I Want To Lay the Very Best!

145 – Something to Chew On

145 – Something to Chew On

"The dress is so gorgeous," the mousey woman said as she paced around Brandy.

She had underarm wings resembling a black cloak with a yellow inner lining, and her cute mouse ears bounced in time to her steps. Her human Partner was picking over Sparky and Morgan's outfits, and Brandy could hear a lot of enthusiastic cooing. 

"Seriously, it's beautiful. You look so good. Are you busy right now?"

She looked so earnestly hopeful it broke Brandy's heart to turn her down. 

"I have a date with these two," Brandy said, waving her hands to Morgan and Sparky. "Sorry, maybe some other time."

"I can wait for another time." The mouse Pokémon grinned and, with a flap of her cloak, glided over the short distance to her Partner and ruffled her neat, black hair. "Stealing you!"

"We can't take one home with us? Look at the yellow-haired one. You'd make a great team," the woman huffed. "I could write about it. We're short an article."

Sparky blew a kiss to the woman who seemed to be some kind of journalist. Or maybe a reviewer?

"We're having a barbecue at Nexus tomorrow. You could maybe cover that?" Morgan said, brushing her cheek with one of her wings and leaning in. "I'd be there. Have you ever met a Murkrow before?"

Her reply was a strangled gasp as Sparky took an arm and hugged it. "Yeah, and I bet you've never met a Joltik like me. I'd give you so much to write about."

"You would, huh?" The woman raised an eyebrow as her Pokémon tried to extract her from the maid sandwich. "A barbecue for Nexus, we might have to crash that."

"You can't invite everyone we meet to it!" Brandy said, grabbing Morgan and Sparky's arms and pulling them to her. "And we can't stop for every person we meet. It'll be dark before we get to the date."

"I can absolutely invite everyone to it." Morgan grinned. "It'll be the most successful barbecue ever held. Spitfire will be in the record books."

"We'll be there!" The Mouse Pokémon, an Emolga for sure, said as she tucked her Partner under one arm. "Stealing!"

She took off with a jump, her Partner squeaking as the Emolga took them with her. 

"She is going to fuck her so hard she won't be able to walk tomorrow," Sparky said as she watched them take off. "These dresses are the best."

 "We're spreading the love." Morgan nodded. "Matchmakers extraordinaries."

They high-fived, and Brandy groaned. Sparky and Morgan got along really well, but only because they were both schemers. It was fun to watch, but it made doing anything a slow process because they couldn't resist stopping to make trouble any chance they got. She needed to bait them harder. 

"Shame we might not make it to my date spot. You were finally going to get me out of this dress."

"We should make a move," Sparky said, tucking herself under Brandy's arm. "Hey, why are you waiting? Aren't we late?"

"Yeah, Brandy, stop stalling," Morgan said, ducking back when Brandy went to tip her hat down and then blowing out her voluminous skirt, twirling in the air with a laugh. "Nice try! You always go for the hat."

She'd be mad, but fuck, they were hot in these dresses. The attention they were getting was entirely deserved. Brandy wouldn't have been able to resist trying her chances if she had seen them. Tempting them by getting her naked wasn't exactly a subtle tactic, but with these two, subtlety was wasted. They'd happily bite into the obvious as long as it seemed fun. 

"I got us a table at the Silver Steelix. It's a nice order by dex bar. Private rooms, comfy sofas, thick walls." Brandy said, "But if you enjoy pounding the streets instead of me, I can call to tell them we'll be late."

"Morgan, fly us," Sparky said, "There's no time to spare."

"Not a chance in this skirt! We're walking." Brandy laughed as she backed away from the two, staring hungrily at her, and turned to head down a side street between two buildings. Unfortunately, it wasn't the right way to go, as it just ended in a forest of steam pipes and cogs. A few women were lying about lazily on the cooler parts of the machinery, and their ears pricked up as they saw Brandy. 

A purple-haired Pokémon flicked up a pair of cute-looking cat ears and flicked a sharp purple-furred tail behind her. "Girls," she purred as she arched her back in a long stretch. Brandy couldn't help but stare at the ass. It wasn't like she was wearing clothes. "Dinner's here."

