I Want To Lay the Very Best!

Side Story – A Little Spice is Always Nice (18+)

Side Story – A Little Spice is Always Nice (18+)

"Paprika, I can tell when you're not paying attention to me." lightly admonished the Pokémon, busy railing Paprika over her office table.

It was hardly fair. Paprika had been really trying and only stared a little at Bonnie's chest. She'd kept total focus when Bonnie had sunk her fingers into Paprika's long blue hair and pressed her down over a table. Paprika had maybe had a few distracting thoughts when the short, pastel blue-haired Pokémon had pressed her will into Paprika's mind, made Paprika get so wet her thighs glistened, and then puppeted Paprika's body so her ass was raised for an easy mounting. A few words had been lost when Bonnie had crammed several inches of dick into Paprika in one sharp thrust, slamming her over the table and sending half of Paprika's paperwork sailing across the room. Maybe a sentence or two were skipped over as Bonnie yanked on Paprika's hair and whispered a few honeyed words into Paprika's ear that made her entire body loosen and accept all that Hattena dick.

But she'd definitely been paying attention and knew exactly what Bonnie had been talking about.

"I was paying attention!" Paprika squeaked as another thrust had her arm flail out to grab her desk's edge for support, a cup full of pens sent sailing out across the room. "How could I not? Arceus, you're so fucking good at this. My attention is all yours."

"Really," Bonnie said. The Hattena hilted herself fully, her stiff shaft so deep in Paprika it felt like it radiated golden warmth directly into her stomach, every inch of Paprika's body singing out in praise. "So what was I talking about?"

This was where Paprika showed she wasn't just a horny researcher but one who'd go far!

"How hot you are," Paprika purred, rolling her hips back along Bonnie's dick, the rippling of it over Paprika's folds making her crush her head into her desk. So fucking good. "And you've got two Evolutions to go, so you're starting on such an incredibly sexy base. Good curves, an amazing dick, and soft, smooth skin. I'd talk about myself all day if I were that hot."

With a frustrated sigh, Bonnie gave Paprika a few heavy thrusts that made her desk rattle. One leg snapped with a loud crunch, everything that hadn't been knocked off her desk bouncing off Paprika's naked body as it rolled away.

"I'd think that was a shameless attempt to get out of trouble if you weren't so unfailingly honest." Bonnie slapped Paprika's ass, making it jiggle as the researcher writhed about happily on the end of her cock. "You're an excellent researcher, but I'm getting in trouble because you still haven't done your Galar Starters."

The gentle feeling of Hattena poking about in her head to make sure she was paying attention just added a thrill to the hard fucking she was getting. Paprika had been a tough researcher to handle until they'd assigned her to Bonnie, who specialized in handling Researchers who were a little too enthusiastic at the job. She could hammer a briefing into the mind at the peak of orgasm and make it impossible to get out of your head as you remembered the high. Paprika hadn't missed a single deadline under Bonnie. She really was the best boss ever.

"Sobble, Grookey and the Scorbunny. I remember." Paprika purred as Bonnie pounded her into her desk. Even the heavy log books had dropped off now. All that was left on it was sweat, scratches, and the lone Binding Ball she'd kept from when she was an aspiring Trainer.

"You remember? Do you really?" Bonnie admonished, "I never even considered you hadn't done your Starter Set when you came to my office. You're not even officially a researcher until that's done, so I'm going to make sure you don't forget this time."

Paprika felt her mind gripped in Bonnie's psychic grasp while her hips clapped against her ass. Bonnie had driven herself deliciously deep, and ripping an orgasm out of Paprika's pleasure-soaked mind was trivial. Bonnie used that blissful high as a burning stamp, pressing it into Paprika's mind so firmly that the pleasure of being fucked was firmly entwined with her orders to get her Starter Set done. Bonnie knew how to push Paprika's buttons almost as well as Sarrisa, so she certainly wasn't going to forget it quickly, the orgasm that tore through her leaving her limbs slack as she panted on her destroyed desk, rubbing her head against the hard wood to try to work out all the gooey, golden feelings sparkling in her mind.

"Good Girl," Bonnie said with one final slap to Paprika's ass. "Take Sarrisa with you. Oh, and Paprika?"

Paprika made a mumbly noise of recognition, the post-orgasm high causing her tongue to flop about uselessly out of her mouth.

"Tidy up your desk. It's a real mess."


Paprika was still hugging herself happily at the thought of Bonnie railing her brains out of her head when she got to Mimosa River. It wasn't the biggest of rivers. With a good run-up, Paprika could have jumped over it. It was so small on the Pokédex map that it didn't even feature unless you zoomed in a lot. Water Pokémon preferred bigger bodies of water, but there were local reports of a Sobble hiding out here who seemed distraught, so Paprika had picked them as the first to visit.

As she stripped down, Sarissa was still in her Binding Ball, nestled amongst the pile of Paprika's clothes. Paprika loved Sarissa to bits, but she had absolutely no control over when she turned up and never had. Her career as a Trainer had been fun but hadn't exactly gone well. Capturing Sarissa had felt like a clever move, a Pokémon who could help her with the fighting while she focused on the fucking! She just hadn't banked on how much Sarissa loved the fucking too.

They were perfect for each other, but the life of a Researcher suited them so much better. Hunt down Pokémon with problems, let them fuck her silly, and make a few notes for Trainers who could maybe handle them long-term. Simple and so, so much fun.

The Sobble had to be nearby because Paprika's eyes were stinging, and she could hear a sad sniffling from somewhere along the river. It was a warm day, so Paprika thought a naked dip in cold river water wouldn't be so bad. She was wrong, it was absolutely freezing, and she yelped as she planted one foot in, slipped, and dropped in entirely.

She burst out of the water clutching herself, her nipples harder than Garchomp's abs as they pressed into her arms. "COLD! F-fuck!"

The sniffing of a cry broke out into a full wail, and the stinging in Paprika's eyes intensified so sharply she couldn't stop a few tears of her own. The shock of the cold had left her briefly numb, but it was so much worse after that had faded. It was like someone had dumped her into a bucket of ice cubes!

"No, no, no!" came a panicked voice, though Paprika couldn't see her. "Don't come in the water."

"T-too late for that," Paprika said, her teeth chattered from the cold. "I'm in. Aaaa! It's so fucking cold!"

The water around Paprika suddenly began to froth, bubbles bursting against Paprika's skin as she felt arms wrap around her and curves press against her back. But she couldn't see anything, just her skin dimpling slightly as a warmth poured into her from an invisible hug.

"That's better," Paprika huffed. Her skin felt like it was burning from the sudden shift in temperature, but the warmth of her body was so much better than the icy cold. "Stay with me?"

"S-sure," came the faltering voice. An invisible pair of hands squeezed at Paprika's chest, playfully kneading it as the Sobble sniffled sadly. Paprika wanted to put on a brave face for the hidden Pokémon, but it was hard not to cry when the air stung to breathe. Her eyes itched as she felt warm tears drip onto her back.

"Hey, don't be sad. You got a pretty lady in your arms now." Paprika said, pressing back against the invisible force. The water swirled around a body she couldn't see but could feel. A nice squish to her breasts against her shoulder blades and some lovely thick hips to grind her waist up again. "You're really curvy. Why don't you show me?"

