Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

173. Aproaching conflict

173. Aproaching conflict

Once bijuu and girl were back things became simple. Shukaku got to talk with Gaara as they shared their distaste for the latter's father. It actually didn’t take too long for them to get to an amicable state after they aired their grievances against one another.   

“Well, with that out of the way now. How about we make a deal.” Tomoka’s grin alongside the way she rubbed her hands together made her look like the sketchiest con-woman ever. Though that didn’t last long as the girl got smacked twice on the back of the head by her lovers. 

““Don’t say it while looking like that!”” Both girls said at the same time. It had become a common occurrence for them to do this. 

“Fine. Anyway, I am serious about the deal. Want to hear about it?” Shukaku and Gaara looked towards each other before giving their answer.

“Might as well.” Said the sand tanuki while Gaara just gave a small nod. 

“So it goes like this. Akatsuki is a group that…” After explaining what the group is and wanted, Tomoka continued with her offer. 

“I kinda need them to succeed to a certain extent but at the same time not. That is why I am planning to interfere. My plan is rather simple, I want the two of you to move to one of my bases after another incident I want to happen. After that incident I will have a clone Gaara with half of Shukaku here go back to the Suna while you two move to one of my bases. The clone is the one that will be taken and killed” 

Both Shukaku and Gaara looked creeped out by Tomoka’s plan and deal. They didn’t really have an option either. Even if they refused they doubted they could survive akatsuki despite knowing about them. 

“A clone?” This was also one of Gaara’s concerns. How would that work? 

“Yes a clone. Though it would be identical to you genetically speaking it would have no soul. Instead I will be the one controlling it or you could do it instead if you so wished. I would need to set a contention to you anyway so it could believably act like you.” Yeah no, there was no way Gaara would let the rather weird girl in front of him control a clone of himself. Who knows what she could make it do. 

“I will control it.” Though he didn’t like the idea of the clone there wasn’t much he could do about it anyway. 

“Great. I will be leaving one of my phantoms behind for communication once we leave.” Having finished with the conversation Tomoka pulled everyone out into the real world. A wide genuine smile on her face. She loves when a plan works out.  

The next day, the trio had dealt with their business, they decided to just go around and act like tourists. Unfortunately Suna didn’t have much in the form of entertainment. Some retired shinobi would do puppet shows and plays which they watched. Tomoka also took to stealing the chakra string technique for her own usage. 

The following day as the trio prepared to leave something unexpected happened. As they waited for the summoned spider to smuggle them out Tomoka snapped her head in the direction of Konoha. 

“Tomoka?” Nozomi was the first to notice. As she looked into Tomoka’s eyes she could see a sort of eerie calmness that felt utterly unnatural. 

“What happened?” Noticing Tomoka’s behavior Hinata became curious and worried.  

“They done goofed. They shouldn’t have done that.” Tomoka’s expression was one of calmness like no other. It made the girl’s worry. 

“Who?” Hinata had a bad feeling about this. 

“The Hyuga clan.” Was all Tomoka said before they disappeared in a cloud of smoke as they were reverse summoned into Konoha. 

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