. The next thing the man saw was a pair of breasts then – darkness; knocked out. The door opened with the bar-keeper leading the charge.

“Good job again, Scarlet,”

“Spare me the flattery,” wrapped in a blanket, she walked out, “-that job was disgusting, I’m expecting a raise,” after which her footsteps turned mute. Thus, the operation to flush out the spy succeeded. Many traps had to be placed, the end might have seemed simple and easy. A testament to Cake’s genius, ever since she had taken helms – apart from the incident when Sprinkles was wiped, no other major incident happened. Staying two to three steps and sometimes acting as if the DG were clueless. It was undeniable, her wit had brought the mystery of the UO closer to being revealed.

“How fearsome can a woman be,” Jason voiced in jest, the car headed out, they were being led by someone.

“You tell me,” window lowered, the wing brushed against her face and hair. ‘I wonder how the boss is doing, we’re coming,’

*Drip, Drip, Drip,* Echoes of droplets broke the unconscious state, “Rise and shine, Shadow,” chained with a mere iron bar separating the two cells, Aiden voiced.

‘A dungeon, the supposed Dragonkin chained, the aura around here seems subtle at best. It worked,’ not wanting to reveal anything, he crawled and rested against the opposite side of the cell. The face pointed at the ceiling.

“Desperation, despair, none are coming to save you, nor me for that matter. Welcome to my home, dearest Shadow. For some reason, Elsa decided to take you in alive,” an air of insanity loomed from the boy. His facial expression didn’t match the speech, “-DON’T IGNORE ME,” loud clanging resounded, he tried to get away, “I’LL KILL YOU; I’LL KILL YOU; I’LL KILL YOU,” it repeated in conjuncture with the frivolous tugging.

‘I’m glad I left Tharis and Orenmir behind, the fight that happened last night was a pain. I wish I had a limiter – holding back is far harder than going all out. Nevertheless, my recon starts now, Adete should be somewhere around here,’ carefully, he scanned the ceiling, crevasses, and corners until a girl was spotted, she sat with her feet moving back and forth.

‘Looks like I can use magic, the bars don’t seem that solid either. Are they seriously trying to keep anyone from escaping with that weak of a defense? There must be foul play at work,’ the constant noise from the dragonkin grew annoying. From the ceiling to straight into Aiden’s eyes, a merciless and ominous gaze befell. It sent shivers, the screaming stopped for he cowered in fear of what had happened.

*All-seeing eyes,* from inactive to fiery red, the eyes burnt. A push on the ground later, the consciousness jumped out – now free to move, a closer inspection of the premises began. ‘We sure are far underground,’ the climb to the surface took a few minutes.

‘Would you look at that,’ above ground, hidden amidst trees and inside a cave, away from civilization, a mental map of their location was made. It didn’t seem like the headquarters; no progress on that front. The search continued, both above and underground, it went on for hours.

“You’re awake,” a sharp voice knocked him back into the body.

“Why did you not kill me?” as if nothing happened, a nonchalant question was asked.

“You caught my interest,” the cell opened with a screech, “-not many people can survive my hands,” cold fingers caressed his face, it was Elsa.

“Are you going to torture me to fill thy lust?” a monotonous voice.

“Of course,” she chuckled, “-not, getting my hands bloodied isn’t my style. Besides, my orders were to restrict Shadow by killing or capture. The strategist leading DG’s forces sure is smart. However, don’t underestimate the power of the Syndicate, their intent is flawless. This instant, Cake and Karlson’s right-hand man are riding to their death. The supposed spy they caught was just a lure, to exterminate Cake,” she held a watch, “-these are cute and all, but the information we gave out was to seem as if we’re drawing out Shadow,”

“In reality the real target was Cake,” he interjected, “-a well thought out plan,” he laughed. “Telling me this right now means that the deed has been carried out?”

“Yes, the human bomb must have exploded by now,” she said in joy.