No answer, just some gentle pawing and sniffled sobs. Poor Sobble, unlike most Water types, their form of seduction usually came from women feeling so sorry for them that they couldn't help but try to cheer them up. It would have worked on Paprika, even if she hadn't been tasked to find them. Carefully running her hands over the Sobble's slick skin, she traced out her invisible body until she thought she was holding her cheeks and pressed her fingertips in. It choked off the sniffling sobs as the Sobble took a surprised breath.

"If you're shy, that's fine." Paprika said, "I'm a Researcher. You can do whatever you like to me. A shoulder to cry on, or anything else."

"A-anything?" the Sobble said softly. "People don't like being around me. I make them cry."

Paprika laughed, letting the tears run down her cheeks. "I've had Pokémon make me cry, and I loved it. Crying isn't so bad. Sometimes it all comes out because you feel so good you can't help it."

"I'm not making you feel good, though," the Sobble sniffled. "Sorry."

"Oh honey, that's fine! Just means you're a little behind. Why don't you start? Just grab my hips and do whatever you want."

Paprika liked to think she had some very grabbable hips. Pokémon did seem to go right for them every time, and the Sobble wasn't resistant to their charm either. The heavy press of hands made Paprika squirm excitedly. A partner you couldn't see was a weirdly exciting proposition, every touch came with no warning, and you often had no idea what it even was. Was the stroke along the back of her leg a knee or the Sobble's cock? It was impossible to know, making it all the more exciting.

"If I bend you over, you'll drown." the Sobble said.

"I can hold my breath for ten minutes," Paprika said proudly.

"Oh, you have a Water inheritance?" the Snobble said with a wet sniff. The poor thing was still crying, but she seemed to have plans beyond moping now.

Paprika grinned. "No, just an awful lot of practice holding my breath."

Watching the ends of her hair move like they were floating was surreal, but the Sobble got a firm hold of her locks and gently guided her head down.

"I could always use more practice," Paprika said, leaning to kiss the Sobble's chest. She missed it because what she kissed was far harder than a boob, but the Sobble didn't seem to mind and dragged her down.

The Sobble was warm up close, but it didn't stop the water from being cold entirely, and having the icy chill flow back up her legs made Paprika nearly gasp away the lungful of air she'd taken as she was pressed down into the water. The river was beautifully clear, with an invisible partner; this just meant she got a nice view of the riverbed as something hard rubbed insistently over her lips. She hadn't come all this way just to tease. She happily opened her mouth and let the Sobble stretch out her jaw. She didn't need to see a dick to suck it, her tongue tracing out a rather pleasingly thick length that was puffing out her cheeks.

She was so lost in the delight of exploring the Sobble's cock with her tongue that she didn't even realize the pressure to part her legs wasn't just the flowing river water. The Sobble buried two thick fingers inside her, and the feeling of them stretching her out was so delightful she didn't even mind the cold seeping into her legs. The warmth those fingers spread was making her legs weak anyway. She had to consciously fight off a moan. It'd be embarrassing to be the first lady to drown trying to give a blowjob. Instead, she focused on sucking the Sobble off, licking and swirling her tongue over the tip of her cock, lips firmly clamped to keep the water at bay. Her jaw ached, and her head started swimming from the lack of air. Still, she kept going, wanting desperately to brighten up this miserable Pokémon's day.

The Sobble stroked Paprika's hair, making it all worth it. Getting treated like a good girl always made Paprika's insides go gooey, especially if she was being fucked at the time. The delight was brought to sharp focus when she felt the tip of Sobble's cock push against the back of her throat. She powered on through the urge to choke, it was a struggle, but she managed to get the Sobble's whole cock down her throat, and the tight feeling of flesh against her face was a delight. Though it was a strange cock, it felt like it gained and lost length, like the flowing of water as Sobble sawed back and fore.

She couldn't see her partner, but she could feel the pulse of her cock and the bouncing of her legs. She was undoubtedly enjoying herself, repeatedly drumming one hand on Paprika's head.

Sadly she couldn't make the Sobble come before she had to come up for air, tapping out on Sobble's leg and taking a big gasping breath of fresh air when she rose from the water. Her hair had soaked down, water dripping off her chest and onto her invisible partner. Not even the water drops showed what she looked like, fading away when they touched her skin.

"You sure you don't want to show yourself?" Paprika said as she felt hands grab her ass. Her eyes were stinging again from Sobble's sobs, but the fingers pressed in her made the crying come out in excited fits and spurts. Sobble was doing the classic Water trick of water jets from the fingertips, literally finger blasting Paprika as she writhed on the Sobble's fingers. "Or keep doing that, fuck! You're good at this!"

"I am?" the faltering voice said, "You're not just saying that?"

Paprika answered with a moan. The pressure wash of her insides was so intense her wobbly legs gave out, and she fell onto her invisible partner. Letting her take the weight with a firm grasp of Paprika's bubble butt. "Good," Paprika mumbled.

"Well, um... I should check." the Sobble said, and Paprika felt those invisible hands grip her and lift. The water around her swirled to support her, the frothing bubbles a sensual massage on her skin as she was lifted up out of the water and felt the line of an invisible cock stroke along her stomach. It was impossible to tell how big the Sobble really was despite Paprika's efforts. It just seemed to shrink and grow as it pleased, but there was always one way to find out for sure.

"So, um, are you okay with your territory?" Paprika said, trying to fit some questions in before losing herself to fucking. "Trainers come through often?"

"They don't want anything to do with me." the Sobble said as she made Paprika float about in the air. She was lining herself up, maybe? Or enjoying kissing Paprika's stomach? It was impossible to tell, and the mystery of it was a thrill in itself. "No one wants to cry all the time, and when I fuck them, they say I'm too much."

"Well, they're missing out," Paprika said. "Because you're a natural at fucking. I'll put a note in for a skilled partner for you. That might get you some more visits."

"Really?" the first hint of actual hope in the Sobble's voice. "I can do better. Watch!"

From the sounds of it, the Sobble hadn't fucked for a while, and all that pent-up energy was getting poured out onto Paprika. She had a good grip on the researcher as she thrust the tip of her cock up. Paprika rose out of the water like she was leaping for a fish. She couldn't find the Sobble's shoulders to hold, so she had to hang up there, and her own body weight pushed her down onto that wonderfully thick cock. It made her toes curl as it stretched her out, gliding through her insides as it was eased along by the frothing, massaging bubbles. "Incredibly skilled, wow. You're amazing."

"And you look ridiculous."

Oh, well, this is embarrassing.

On the shore of the lake, by her pile of clothes, a woman leaned on a thick-bladed sword that'd been slammed into the ground. The long blue ribbon on the end of the sword wrapped around her naked body, though not in any way that made her modest. She had a fighter's build, well-muscled and tall, with a chest as firm as the rest of her body. Her skin was a beautiful dark tan, and her eyes a pure shining white so brilliant it outshone the rest of her body. The sunlight did odd things to her shadows, shining through her like she wasn't quite there, which Paprika knew well was more or less accurate.

"Don't need to look good when I'm getting fucked this well, Sarissa," Paprika called out. "You want to come join?"

