The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: No Mercy

A few hours had gone by in the company of Ernis. From listening to the young man speak fondly about the book describing Totrya, Staxius sat with arms crossed. Maids would often drop by to deliver pastries and drinks.

Since yesterday, the weather had been saddened. The sun refused to shine, the greyish sky loomed overhead. “Prince Ernis,” Staxius interrupted his highness. “Yes, how may I be of help,” he took a sip of tea.

“Do you have any idea about the involvement of a certain organization that shrouds itself in darkness?” the sentence was phrased in such a way; Ernis quickly caught onto the intent.

“I have a slight idea, rumors run wild around the capital. I may sit in the imperial mansion every day,” the cup was placed on the table, “-but I’ve got my fair share of ears and eyes dotted around the continent,” not wanting to reveal more information, he stopped and studied the guest.

“Should have expected as much,” in turn, the other now drank. A quick signal using the eyes from Staxius; Ernis ordered the assistants to leave the men alone.

“What Is this all about?” the conversation grew tenser; the aura around the room felt heavy. “I would not dare to disrupt thy life, highness, but I apologize in advance. I’m due a favor,” the voice and face pointed at the interview. He made sure to take the pressure off the public service – something worth more than a few gold coins.

“I see,” the eyes befell the floor, he looked lost and disappointed. “Ernis,” Staxius spoke loudly, it snapped the boy out of a mindless state. “Excuse me, but I didn’t expect this from you out of all people,” emotional blackmail – consciously or subconsciously; the prince was trying to manipulate and turn himself into the victim.


“Dearest Prince,” without hesitation, Staxius stood. “Things like that don’t work on me. I did explicitly say to not trust people without reason. I’m the worst person you can ever meet; I won’t think twice of using you if I need to reach my goals. I might have grown softer over the years, but I haven’t forgotten. So, tell me, what is your decision; will you give me what is due or will you ignore this request of mine. Bear in mind, there are other ways I can extract information,” he now knelt and placed his hands onto the prince’s knee.

“Are you just going to assault the Imperial Prince? Have you forgotten that thy feet stand on soil ruled by the emperor? It would not take a single second for you and your crew to be sent in jail. I’m in line to becoming emperor you know, I’ve seen my fair share of plots and conspiracy where my life has been at risk,” he leaned closer and whispered, “-I’ve got a talent of getting whatever I want, without exception.” What both discussed was whether information about the dark guilds should be given to Staxius. Something Ernis didn’t want to say nor take part in.

Unimpressed by the prince’s threat, Staxius smiled. “I won’t repeat what you said, I’m only asking for a favor; nothing compelled or forced. People sure are interesting,” without moving an inch, he grabbed onto the prince’s collar. “-threatening me is good and all, but never bring anyone who is under my protection in something they don’t have a part in,” the tone cold and serious.

“I knew it,” he breathed out, “-Staxius Haggard, you only resolve things using violence. That is just bullying, and it’s shameful at most,” the prince held his own.

“Heh,” he chuckled and let go. “Why are you laughing?” Ernis remained baffled.

“You think that I only use my strength to get what I want?” he sighed in disappointment. “You could not be more wrong. I dislike standing out, using my powers does just that. It brings attention to oneself and that prospect doesn’t feel that nice,” he walked over to the door, “-I much rather do things in an underhanded fashion, hidden from view; and away from spies.” *Death Element: Unleash Aura,*

Nausea, lightheadedness, the inability to think, everything was felt at once. The overwhelming feeling of fear and dread, Staxius used magic – a few muffled sounds were heard outside the room. “What are you up too?” barely conscious, the prince asked; he grabbed onto the chair in a desperate attempt to not fall.

*Snap,* the spell stopped, “-there were a few people who jumped into our private conversation without invitation.” He returned inside as if nothing happened.

“We can now speak without trying to fool one another,” Staxius smiled, the aura lessened. “Thanks, I didn’t think that would work,” the prince’s voice changed. “It took a few moments for them to notice us speaking about the dark-guilds. So, who are they?” That whole conversation was a ploy to lure out ones who remained in the shadows.

“I don’t know myself; they were employed by his majesty. Maybe spies or assassins, who knows – I’ve got Lucy; my life isn’t at risk,” he added with a touch of relief.

“Come with me,” without having time to explain, Staxius took Ernis and teleported outside the mansion. Far away to a beach he spotted earlier whilst using the All-seeing eyes. Though it had been grey so far, the sunset could be seen just to the left. Subtle but visible.

“I give up at this point,” he sat down on the cold and wet sand. “Staxius, you’re truly an enigma, aren’t you. That show we put on earlier for our guest, it weirdly felt real.” He looked up at the man responsible. “It was true. I care not if I have to use people to get what I want. I’m not a good person; I’ll do anything to help out a friend or someone who is under my protection,” he crouched and smiled. “Don’t’ worry, I’ll never bring you harm, Ernis; you’re a good guy,” the hardened hands patted the prince’s head softly.

