The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Release

In the background, the monstrous plane took-off. Wind generated by the engines could be mistaken for a storm. Out on a field, hidden with the aid of the moonless night; Staxius breathed. The hands were ready to work. On the ground, a man that could have been saved using a bit of wisdom.

“Your death shan’t be in vain,” emotionless, the right hand stabbed straight through the man’s stomach. The body was still warm, it felt weirdly comforting in the cold night. The consciousness slowly seeped into the realm of the unknown. Mana was injected; a combination of notes from Parcyvell and knowledge acquired whilst in Clarity; the mana was channeled into the brain of the victim. It subtly moved; Staxius kept him artificially alive, despite having killed the latter a few seconds prior.

‘To kill and to revive, tis are the ways to control a person’s thought,’ Staxius wondered; the mind focused onto complex procedures. Mana was being moved with precisions unlike anything till finally; the corpse could now speak without stopping.

“Tell me the truth about the Dark-guild,” a simple and direct question.

“They are an evil organization that took me away from my family,” the mouth moved sloppily – it was hard to decipher the words but not impossible.

“What secrets do they hide?” he asked yet again, the question that made no sense sometimes.

“The Dark Guild is filled with secrets; none know their present nor past. Death is what awaits for any unlucky fellow who wishes to infiltrate the organization without an invitation.”


“How did you end up working for them?”

“I was abducted from my family to repay a debt. I was tortured before getting a dose of the elixir from the gods. ”

“Who is their leader,” the only question that mattered; the fingers crossed for the body to have an answer.

“A man who wears a mask and always hides in the office. Only a few chosen people are allowed in that room. ”

“What room, where does he live?”

“On the outskirts of Vlaiwia – far away from the airfield; a place secluded where the public service has no reach. The enormous property is hidden from view by the forest.”

“How is security,”

“Pretty tight – I’ve never been sent there but the guards are rumored to be exiled mages from the Order, another organization that has much to be questioned about.” On the last word, the body fell – no longer could have necromancy kept the man alive.

‘Thanks for all the information,’ from crouched on the ground, Staxius stood. The hands conjured a fireball, “-may you find peace in the afterlife; man, who helped in my private investigation,” the body lit ablaze. It took but a few seconds for it all turned to dust.

Faint flashes in the distance were spotted, small bullet landed in the general area were Staxius stood. ‘That fire must have alerted them, my mistake,’ without thinking twice, teleportation was used.

“Welcome back,” he teleported inside her room by accident. Scott played the piano,”-welcome back,” the voice melodious. “Thanks,” unwilling to speak – Staxius went to sleep.

“He definitely used teleportation...” Aceline added with a curious voice. “Guess so,” the piano continued to play.

A new day rose, the visit had now reached the fourth day. Another day that compromised of video and photoshoots, Staxius accompanied them both. The quest to finding out more about the dark guild was set aside. Aceline came first, today would be photoshoots within the capital, out in the public – close to danger and a few people who may be deranged.

Back in Hidros, the days went by monotonously. The adventuring guilds had their hands filled with various reports of monsters appearing. Kniq was busy helping out the other guilds. A sort of small alliance to help in the betterment of the people. Totrya grew more active, many beasts that had Tier-8 ranking were reported. Thus, a small band of chosen ones was sent to guard the province.

“My head, it hurts,” the place where things changed rapidly was Claireville Academy. Ever since the fight against a student and her father, the instructor known as Sophie Mirabelle had been having vivid dreams. Each time she tried to remember; a pain would shoot down her entire body.

“Good morning instructor,” a familiar face always greeted her. The name was Eira, a girl who was as pretty as an angel, the ice-princess. Her popularity skyrocketed ever since the two-versus-two. In a rematch against Goliath right after said tournament- she got her revenge and bested that boy to reclaim her honor. The Final Lightning Strike stance taught by her father was used, a move that nearly killed her opponent.

“Good morning Eira Haggard,” she smiled, but her eyes twitched. Josiah always stayed closer to Eira; he noticed the changes in his niece. A phone call was given earlier, the Order had asked Sophie to head to the capital. There was something of utmost importance that all the mages above S-rank should be present for.

Having asked the students to train on their own, she walked beside her uncle. The same path she took years earlier, “-this feels somewhat reminiscent,” the voice nostalgic. She had been in a deep depression for a very long time, no actual reason was ever given to her. The doctor only prescribed medicine; it was good to say she went crazy from confusion.

“My dear niece,” they entered the office, Josiah sat behind the desk. His tone changed from casual to firm and serious. “Yes?” Sophie took a seat before him.

“It’s been more than sixteen years, and now approaching seventeen,” her face turned skeptical. “What about it, is this about me having to retire from school?” the voice now angry.

“No, there’s a secret I had to hide due to pressure from some powerful people. It hurts me to say this, but I’ve lied to you for almost two and a half-decade. I find that my time is close to an end; I know not when I might die from old-age. Claireville academy has always been a place where I could relax and spread knowledge about the arcane arts.” He sighed, “approach,” the hands signaled her to move closer.

