The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 258 Shadow Slave!

"That's good to hear. Then I'll make it easier for you." Bobby said. Then he pulled Elizabeth by her dainty waist while folding his arm intimately around her waist and introduced, "This is my wife Elizabeth from your family and now part of my Darhk Family. I think you have already witnessed everything from the very start. But let me continue to give a clean chit. First,"

Bobby stomped his leg hard over the Clone's head hitting hard against the grassy ground making him to howled in pain and then he further added, "This bastard here dare to condemn us for my action here which I previously thought of going it easy on him since Elizabeth is from the same family. But he had taken that for granted by going a mile and he dared to spill blood from my beloved wife. Alright, I'll come to the point. As a master, you have to take full responsibility for your servant's mistakes. What do you say?"

"I concur with Master Damien's words. I'm ready to accept the punishment for my mistake." Ancestor Lucas Queen responded politely while he knelt over the ground.

"Tsk! Why are you so understanding here? Now you've ruined my mood. Alright, let me think of your punishment." Bobby said casually and then he further added after pondering for a while, "Hmm, actually, since your servant spilled my beloved wife's blood, you deserve a death sentence. But, after considering your attitude, I'll give you another chance to come clean again; become my Second Shadow Slave, and serve three thousand years as Elizabeth's guardian. What do you think?"

Bobby saw the hesitation in his expression.

Ancestor Lucas Queen asked, "I beg your pardon. This is my first time hearing that term. So, can I at least know something regarding this Shadow Slave?"

"That's easy. I'll show you one to see for yourself then." Bobby responded and then he muttered under his breath, "Shadow Slave, show your true form." Then he let go of the dull-looking black katana in the air.

In the next instant, the black dull-looking katana hummed at a certain frequency, shaking its body. It turned into a veil of the black mist of pure Origin Chi and then a figure of a humanoid with three heads and six hands, along with a long black lizard-like tail materialized, standing in the air.

The strange humanoid creature knelt toward Bobby and greeted him in an eerie tone, "Greetings my lord!"

Bobby curled his lips into a wide grin and said while gesturing his hand elegantly, "Behold my first Shadow Slave!"

Ancestor Lucas Queen was overwhelmed with surprise as he witnessed the black katana transforming into that strange humanoid being. He shook his head and said after making a firm decision, "Master Damien, I change my mind. Can you please kill me instead? There is no way I'm going to turn into that thing. I can do anything for you but I can't compromise myself to give up on my humanity."

Hearing his words, Bobby burst into a peal of booming laughter and then he said, "Hahahaha, Ancestor Lucas Queen, you're hilarious in a strange way…. Alright, I think you misunderstand something here. Being my Shadow Slave doesn't mean to for shake your human form. What were you thinking? My First Shadow slave is born in that form. Being my Shadow Slave means you need to make a certain blood slave contract with me and in return for your freedom I'll grant you certain enticing rewards. Now, make your decision. I'll give you a couple of minutes."

Ancestor Lucas Queen took a long breather and responded, "If I don't have to give up my humanity then I agree. There is no need to ponder over it since it's my punishment for causing harm to milady Elizabeth Darhk!" He gave his final say, agreeing readily to his words.

Meanwhile, Bobby deactivated his Satanification form, regaining his former fair skin appearance and the pair of greenhorns retracted back. It was then that the gold color on his eyes dimmed, turning into his original blue color.

He then glanced at the three-headed humanoid creature and ordered, "Shadow slave, what are you waiting for? Devour all the bodies of the twenty Gray Dragons. Go!"

Immediately afterward, the three-headed humanoid creature turned into a phantom, dashing toward a nearby Dragon Corpse, and began gobbling it up whole within a few seconds. Then he moved toward the next colossus Dragon Corpse.

Bobby turned his attention to Ancestor Lucas Queen and said, "Alright, I'll start the ceremony. Before that let me warn you. Don't even consider resisting. If you have even a single doubt about changing your decision then the repercussions will be something that will even cause your soul to rupture. Well, then you can sit upright."

On hearing his words, Ancestor Lucas Queen, who had been kneeling all this time, moved his body sitting upright as Bobby ordered.

Just after that Bobby inserted a trace of his Origin Chi into the Purple Spatial Beast's Eye and in the next instant, a dagger appeared in his hand. He then made a long deep cut on both of his palms and tossed the dagger, sticking it over the grassy ground.

Before his instantaneous regeneration ability kicked in, Bobby resisted and sealed the bloodlines of both the Vampiric and Werewolf in his bloodstream.

After that, he began to draw a large diagram from his blood over the ground with Ancestor Lucas Queen at the center.

Elizabeth moved away giving them the space.

While Bobby was drawing those multiple intricate-looking sigils with his blood, Elizabeth scuttled toward the Gigantic Dark Chaos Dragon. She then infused a trace of her Witch Energy into the Purple Spatial Beast's eye and the next thing, a pile of black and red power stones poured out of the thin air, making a small dune on the ground.

Seeing those power stones, the Dark Chaos Dragon drooled while eyeing them. But still, it resisted its strong urge to devour them and glanced at Elizabeth giving a petty look.

"Gogor, what are you waiting for? They are all for you. Help yourself." Elizabeth said with a calm tone.

The Black Chaos Dragon made a strange soft roar and began digging on the pile of the Power Stones, wolfing down on them greedily...(Please, stay tuned!)

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