The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Infiltration

“Alright people, it’s time to pack up,” the director spoke loudly. Another few hours went by, the fourth day came to a close. Doing all this promotional stuff was tiring on the idol. At the end of the shoot, Scott had to carry her into the car – she fell asleep whilst undressing. Staxius watched instead, the manager was left to deal with all her devices. From food to errands, Scott did everything with a smile.

“Finally,” he let out a sigh of relief, the car arrived. The trip back to the hotel. It felt eerie to not have the bodyguard speak throughout the day. Adete also remained silent, the duo sat in the front seat. The driver did his job without making a noise. Calm and peaceful, very unsettling for the young manager.

‘The mansion on the outskirts – I need to go and visit that man later tonight.’ The reason for the silent treatment was because after sending all the fans to the hospital. Staxius used the All-seeing eyes to survey that lord’s mansion. It took a few hours to jump from person to person. In the end, the effort paid off, a mental map of the place was made. Most of the guards remained outside; they wielded sniper rifles atop circle towers. Some hid inside the forest itself; the supply of God’s ale arrived earlier in the day. He witnessed the whole unloading process. ‘I wonder if the Order has a hand in the dark-guilds. They are the only people I don’t want anywhere close to me.’ The car drove, the hotel came in view.

*Ding,* the elevator opened, “Staxius, I can’t help but think that something is bothering you,” a question asked with genuine intention to help.

“Listen to me Scott,” a gentle smile later, “-there’s nothing to be worried about. Aceline is your priority, check on her; she’s been overworking herself. I mean, just look at this,” before them laid a crouched singer. A posture unbefitting a lady. “I guess your right,” with a small grudge, the attention turned to the lady.

Meanwhile, flying over the ocean; Sophie awoke from a nap. Around four hours had gone by since take-off. Another two or more could be expected. A letter rested in her hand, the seal from the Order was stamped on it. *All S-rank mages and above are to convey at headquarters.* Nothing more, nothing less, simple and easy – that was the mindset. Not revealing much information. ‘I can’t wait to meet my daughter again.’ She felt at ease, no longer was the mind clouded by the spell. Sadness and depression went away, the true emotions came out. No longer was she a shell, Sophie was now fully alive.

Many years ago, at the beginning of the war between Kreston and Dorchester. Sophie was impregnated by Silvester Clyfford; older brother of Piers Clyfford who now went by the name Piers Riverty. Since she wanted to fight to gain back her true self, the husband agreed. Sadly, her defeat was brought about by Julius Garnet – a name that would forever etch itself in that war’s history. The man who single-handedly defended Dorchester for months to come. After that defeat, she was sent to the capital. There she was taken into intensive care. The child wasn’t in any danger, the young Julius showed mercy. Despite the rampage and hatred stemmed from her betrayal; the life of a would-be mother could not be taken.


In the coming year, she gave birth to a lovely daughter named Meriel Clyfford Mirabelle. Since Hidros grew too dangerous to raise a child, the couple settled down in the capital. Being an SSS-ranked mage, Silvester would eventually end up working for the Order. The source of income was well worth someone from the nobility. Though their title had to be lowered from Duke to Marquess, all thanks to Julius. The friend who worked tirelessly in the background even after the death of Staxius.

At the age of ten, Sophie decided to head back to Hidros. Raising a child proved to be the one thing that prevented her to enter the realm of insanity. Silvester helped in any way he could – the man was someone humble and hardworking. Most of the time allocated was spent in magical research in the Order. Meriel grew to look just the same as Sophie. Her magical element was a combination of Fire, Lightning, Water, and Light. The rarest of the rare, wielding four different types of magic. She was dubbed a prodigy since birth; the training was accomplished by renowned sorcerers in the imperial capital.

After five years of staying in Hidros, the trip back to meet her real family was on the way. Silvester, Sophie, and Meriel; a humble noble family, people that were liked by many.

“Scott, I’ve got business to attend too,” they finished eating dinner and now walked to the hotel. Aceline regained her strength. The interview by the Prince had taken a lot of pressure off the public service. The citizens were relieved to be able to trust their protectors again. Staxius’s plan worked; everything fell back into place. People would often recognize him in the streets to which a casual greeting would be given. Not on a celebrity level, but he grew to be a little famous. Temporary fame for the spotlight was now placed onto the idol. Advertisement, promotional stuff about her new album. The trill leading up to the concert could be felt. Not only was she one of the main people performing but other well-established stars would appear alongside her. The media went crazy trying to get people excited, and excited were they.

“Take care Staxius, I don’t know what you’re doing but be careful,” the singer spoke with a casual smile. “No need to worry,” he disappeared as night befell the capital.

“Adete,” he called out, she flew from his front pocket. “What is it?” she yawned. “You’re alive – sorry was just checking up on someone whom I thought died due to my sweat and body odor,” standing out in the sun during the whole day made her dizzy. “I’m not dying just yet,” she pulled out her tongue in a mischievous manner.

