MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 198(Yakuza Raid)

CHAPTER 198(Yakuza Raid)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---11 Am, Western Japan...

"What the hell is this, can't they do anything right?" Horizon asks himself while flying toward the Yakuza base.

He was only a few miles away, but could sense multiple fights happening.

'Took me two hours to get here, I was hoping this would have been over by now,' he thinks while slowing down his hoverboard.


He opens a room spanning 8km -5 miles-.


"Mmm," he grumbles as the influx of information bombards him, then he decides where he's needed most.

'Lemillion is dealing with Overhaul and some of those lackeys underground, the girl and Nighteye are there so he should be fine for now, they're winning.

Suneater is handling three villains, they won't last long. Red Riot and Fatgum are having a brawl, seems like a stalemate right now.

But Ryukyu, what the hell...'

He shrinks the Room to focus in on Ryukyu and her sidekicks.

He senses a giant of a man, standing at 15m -45ft- and covered in hulking muscles. A similar plague doctor mask to the other Yakuza, and in his grasp is Uravity, seemingly unconscious.

Standing at the edge of the fight are some D-listers and police officers.

'They don't want to get close, and Froppy looks exhausted, Ryukyu too. Only Nejire is fighting properly but she's getting tired.

He must be Rikiya Katsukame, the guy that absorbs stamina after making contact once. Constantly ripping energy out of them, and since Nejire is all about stamina she's the only one that can last long against him.

I'd better start there and deal with him first, that way the only fight happening outside the base doesn't get the nearby civilians hurt...'


Horizon swaps with some rubble, arriving just beside Ryukyu and standing on his hoverboard.

"What!" Rikyia yells out, still holding Uravity. All the girls and heroes are relived at the sight of Horizon. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Being the hero," Horizon snaps his fingers, and Uravity and Froppy both warp away from the villain behind the police barricade, swapped with some rubble.

"We aren't scared of any hero, not even you!" Rikiyia slams his fists into the road, the gust pushes Nejire back to hover beside Horizon and Ryukyu. "Don't you know who we are?!"

"No," Horizon lied. "But I'm Horizon, so it really doesn't matter..."

"Raah!" the man is about to lunge forward, but he suddenly disappears, swapping for the large dragon standing beside Horizon.

Before he can realize what happened there is a sharp pain in his shoulder.

He turns to swing, barely getting a glimpse of Horizon who was currently stabbing him with Scalpel.


His backhand strike stops mere inches from Horizon's face as his body convulses and tenses.

Unintelligible screaming left his mouth and small wisps of smoke appeared across his body, accompanying the electrical scorch marks slowly forming on his skin.

Horizon withdraws his blade, and before the unconscious villain can hit the floor he's extending his senses to the underground brawl.


He once again tries to warp Eri away from the fight, but she doesn't move. She's stuck in place, in the damn wall, bits of stone molecularly bonded to her skin so they can't rescue her.

All with Nighteye and Lemillion in front of her, desperately trying to form a wall between her and Overhaul.

'How annoying...but they've got that covered for now, I need to find Joi Irinaka, Mimic, that's the guy controlling the structure of the base so freely, fighting in there is a bad idea while he's in control...'


Horizon focuses on the base itself, he feels the hallways and walls constantly moving.


He warps a hallway of police officers to his side moments before they got squashed into a paste.

He focuses once more, delving deeper.

There are very few ways to hide from his Scan.

Permeation does not work to achieve this, even when Lemillion is intangible or moving through objects, he detects him as a glitch of overlapping masses.

Illusions based on light and smoke will not work as Scan detects the truth around him.

Only true shapeshifting can hide a person.

Shapeshifting of the nature he encountered when he last worked with Arsenal.

Shapeshifting that causes you to externally become exactly like your target, shapeshifting with absolutely no gaps for him to sense what you really are.

The kind that Himiko Toga has, or that a Twice Clone would technically be.

Mimic, however, was not fortunate enough to have this...


Horizon drops his sword, and in the same instant, it's swapped for a tiny doll-like creature currently being controlled by Mimic, the shapeshifter that possesses it from within.

Horizon grabs him by the face, and a slew of rage-fueled swears assaults him as the villains tries to fight out of his grasp.


"ARGHHH!" The small doll creature gets fried before going limp, and Horizon looks back over his shoulder at Ryukyu.

"Kyukyu, hold this, don't let it touch anything inorganic. It invades and possesses them, and he's currently near overdosed on trigger..." He tosses the villain back over his shoulder and the large dragon catches him in her hands.

"I know what he does," she says. "It was in the briefing, and my name is RYU-Kyu."

"Whatever Kyukyu," Horizon warps away, swapped with a few unconscious police officers and D-list heroes.

After a few more warps to deal with generic thugs, he appears in a room with a lone doctor frantically sorting through research papers while typing up some things on a computer.