Paprika's only Pokémon gave a shrug. "She's more of a Ghost than I am. I'll fuck you senseless once she's done, just making sure you don't drown yourself trying to make her squeal."

She'd say possessive jealousy dripped on every word if she didn't know Sarissa better. But Sarissa didn't mind sharing Paprika and always made sure to show she'd learned how to fuck Paprika better than anyone afterward. Such dedication!

"Who's that?" the Sobble said, not that it stopped her from stirring her cock inside Paprika. She had no idea how much she had left to take of it, but it already felt like it'd sunk deep enough she wasn't getting off without help. An impressive spear that struck deep inside and clung on every inch of her.

"My first Pokémon," Paprika said, "Back when I wanted to be a trainer."

"She was useless at it," Sarissa said as she walked over the water, the sword trailing behind her from the blue scarf and sticking in the river's stones, just the handle poking out. "I tried to help her, but I've always enjoyed giving more than taking. Researching works a lot better."

Sarissa ducked down to look at the seemingly floating Paprika. Her features always drifted up close, shifting into the shape of many different women. All of them were quite pretty, something that Paprika simply adored about Sarissa. She could look beautiful in a hundred different ways, but Paprika always knew it was her. Her confidence and love shone through. Sarissa hated when she said that, but it was true.

"Usually, I'd give tips," Sarissa said, "But she's getting that glazed, fucked out of her mind look. You're doing great."

"Um... uh... thank you?" The Sobble said.

"Just being honest. Damn, okay, maybe I'll try it."

Sarissa's blue scarf wrapped around Paprika's wrist, and she felt her mind flex as another presence joined her. Sarissa's body walked into her until they were both overlaid, Paprika's skin gaining a tan and her eyes brightening.

"Fuck!" she said in Sarissa's confident tones as the Ghost used her tongue. "It's freezing in here. You'll catch a cold!"

"I won't. The Sobble is super warm." Paprika answered, snatching control of her mouth back. She was so used to being possessed that it didn't even feel weird anymore. Sarissa often took control of her body to fight her way out of a situation, though doing it while being fucked was a bit rarer.

"Mmmf, well, even if the water is cold, the dick is perfect," Sarissa mumbled. "Can you go harder?"

"Harder?" The Sobble said nervously.

"Yeah, absolutely pound my slutty Partner's brains out. She's too polite to ask for it hard, but I feel her body wants it so badly. "

The Sobble gripped and lifted, then drove Paprika's body down and down. Paprika and Sarissa both moaned from the intense burst of pleasure from getting drilled out so thoroughly. She was so fucking deep, and yet her bubbles had just let her glide through Paprika like it was nothing. Absolute bliss.

"Big," Paprika burbled, "but I think I got it all. Wow, I'll put Size Queens down too."

"Oh, that's only halfway." the Sobble said, "You want it all?"

"Half?" Paprika briefly panicked. That had to be a joke, right? Sobble's weren't huge things. There was no way she had a cock nearly as long as she was tall! "Would it all fit?"

"Let's find out," Sarissa said, taking control of Paprika's tongue. "Here, I'll hold your shoulders. You want to fuck her until she passes out?"

"Y-yeah," the Sobble said. Paprika could hear the blush in her voice, she tried to grab the tongue back, but the trembling press of the Sobble inside her made her mind spin so badly she fumbled it.

"Want to fuck her until all she can think about is how good you are? Until she's so full of you, she's more Sobble than human? "

"Yeah!" the Sobble said, "Let's fuck her up! And uh, you too?"

"Oh yeah," Sarissa growled with Paprika's voice, "You're going to fuck me senseless."

What followed was a relentless session of deep and hard fucking from two partners Paprika couldn't even see. Her body was used like a rag to get the Sobble off, and Sarissa encouraged her to keep going, no matter how much Paprika lost it. Her moans became frantic, her limbs losing control to Sarissa as her brain was rattled about in her skull and soaked deep in pleasure. The Sobble was just so fucking deep it felt unreal, Paprika's insides were pressed out, and she was ravaged so thoroughly she was worried she might actually test the limits of how much a human can take. They were suited for every Pokémon in theory, but it took a brave person actually to test that and Paprika was really feeling stuffed beyond what should even be possible. It was glorious. Every orgasm Sobble rung out of Paprika seemed to excite her until she wasn't even crying anymore, and her voice was confident.

"She's so good at taking it," the Sobble said proudly as she bounced Paprika on the end of her cock. "And so tight. I could fuck her for hours."

"Oh, she's not busy," Sarissa laughed, making Paprika squeeze her breasts. "You reduce her to mush in here, and I'll remind her of the details later."

The water swirled as a glow took shape, a bright light filling out a woman's body with thick curves and an even thicker tail wet with Paprika's juices.

"Wait, that was all your tail?" Paprika said through the pleasure haze. "Oh, of course, that explains its size. Wait, this means you haven't even fucked me properly yet!"

"Oh, should I do that?"

"YES!" Sarissa and Paprika yelled as one.

No wonder Trainers all got scared of her. She'd been accidentally tricking people into thinking she was a Sobble with a dick several feet long! She'd have to put that in the report. It was possible this wasn't a singular occurrence of this rather pleasurable but embarrassing mistake. Getting Sobble's a bit more understanding and love would be nice.

"I feel really fucking good," the Sobble said and stretched out, the white light surrounding her body. Paprika squealed as the tail within her thickened, its tip curling inside her and making her heart flutter. As the white light faded, Paprika finally got a good look at her partner. Light blue skin, big wide eyes, and a colorful mop of hair draping down one side of her face made her look incredibly relaxed. Not a tear in sight.

"You evolved!" Paprika gasped.

"Mhm." the Sobble, no, the Drizzile said with the thinnest of grins. "Don't feel so bad about myself. Thanks for cheering me up."

"New dick!" Sarissa cackled. "Fuck her with it. We missed out. You got other holes for that tail."

Sobble hugged Paprika to her and blew some bubbles along her stomach, the soothing fuzz blowing away some of her aches. "I guess I'm not afraid of what you'll think. Let's try fucking with tail and dick. See if I'm good at that?"

The Drizzile was very, very good at that.


"You not got any chicken soup?" Sarissa said, "Or is Paprika the only one here who isn't allowed a cock in her mouth?"

Bonnie and Sarissa did not get along. The Hattena liked people to be quiet and, if possible, bouncing on the end of her dick. Like the woman in the suit she had pressed under her desk, slobbering herself along Hattena's cock.

"I'm fine, really," Paprika said groggily, hugging all the blankets Sarissa had made her wrap herself up in until she a walking shambling mound of warmth. "It's just a little cold."

"You nearly got hypothermia in that river," Bonnie said, though she couldn't sound mad when she was busy fucking the businesswoman's throat so roughly she was going to choke out on it. "If not for your Wild Evolution, it'd have been an embarrassing report. Well done on that."

"Thank you." Paprika sniffed groggily. "Worth getting the cold."

"You'd agree she did well?" Bonnie said, looking down at the woman on the end of her dick. She had a tidy clipped black haircut and some gorgeous purple lipstick on. Not only did she look incredibly tidy, but she was gorgeous to boot, with a chest that made her work shirt's buttons scream in pain to hold it together. Paprika would have felt blessed to have a woman that pretty between her legs.

