MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 199(Yakuza Raid Pt.2)

CHAPTER 199(Yakuza Raid Pt.2)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Yeah," Overhaul grits out. "I'm the boss..."

The massive underground stone cavern system of the Yakuza base was tense.

This room had no exit, sealed away by Overhaul when Lemillion and the others entered, taking advantage of the fact that Permeation doesn't extend beyond his body and specially designed Hero Costume.

Overhaul's eyes don't dare stray away from Horizon, even as the young Hero casually takes a few steps forward to stand in front of the others.

At his back are Sir Nighteye, Lemillion, Bubble Girl, and Rock Lock, the only Heroes to make it this far.

Opposite them Overhaul stands beside a Yakuza man who wasn't on the intel they had.

Wearing a white version of their uniform with a yellow plague doctor mask blocking his entire face.

Horizon's eyes and senses focus on the gun in the man's hand, a revolver with 6 Quirk Deleter Rounds loaded and ready to fire.

But the next instant his eyes are fixed on the two Nomu behind Overhaul, the reason why Nighteye called him over this morning.

He does a quick breakdown of them, one thin and lanky, grey-skinned with bone spikes protruding from its joints and spine, arcs of yellow electricity bounding from the tips of each bone.

'The Lurkers encountered one of these at a warehouse they raided,' Horizon recalls data from Edgeshot's updates. 'Its are a mid-class Nomu, which means no Super Regeneration atleast... but it looks exactly the same, guess this confirms they're cloning Nomu.'

His eyes then dart over to the next Nomu, a hulking brute, nearly 5m -15ft- tall and covered in muscles.

Pieces of its purple skin were torn to reveal red slightly glowing muscle fibers beneath, brimming with energy. He also notices both the Nomu having their eyes locked onto him.

'Shigaraki probably gave them some kind of higher-order to focus me if I show up...but if he left them here then Overhaul is in control, and he's more invested in the manufacturing of these bullets than we thought.

But from what I know Overhaul's plan is to destroy all Quirks or something, and Shigaraki is more of a global destruction and chaos type...doesn't make sense. He must have bullied the Yakuza into helping them.

This should mean after this I can probably get Overhaul to give me all the data I need to find the League of Losers. So I need to capture Overhaul...difficult to contain him with that Quirk.

I can't use Injection Shot to disable him from a distance since his Quirk counters is. That mean's I'll zap him first, then just rip his heart out to disable his Quirk, a few moments of contact will be dangerous but manageable, and his Quirk shouldn't work on my body.

Just need to be wary of him using it on my costume. Having to clear this place out and then claim Overhaul killed the other heroes would be annoying, and make me look like I failed to protect them, can't have that...'

In the small moment where Horizon was considering the ups and downs of this fight, Overhaul had to do no such thing, he planned for this unfortunate eventuality.

He planned for the absolute worst-case scenario of standing against Horizon from the moment the Sports Festival debuted him.

Because of the nature of his Quirk, All Might was never much of a concern, but Horizon is dangerous.

'An absolute sense of his environment, range, mobility, and he's a genius,' Overhaul thinks. 'Everyone else is probably locked up already, so its just Chronostasis and I against these freaks...but all I need is Chronostasis, exactly as we planned.'

He sees Horizon draw his blade and point it across at them, "surrender peacefully and you won't have to get hurt. I already warped Eri away from here, she's safe with the other heroes, and all the other forces you had have already been defeated. I even found your safe room with the doctor."

Overhaul's eye twitches at that, "well now, this is rare, a person who lives up to their reputation, you're a bigger freak than I thought."

"You can't win," Horizon says. "Just give up."

"Chronostasis," Overhaul whispers, low enough that only his right-hand man could hear it. "Trust me to heal you, to rescue you...stick to the plan, and our perfect world shall be realized."

"Yes sir," Chronostasis mutters back.

"Just die Heroes!" Overhaul yells dramatically as he slams his hands toward the ground.


Before his hands can touch the floor to activate his Quirk, Horizon warps behind him and grabs him by his purple hair, tossing him into the air.

Overhaul groans in pain from the pulling against his scalp, but is left helpless and without anything to use his Quirk on in mid-air.

Chronostasis doesn't bother helping his boss as the two Nomu are already attacking Horizon, so he simply begins running toward the other heroes.

As he does this he fires two of his Quirk Deleter Bullets, both of which the heroes predict and avoid.

But it gives him enough time to put his free hand beneath his mask while running, initiating their plan.

Meanwhile, Horizon warps away from his new spot, narrowly avoiding a super-powered punch from the brutish Nomu.

The entire chamber shakes from the force of it, 'stronger than the USJ Nomu, they're better at stacking Quirks now...' Horizon realizes as he warps behind the creature and touches it, doing a full scan.

'Muscle Enhancer, Super Power, Shock Nullification, Kinetic Enhancement, Bulk Up...all meathead Quirks, and Shock Nullification means he's immune to blunt force outside of the absolute extremes like Star and Stripe.'

He senses the other Pro's taking down the lone Yakuza and warps away to avoid a bolt of lightning that was about to be shot at him.

And a moment later the spot he was on is demolished by the electric Nomu.


He grabs Overhual's clothes and roughly holds him in the air, continuously lifting him up higher and higher so he can't touch anything.

