Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

170. A quick takedown

170. A quick takedown

Once Tomoka pacified Hinata with promises of sweets and jealous Nozomi with promises of spicy food the trio got back on track. 

“Here is the plan, I will be summoning spiders to do recon while Hinata uses her Byakugan. We will be on the move since I doubt Hinata’s reach is large enough for the whole village.” Tomoka paused and looked towards Hinata for confirmation. With a nod from the girl Tomoka continued speaking. 

“After we locate the target then it will be up to Nozomi. Should it come to a direct confrontation we will have a maximum of ten minutes to subdue the target. We are currently deep in enemy territory so no holding back, lethal methods are allowed.” Once both girls nodded, Tomoka grinned. 

“Operation sandy tanuki is a go.”  A moment later the girls were moving silently through Suna looking for Gaara. Logically speaking, the kid should be near the Kazekage building since he is the Kage’s kid and a jinchuriki. That is why they started looking there. 

After a while Hinata shook her head not finding the kid. With no other option the girls continued the search while Tomoka’s spiders combed the outer regions of Suna. It took the better part of an hour to find Gaara who was silently sitting on a swing. 

“Found him, he is also being watched by four Ninja, ANBU if their masks are anything to go by.” Hinata said with a tone of pride having found him before the spiders did.  

“Alright, good job. Now we will need to get rid of the ANBU otherwise this stealth mission will become a “fun” mission.” The best method would be to put the ANBU under genjutsu, one subtle enough that they wouldn’t notice. That way they could accomplish the mission without leaving evidence or witnesses. 

“Genjutsu won’t be easy. Hinata sucks at it and I can only use powerful ones with my eyes.” Nozomi could tell what Tomoka was thinking. 

“Yeah, It would have been the best option, unfortunately it’s not viable.” Out of the three Nozomi is the only one good with genjutsu thanks to her eyes. Tomoka could also be said to be good with them. Though even she wasn’t arrogant enough to think she was good enough to perfectly fool jounins.

“Knockout it is then. Try to go for non-lethal though as soon as you are found or seen go for the kill.” With that said the girls quickly dispersed and got into position to act. Tomoka would be taking two out. 

A moment later the girls were ready to take down their targets. With a hand signal they moved. Kunai in hand Nozomi used shunshin to close the distance and strike. It was thanks to her Sharingan and countless hours of training that she could pull off something that only Shisui had been able to do in the past. 

Nozomi’s Kunai had been coated in a fast acting paralyzing and sleep inducing agent. After gracing the ninja on the neck he tried to jump away. The next thing he knew he was planted face on the ground with heavy eyelids, then nothing. 

Hinata wasn’t as fast as Nozomi nor as tricky and insidious as Tomoka. What she had above them however was technique. Like a silent predator Hinata closed the distance to her target who fell for the distraction she had prepared. Before the man knew what was going on he felt quick impacts all over his body. Nerves and tenketsu points were targeted with frightening precision. With a last impact to the back of the skull the man fell unconscious. 

Tomoka’s take downs were far easier. Both her targets were bitten by finger sized spiders. Said spiders had chakra enhanced venom that paralyzes them before sending them to the land of dreams. Though Tomoka hadn’t used the spiders herself much, she knew from her phantoms how useful they could be. After all, the phantoms loved putting them to work.  


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