*Release,* the index gently poked her forehead, “what did you do?” she sat back down and watched carefully. It seemed as if Josiah wanted to play around, “-is my good uncle doing ok?” at that moment, everything changed. Dizziness overwhelmed the body, a part of her mind unlocked, memories from the past released. Altered memories changed to reality, she remembered. In that instant, so much information proved to be more than one could handle. The mind shut down and she fell unconscious; Sophie Mirabelle had regained her memories.

‘I can do no more harm to my family members. I’ve endeavored to educate Eira and to try and regain my honor for deceiving Staxius so many years ago. My weird vendetta against Tempest has always clouded my mind, old friend – I apologize. I should have taken care of your child rather than forcing the boy into an unforgiving world. I do hope my actions did some good,’ without moving an inch, he turned around – leaving Sophie unconscious on the desk.

Time reached noon, “this ceiling,” a quiet mumble, the eyes gently opened. “Ma’am,” someone sat, the eyes as red as rubies. “Eira...” her consciousness slowly returned to reality. The television broadcasted news about Aceline’s visit to the capital. Most importantly; a certain incident involving Star Tower. The interview with Prince Ernis was also shown, the words from Staxius resounded across the entire continent. It touched many hearts, friends, and strangers, all could not but smile at that sight. He spoke of Hidros, the motherland, as a place he was proud of belonging too.

“There we have it, people,” the reporter came onto the screen, “-our young idol and her bodyguard have been making Hidros proud so far. Let’s wish them Goodluck,” even the one reporting on said news smiled.

“S-Staxius H-Haggard,” she sat upright, the eyes glued on the television set. “MY HEAD,” she yelped. “I’ll go get the doctor,” Eira ran out of the room. “No wait...” the voice faded into the distance; the student rushed out as fast as lightning.

‘This is bizarre, I’m now a married woman who bore a child. What has happened over the last few years – my memories are all jumbled up. But I know one thing; I forgot about someone I vowed to protect,’ in that instant, a picture of Staxius flashed onto the screen. Only audio from the interview was heard, not till a picture of the idol and her crew were send back home.

“I don’t care anymore,” using wind-magic; she escaped through the window.

“UNCLE,” the door slammed, “enter,” it swung open. “You’ve regained your memories?” he sounded calm; Sophie’s eyes lit with fire.

“You framed my brother so long ago, don’t you have any shame. Why did you release my memories; was it to make you feel less guilty?” what about the years I had to live in that fake world. What about my life, you ruined it for the sake of a kingdom that could care less about us,” the fierceness in her tone returned, the calm and peaceful Sophie went away. The old red-haired sorceress came back.

“No apology can ever help to fix that pain, dearest niece,” a ticket was thrown on the table. “The Order has asked to see you, in Vlaiwia – the place where your beloved step-brother lives, go and meet him. It has been far too long, I’m the sole reason you had to separate from him. I’ m the reason you went crazy, I’m the reason for all the suffering cause – please; let me teach Eira Haggard. My life is yours for the taking afterward,” the voice set on dying – the man gave up hope.

“I may be mad, but I’ll never kill you, uncle. Even if I lived a fake life, I made a family – my child is one of my most prized possession,” a tear ran down her cheeks.

“Go and see your child and brother, both reside in Iqeavea don’t they?” he smiled. The plane was set to take off in one hour; Rosespire and Claireville academy were far off. “Instructor,” Eira called, she had run around the school in search of her.

“Hey Eira, I apologize but I really need to go to the airport,” the reason clear. She looked around frantically for transport. “Teacher, if it’s a ride you want then wait no further,” Red-fury roared – both sat and drove off.

“Just how rich are you?” Sophie asked, the tone curious. “Well, I don’t know – father is the one who gifted me this car,” Eira replied with a smile.

“Your father is Staxius Haggard?” she asked, the tone weirdly excited.

“That is correct, I’ve got the best dad one could ever hope for,” the voice filled with bliss; the journey continued.

Stood near a lamppost, Staxius watched calmly. Aceline’s shoot came to an end; a rough day so far. Fans tried desperately to ruin the shoot, they forgot that the idol had to work. Using Unleash Aura, the unwanted fans were made sick, ambulances were called.

The words from the night prior remained close to heart, the man spoke about the Order as if they were partly bad people. Indeed, was it weird, how could an association of mages have so much power over different kingdoms. Even now, in a world where the need for battlemages didn’t exist.

Gun and other means of weapons grew too powerful; only people that could properly deflect said means of assault could be useful in battle. Though it was relatively peaceful. Never had Staxius personally met with a member from the Order. Even if one wanted, there wasn’t hope for that to happen. The place was as secluded as a dungeon, the hierarchy established. Rather than focusing onto that, the attention turned to the Dark-guilds, a place where making his mark was the next step into the quest of opening an adventuring guild in Arda.

In that instant, a weird chill went down his back, “something bad is approaching – I can feel it,” he added in jest. The eyes stared into the sunny sky; Sophie was headed to the airfield, her eyes stared into the sky. ‘Here I come, little brother.’

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