"Paprika," the businesswoman said, "While Bonnie has put you forward for a promotion, you have not passed your trial phase, and we cannot in good practice all-"

"Can I fuck her?" Sarissa cut in. "She talks too much."

Bonnie turned the businesswoman back to her and filled her mouth with dick again. "She came to tell me to let you go; I'm convincing her that you are a valued team member."

"Thanks, boss," Paprika put a thumbs up and gave a groggy sniffle. "Love you too."

"It's not because you're a good fuck," though Paprika didn't have to be a mind reader to know Bonnie enjoyed fucking her. It probably factored in a little. "You have an incredible work ethic and a talent for the job. You just need better management."

She dragged the woman off her cock and looked down at the woman with spit trailing down her mouth, Deep black eyes with a white cat slit gave her a terrifyingly dominating stare. "Pauline, can she have an extension?"

"Mmm?" the woman, Pauline, said, her mind still reeling. "I suppose I can come back another time to deliver this. If she's making progress, I can make a third trip."

"Shameless hussy," Sarissa snorted. "Throw her to me when you're done, Bonnie. I'll show her for disrespecting Paprika."

"'s fine," Paprika said, leaning on Sarissa for support. Forgetting only the sword was actually tangible and falling right through her, landing in a heap of blankets.

"Rest up, Paprika," Bonnie sighed, "You need to make progress on this, and I can't fuck Pauline every time she comes to talk about you."

Pauline made a little purr with her throat, suggesting Bonnie absolutely could do that, but Paprika didn't want to make Bonnie's life hard. She'd have to get her shit together. Well, she could think about this after a nap.

Bonnie was incredibly mad with her later when she finally woke up still in Bonnie's office, Sarissa cackling manically at the Hattena's frustration at the sound of her snoring.


"We don't have to go anywhere!" Paprika said as she lay draped over the Grookey's shoulder.

"We do!" the Grookey said, slapping Paprika's butt with the long switch of wood she carried. Paprika gave a little gasp, making the Grookey laugh hard as they picked up the speed. The Pokémon's lithe, athletic build hadn't stopped her from picking up Paprika like she was made of feathers and taking off at a run along the treetops, leaping nimbly from branch to branch using her stick to nimbly tuck any branches out of Paprika's way so she didn't get hurt. Paprika actually felt quite safe. The Grookey's long brown tail was looped around Paprika's waist to keep her still, which was nice, but her bunches of green hair were blowing in Paprika's face with every jump through the forest, and she was getting hairs so far up her nose that she was worried they wouldn't come back out. It was such a wild ride, Paprika felt like she was being stolen.

Wait, she was being stolen!

"We can do this anywhere!" Paprika squeaked as branches whipped past her head, a few swatting along her rear. "At least tell me where we're going!"

"Secret!" the Grookey said as she focused on her jumping. Paprika debated calling Sarissa out to give her a slap and make her talk, but this was odd Pokémon behavior, and that was catnip for a Researcher. She had to see how this played out.

She wasn't expecting a treehouse, or maybe a tree mansion was a better word for it! Built over three different trees, the log sides had been splashed with white and green paint to give it a wild, splattered look. The Grookey who'd grabbed her slid a stick out from her hair and rapped it over the side with a loud clatter. A massive round of cheering came from inside as they jumped up to slip through an entrance higher than the treehouse's ground floor.

"I got one, best one yet!" the Grookey said, pacing along the wooden roof rafters and bobbing Paprika on her shoulder. Paprika couldn't help but giggle; her enthusiasm was infectious. The room below was a complete mess, pizza boxes strewn across a table, grease everywhere with drink bottles stepped up beside it and beanbag chairs thrown into heaps. A whole lot of people were looking up at them, five Grookey almost identical to the one who'd stolen her, each with a different gal happily hugged up in their lap.

"Almost missed out, Cabasa!" one of them yelled. "We'd almost finished the pizza and was gonna get started on the pizza girl."

Oh! That wasn't just a table. That was a woman bent over a table, her orange and white Cinder Ace Pizza uniform all bunched up, and greasy hand prints all over her body. Paprika giggled again as she threw a pizza box at the one who'd yelled. "Been giving me only tips for an hour now. You better!"

The Grookey holding Paprika, Cabasa, it turned out, hopped off the rafters and landed on a bean bag. Paprika's short, surprised scream cut off as they dropped her into a beanbag with a loud flump and felt hands tug at the edges of her clothes to get them off. She writhed happily to help them out. They hadn't even done anything that sexy to her, and she was already buzzing with adrenaline!

"Pizza Babe," one of the other Grookey said, "You're our audience tonight. You get the prime seat. Once we're done, we'll fuck you until the walls rattle. Promise."

"Pizza Babe? My name is on my nametag!"

"Yeah, well, we probably won't find that. Marimba got a bit excited about getting your kit off. Who doesn't love a sexy pizza babe? You're fucking banging."

There were a few cheers to this, and Paprika rolled on her beanbag to get a look at the situation. They'd made a throne for the Pizza Babe out of the pizza boxes and a pile of beanbag chairs, and she sat atop it, blushing at the compliments. It was some very odd activity for Pokémon, but that's what Research was for. To find out what really made them tick.

Also, everyone was naked now, so it wasn't that unusual.

A Grookey took the center of a rough circle they'd all formed, with a girl dangling off her arms. "You all know Raquel. She's been with us since the start, but for the new faces. This babe has been our biggest fan. We fucking love her."

Another round of cheers, and Raquel took a bow. She had brown hair pulled back into a sensible ponytail and the solid look of a lady used to doing real work, the kind of rough charm you'd expect to find propping up a bar when the sun went down.

"I get them all to come help me move crates when Distro gets busy, but I do love all this," she said, giving Paprika a wink. "They're a good bunch of girls. The lovely Timpani here is their leader. She's got a tongue that hits every spot just right."

Timpani didn't waste any time either, picking up Raquel and holding her close. Their breasts pressed together as their tongues tussled, a heady moan rumbling in her throat. Timpani's fingers pressed into her skin as they kissed, and her squeezes actually made Raquel's moans sound melodic, a warbling sound that had everyone shuffling excitedly. Pizza Girl on her throne, craning forward to watch the show.

"Now, this hot piece of ass is all tuned up," Timpani said, "So let's not fuck about, speed run."

They took turns hopping into the center, explaining who they were and who they'd brought. Cabasa had stripped Paprika down and put her in her lap, the hard length of her cock rubbing along Paprika's thigh as she played with Paprika's body, kneading her chest and laying some kisses on her neck. It really was a fun show.

"Marimba, I'm the hot fingers of the group," she said, holding up a curvy woman wearing an apron and nothing else. She had her hand stuffed down it and was clearly fingering the woman to a blissful orgasm already, her moans coming out in hot little pitter-patters as Marimba touched her up. "I got us a lonely housewife who wanted a good night out. So we're going to show her one!"

A cheer and the next jumped in, "Tom-Tom! I pound," she growled and slapped the woman rubbing her muscles up against Tom-Tom's body. She was a real sexy beast, a tall Amazon who looked like she could fold Paprika up seven times with no effort at all and a bob of spiky black hair that was completely unkempt.