Another head lifted up to look. This one was a sleek red and black-furred mottled catgirl with a bit more muscle who blew out a small jet of flame that made the air haze. "Dibs."

"You can't dibs a hottie just because you're hot." a third catgirl huffed, a shaggy-haired-looking disaster who dropped down onto the fire-breather. She looked cuddly, in a frazzled kind of way. Her big yellow eyes and sharp teethed smile were shockingly intense as she locked onto Brandy. "Tell her, darling, you want to fuck a girl with something to hold on to."

"She can hold on to my tail while I rail her." Red and black growled. "I'm generous like that."

This was unfair. Coming across a gaggle of hot catgirls when she had other plans? But no, she would get her time with Sparky and Morgan no matter the sacrifice. Even if the temptation to pick up a few scratches first was so, so tempting. 

"Actually, I'm busy!" Brandy said, backing away slowly, her skirt swishing back and forth from the heat spilling off the fire-breathing catgirl. "Just go back to resting."

They all looked at each other.

"Whoever gets her first gets dibs," the purple-haired one said and pounced from a standing start. Sparky's webbing hooked onto the side of Brandy's maid dress and yanked her away to be fielded by Morgan. 

"We should run," Morgan said as an excited tumble of women spilled out of the side street. Yowling as they fought each other to be the one to get to chase Brandy. "Since you don't want to fly."

"Flying is good now!" Brandy said, grabbing onto Morgan. "They'll tear this dress to shreds!"

The shaggy-haired one came out on top of the fight but got a web to the face as they went to pounce and missed, bouncing past in a tumbling ball. 

"Don't fly. Fly." Morgan laughed as she swept a wing to blow a fire whip from the fire-breather aside, "So demanding, but I'll see you to safety."

"Up! Up and away," Sparky said as she hopped onto Morgan's back. "

Morgan kicked off, and with a burst of air, they flew up away from the catgirl mob; the wind tugging at their skirts. They soared over the street, the noise of the fight below fading into the distance as Morgan skimmed over the rooftops. 

"This is fucking cool!" Sparky cackled as she held on tight, partly grabbing Brandy's maid dress to keep her secure as she dangled off Morgan's front. Morgan's air was there to catch her if she fell, cushioning her, but what her mind knew wasn't the same as what instinct felt. It was a terrifying but exhilarating ride through the smog of Motostoke. The stinging of their eyes couldn't dull the pure thrill of flight.

"You think that was cool? Hang on!" Morgan said, kicking up speed. "This will be so much cooler."

There'd been a lot of twirling today, and Morgan seemed determined to win for the most impressive. She dove and twirled as the streets rose to meet them, her skirt billowing out as Sparky and Brandy hung off her and screamed in pure panic. Then she just nimbly pulled her dive up at the last moment and landed with a light click of her shoes on the cobbled streets while Brandy held onto her side and gasped for air to dislodge her heart from her throat. 

"Again!" Sparky gleefully giggled. "Do it with a loop de loop this time!"

"No!" Brandy groaned, "Absolutely not."

"You didn't like it?" Morgan said, "Sorry, did I fuck up?"

Brandy gave Morgan a kiss on the cheek. "It was insane. Fun, but I need to sit down and have a drink."

Morgan shrugged towards the bar. The Silver Steelix sign, still swinging in the wind from her landing. "We can do drinks and a sit-down. Though you mentioned a game?"

Brandy had noticed Morgan's competitiveness, and it wouldn't hurt to give them a chance to think about how to play it while she caught her breath. 

"We'll buy you a jug of lemonade and finger sandwiches." Sparky said, "Spoil you a little. I want to know the rules too!"

"Deal," Brandy said. "Rules are simple. You can ask me to do anything."

"Ooh," Sparky said. 

"But I'll do what you ask to the other person. If it isn't mean. The winner is whoever entertains the other one the best."

"Ooooh," Sparky echoed. "So I have to guess what Morgan likes, and she has to guess what I like?"

"Oh, I'm going to crush you, Sparky," Morgan grinned. "You're very easy to understand."

"You don't know that, new girl!"

Morgan slapped Brandy's thighs. 

"Shit." Sparky looked at Brandy. "How does she know? Can she read minds?"

What a mystery. Brandy was going to ponder it over her lemonade and sandwiches. 

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