MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 196(Caught in 4K)

CHAPTER 196(Caught in 4K)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"Honestly I  expected a bit more from you," Mei says.

She was currently standing at her workstation, looking over the sketch Horizon brought her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Horizon asks.

"Well, this is like...just less than I expected from you of all people."

"I'm already a miracle doctor, you want me to be a perfect engineer too? Honestly, there is no pleasing you people."

"You please me plenty, but I'm just surprised you aren't as good with technology," Mei says as she makes some adjustments to his sketch.

"I work with meat, not metal. Besides, that's what I have you and Nezu for."

"Mhm, well, I can make this work, but having to make it out of individual parts that can also interconnect with some thin membrane is going to be tough. What's this for?"

"I saw the gear you made for Sero, to bolster his skeletal structure and increase how much pressure his Hero Costume can take. Figured if I could get one of those under my suit it could come in useful."

Mei considers it for a moment. "I made his so he could use his tape to catch heavy objects without his arms being torn off of his body or getting crushed by the force, you need it for the same thing?"

"No, just enough weight for...about 136kg -300lbs-. Think you can manage?"

Mei gets an idea of what he's planning and raises a brow, "This will take a lot of time. Finding materials for what I assume you're planning will be tough. It would have been easier if your Quirk gave you regular Telekinesis, but Hand Of God is more...weird."

"This isn't a combat-based upgrade, just...something a bit flashy that I want. An idea I actually got from All For One. You can send it to the back of the line for now."

"Great, because I've got a lot to work going on with all the Work Studies students requesting upgrades, I'll be making babies non-stop!"

"Any interesting requests?"

"Not really, some Gloves, a new cloak for Tokoyami, a stretchy one, oh and I have to help Bakugo to modify his gauntlets. I'm not allowed to build those so when the company sends them to UA he wants them to be reinforced. Because apparently, you breaking them was the last straw."

"Not like you mind, I'm sure you've been waiting for a chance to get your hands on those."

"Oh yeah," Mei finishes up her sketch, and compared it to his.

It's like he was a toddler drawing while she is an architect.

"Uh, guess that'll do," Horizon says.

"Great, when I'm done with the others I'll work on this."

"How's Shield been doing by the way? Have you spoken to her?"

"Just a little bit, her dad only teaches the third-year students but I go talk to him during his office hours, he's my Hero after all. But I'll be more famous than even the great David Shield someday."

"Well, he's a genius like you, but he got lucky by being the main support for All Might, you're doing the same thing with me, and I'll be a lot bigger than All Might."

"I'm counting on it, his daughter spoke to me once since she's in the second-year classes. Plus she even asked if you wanted any upgrades and offered to help me out. But I don't want to put anyone else's name on your gear... and I figured since you don't really rely on equipment it would be fine to turn her down."

"That's fine, I've got enough as it is, and I haven't even used my medical stuff much. Aside from the scope you made me atleast, but that's still pretty rare."

"I figured as much, plus that explains this new request. Warping makes it obsolete but I'm guessing you plan to use it to make a statement, or a cool entrance, right?"

"Am I getting to be that predictable?"

"Always have been..."


A few minutes later after discussing her upcoming projects, the door to the design studio opens and in walks Juzo Honenuki -Mudman-, and Setsuna Tokage -Lizardy- of class 1B.

Horizon was rather familiar with Juzo, but hasn't spoken to Setsuna much.

"Hey Hatsume, Horizon," Juzo greets them as he and Setsuna enter.

"Hey guys," Setsuna says, then activates her Quirk.

Her head immediately detaches and begins floating about the room, a mop of long green hair flowing about as she inspects all the cool devices Mei has hanging around.

None of them pay it any mind, her Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter, allows her to split apart her body and freely control the parts by a certain manner of Telekinesis, essentially allowing flight.

The parts also regenerate when away from her main body for too long.

A Quirk that would have been much more creepy, had Horizon not set the bar a bit too high by ripping out Shoto's heart on national TV.

"Did you come for you gear?" Mei asks Juzo. "Or did you have more babies for me to work on?"

"Uh just the gear for now, and Tokage wants to look around for something that can help her deliver big hits," he gestures to the floating girl.

