I Want To Lay the Very Best!

146 – All According to Murkrow*

146 – All According to Murkrow*

"These dresses are a nightmare," Brandy said as she relaxed on the leather couch. "I swear everyone in the bar was watching us."

"Oh, they were," Morgan smiled as she offered Brandy the straw from her glass of lemonade. Brandy nipped at it and took a long drink, enjoying the cool feeling of it in her throat even more than the sweetness. "Were the eyes a problem? I thought you enjoyed being desired?"

Brandy blushed and tucked her head under Morgan's hat to nudge at her head. The teasing nature of it was obvious, but it was also a good question. Brandy enjoyed Pokémon looking at her with a bit of hunger, so why did she feel so jittery when the numbers got bigger? She wasn't a socially anxious person. Brandy found talking to people rather easy, even if she inevitably talked their ears off about Pokémon. 

"It's a lot." she settled on. "I don't think I'd be able to handle that much attention."

"You don't have to!" Sparky offered her a bite of a sandwich. Something with cucumber in it, not her favorite, but Brandy bit into it any way. It was actually pretty good. The spread they'd put with it gave the cucumber some much-needed kick to go with the crunch. "Sometimes you can just enjoy something and not have to reciprocate."

Brandy sunk into her dress a little, back sliding down the sofa. 

"Aw, she disagrees but doesn't want to argue." Morgan took the straw and blew down it, a puff of air washing over Brandy's face. "Since I can start the game, tell Sparky why you hate being spoiled."

"I said you could ask me to do anything, but it can't be mean."

"So don't be mean." Morgan tapped Brandy's nose with the straw, sucking on the end like she was trying to drink it. It was so stupid Brandy couldn't help but snort. "Come on, I think telling Sparky why you always want to give as good as you get shouldn't be embarrassing. You're allowed to disagree with me."

"I can guess," Sparky said, "If it's easier?"

That felt like putting Sparky on the spot. She jumped in to help Brandy, which was as sweet of her as ever, but she couldn't always let Sparky take the hits. Even if it supported Morgan's argument a little, not letting Sparky take the heat for her. 

"I want Pokémon to be happy. See them smile? Get what they want." Brandy pulled at Sparky's fur to bring her closer. "Which is hard to balance, but I'm doing my best."

It was rare to make her Pokémon squirm. Brandy knew they found her hot, but their lust for her was something they rarely ever got shy about. Sparky couldn't look her in the eyes, trembling with excitement against her hand as Brandy ran her palm across the top of Sparky's chest.  

"It's simple, but that's really it. I just want everyone to come away happy. It's hard to do when there's a lot of you." Brandy looked back at Morgan, who had a very thoughtful look on her face. Studying Brandy like she was some unusual Shiny type and not her Partner. 

"You think we don't enjoy making you smile? We want to spoil you sometimes," Morgan leaned in, letting Brandy get a look down her cleavage. "I don't mind sharing this time, but someday, I'm going to steal you away, press you down against something hard, and rip orgasms out of you until you're a husk."

"Morgan!" Sparky gasped. Morgan looked at her, confused, only to find a big bug grin as Sparky cozied up to Brandy's side and put her head on Brandy's shoulder. "She needs details. Brandy, listen to all the details."

Brandy's attention could not have been more focused. She was hanging off Morgan's every word, though her eyes were stuck in that feathery cleavage. The glossy black feathers just made it all the more enticing. It looked so soft. Maybe Sparky would ask her to get her face in there? Perhaps she could radiate her need out to the Joltik.

Morgan put a finger under Brandy's chin and lifted her gaze into those big, red eyes. The radiating plan failed because Morgan's aura was so much stronger.

"I know you're good at riding Pokémon, but that's not what I'm going to do to you," she said with a husk that made Brandy's spine tingle. "You're going to eat dirt while I fuck you until you can't walk. I'm going to use you, Brandy. Every inch of that beautiful body, mine to play with."

Brandy tried to reply, but it came out as a strangled squeak. Her body burned with the idea from tip to toe. 

"This is awesome," Sparky said as she nibbled at Brandy's earlobe. "You're so fucking good at this."

Morgan tipped her hat to Sparky. "I try, but as fun as it would be to get her to just answer questions all night. I think we both want something."

"Thighs, thighs, thighs, thighs." Sparky clapped. She even leaned in to slap at Brandy's hands until she helped her clap, nuzzling the side of her head as their palms clapped with electric jolts that made Brandy's fingers tingle. 

"Not thighs."