The doorway to this room was folded away and sealed by Mimic, so the man had no way out on his own.

A failsafe so the heroes wouldn't find him during the raid, and afterward either Mimic or Overhaul could simply come get him, they never expected him to be found after all.

Which is why he doesn't expect Horizon to warp into the room.

And silently sneak up on him, watching over his shoulder as the man frantically looks through all the 'Research' they did on Eri.

After a few seconds of observation, Horizon has seen enough.

"I need that," he says.

"Wh--ahh!" The man feels Scalpel pierce his shoulder through his back, and down through his thigh, staking him to the chair before he can even turn around.

Horizon shoves the chair to the side, sending the man rolling, before he uses Takt to levitate the computer and all the files.


He warps with everything and the man to the police barricade, and the heroes are appalled by the way he crudely kept the man seated.

"Kyukyu!" Ryukyu looks over at him, and grimaces at the sight of the doctor. "Don't feel bad for the guy experimenting on kids...keep him and all his research in sight, I have questions for him."

The last thing he sees before warping away is Ryukyu snarling at the man as she shrinks down to gather up the documents.

"Can someone please help me?" the man asks sheepishly, wincing in pain and gesturing to the sword piercing his back, coming out through his shoulder, then going through his thigh and into the chair.

"That's nothing compared to what you did to Eri," Ryukyu says with no emotion, not even looking at him while she gathers the papers. "You'll be fine..."

Horizon appears beside Suneater, who was currently sitting against a wall with bruises all over him.

Laying on the floor of the room were three unconscious members of Overhaul's personal guard.

'Not surprising from the strongest person here...before I arrived atleast, the one person I can trust to do their job. Nice work Suneater.'

Horizon does another quick Scan to ensure he doesn't miss anything, then sends Suneater, the Yakuza, and the raid members from this area to the police outside.


Horizon appears in a small medical room, seeing Red Riot on one of the beds wrapped in bandages, with a Yakuza in the bed opposite him.

Standing in the room is Fatgum who was currently thin, 'so that's what the stored energy does...a big counterattack that leaves him skinny,' Horizon immediately realizes.

But across from Fatgum is a Yakuza, who just like him was bandaged up.

"What the fuck is this?" Horizon asks. "Having tea with the enemy during a raid, something you want to tell me Fatgum?"

"Wait it's not like that," Fatgum raises his hands in protest. "We just got done fighting and this guy showed us to this room," he gestures to the Yakuza behind him. "He's actually pretty cool and just likes fighting..."

"HE, is an IT," Horizon says. "As in it's another task on our list, nothing more."

"Hey!" Fatgum furrows his brow. "You can't just treat them like that, villains are people too! Beside its not like I wasn't gonna arrest them..."

"Save it for the debriefing---"


They're all warped to the police on the surface, and everyone is confused by Red Riot and a Yakuza on bed rest.

The police raise their guns and nearby heroes get ready for a fight, only for Rappa to raise his hands in surrender.

"Wish you showed up when I was ready for a fight, would have been fun brawling with you!" he says to Horizon.

"I'm not a brawler, I'm a surgeon, and you'd just be more meat on my operating table..." Horizon turns away and gestured for Nejire and Froppy to walk with him, leaving the others to deal with Fatgum's mess.

Ryukyu sees this and keeps an eye on them while having some officers pack the evidence away.

"I'm going after Eri and Overhaul now," Horizon says.

"Finally!" Nejire cheers. "Let's go, but why didn't you do that from the start?"

He raises his hand, and his bloodied sword appears from the doctor's body into his grasp.

"The situation down there is a stalemate, and Overhauls Quirk is dangerous, plus the longer he doesn't know I'm here the better. If I warped her out he could have just brought down the building and neighborhood, and there isn't anywhere in this city I can warp him to that's safe..."

"So you left him for last, smart," Nejire says.

"Yeah, now get ready to catch Eri," he says.

"What?" Froppy asks.

"You'll see," he slashes diagonally at the floor, leaving a seemingly small slash in the road. But it reached all the way down into the basement of the Yakuza building.

Finally freeing the hostage.


Horizon is swapped for a small white-haired girl, currently encased in a stone spike that was rising from the wall.

Nejire and Froppy snap out of their surprise and grab onto her before she hits the floor, then all three girls look at each other confused.

In the same instant Horizon arrives at the lowest room of the hideout, standing behind Nighteye, Lemillion, Bubble Girl, and Rock Lock.

And across from them is Overhaul, a few of his Yakuza, and what he now notices as the two Nomu he was called to deal with.

"'re the boss?" Horizon casually asks Overhaul, seeing the man clearly pissed off at losing Eri...

"Yeah," Overhaul grits out. "I'm the boss..."


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