"My Quirk is good for recon but not much else, and even if my Work Studies should be focused on mobility and recon, better safe than sorry, right?"

"Good point," Horizon says as Mei begins rummaging through her lockers of gadgets.

"Hey Horizon, did you hear the good news?" Setsuna asks him, floating her head about the room and looking around, but detaching the bottom half of her skull and sending it toward him to chat. "I got a work studies, finally!"

"Why should I care?"

Juzo chimes in, "Your girlfriend got the same offer, from Majestic."

"Majestic? The street magician guy, well I guess it makes sense since he's all about support and versatility, your Quirks are good for that. But what girlfriend?"

"Momo," Setsuna says. "Figured she would have told you already."

"I've been training all day since classes finished, actually since lunch. I got to skip the final part of our exams."

"Guess it makes no sense giving you the first aid exam huh," Juzo says. "Well, I'll actually be working with Sero this week. Crust got called over by Edgeshot to provide support in some case, so we'll be taking the train together tonight."

"Really?" Horizon asks. "I guess that means Mid-Term results are already out, and Sero got about 80% if he's allowed to continue the work studies."

"Wow, you're really out of the loop huh," Setsuna says, now bringing her pieces together, back to the 5ft2 tall -158cm- girl. "Results came out about an hour ago, you're at the top as usual, perfect score."

"Well I'm Horizon, it's expected of me."

"Are you heading over to Tokyo tonight?"

"I've already lost enough days with these stupid exams, and Friday night is time I can't afford to not be out on patrol."

"Wow, you really never stop working, maybe you can join us in training sometime. Our class practices combo moves all the time, and my Quirk counters your slashes so it could be interesting."

"I have more than one trick," he raises his hand, and some electricity dances between his fingers.

Juzo speaks up," Yeah but, well, that doesn't mean learning how to fight as a team won't be useful training."

"I'm more efficient on my own."

"Found it!" Mei yells out as she comes rushing over with a small box and hands it to Juzo. "These are for when you use your Quirk to soften the ground, drop one of the trackers into it. Each of them also project a sonar so you'll be able to effectively 'see' what's floating about under the surface."

"So you plan to use your Quirk to soften the floor, then fight people in it?" Horizon asks.

"Not really, its mostly so I know where to find things. I've had to soften large areas before so the villains don't escape with valuables, but finding them afterwards is a pain. My Quirk: Softening, can turn any inorganic matter into a softer form, I can even make concrete into just a bit more viscous than water now after lots of training, but finding things in it get tough since it's still concrete."

"So this lets you sense where things are, clever," Horizon says.

"Yeah, got the idea from your Quirk actually."

"Juzo's actually really smart," Setsuna says. "He's like our class tactician, alongside Kendo."

"I assumed as much..."

'A highly utility-based Quirk, and I've seen his training, he's got a lot of potential as a battlefield commander, more than Sero and Shinso for sure. They're more like specialists, Mudman could be useful,' Horizon thinks.

A moment later as Mei is explaining the intricacies of the new gear, he gets a message inside his visor.

"I need to go, I'll see you all Monday---"


He warps away before they can even respond.

Arriving in Nezu's office he sees the principal sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea, seemingly relaxing on this Friday afternoon.

"So what's up?" Horizon asks as he sits opposite Nezu, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

"A public imagine issue, involving you."

"My image is perfect," Horizon says. "I'm the 'true hero' the world needs, or whatever other nonsense they say."

"Well, take a look at this," Nezu taps his phone, and the coffee table project a hologram.

It was recorded from a shaky camera, a shootout happening. And from this point of view, the cameraman was also holding a gun.

"A police body camera...oh, I remember this," Horizon says. "How much did they record."

"Just keep watching."

The villains were outgunning the few police officers president, pistols against assault rifles.

The man recording fires a few shots that just barely miss.

And in the chaos, he ducks behind his police car as a hail of bullets slams into it.

"Argh!" he groans, then his hand reaches across the camera up to his shoulder, and when it moves away, it's covered in his own blood.

But a few seconds later, all the shooting stops. The camera continues frantically shaking as the man slowly gets up to peek over his cover, then stands so the camera can see what he sees.

Horizon was in the middle of the shootout, and the three men were no longer holding their rifles.