"I said what both of us want," Morgan said, a finger raised. "You have to learn about me too. She set this up so we could both bond."

"I knew you'd both enjoy it!" Brandy cut in quickly. "The bonding was a bonus."

"Sure it was. You are very good at packing a lot into some simple gestures." Morgan said.

"Should have seen her with Mercury." Sparky nodded. "Packed so much in. Was impressive."

The Mercury rematch had been simmering away in the background for a while. Brandy didn't really have a good response to it beyond getting stronger, which moments like this helped. She didn't want to think of it that way. This was just something her Partner wanted and needed. If it also made them all stronger, then that was just good Training. 

"She can do a little with a lot. So you can touch Sparky. With one finger." Morgan said, waving her own finger at Brandy. "She can rub against you, but you only push back with that finger until I say otherwise."

Sparky looked longingly at Brandy's thighs, but she leaned her head in, presenting her chin. Instead of going under it as offered, Brandy reached out and hooked her finger into Sparky's mouth and pulled her by the cheek into a kiss. She couldn't kiss back by Morgan's rules, but the press of Sparky against her lips was good enough. The weight of her body atop Brandy's, Morgan's hand rested against the small of Sparky's back, pressing her down. The points of her fangs teased along Brandy's lips, threatening to turn the kiss into an orgasmic Bug Bite.

Good, really good. Brandy barely knew what to do with the finger. She settled for stroking it between Sparky's cleavage, the warmth surrounding it as the flesh pressed in. Then down her trim stomach and over the top of her cock. Teasing the hard muscle with that tiny bit of contact, making Sparky shiver with anticipation. 

"Fuck me," Sparky growled. But Morgan clicked her fingers and tutted. 

"The rules are you can make her do things to me, not you. No cheating now."

Right, she had set that up so they'd work together. It was so easy to forget. 

"Ask Morgan to make you fuck me."

Morgan clucked her tongue again but tipped her head to Brandy. Bowing to the rules.

"Morgan, make me fuck her," Brandy said. "She needs it. I need it."

"No," Morgan smiled, taking a sandwich and having a bite so that she could appear like even more of a smug asshole right now as they both stared daggers at her. "Ask her to beg me."

Oh, the little feathery sneak! Brandy wasn't going to allow her to twist the rules. 

"No mean requests, remember!"

"And I know Sparky, making her beg is not mean." Morgan gave them a side-on glare with her bright red eyes as she took another bite of the sandwich and tipped it to Sparky. "Look at her and tell me she doesn't want to."

Sparky's expression was hard to read at first, her lips drawn in a tight line, but Brandy could tell the wheels were turning in her mind. She could feel the throbbing hardness against her stomach as Sparky got excited at the thought of it. Morgan had a point. Sparky would beg if she thought it'd bring a smile to someone's face. Her deep desire to please others matched Brandy's own. Of course, Sparky's desire to be ordered about wasn't something Brandy shared since she was a Trainer and in charge. This was just a game she'd thought up. 

Clearly different. 



"Sparky," Brandy said, sliding her finger to the underside of Sparky's cock and dragging it along the bottom. The keening whine that coaxed out of Sparky's throat made her feel so darn powerful. "Beg Morgan to let me crush you with my thighs."

"Morgan, please," Sparky said, voice pained as she pawed at Brandy. 

Not good enough. They both could do better. Brandy knew that. 

"Beg harder," Brandy growled, leaning in to kiss Sparky's neck. "Make her want to say yes."

"You can have my control." Sparky said, "You can order us both about. Just let her at me. I can't wait any longer." Her voice buzzed as her rows of blue eyes stretched wide, pleading with Morgan as cutely as she dared.

"I get to order both of you about?" Morgan grinned. "No complaining?"

"None!" Sparky groaned. Her cock was so hot against Brandy's finger that she could have put Calcine to shame. The poor Bug would pass out from lack of blood to the brain if she didn't get some release soon. "Whatever you say, I'll do it."

"Perfect," Morgan clapped. "Then let's really get this game going. Brandy, since Sparky is such a good girl, enjoy her for a moment. However you want."

Sparky's sigh of relief blew over Brandy's lips as Brandy got a firm hold of Sparky's hips and pushed her back. But Brandy wasn't looking at Sparky right now. 

She saw Morgan's sly grin. The evil glint in her eye. Like she'd just pulled off some terrible coup and was ready to reap the rewards. 

Well. At least they were both having fun doing it. Brandy couldn't ask for more than that.  

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