"I thump, I drive, and I make 'em scream. Maize here said she wants a real workout, and I take that as a challenge."

Tom-Tom didn't waste a second after that, pushing the Amazon forward to fall on her arms and just mounting her with an excited growl. The drive of her cock got a long intake of breath and then a beautiful cracking cry of relief as the sensation flooded through Maize.

The next just worked around Tom-Tom, already fucking away, putting her prize atop the Amazon's bent-over ass and then squeezing into a lady blushing so bright she was red.

"Urumi," she said, her voice silkier than the others. It made Paprika's spine shiver against Cabasa's chest and her fingers tight on Paprika to hold her still. "I can bring a lady right to the edge and then spin her there until her breaths so quick it's just a ha-ha-ha-ha" she said, laboring her breaths like a background beat. The girl she had in her grip was young and looked thoroughly out of her depth.

"This sweet little beauty here is called Strawberry. Her little red face is because she's a brand new Trainer who wanted to capture me, and I've promised we'll give her some tryouts, won't we, ladies?"

The cheering got absolutely wild as Cabasa picked Paprika up and lead her into the center, her cock had slid between Paprika's legs, and she clamped her thighs down on it, faltering Cabasa's step a little as her thighs made a go of milking it. "Cabasa," she said firmly, looking over the crowd. "I'm the new girl of the group, still working out my talent."

"Cabasa's had a bad run lately." the leader Timpani said to the crowd. "Every lady she brings in doesn't have the stamina. But we'll find you your spot yet, babe. Who you got in your arms?"

"Paprika, she's a Researcher," Cabasa said, and Paprika could feel the pride puff her chest up against Paprika's back. There were a few ooh's from the other Grookey, and one even clapped.

"Now that is a real catch! She might make it through the entire show." Urumi purred, looking Paprika over. Paprika twirled one curl of her blue hair at her. She was damn well going to try. "Pizza Babe, get ready to have your mind blown!"

Paprika yelped along with all the other women who weren't already face down on the wooden planks of the treehouse. Their partners were fixing that, dropping them all into the center so they were barely a hand's breadth from each other. The Amazon was already moaning her brains out, and Raquel just looked excited to start. All the rest were in wide eye-shock at where this was going. Sometimes Paprika forgot other humans weren't quite as ready to get their brains railed out as she was.

"Deep breaths," Paprika said, "You'll need them, and if it's too much tap out, I got a friend who'll stop them if they don't catch on."

Where was Sarissa's binding ball, anyway? The place was such a mess, and Cabasa had thrown her clothes around pretty haphazardly. Well, the Ghost would show up when Paprika needed her. She was so incredibly protective she'd never let Paprika get away without one watchful eye on her. So romantic.

Tom-Tom was just pounding the Amazon, her spiky black hair waving to flick at the faces of the rest of the ring of humans. It'd be unfair just how pretty she was. She looked like she wrestled Machamp's between charming the pants off Gardevoirs. Paprika would have fucked her in a heartbeat. Tom-Tom was just pile-driving her with thrusts, her ass clapping as it met Tom-Tom's hips over and over. Then the cute trainer, Strawberry began to mewl as Urumi stroked her ass, her fingers flexed up into her and doing something clearly masterful with her cock as she coaxed a wail out of Strawberry's throat that wavered back and fore until it found a rhythm with Tom-Tom's pounding.

"Wait," Pizza Babe said upon her beanbag throne. "This is a concert?"

"Fuck yeah!" Timpani laughed as she grabbed Raquel's legs and dangled her in the air before sinking her mouth onto Raquel's pussy. Raquel's head bobbed just above them all as she writhed, and her breath caught in her throat over and over, a hot breath panting that blended in with Tom-Tom's ass-pounding beat.

"And don't forget to keep an eye out for who the star of the show is, Pizza Girl," Marimba said, slapping the head of her cock against the lonely housewife's ass and stroking it along the groove. She pushed it back needily as Marimba's fingers worked her pussy, a wet trail of excitement already glistening on her thigh as Marimba slowly teased her asshole with the tip of her cock, using it to intensify her wails until she was the lead vocal of the fuck session. This high-pitched cry wavered in and out of the rest of the more steady beats.

Paprika was the only one without something stuffed in her, and she ached for it as Cabasa's hands roamed her body. She was so gentle, one of her fingers coaxing a nipple into stiffness while the other pressed firmly against her clit, still warming Paprika up while the others already got going.

"You can just fuck me," Paprika groaned, rubbing her head against the ground to get some of the tension in her body out. "I can take it."

"My girls are always too soft. They pass out." Cabasa said, "I never get to add to this properly."

"I'm a Researcher, sweetheart," Paprika grinned. "There's nothing you can do to me I can't handle."

Cabasa's eyes lit up. She slammed her stick down by Paprika's head. "Bite."

"I can handle it." Paprika laughed.

"Bite," she said more firmly, squeezing Paprika's ass with a hand until the nails dug in painfully.

Woof. Paprika wasn't about to deny a Pokémon that worked up. She bit the stick, all smoothed out and lacquered. It was made of a softer flexible wood, her teeth sinking into it. It was amusing how Cabasa thought she could do something to Paprika that she wouldn't be able to ha-

Lights exploded behind Paprika's eyes, and her vision wavered as she felt a full body thrust surge through her. Cabasa had gone deep with a single stroke that forced its way past all the resistance Paprika's pussy could put up. Paprika's whole body clenched in response, her spine arching, her hips twitching. Cabasa's cock felt so good, and Paprika couldn't help but make the most obscene sound around the stick she'd sunk her teeth into as her nerves caught up with the brutal thrust and fired off madly. She'd been fucked hard before, but there was usually a little lead-up. Her brain felt like it'd come apart, her whole body split open and crackling with a wild ecstasy.

Paprika tried to get out a gasp for breath, but all that escaped her lips were more moans as the next thrust rocked her forward again, this one just as hard, her body scraping along the floor. Cabasa pulled out the whole way before sinking her cock back in deep with slow strokes that made Paprika's toes curl in delight.

No wonder the other women passed out. They weren't weak. Cabasa had just fucked them so hard their brains had rattled out of their skulls.

Cabasa's chest was heaving, her mouth open wide in a dopey grin as she looked down at Paprika. "Fuck, you feel good."

"Sounds good too!" Timpani laughed as she came up for air, licking Raquel's juices from her lips as the human bubbled happily in her lap. Timpani had sat so she could feast on Raquel's pussy, legs thrown over her shoulders and head in her lap rubbing against Timpani's cock. "Can you make her hit some high notes? We could use some real screaming, get this tune really kicking."

Cabasa was clearly eager to prove herself, and her next thrust had Paprika slide right into the Amazon's head, who wrapped her moaning mouth around Paprika and kissed her relentlessly around Paprika's high-pitched moan. A wet sloppy sound mixed in with Paprika's throat-aching yells, the Grookey all gave their girls a slap on the ass in approval.

"Come on, don't go easy on her," Timpani laughed.

Easy?! This wasn't even close to easy. She felt like she was going to pop like a Drifloon.

"You can actually take it?" Cabasa said, voice trembling with excitement. "I can fuck you properly!"