All the police officers stop, and what seems to be the leader takes a step back.

"Rush him!" the man orders both his subordinates.

One of them slams his fists together, a brawny man, and both his arms from fingertips to shoulder become diamonds.

Horizon raises his sword, and as the man punches forward he cleaves the man's entire arm right down the middle with Amputate, and it harmlessly falls to the floor.

He ducks down and swipes at the man's legs, using Amputate to remove them before doing a full spin and slicing at the man's waist. Then finally cleaving upward, slicing his torso and head right down the middle.

The man begins to panic and wail but was completely uninjured, until Horizon stomped on his head, knocking him out.

All of this happens so fast the second man only has time to rush up and throw his hands forward, spraying a jet of green acid from his palms.


Horizon's light blue, transparent, square shield appears in front of him.

The acid splashes on it and goes everywhere, including back toward the attacker.

The man raises his hands instinctively, only for his arms to be nearly completely dissolved.

His blood-curdling screams are like nails on a chalkboard as the video shows his flesh dissolve, and in some areas so badly it reveals the bones beneath.

Horizon drops his shield and walks past the man, noticing the acid only seems to affect organic matter as he steps through it. A very deadly Quirk for anyone else to deal with.

He sees the puddle of acid slowly inching toward its creator who was unconscious face first on the road, and gives him a hard kick to the gut, sending him a few meters away to safety.

All while the last man is shaking in his boots, his Quirk already active, giving him a third eye in the middle of his forehead, a non-combat Quirk.

Which explains why he pulled out his pistol and was now aiming it at Horizon.

Horizon looks down at Scalpel, his sword, then up at the man, and shakes his head.

"What do you plan to do with that, I'm sure you'll run out of gun before I run out of sword."


The man fires a shot, and Horizon seems to flicker as he instantly deflects it.

The man looks confused at what just happened. As if Horizon glitched in real life.

"Told you, now, surrender, and tell me who you're working for," Horizon says, rather casually considering the situation. "You're moving guns through Tokyo, and I want your boss."

"H-he'll kill me," the man stutters, still pointing his gun at Horizon. "He'll kill them!"

"Not if I get to him first."

"No!" the man screams. "I'll never talk!" he points the gun at his own head.

Horizon just tilts his head, and looks around at the cops to make sure everyone was seeing this. "Really, you're more scared of him than me, oh now I just have to know who he is, and you will tell me..." he takes one step forward.

"No!" the man pulls back the hammer, "I'll do it, I swear!"

"So?" Horizon asks as he begins closing the distance, slowly, casually, to the horror and amazement of everyone watching. "Everyone says that, and even if you do, why would I care, you're a villain, a cop killer, so go ahead... I can stop you at any time, but I'm more interested to know if you've got the balls to follow through."

"Stop!" one of the police officers yells out, but Horizon ignores him and just continues. "He'll hurt himself!"

"I'll do it!" the man yells, tears and snot streaming down his face as he sees Horizon get closer by the second. "I'll kill myself!"

"Go ahead," Horizon says as he keeps walking forward. "Save the taxpayers some money so we don't have to keep you alive in prison, finally doing something good with your life, by ending it..."

"Ahhhh!" the man releases one final anguished scream and squeezes his eyes shut.

"Don't!" some of the cops yell.


The gun goes off, and the man drops it stumbling to the side, feeling the ringing in his ears from the gunshot.

The only damage he suffered as he begins hyperventilating, unable to snap back to his senses, questioning why he was not dead.

Then he fearfully looks back, to see the bullet floating in mid-air, completely stopped before it even left the barrel.

The tears keep streaming even as Horizon approaches, and the man's will to fight and live are completely gone.

Exactly how Horizon wants him for an easy interrogation.

"Tch, couldn't even do that right, what a joke," Horizon says as he now stands directly in front of the weeping man.

Taking his sword he stabs it horizontally through the man's shoulder, then lifts him off the ground, all while the man is screaming at the top of his lungs.


He lets go, and the sword keeps the man hanging in place.

"Now you and I are gonna have a hopefully short conversation about your boss..."

The video comes to an end at that point, and Horizon nods along, proudly.

"Do you atleast see the problem with this?"


Nezu sighs, "Honestly, what am I going to do with you..."


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