“You promise?” the voice felt bizarre. That was the tone of someone who hid another secret. “Yes, reach out at any time – I’ll be there without you having the time to blink.”

“Thank you,” at that moment, the usual soothing voice felt feminine. *Cough,* he quickly got back to reality and answered the question from before. “The dark-guild, from what I’ve gathered so far use God’s Ale as their main source of income. As opposed to robbery and other unsightly activities – trying to stay under the radar has been their goal for a very long time. Even if I wanted to stop them; lack of evidence is a problem. I would not go as far as say that it’s impossible to touch them. In politics and strength, they hold more power than I could imagine. I’m pretty sure the Emperor has probably met with their leader at one point and so have the other nations. Why do you think our continent is so rich? Gold from that trade is essential. All that was long ago, back when Iqeavea was at war and struggling to survive. A band of mercenaries came together and carried out assassinations and theft on behalf of anyone who would have the money. I know not any more details; records have been erased – these stories are probably fake as well. All these ties into today’s politics; people are corrupt. On the surface, we’re a good-willed nation, but deep inside; hell would not even come close,” the temperature dropped massively.

“Ernis, the corrupt people you say exist in every country. Hidros is filled with them; trust me on that – our current ruler was once a master in that craft. Though her ways have changed from what I hear,” The eyes seemed lost in thought.

“Staxius, mind if I ask a question?” the prince stood; time had come to return to the mansion. “Go ahead,” dusk set in, the light turned into darkness.

“Why are you so keen on finding the dark guilds, do you wish to put a stop to their organization?” an idea that Ernis could get behind; to exterminate the source of all evil once and for all.

“Come on your highness,” he laughed yet again, “-let’s just say that that organization and I have a common line of thinking. I’m not going around to carry out the job of the public service or to fulfill some noble goal. In no way am I getting involved with the whole saving the country business.” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,*

In a blue mist, they returned home. “Ernis, I think that this is enough for today. Both our debts have been cleared, even though the information provided wasn’t of any help – I appreciate the trust.” Both stood in the previous interview room.

“I apologize to have taken so much of your time already, thanks Staxius, dear friend,” he smiled, both shook hands.

“PRINCE ERNIS, WHERE ARE YOU?” Lucy’s scream echoed down the hallway, the door opened and Staxius vanished. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” she asked, the one responsible winked and teleported out. “Staxius...” she gritted. “Calm down Lucy, we’ve got that interview to edit and send to the media,” he tried to make her forget about what transpired.

‘I sure have been speaking to a lot of people since I arrived in Iqeavea,’ he now stood on a pitch-black runway. A few lights lit, massive engines roared, a plane was about to take off. ‘Here I thought I’d sit idly by and watch over Aceline.’ He sighed and rushed close to the hanger.

This shady looking base was found by sheer luck. Not being able to control the All-seeing eyes had its advantages. By accident, he stumbled on the runway where God’s ale was delivered. ‘What’s my end goal here,’ as black as the night, he faded into the background. Both eyes closed, Staxius used shadow-step to move around inside without making a noise. Guards and other personnel worked, they behaved in a way that resembled slaves back in Hidros.

He now stood atop a container inside said hangar. ‘Finding out who is responsible for the trade; I didn’t spend all those days studying that drug for nothing. I need to become their supplier and earn money that way. Adventuring is noble and all but its tedious. There isn’t a need for me to be the good guy; Xula might come to hate me for this but I don’t care. The results justify the means. I could always ask Arda for money, but that doesn’t sit right with me. The people are in more need of said commodities.’ The plane took off, cargo from earlier was being loaded into the truck. Their driver seemed dead on the inside, an empty shell.

The eyes closed; auras of dim intensity were seen all around. The clear symptom displayed by people dependent on the drug. ‘Ernis might have tried to aid, but what he told was of little help.’ In that moment of confusion, the same as the time Achilles was summoned, Percyvell’s face popped into mind. ‘Necromancy,’ he sighed, the answer simple and easy.

A full sweep of the area later, he spotted the person with the brightest aura out of the dimly lit ones. “Sorry not sorry,” he teleported, grabbed the person and teleported back out. “who is this...” the victim still breathed, a middle-aged man. The mind seemed to have retained a bit of its memory. “please... save me,” the voice slow and begging for help, he fell, the eyes stared at the sky. A faint light of hope glimmered. “Be my savior...” the mouth mumbled painfully. Someone forced into labor for not being able to pay back the money borrowed.

“Sorry old man,” Staxius took out Tharis. “I’ve got kids and a family...” the man continued to pray for help and salvation. “None of my business,” the eyes emotionless, *BANG,* he pulled the trigger.

“Even if you could have been saved, I’m not the person you should seek salvation from,” the gun was fired without hesitating. The middle-aged man died instantly; the face held a smile. “Tis time to go to work.”

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