Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

172. Smack

172. Smack

“You know, I thought talking with you would be much harder. Out of curiosity, what made you believe me?” Gara looked towards Tomoka while they walked. In reality walking wasn’t necessary at all. Tomoka just wanted the time to satisfy her curiosity. 

“Your eyes.” That was all Gaara said. Making Tomoka even more curious. 

“What about my eyes?” Gaara just gave Tomoka a side look before speaking. 

“They show how much you have suffered.” Once again he didn’t talk too much but Tomoka could easily fill in the gaps. After that silence fell for a while before they could see Shukaku and Kurama in the distance talking to each other. 

“Are those the bijuu.” Gaara asked without looking away from the two massive tailed beasts. 

“Yup, the fox with nine tails is the kyubi and the sand colored tanuki is the ichibi. Mind you those aren’t their actual names but the kyubi gets cranky when I tell someone his name without his permission so there is that. I have no idea if the ichibi is like that as well but better safe than sorry.” Hearing Tomoka’s words he gave her a small nod before walking towards the bijuus. 

“How do you think it will go?” Asked a curious Hinata. She had never gotten to meet a violent Kurama since by the time she met him he had mellowed out a lot. 

“Meh, I don’t know about Shukaku's personality so I have no idea. But from the little I got from the anime chances are he will throw a bit of a tantrum and then chill out.” Though Tomoka said this with a normal tone of voice Gaara couldn’t hear a word she said nor could he hear Nozomi’s question since he had gone ahead of them by quite a bit. 

“Will it become a fight?” This time it was Nozomi asking with a strange mixture of excitement and apprehension. Seeing this Tomoka couldn’t help but laugh internally. Nozomi had developed into a bit of a battle junkie thanks to Tomoka. Who would have thought that rewarding the girl with kisses after combat training would have this outcome?  

“I doubt it, with Kurama around, Shukaku shouldn’t try anything because if he does Kurama will beat him into the ground.” That and the fact he would be sealed extra tightly inside Gaara by Tomoka with Kurama’s help. 

The trio continued chatting for a while longer before catching up to Gaara as he was getting to talking distance with Shukaku. Taking into consideration both Kurama and Shukaku’s heads were a good hundred meters of the ground Tomoka modified the landscape to have a sandstone pillar where the four of them could stand to talk face to face with the other two. 

“Yo Kyubi, how did it go?” Hearing Tomoka’s words, Kurama almost recoiled. 

“Just call me Kurama it sounds so wrong when you call me Kyubi it gives me the creeps.” Shrugging towards the big fox, Tomoka waved her hand signaling for him to answer her question. 

“As for your question, it went well, or at least as well as it could go.” As soon as he finished speaking, Shukaku leaned forward to take a better look at Tomoka. 

“HAHAHA! This is the brat that got you all mellowed out Kurama!? What a joke, I bet I could just swat her away without any eff-” Before he could finish a loud bang resounded with the force of thunder as Tomoka moved to smack Shukaku with enough force to send him flying a good two hundred meters away. A moment later Tomoka stood on top of Shukaku’s snout while glaring at him. 

“Now who can smack who away without any effort?” To say Shukaku got a bit scared would be putting it mildly. He couldn’t follow her movement at all. Not to mention that the smack had hurt quite a bit. Being the weakest of his brothers and sisters, Shukaku learned when he could act all high and mighty and when to shut up and listen. 

“I was just joking. I will be on my best behavior from now on.” If the sand tanuki could sweat he would be doing so right about now. 

“Good to hear. let's go, you still need to talk with Gaara, and I recommend you play nice.” Yeah, Shukaku hadn’t felt like this since Hagoromo would scold him alongside his brothers and sisters. It made him feel a bit nostalgic. That didn’t remove the fact he was scared shitless of the girl though.  


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