Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

171. Talking with Gaara

171. Talking with Gaara

Having dealt with Gaara’s guard detail now it was time to deal with Gaara himself. Having planned this part beforehand, Nozomi made her presence known to the Sand’s jinchuriki. It went according to plan as Gaara instantly looked towards Nozomi and her eyes. Knowing how much chakra keeping Gaara and Shukaku under a genjutsu costs, Tomoka moved the next moment. 

“Mission accomplished gals. Do you want to speak with him as well?” All it took was for Tomoka to touch Gaara to invade his body with her own chakra pulling him into his mindscape where Kurama would deal with Shukaku while she dealt with Gaara.

“Sure, why not.” Nozomi said while shrugging. It would be boring to just stand around while Tomoka worked. To her side Hinata nodded as well, having similar thoughts to Nozomi.

“Alright then, you know what to do.” With that said both girls placed their hands on Tomoka’s back. The next instant they were inside a weird combination of Tomoka’s mindscape and dry unforgiving desert like the one surrounding Suna. Meanwhile in the real world Tomoka’s spiders were working in conjunction with some phantoms to keep the area clear and unassuming so they wouldn’t be caught.

“Who are you?” Hearing a hoarse voice caught the trio’s attention. Looking to its origin they saw Gaara standing on the desert side of the mindscape. 

“Tomoka, I am a ninja from Konoha though I mostly act independently. I decided to come help you out as a fellow jinchuriki.” Hearing Tomoka’s words Gaara’s permanent scowl changed a bit to represent confusion. 

“Jinchuriki?” Hearing Gaara’s question made Tomoka sigh. She knew from the show that Gaara was aware that there was a “monster” inside of him. Though it looks like no one told him what said “monster” is or what having it inside of him made him. 

“So I will have to start from the basics.” With a sigh Tomoka began explaining to Gaara what a jinchuriki and bijuu is. It took a while and Tomoka was quite surprised seeing how tame Gaara acted. 

“So yeah, your father sealed the Ichibi inside of you at birth just like the kyubi was sealed inside of me at birth.” Having finished her explanation Tomoka waited for Gaara’s response to the rather large info dump she did on him. 

“I see… Is this why I feel the Sudden urge to kill? Is that why I have nightmares?” Though Gaara’s demeanor didn’t change Tomoka could see the vulnerability in his eyes. 

“It is. Your father and whoever was in charge did a very, and I mean very shit job with the sealing formula and procedure. It was to the point that your mother died due to it.” Hearing Tomoka’s words made Gaara angry. His father never loved him, and everyone hated him for something his father did. 

“Because the sealing had been so poorly done the Ichibi has had limited access to your mind. He has been trying to force you into a position where you would be willing to remove the seal so he could be free. In a way, he has suffered just as much as you from your fathers actions. For him it is like living in a small cage for years.” Though Gaara felt some animosity towards the bijuu it lessened hearing Tomoka’s explanation. 

“Would you like to meet the Ichibi and talk to him? I know you probably hate him, but like you he has suffered a lot as well.” Now that she had managed to explain everything to Gaara she wanted to have him and Shukaku reconcile. It was also convenient that Kurama just gave her a mental signal that he had managed to talk things out with Shukaku. 

“Fine.” The reluctance was thick in Gaara’s voice but he still wanted to give the bijuu a chance. From Tomoka’s explanation perhaps only him and those like him would understand his pain.  

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