“And what you say is probably true,” he stood, “-though you underestimate my strategist,” *BANG,* the door flew opened. “I present you, DG,” without wasting time, he reached out and got Elsa into a headlock. Footsteps stormed the room, men in black tuxedoes armed with assault rifles, “-did you think that I was unconscious for all that time?” he asked rhetorically. Adete flew out from her hiding spot and sat atop his shoulder, “-my companion here relayed real-time information to Cake, the route and whatever I heard. I’m afraid, Elsa and Aiden, you were the one who we targeted as well. Killing so many of the DG members – someone has to pay.”

“You got it all wrong,” she laughed, “-Lord Desmond had planned for this possibility as well. One stone, two birds, prepare to DIE.”

“Shadow, a large beam is inbound for the dungeon,” the radio turned on, it was Cake, she stood outside as watch.

“It’s over, DG, we’ll die and take you guys with us as well. There’s not much use for a witch and a dragonkin in this world,”

“Oh shut it,” *Spell: Augmented Mana Output x2, Death Element: Unleash Aura x2, Undrar’s Blessing: Dark Element.* “Heed mine call, I, Staxius Haggard, call upon thy strength. Stop all who dare oppose mine own will, Death Element: Magical Barrier, Pentagram Variant, Hell’s Gate,” the headlock lessened, the right hand reached up to the ceiling – a black and white flame shot out and engulfed the caster. The symbol, hidden underneath the mask, glowed vividly, ‘-total annihilation.’ Above ground, a giant pentagram, as large as the cave itself materialized. It burnt with a dark purple aura. Flickers of light as powerful as a thunder strike hit with one another, it rattled the surrounding. *BOOM,* a deep low resounding explosion sent shockwaves around the vicinity. Trees uprooted, the air pressure turned any living being directly underneath the impact into a mesh of blood and guts.

As soon as contact was made, Staxius’s hand shot back down. Whoever had cast that attack wasn’t human, no normal mage could summon such power. It took a few seconds, “-turn to dust,” the open palm closed into a fist. Outside, the pentagram followed suit, it closed onto itself. *Dong,* it vanished with the powerful sound of a bell.

“What JUST HAPPENED?” barely able to make it out alive, Jason voiced in shock through the radio.

“Calm down, and bring the SUVs, we’ve got two people of interest to interrogate,” unbothered, he grabbed onto Elsa and left the dungeon.

“I must ask, who are you?” she asked for he had halted an ancient spell. “Stopping The Fallen’s Judgment isn’t a mere coincidence. That spell has the power to destroy a town. Why do you think the dungeon was placed in such secluded space – it was so our master could cast his ultimate spell.”

“I’m but a Shadow. You’re going to die soon, tis all in the hand of our boss,” at the back of the line, the duo walked. “Something did intrigue, I’d like to know what would happen if I somehow manage to let you two free. I want information on the dragonkin.”

“Surely you jest, nothing would happen. In no way am I going to roll over and change sides. Witches and Dragonkins aren’t meant to live in human society. For too long has the shadows been our home. Death is honestly our only salvation. Aiden isn’t going to talk either – the only thread binding that boy from falling under the grasp of that dragon was severed. Nothing you do will accomplish anything, Shadow, it’s over – farewell.” The door closed, inside the same vehicle, the assassins drove forth.

“All that scheming for nothing?” He approached the two who remained behind.

“Good to see you, boss,”

“Hello there, Shadow.”

“I’d wouldn’t say that it was all for nothing,” she added, “-we know that there’s someone else pulling the strings, The Syndicate.”

“A job well done for an alchemist,” Jason shared a cigar

“I appreciate the compliment,” he blew a puff, “-I doubt it’s the last we’ve seen of those assassins.”

“Elsa, are we going to die?” Aiden asked with a smile, the SUV drove slowly on the uneven terrain.

“Yes, Lord Desmond promised to kill us,” for the first time, she patted his head, “-it will all end soon.”

“MASTER,” Adete charged forth, “-another beam...” gone, the cigar seemed to levitate.

*Death Element: Magical Barrier, Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* ‘-this is annoying,’ in a blink of an eye, wings sprouted. Blood came out his back and crystalized into four massive pillars. The magical barrier was summoned with both hands. Support from the pillars and power of the magical barrier was sufficient to deviate the spell. In the process, two of the supports broke, the momentum sent the vampire flying into the opposite hill.

“You’re annoying,” a loud thundering voice came from above.

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