Before teleporting to the mansion, he stopped to look at his reflection. The same place he used prior; it grew to be a habit. The teeth weren’t that noticeable yet but definitely bared vampiric characteristics. “They are very sharp,” he commented whilst touching them with his tongue. “Sure, no need to get excited, the changes are yet to come.”

As requested by Adete, time was fully devoted to training the All-seeing eyes. It took a long time. Not, because the host was inept, but because after having learned the basics. The focus changed to trying out every single option and possibilities, experimenting and constructing something new. Mastery of a skill doesn’t mean learning and recreating said action with perfect execution. That was far from the truth, mastery was when one turned said skill into something new and unique.

‘Time to head out,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,*

A blue mist later, the body immediately crouched into a bush. Out of all the possible places, having only seen a few bits and pieces, this location was deemed to be the best option. Not many guards and surrounded by high-vegetations. Only a steel fence stood between him and the rumored noble. Both eyes closed, the auras of many people, ones that lit brightly were sensed all around. Characteristic similar to mages who’ve trained years to build up a significant aura and mana capacity.

‘Killing a few people here might not be the greatest idea. I need to meet with the leader, not kill him.’ The goal was to get acquainted with the Boss. The few days looking around trying to find information led here. If it wasn’t for that massive plane, the last delivery of God’s ale – this place would have remained hidden.

The wind blew, the moonless sky provided darkness as cover. The trees swayed back and forth, they danced. The auras of animals would be seen here and there. The wait for the opportune moment began.

*Clang,* the front gate opened. People walked out, all carried bags and wore top hats. At that moment, the mansion was vulnerable. A combination of shadow-step and teleportation later, he slipped inside as if a cat. None noticed his presence, the aura had been hidden completely, even trained mages could not detect his mana any longer. Hallways, rooms and artifacts, paintings, statues; all that could reach prices up into the tens of thousands. Calling this place wealthy was an understatement. Piles of gold sat for anyone to take on tables, the guards walked around with stern faces. Outback, gunshots were heard.

The infiltration continued; a mental map sufficed. The main room was located downstairs, in a hallway where a platoon of highly armed soldiers stood. The guns ready to fire at a given instant, the gaze firmly staring the entrance – Staxius saw through their eyes. ‘This will be easier than I thought,’ jumping from person to person; the sight eventually reached the closed room. A cigar lit with nobody around. *Snap,*

*CLANG,* immediately after teleporting, without delay, a figure rushed with a sword in hand. If the eyes weren’t closed, that strike would have killed him. Instead, Staxius brushed off the blade, the noise it made was it hitting a metallic vase.

“Die,” relentless, that move should have made anyone take a step back. Not for this warrior, the assault continued, Staxius dodged and weaved. The boss didn’t care to look back, the confidence was overwhelming.

“Don’t look down on me,” he whispered, a gentle tap later, the cursed sword unsheathed and parried the cocky swordsman. The sudden drop in temperature made the foe step back and assess the situation. Normally, Staxius would have let the man back off, that relentless assault and feeling of being underestimated lit a fire inside. The instant the swordsman tried to get away, the sword ran straight into the stomach. Out of spite, he swung upwards, it cut the defender cleanly. *Boup,* the man fell, blood gushed out, the organs left into the open.

“Congratulations Arthur, you’ve defeated another man yet again,” oblivious to what happened, the boss turned around. “Hi,” Staxius replied with a smirk, he stood inches away from the table. The sword cried, the signature aura that emanated from said weapon reached the man who smoked. Physical apparitions of heads screaming could be seen running around the room, it was deafening.

“BOSS ARE YOU OK?” the door opened; the man rushed inside. “Shut up,” annoyed, Staxius turned around, *Decay Touch Aspect.* Bullets were fired, all the so-called soldiers turned to dust. Seeing this place was located underground, no cry for help nor back-up could be called.

“W-who are you?” baffled, the man spoke, the voice had an accent. One of nobility and snobbish, the same as Scott but way worse. Dressed in a nice black suit, a cigar, a nice mustache, and a fair complexion. The eyes were of green color, the face covered by freckles with a medium-sized nose. He looked in his late thirties. The overwhelming aura seeped into the core – he showed a sign of wanting to puke.

A quick flick of the wrist, the blood was cleaned off the sword. It sheathed and hid behind a concealment spell.

“I apologize,” he took a seat, only the blood of the first fighter stained the floor. The rest were turned to dust. “My name is Staxius Haggard, I’ve come to discuss business,” he smiled, the man could not but shudder. This was first, Arthur was one of the most powerful individuals in this vicinity. With a ranking of Tier-6 Emerald, no wonder was the man confident.

“A weird way to start a business talk, but I like it,” the fear from earlier subsided. A thing of wonder had just started. A man of strength unlike any other, the boss’s eyes showed excitement. The boring monotonous daily life disrupted by a single man. One who infiltrated and slew the elite guards in a matter of minutes. One that rather than say, “I’ve come to put an end to your vile activities,” said, “I’ve come to discuss business,” what more could a man want.

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