The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 260 Another Ocular Skill!

"Congratulations, Lucas Queen! Now you have successfully become my 2nd Shadow Slave." Bobby said.

"Well, it's time for your reward…. Except for my ocular ability, you can choose one ability. I'll give you only five minutes to choose. Your time begins now." Bobby said, explaining and then he reached out his hand.

"Wait, Master Damien!" Ancestor Lucas Queen yelled, halting Bobby's hand in the air.

"2nd Shadow Slave, state your question?" Bobby asked with a straight face.

"My Lord, before you transfer the information of all of your abilities to me. I have a doubt." Ancestor Lucas Queen responded.

"Fine, shoot out!" Bobby said as he didn't want to waste any more time.

"What I need is just one ability? But I'm afraid I may learn more than one ability if I browse through all of your abilities." Ancestor Lucas Queen stated his mind.

"Eh, if it's about that then you don't have to worry anymore, I have my means. Alright, keep this in mind. You only have five minutes." Bobby responded in an easy-going tone. Then he poked Lucas Queen's forehead and began transferring a lot of information about all of his abilities within an infinitesimally small fraction of a second. Then he released his hand and waited for Lucas Queen's answer.

Lucas Queen shut his eyes and began browsing through all the abilities.

1 minute passed!

2 minutes passed!

3 minutes passed!

4 minutes passed!

The time kept ticking and Ancestor Lucas Queen was still in his strange state.

Just before 10 seconds of the 5 minutes, Ancestor Lucas Queen opened his eyes and said briskly at the same time, "Satanification! I choose the satanification ability!"

"Good choice!" Bobby praised him and then he poked at Ancestor Lucas Queen's forehead again. "Focus! Now I'll impart all of my knowledge and experience regarding the Satanification technique."

Ancestor Lucas Queen shut his eyes once again and in the next instant, he happened to see a 3-D statue of Satan's head in his soul sea-slash-soul palace. It has a pair of long green horns protruding from the forehead and it had a similar appearance to Bobby; meaning it was kind of duplicate since Lucas Queen would never have such Satan's statue in his own appearance.

Then Ancestor Lucas Queen saw multiple flashes of images of Bobby activating and using the Satanification Technique on multiple occasions and it ended soon.

Just as he opened his eyes, Bobby instructed, "Stay still. Don't even move a muscle."

Ancestor Lucas Queen saw Bobby was already shutting his eyes and he witnessed a vertical saffron line appearing on Bobby's forehead.

The vertical saffron line moved, turning into two curves while revealing the pitched black eye with a ring along with four tiny dots of blue, red, gray, and white on the ring and there was also an extremely tiny murky dark on the pupil which was Dark Chaos Energy he absorbed in the earlier battle with the Black Chaos Dragon.

"Freeze Time for me!" Bobby muttered under his breath. In the next instant, an invisible form of waves emitted from his third vertical eye, covering only Ancestor Lucas Queen while making him within the frozen time. He then activated a certain ability of his third vertical eye and he yelled, "Move him back to the time just before he said Satanification. And mark it as an initial timeline point."

Just as he said, Bobby saw multiple Lucas Queen overlapping and ended the process at that exact certain point he mentioned. Then he continued, saying: "Final timeline point, mark it at the point just before I poked his forehead for transferring all the knowledge of my abilities."

Just as Bobby instructed, it happened and he spotted another Virtual Ancestor Lucas queen overlapping with the initial Lucas Queen which was only visible with his third vertical eye because it happened in the time chasm only he could see.

"Cut the portion from the initial mark point to the final mark point and extract it from the original timeline and fill the void timeline with dark mist," Bobby said and cut out the certain portion of Ancestor Lucas Queen's time and extracted it out by using the time termination ocular ability of his eyes.

Then with a single thought of his, a strong suction force came out from the vertical third eye while sucking the portion of the time extracted from Lucas Queen's time which was exactly 5 minutes.

Ancestor Lucas Queen's extracted time became some form of nutrient for Bobby's third vertical eye which was digested briskly and the eye became even darker.

Bobby felt that his third vertical eye was growing stronger from his previous state and he grinned in delight.

During that time, 555 years of his vitality were expanded with every second ticking. Bobby came to realize it and then he uttered under his breath, "Freezing Time, Deactivate!"

The next thing, Ancestor Lucas Queen got free from the time restriction.

"2nd Shadow Slave, how do feel now?" Bobby asked as he beamed.

Ancestor Lucas Queen checked his body moving and then he checked with his consciousness and replied, "Master, I feel great!"

"Good," Bobby then poked his finger over Ancestor Lucas Queen's forehead and asked, "Now, tell me do you remember any other abilities of mine other than the Satanification Technique you have chosen."

Ancestor Lucas Queen tried to remember them but he only saw dark mist within that five minutes of time and he responded, "No sire, I fail to remember anything and I saw only darkness."

"Now, do you understand? Even if you saw every secret of mine, if I want you to forget it, it is just a simple thing to do." Bobby said with a pose attitude in his tone.

Then he further added, "Alright, now it's time for you to show me using the Satanification technique. And don't you disappoint me after all I have shared everything I have shared of my experiences with this particular technique."

Ancestor Lucas Queen nodded his head. Then he stood up, imagined seeing the 3-D virtual image of Satan's head in his head, and the next thing, his skin color began changing into a swarthy tone. Next, a pair of greenhorns grew out from his forehead... (please, stay tuned!)

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