Sensing another strike incoming from the musclebound Nomu, he swaps places with the electric Nomu.

The strike connects and the sound of bones breaking and electricity crackling can be heard as the floor beneath the lanky Nomu caves in.


Horizon swaps with some of the rubble tossed into the air.


He enhances the slashing and piercing ability of his sword, and stabs it directly into the bulky Nomu's right eye, just barely reaching the brain stem through its mostly open skull.

The monster doesn't even react, only reaching up to grab Horizon, thankfully it wasn't very fast.

With his foot, he reaches down and touches the electric Nomu, and as expected it discharges everything it has directly at him.

COUNTER SHOCK: Grounding Line!

The electricity runs along the current he produces and binds with it, being directed up his sword and into the skull of the other Nomu.

Frying its brain just enough that even with Hyper Regeneration the damage allowed his sword to hit the main nerves and cauterize them.

Retracting his blade he immediately slashes downward, using Incision to split the electric Nomu diagonally into two parts.

He senses Lemillion taking down the other Yakuza member before looking up at Overhaul.

'Huh, he didn't even Overhaul his clothes to break out of my grasp...that was only to buy me a few seconds but he just let me hold him there...'

Horizon looks around the battlefield, noticing how easy it was to capture such a powerful villain, feeling something was clearly off.

But doesn't think much of it, after all, he's Horizon, why would it ever be difficult?

He sees some destruction from the previous battles, then the two unmoving Nomu. The bulky Nomu still twitching because of all the electricity overloading it.

'Firepower like Endeavor would have just fried the whole thing, but it took me using a whole other Nomu to beat it...better than using my new move atleast.'

His attention then goes to a single bloody finger between himself and the other heroes, and the thin trail of blood leading to the Yakuza pinned under Lemillion.

'Something isn't adding up...why is he missing a finger?'

Deciding to handle Overhaul first he warps directly under the man and drops him, reaching up to grab him with an electric palm.

And exactly as he wants, is how it happened.

Overhaul aims to grab his visor and use his Quirk, but before he can do that Horizon grabs the villain's forearm and shocks him into unconsciousness, ending this encounter.

Holding the villain off the floor Horizon looks him over, "well, I expected more from the big bad wonder you guys barely exist anymore, now about that hea---"

"Horizon!" Lemillion's scream cuts him off.

Horizon's head snaps over to the other heroes, seeing Lemillion over the other Yakuza who was on the floor with no mask on, laying on his back coughing up blood.

"You wait here," he drops Overhaul and rushes over to the others. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I didn't even hit him that hard," Lemillion says, clearly distressed by the dying man.

"Stand back," Horizon kneels beside the man and places a hand on his chest. "His heart is about to explode, and his brain...what the hell, it's like he's having a full biological meltdown, I need to---"

The man coughs and a fountain of blood erupts from his mouth.

Horizon sees some bits of green in the blood and beneath the visor his eyes widen.


Before his brain could process the command, before the same globs of blood could fall back onto Chronostasis, everything stops.

Time itself for 6m -20ft- around the body was brought to an absolute crawl.

Only a few minutes later and Overhaul wakes up, sitting up and holding his head. Feeling the searing pain of having his scalp almost torn out and the stinging, sizzling of his left forearm from being tased.

"Mmm," he looks around, seeing the two defeated Nomu, then over at where the others are.

"So it worked, good job Chronostasis, this is why we kept your Quirk an absolute secret..." he says while looking at the scene.

Chronostasis was vomiting up blood and traces of green liquid. The heroes were around him looking on in concern while Horizon was trying to diagnose the problem, exactly as they'd expect from the only present doctor.

"Of course, he can't ignore a person in need, stupid Heroes always running to help, and he's a doctor on top of that..." he says while getting up, keeping his eyes on Horizon.

Taking a deep breath he cracks his neck, enjoying the short reprieve as he walks to the severed finger.

'In tests, that Suicide Trigger Formula we got from the European lab is next-level stuff. Forcing a quirk to evolve and go wild at the cost of the user's life, taking a simple single target time slowing Quirk to an area of effect attack...the ultimate suicide attack.

One that even the mighty Horizon can't detect and warp away from in time. Tests show I should have anywhere between twenty and forty minutes before the Chronostasis bubble pops, that gives me enough time to get out of here.

Get out of their signal jammer range and call Shigaraki, we can always make a run at getting Eri and Chronostasis back later,' he thinks while picking up Chronostasis's severed finger.

Focusing on it he's thankful for how many times he's used his Quirk on his right-hand man, in preparation for the Horizon eventuality.

'Every self-respecting villain should have a plan for that freak...but none are as good as mine,' he mentally gloats as the finger pops into red mist.

Then it rushes through the air toward Chronostasis, sending the command to restructure his body and expel the trigger.

The small cloud of mist that comprises the finger suddenly stops in mid-air as it hits the time bubble, frozen like everything else.

Overhaul narrows his eyes at that, annoyed that the same thing keeping them trapped also protects them from getting hurt.

"Time to get out of he---" His eyes widen in surprise and confusion as he sees Horizon's head slowly, as if moving through wet cement, turn toward him. "What kind of a freak are you?" he growls out as Horizon begins turning to get up and walk toward him.

All in slow motion.

"No no no, this isn't supposed to happen!" Overhaul yells as he rushes toward his only chance of victory, toward the two Nomu...


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