MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 197(Morning Bonfire)

CHAPTER 197(Morning Bonfire)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---9AM, October 23rd, 2315...

Under the morning sun, in the strong winds atop Horizon tower.

A man was currently chained to a chair, hands tied up and entirely restrained.

Drenched in gasoline.

He had tears streaking down his face as he whimpered, begging for this to stop.

And in front of him was what would be Japan's greatest Pro Hero, the rising moral compass of Hero Society.

Horizon, standing with his sword hovering at his side, and a flare in his hand as he looks down at his prisoner.

"Please I swear I don't know anything, they never told me a name!" The man screamed, but nobody could hear him.

Not through the winds this high up, as if the sheer altitude from the streets wasn't enough insurance.

"I know you're lying, so just tell me the name of the place," Horizon says, waving the sealed flare around. "Don't you know what this is, and what I poured all over do you think this ends?"

"No!" The man yells in denial. "You're bluffing, you're a hero! You can't do this to me!" he rattles his chain, trying to cool his skin and the chains, ideally he'd make them brittle with his Cold Touch Quirk and shatter them.

But nothing happens.

"Your Quirk won't word dumbass," Horizon reaches behind his back and displays the man's own heart, still beating rapidly and sealed in a gel-like cube of spatial energy. "Now tell me what I want..."

"Please, just let me go! I won't tell you anything!"

"That time you said 'won't', see, you do know what I need," Horizon grips the heart, and the man feels a small heart attack in his chest.

He almost sees his life flicker before his eyes.


"Where is Wolfram? I know you're his eyes in Tokyo, he was using you to keep an eye on me, and look where it got you, just talk and this will all be over."

"He'll kill me," the man mutters out between pained gasps.

"And you think I won't?" Horizon gives the heart a good squeeze, and the man's eyes roll back as the pain knocks him out.

"Argh! Get up!" Horizon kicks him in the face, hard enough to snap him awake and almost send the chair tumbling over.

Luckily it was securely tied down.

"Ahhh!" The man screams. Then he gets quiet, desperately trying to catch his breath.

"If you aren't gonna talk, then I don't have any reason to leave that useless mouth intact," Horizon says.

The man's eyes go wide as he sees the 'Hero', reach behind his back, under his jacket. And take out a small pouch that's always attached behind him at the back of his belt.

It hovers in the air and opens with a flick of Horizon's hand, and out comes a pair of medical pliers. Sliver, blue, and white, and inching closer as Horizon grabs his jaw and forces his mouth open.

The man gets a proper look at his reflection in the visor, the scent of gasoline masking his excrement as fear overtakes him.

He tries to pull away but Horizon's grip is like a vice, keeping him in place.

"We'll start from the back..." Horizon says, almost playfully as he reaches in with the pliers and grabs a molar from the back of the man's mouth.

"Nnngh! Ahgnhh!" The man tries to talk but the tool is preventing it, as he feels force being applied to the tooth.

"You'll have a chance to talk after, now is time for punishment, because I hate having to ask twice."

The sound of flesh and gums ripping precedes the taste of blood and warm liquid flooding his mouth.

Horizon steps back as the man screams in pain, which only makes it hurt that much more.

"Get your shit together before I ask again, you've got about eighty more tries...teeth, fingernails, toenails...then I'll go for the fingers and toes...I rather save the eyes for last. The faster you talk, the more piece I leave intact, just saying."

The man opens his mouth and a flood of blood pours into his lap, "---monster," he says through the pain and gargling.

"Monster?" Horizon chuckles. The man looks up to see him casually turn around to gesture toward Tokyo all around them. "I'm Horizon, UA's golden boy, Japan's next Symbol Of Peace, these people love me, they'll worship me, I'm the Hero here...I'm the only Hero these people need.

I'm so perfect that even if some filthy villain like you says the worst things about me. All it will be, is a poor man's attempt at slandering Japan's favorite son, because I'm the only Hero here, and I'm always the only Hero that matters..."

The man's eyes widen as he realizes exactly how serious Horizon was being, and a new wave of fear rang through his body.

All the thoughts of this being a child's over-the-top attempt at playing 'bad cop' were now gone.

He was in the hands of a monster, and he'd never been more scared of a 'Hero' in his life.

"Now, where is Wolfram?" Horizon asks, taking careful and slow steps up to the man, dropping the heart to the floor.

Seeing this the man considers his options.

He knows the people he works with will kill him for sure if he talks, more than just violence like Horizon is doing.

'But he's still a Hero, he still wants to be a Hero. He can't kill me, right?' he wonders as Horizon now stands above him. 'He won't kill me, and I'll just report him for this...'

"I don't know," he lies through the pain of even moving his mouth.

Horizon freezes, then sighs.

He drops the pliers and they float in the air, alongside the medical pouch, his sword, and the sealed flare.

"Alright, fine, you win---" Horizon relents.