This wasn't properly? Where was Sarissa? Paprika had made a mistake!

The sounds of the surrounding women got more intense as a wet, sticky pumping noise was added to the already noisy fucking. She'd forgotten about all the tails, and holes were getting filled all around her. Stuffed in mouths to muffle the sounds or any other spare hole to make even more noise. Paprika had it the worst, or possibly best? Cabasa picked her up and turned her, the corkscrewing over her cock, making Paprika's insides flutter madly and an orgasm roll around in her head as she weakly grasped for Cabasa's shoulders. Cabasa had a firm grip on her ass, and her fingers sank in deep as she stretched Paprika apart and just took her with her tail as forcefully as she was with her cock.

Paprika's head rocked back and forth with the thrusts. She felt it was going to come off. Cabasa held her steady by sinking her teeth into Paprika's shoulder, biting down on her skin as firmly as the length of wood in Paprika's mouth. She was very thankful for it now, because if it wasn't there, she'd have probably chewed her tongue right off. The pressure of tail and cock meeting inside her so fucking deep it was like they wrapped around each other, and it had Paprika's body spasming madly as Cabasa tried to fuck her in time with the others.

The intensity of it all was getting too much for her. Her brain was boiling with pleasure, and it felt like she was losing control of her body. Not in the gentle way of Sarissa sharing her body either. This was a mind-melting fucking building with the lewd music they were making to a crescendo that she wasn't sure she could take without passing out. Even for her, this was too much.

She came as the screaming around her reached a fever pitch, and her orgasm hit her so hard that her voice broke into a wordless cry of relief, spitting out the wooden stick in her mouth. Her whole body clenched, her muscles trembling and then snapping to make her squeeze into Cabasa's body.

"Encore!" Timpani laughed. "Fuck that was great. Let's do it again."

Paprika looked into Cabasa's eyes and just saw love and fiery hunger. She'd found a woman who could handle her, and she was going to enjoy herself.

Or at least she was until cold steel pressed to her throat and tipped her head back.

"My turn," said Pizza Girl. She had Sarissa's sword in her hand, the blue ribbon wrapped around her arms, and her eyes glowing. "That was incredible, but I'm not waiting for a second round. You're all going to treat me right."

She fixed her eyes on Paprika and winked. "And take turns fucking my beautiful Trainer here."

A few women were already pretty much ruined, soaked with sweat and moaning softly from a post-orgasmic haze. The new Trainer Strawberry was still awake, but barely, the red flush on her cheeks only brighter. The only pair who hadn't stopped a second was Tom-Tom and the Amazon, hammering away like nothing had changed.

The shimmering form of Sarissa was overlaid on Pizza Babe, and her white eyes glowed a little brighter when she pulled Cabasa out of Paprika.

"Nice cock," Sarissa grinned. "You know why they all passed out?"

"Weak." Cabasa said.

"Nah, it's because you're the best one here, and it's not even close." Sarissa grinned with Pizza Babe's lips. "Well, second best to me. Come on, when I'm in a girl, she can't pass out. Fuck her, and I'll tell you how she melts her mind into a puddle."

And Paprika could catch her breath, hugging some of the other exhausted women, thankfully.

"And the rest of you can fuck Paprika. I'd hate for her to be left out. I've never had her make noises like you did, Cabasa. I want to see what I'm doing wrong." Pizza Babe growled. "Be really thorough with her."

Aw, how cute. Sarissa wanted to learn how to be better. As multiple pairs of hands grabbed her and pulled her over, Paprika felt so grateful she had such a sweet Pokémon watching her back. Her thanks were silenced as two tails plumbed her mouth, and even more, went for her other holes. Oh well, she'd thank her later!


Bonnie turned the page of Paprika's report, tongue-clicking.

"And then you had four Grookey fuck Paprika for an hour?"

"Oh no, I had all six. I think she forgot some bits of it." Sarissa said with Paprika's mouth. Paprika was happy to let her do it. She was enjoying the icepack on her crotch too much to really interrupt. Sarissa's ghostly fingers stroked her cheek fondly. "They let me ride their bodies until Paprika cried and insisted I was the best."

"She's the best." Paprika nodded, briefly taking back her body. "The beeeest."

The Hattena gripped the bridge of her nose. "While a musical band of Grookey is certainly an interesting find, you're not meant to get my Researcher fucked to death, Sarissa."

"She's still living, isn't she?"

Paprika weakly gave a thumbs up. Her arms were so sore the waving limb nearly tipped her out of the chair.

"And all the other women?"

"We got them to the Poké-center." Sarissa said, stealing back Paprika's tongue. "Well, except for that tall buff one, I think she's still going at it. Real monster her, you'd get along."

"I do not fuck women until they need a full-body cast." Bonnie huffed and then flicked her fringe back. "Well, unless they don't fill the forms in correctly. But they only need to learn that lesson once. It says Strawberry bonded with some of them? Details, please."

"The whole band."

"A brand new Trainer bonded with six Grookey?"

"Yeah, she will probably learn a lesson about biting off more than she can chew. But they were excited to go on tour. They're going to be a hit."

"I'll put in a warning with head office to get a track on her. The last thing we want is someone going to the center with severe dehydration. What happened to the pizza girl?"

"She got a really big tip." Sarissa grinned, using Paprika's mouth.

Bonnie flicked the report shut and pushed it aside. "You're going to fill the report out better later. One more to go, though, a Scorbunny. I have one for you ready, but you'll have to be a little delicate. They have a situation."

"Oooh, spicy, who is it?" Sarissa grinned.

"I'm not telling you because they want to explain the situation in person. This is a confidential visit. Absolutely no posting about it on the Dex. No pictures. No videos. Understood?"

"Can I have a rest?" Paprika said, "I'm a little sore."

Bonnie approached her desk and put a hand to Paprika's chin, tipping her head up. Her black eyes were barely visible under her mop of blue hair, but Paprika was still taken by them. She was absolutely gorgeous, and she was only in her first evolution stage. If she ever evolved, Paprika might never get work done again. Pink energy flowed out of Bonnie's fingers and sunk into Paprika's skin. It blew away all her aches and pains in one great rush, like drinking ice-cold water on a boiling hot day. Refreshing to the point she almost came with happiness.

"You're the best boss," Paprika mumbled, pushing the ice pack off her crotch. "Doesn't deserve you."

"Well, that's absolutely true," Bonnie said as she patted Paprika's cheek. "Get this done quickly so I don't have to keep fucking Pauline under the table."

"Oh, I wondered where she was," Sarissa cackled. "C'mon, Paprika, I want to see the big secret."


"Reread the address?" Sarissa said though Paprika didn't know why. They shared the same eyes. It wasn't like it could look any different.

"I'm telling you, this is the place."

"This is a fucking mansion." Sarissa said, "I can see three pools from here. Who the hell is this Scorbunny?"

"Someone really rich. Wow, I see a fourth pool."

Sarissa shifted uncomfortably in Paprika's head. Did she not like pools? It'd never really come up before.

"Well, money isn't everything. Being hot and treating your lady right is." Sarissa said as her blue ribbon looped off Paprika's hand and around the blade handle. "I'm going to watch on your back. Just carry me a bit?"

