The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 259 2nd Shadow Slave!

It took just a few minutes for the Gigantic Black Chaos Dragon to devour the entire pile of the power stone which was their primary source of food other than the meat of their prey. In addition to maintaining their energy and massive body, they had long given up on simple prey since their meat failed to meet their required energy in their level. Therefore, power stones which were the source and containing the Natural Origin Chi became their main food.

After having a hearty meal, the Black Chaos Dragon burped, and then it stuck its head friendly toward Elizabeth.

Whereas Elizabeth touched its head and said in a kind tone, "Gogor, since you're full then it's time to send you back."

The black Dragon growled as if nagging her to stay furthermore time with her like a baby who had found their favorite playmate that treated them quite well.

"Nope, you're too big to play clingy around me." She infused her witch energy into the silver white magic wand while saying, "If there comes a time of needing your help, then I'll summon you again."

Then she touched her forehead with her other hand and yelped, "Reverse Summoning Beast Sigil, activate!"

Immediately afterward, a large gigantic luster black sigil exactly like the one the fake Ancestor Lucas Queen cast to summon the Gigantic Black Chaos Dragon materialized from the last veil of misty energy expelled out through the magic wand's tip.

"Go! I can't hold it anymore." Elizabeth yelled, as maintaining the sigil had become tedious for her at her current level. It was hard for her to hold it for more than five seconds.

The Colossus Dragon was also aware of its master's situation. So it gave a meaningful look at her once and dashed into the sigil, and both the beast and the black sigil disappeared.

Elizabeth almost lost her consciousness due to over exhaustion of her energy. Still, she felt dizzy and fell down on her back. The mist of Origin Chi suddenly rushed at a high speed and formed a couch, causing her to fall into it and tilt her spine back.

Shadow Slave materialized in his humanoid formed while kneeling toward her and said in an eerie tone, "Milady, please take some rest."

Meanwhile, Bobby finally ended, drawing the large Sigil with his blood. He glanced toward Elizabeth and the next thing another Bobby appeared in front of her.

He touched her forehead, checking her body, and muttered under his breath, "Using that sigil has drained her too much."

After pondering for a while he found a solution. Bobby ignited the witch bloodline he consumed earlier, transforming into a thick mist of witch energy inside his body.

He poked at her forehead and said while transferring the witch energy into her body, "The Witch Energy is the only thing she needs now."

Since the energy was her, to begin with, it was easily digested inside her body and in the next instant, Elizabeth regained her vivaciousness like before.

Then Bobby beamed at her and said, "Wait for me here!"

The next moment, he reappeared in front of Ancestor Lucas Queen and said, "Now, I'll begin the ceremony. There is no turning back after this. Do you feel me?"

"Yes, I understand." Ancestor Lucas Queen responded in a serious tone.

After that, Bobby began to make a series of hand seals while chanting a spell in a tone not audible to either Ancestor Lucas Queen or Elizabeth. Only the humanoid three-headed creature could hear him as he had already passed through that ceremony and become the First Shadow Slave.

But since this particular ceremony was currently beyond his cultivation based, Bobby activated his highest movement speed and thousands of him appeared inside the large blood sigil, making different hand seals.

"It's fucking amazing!" Elizabeth exclaimed partly both of surprise and excitement. And then she muttered under her breath, asking herself, "Is there anything he can't possibly do?"

Bobby finally ended his first incantation and then thousand of his voices yelled in a tandem, "Today, I, Damien Dark, a human and previously an Evil God, Lucifer by my title made a heavenly mandate to take Lucas Queen, a mere mortal as my Second Shadow Slave."

Just after he said that a thick bolt of lightning struck down over his head and Bobby absorbed all of it by activating Lightning Cannon Cultivation Technique.

"Now, begin the blood-surging ceremony!" Thousand monotonous voices of Bobby yelped at the same time. Then the next thing, one blood diagram nearest to him floated and struck over Ancestor Lucas Queen's body, making him shriek in unbearable pain.

"It's just the beginning. Bear it until the very end and don't ever think about even the slightest idea of rejecting them in your mind. Otherwise, they will exterminate your soul." Bobby instructed in his thousand voices. "I'm the Lucifer of this generation and also the only eye god in the entire cosmos. Did you really think anyone can become my most loyal Shadow Slave? If you can pass this test by staying alive until the very end then I'll let you choose one of the abilities I currently possess."

After torturing the Lucas Queen for a minute, the symbol resonated with his body and entered his body.

The thousand Bobby waved their hands in the air and the next thing, eight blood diagrams lifted up from the grassy ground and began the same torturing as the first one, bombarding Lucas Queen which resonated and entered his body after five minutes.

Then, 27 diagrams lifted from the verdant grassy field and bombarded him while making Ancestor Lucas Queen scream in pain like a beast. It took him eleven minutes to fully resonate and enter his body.

Similarly, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, and finally 729 blood diagrams were lifted one by one and all successfully managed to resonate with his body and the blood surging ceremony ended.

Only one Bobby remained standing just before ancestor Lucas Queen.

"Congratulations, Lucas Queen! Now you have successfully become my 2nd Shadow Slave." He said.

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