The man forces a smile, even with his quickly swelling mouth.

'I knew it, the brat was just bluffing, can't believe I ever fell for this...the news is gonna tear him apart when I tell them about this!'

But his victorious smile becomes a look of absolute dread at Horizon's next words.

"---I guess I'll skip to the eyes..."


The sound of popping and squelching is easily overshadowed by the cries of anguish as Horizon suddenly holds his head and digs his massive fingers into the man's left eye socket, destroying the eyeball before tearing it out.

Leaving the exposed nerves in the eye socket somewhat hanging out in the winds atop the tower, causing all the more pain for his guest.

"Look what you made me do," Horizon says as he steps back, dropping the crushed eyeball to the floor. "Well, I guess 'look' probably isn't the right word huh," he chuckles to himself as the man is still screaming and convulsing in the chair.

After two minutes of screaming and heavy breathing, the man looks up, now drenched in sweat.

Blood flows from his left eye and his mouth, but there is no sympathy in Horizon for him.

"So, I'm gonna ask again, and this time I hope you don't try to test me like that, wh---"

Horizon stop suddenly, confusing the man.

"One moment," he raises a hand and turns away from his prisoner. "Hello?"

The man instantly realizes he's on the phone and tries to scream, but the moment he does.


Horizon warps away.

He sees the objects still floating about, and considers trying to break free. But a quick tug on the chain showed how useless that was. Looking at the floor he could see the puddle of gasoline, excrement, and blood running out from him.

His rapidly beating heart was so casually dropped to the floor a few feet away. And craning his neck as best he can, the rooftop was entirely isolated and towered over the nearby buildings.

There was nobody to see this or for him to signal to.

It was a hopeless situation through and through.

Meanwhile, inside the tower...

Law was walking around, visor off, with his phone floating around him.

Currently on a video call with Nezu.

"Any particular reason for the check-up?" Law asks while walking through he kitchen, getting a bag of chips.

"Last night you requested additional server space and processing power from my super computer, why is that?" Nezu asks.

"Did you not read the data I uploaded into the simulations?"

"I'm a busy man Law, give me the short versions."

Law shrugs and begins eating his chips, as if he wasn't just torturing a man. "I need the power for medical simulations, I just about have enough data to start working on some cures."

"Cures for what?"

"Starting with Dementia and Alzheimer's, things that degenerate cognitive functions, then onto other things like Cancers..."

"Why start with mental ailments?"

"I've got a lot of experience on it lately, it'll be easier for me."

"Alright, I'll allocate the space for you, and what do you plan to do when you create these cures? Will they be sold by Horizon's medical research company, or some other way?"

"I'll own the patent but it'll be free to other companies."

" If you can do this, you should, this helps much more people. But there are easier ways to become a beloved figure than curing things such as this, you do realize that, right?"

"Yeah, but why would I do things other people can already do? Horizon is better than that," Law says.

"Well, you aren't doing it for profit, which is rather strange for you...I don't suppose I'm rubbing off on you?"

"You wish, this is just a good way to establish Horizon's reputation as a boon to all mankind, plus between the grants I'll get from the United Nations and other countries and people after this, I'll be paid well enough."

"You just had to ruin it," Nezu sighs. "I'll make a hero out of you someday...somehow."

"Good luck with that," Law finishes eating his chips. "Can I get back to work now? Was kind of in the middle of something."

"Right, good luck," Nezu says before hanging up.

He warps his visor back onto his head and tosses his pack into the trash, before warping back onto the roof.

His prisoner was a bit calmer now, after that short reprieve.

"So, one more time, where is Wolfram," he puts his hand on the mans head, using Scan to detect any lies.

And the man sings like an honest little bird, only wishing for the sweet relief of a jail cell.

"See, was that so hard?" Horizon asks after a few minutes of simple questioning. "Now we're done here."

"Mhm," the man stiffly nods. "Will you give me to the cops n---"

Horizon raises a hand to silence the man, then steps away and turns his back to him.



"Are you sure? Two of them?" the man hears Horizon asks, clearly not liking whatever news he got.


"Alright, I'm on the way, wait for me to get ther---"


"Damn it! Fine, I'll hurry..." Horizon hangs up and gives an annoyed sigh. "Stupid useless fucks can't do anything themselves."

"Will you give me to the cops now?" the man asks, hopeful even now.

Horizon just looks at him, then tilts his head slightly, "I knew you villains are dumb, but this is a new low."

And with a few casual motions, he grabs the flare from mid-air where it was floating, cracks it open so its lit, and tosses it onto the gasoline-soaked man.

"As if I'd ever let my perfect reputation be so much as questioned because of a mongrel like you," he mutters as the flames consume the screaming man.

Soon he'd be unrecognizable, and Horizon will warp him to the bottom of the nearby ocean, as if this never happened.

And with no trace of him being involved.

Japan's perfect pristine rising star remains fully intact, as it should always be...


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