Paprika had a scabbard on a sash for Sarissa if she wanted to be out of the ball she used, and she fiddled about getting her stowed away before ringing the mansion bell. The ornate gates swung open automatically, and after a little bit of awkwardness Paprika shuffled through. The place was so ostentatiously wealthy, with marble statues of Pokémon set into fountains, immaculate lawns, and a forest of colorful orange and white flowers. Paprika wasn't even sure she was rich enough to look at it.

The mansion itself was even worse. Huge white columns supported the porch, every window a beautiful stained glass that glittered in the sunlight. The entrance was a massive double door made of deep red wood with gold ring handles to pull it open. A maid effortlessly pushed it open and slipped through the crack in the door to greet Paprika. Cute as hell, black hair tied into ringlets and big circular glasses. She had a flush on her cheeks like she'd run a mile before getting here.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here." she said, "Paprika the Researcher, right?"

"Yeah," Paprika said, squeaking as she was picked up like she was made of nothing but hot air and carried inside under the maid's arm, practically running through some back corridors in the house. "Um.. hi?"

"We need you immediately! We're running out of women. They've started on the staff!"

"That's bad. I think. Sorry, I wasn't told much."

"No no, it's fine. We were having an emergency meeting when you rang the bell. You're our last hope."


"Yes, she's already worked through the medical staff!"

The maid threw open a door and revealed a scene that'd be seared into Paprika's brain for eternity. An absolutely gorgeous wood-paneled room with a fully-stocked bar lit by purple lights set into the side, a huge jacuzzi, and enough sofas to host a small army. Though right now, they were instead littered with passed-out women. A lot of passed-out women. A lot, a lot. Clothes ripped, cum absolutely everywhere, and all of them with that happy, smiling, dozy look of the absolutely fucked senseless.

The maid holding Paprika straightened up professionally, putting Paprika down on her feet. "Mistress, I've brought you Paprika as you aaaaaa!"

There was an orange blur, and she went from standing to bent over the bar top in the blink of an eye. "Mistress!"

"Call me Bunny Honey," said the woman, bending her over. Gorgeous tanned skin with big orange eyes and artfully messy white hair, two long white bunny ears peeking out of them with warm orange tips. A big toothy smile that had made a million women's hearts melt and panties drop, Paprika couldn't believe she was seeing. It was like she'd opened the door to Arceus herself.

"Holy shit, you're Bunny Luv!"

"Oh! Paprika, right?" Bunny said as she put one hand on the maid's shoulder, the other holding up her dress while she thrust her hips. She was completely naked, her gorgeous tanned skin glistening with sweat, and she'd moved so fast Paprika hadn't even seen her stick her dick in.

"So big! Fuck me, ah, I can feel it touching my heart," the maid mewled on the countertop. "It's so much, it's so muuuuch."

"Woah," Paprika was still star-struck to worry about the maid. This was the actual Bunny Luv! She was going to help Bunny Luv! "I thought all the dirty talk in porn was fake."

"It can be." Bunny laughed, holding the maid's shoulder tight as she fucked her so quickly the bar table rattled. She didn't stand a chance, her mumbles about size and prowess becoming a mushy garble in her mouth as she got her mind completely rocked. It was a loud fucking, the bar table was banging with every thrust, and the maid was popping out of her dress, thanks to all the friction. She had some incredible curves, which Bunny played with casually as she looked at Paprika. "Seen me in a few films, have you?"

"Are you kidding! I'm a huge fan. Luv in Wonderland was great. Oh, and Bunny Bitches 1, 2, and 3."

"There's a 4th coming, but it's in editing," Bunny said as she lifted the maid by the throat to better slam herself into the mewling woman. It was like watching an artist at work, just how casually she absolutely broke a woman's mind. Paprika was thrilled to meet a huge star, but to find out she lived up to the talk? This was the best day ever. "Shame you didn't come a few weeks earlier. I could have snuck you into the set."

"Really? Oh, that would have ruled." Paprika pumped her fist. "I've got the whole set. It's so good you absolutely dominated the camera in those. What about Hot Thumping?"

Bunny laughed and tipped a glass of what looked like champagne onto the maid, some of it pooling down into the woman's gasping mouth. Bunny leaned in to lick the rest off, one leg on a stool giving her the height to fuck downwards and make the maid shake like she was coming apart. "My best work, if I say so myself, you really are a fan. No sequel to it yet. It was really exhausting to do."

"No kidding, that was like thirty women. Didn't you set a record with that?" Paprika said, fanning herself. Sex this intense up close was exciting, but she'd never expected it. She wanted to dive in so badly.

"Fuck this woman's tight," Bunny growled, slapping the maid's thigh. She didn't even react, drooling champagne on the bar top. "Almost set the record. Amity Chewtoy beat us while we tried to get the record reviewed. Deep Ocean Bite. I have a collab set up with her to battle it out and see if I can't get that crown off her."

"Fuck me, that'd be so good," Paprika squealed. This was like a dream come true. Bunny Luv! In the fur! She looked around at the room strewn with women, some in fancy clothes and some in torn-up maid outfits or simple work aprons. "Though, haven't you already broken her record here? There must be, like, easily a hundred."

"Didn't plan this. But that does bring me nicely to the problem. One moment" Bunny leaned to stroke the throat of the gasping maid, who nuzzled at the hand needily. "Primrose, you okay? That was a lot."

"Mistress~" Primose burbled, sucking on her fingers.

"I'll see about getting you a raise later. You rest now." Bunny said and pulled out carefully so she could sit Primrose the Maid down on a barstool. Paprika gasped. She'd seen Bunny Luv naked a lot, and she knew about porn inches, the idea that the camera made a Pokémon look bigger to show off. It was a common fact. Bunny Luv did not have porn inches. If anything, the camera was dramatically underselling it. Her cock was absolutely massive, it didn't even look the right size for her body, and it was still aching hard.

"Wow, big." Paprika gulped. "How though? It's not your cock."

Bunny Luv snorted a laugh as she approached Paprika, one hand under her chin to tip her head up. Her hand was burning hot. That warmth seeped through Paprika and got her wet so fast it was unnatural. If you'd say one touch from Bunny Luv would have her dripping, Paprika would have believed it, but it was actually true! "You can feel it for yourself if you want to check that."

She was going to get to touch Bunny Luv's dick. Aaaaaa. She was going to be fucked by Bunny Luv! Did she have a pen somewhere? Maybe she could get signed afterward? Bunny seemed incredibly amused at Paprika's sparkling eyes and moved her hand for her, settling it around a cock that was warm, hard, and all too real. Paprika rolled it in her hands, making Bunny kick the ground repeatedly in a rapid thump.

"We were using Fire Stones on the latest shoot. We thought powering me up to be a Cinderace for a scene would be a real eye pop of a moment."

Paprika's eyes widened. Evolution Stones could be used to get a quick burst of an upcoming Evolution. It was pricy but not so much plenty of people didn't do it, especially competitive Trainers. But to do it to jump two evolutions? That sounded like a lot of power packed into one person. There could be side effects! Really bad ones. Like....

"That's your Cinderace dick," Paprika said, looking down at the pussy slaying member Bunny was packing and gulping down a lump in her throat. It didn't suit her body at all, but the sight of it still made Paprika's knees tremble. That thing could easily destroy a woman and, judging by this place, had been doing so for hours. Without going down even a little.

"Oh, you are very quick up the uptake." Bunny purred as Paprika stroked her cock. Her hands didn't even go around it! This was obscene. "I can see why Bonnie recommended you. It's not gone away, and the urges that come with it are considerable. I've been relentless, can't even think beyond the next hole to stuff."

"Not getting worn out?" Paprika gulped. "It might fix itself if you could just handle it. Once a Pokémon is fully sated, the boost up from the stones tends to revert. I'm not a nurse, but I've had a little training on how this works."

"I'm one of the best porn stars in the business, honey. It takes a lot to wear me out. I returned to my usual cute size," which Paprika still thought was crazy tall. A fully grown-up Cinderace Bunny Luv, the thought of that really had Paprika hot under the collar. "Everywhere but here."

She flexed her cock, and it lept in Paprika's hands. The warmth of it was making her hands sweat. It was such a beastly thing attached to one of the great knockouts. Bunny Luv had better curves than most of the usually slim and sporty Scorbunnys and yet still had that core fitness to her that let her fuck women for hours if she wanted. A star for a reason. Throw in a dick that'd make even a Dragon blush, and well, Paprika could see the problem.

"So I'm here to wear you out."

"Bonnie said you'd have a way. I trust her. She's an old friend."

Okay, now Paprika wanted to know that story even more.

"So uh, you're just going to fuck meehehehehe-" Paprika was pushed back as Bunny slid her cock up Paprika's stomach and between her breasts. The whole thing was just so much. Sure, humans had inherited the ability to take a lot of dick, but this one pressed down on her chest like it was made of steel. She'd be more Bunny dick than Paprika!

"You can handle it? A real fucking."

Paprika kissed the fat head poking up out of her chest, squeezing her breasts together with her arms. It was an answer that had Bunny Luv moaning, making Paprika feel like a goddess. She'd made Bunny Luv moan. She was living a dream right now.

"Fuck yes, I can," Paprika tried to say confidently, and she was spun around and pressed down onto a cushioned couch in the blink of an eye. The smiling Scorbunny climbed atop her, licking along the side of Paprika's boobs as she tried to angle that ungainly, empowered dick she was wielding. The rub of it along her thighs and the insatiable hunger of Bunny had Paprika all a tingle, and she started rolling her shoulders to try to throw off the sword on her back. Sarissa would jump in if she were in trouble. The Honedge always turned up when she was getting fucked really well to help her and gently remind her how much she loved them. Usually, by gently fucking her brains out.

The fire was in Bunny's red eyes now, that warm flame Fire Types had where they just wanted to fuck until someone broke under them. Paprika's insides went gooey at the thought of the Bunny Luv doing it to her, and she didn't have to wait a second longer. Bunny Luv grabbed a handful of Paprika's blue hair and slammed her hips forward, and Paprika was split. Carved in two so thoroughly, her thoughts were perfectly divided into 'Oh Arceus, yes!' and 'OH ARCEUS TOO MUCH'

Paprika gasped and expected a wave of pain but the warmth of it all, the through fullness and complete stretching of her insides? It felt so good, so warm and hard. It didn't hurt one bit, just an overwhelming burst of pure pleasure that she felt in every part of her as Bunny's cock made her its sleeve. All Paprika could do was claw her fingers into the back of the couch and let herself be wholly owned.

It was worth giving herself up. Bunny Luv had a way of fucking like she was doing it for an audience. Firmly ordering Paprika about with sharp commands. Bend over more. Take it harder. Moan for me, beautiful. Paprika followed each command with complete obedience. Her Bunny mistress could have whatever she wanted. Every thrust from the massive dick sliding inside of her made her feel like it was getting closer to the core of her, ready to pound into her very being and smash her apart with an orgasm that'd never end. Paprika had been fucked good many, many times, but there was just something about Bunny Luv's dick and her talent wrapped together, the way it stretched her out so thoroughly. It was beyond anything she'd ever experienced.

Paprika gave herself over to an endless barrage of orgasms, to being thundered into the couch so hard they dug grooves across the room. She took it all and delighted in it. She drifted in a warm, happy haze when something cut through her thoughts and snapped her back to reality.

"Oh, now this," Bunny purred, her voice a little darker. "This is a dick I can use."

Bunny's arm was wrapped up in the blue ribbon from the sword on the couch, and her red eyes blazed with excitement.

"Sarissa! Oh, I thought you would help me get through this?"

"Paprika, you think I'd pass up a dick like this?" Bunny growled, "Tall and gorgeous, you don't mind sharing, do you?"

"I can think!" Bunny's normal voice said, "Ah, it's so good to think. I was so thirsty for ages there. All I wanted was to plant my dick in a warm hole."

"Oh, we can still do that." Sarissa purred with Bunny's voice, digging the Scorbunny's fingers into Paprika's sides. "You've been fucking her so well, but I know every inch of this cunt. I can show you how to really fuck her, to enjoy every inch of my woman."

"I'm just happy for the reprieve." Bunny smiled. "And I was fucking her just fine. But if you want a go, I could kick back."

"Just fine," Sarissa hissed with Bunny's mouth. She stirred her hips, and that massive length rolled inside Paprika, making her squeal, "Paprika doesn't deserve just fine. She gets perfection. Observe."

Bunny's body rolled, and Paprika was smoothed along that gorgeous tanned skin, sweat mingling together as Sarissa dug Bunny's fingers in and pulled Paprika up to straddle the hilt of her dick, bouncing her on that giant cock. The extra height, the weight of herself thrusting down, made it go even deeper, hit parts of her she didn't even know she had.

"You see what I can do," Sarissa said, bending Paprika's body so she could growl into her ear, "You're going to break on this dick."

"It's my dick!" Bunny objected, stealing her body back, ears bobbing. "And I'm going to fuck her better!"

Paprika really should stop this. It seemed they were getting competitive.


"Bunny was doing really well Sarissa. Maybe you're not the best this time?"

Sarissa turned Bunny's head and gave Paprika a look of pure fury. She'd never seen so much fire behind a Scorbunny's eyes. "Paprika. I am going to fuck some sense into that head of yours. I am the best for you."

Bunny's body shifted again, one arm moving around her back and holding Paprika firmly in place. All that athletic Scorbunny muscle used to pump her up and down that immense cock. Paprika was just being masturbated with, Bunny bouncing her on that fat dick as Paprika struggled to hold on. Or was it Sarissa? It was hard to tell who was in control. They were fighting over her and fucking her at the same time. With the same body.

This was the best day ever.

"I'm going to make her come until her eyes go white," one of them growled as they bounced her so vigorously she almost fell right off.

"Hah, I'm going to fuck her so good she dreams about me every night." another said as they swung her towards the Jacuzzi. Not even a graceful entrance to it. She was just thrown in, pounced on, and fucked even harder.

"It'll be nightmares because she's not dreaming about me!"

These two were already such a close-knit pair, and Paprika was a mess of broken, mindless pleasure. The warmth inside her had built so much and burned so deep she felt she was being forged in the swirling heat. Endless orgasms broke over her, and Paprika was helpless to do anything but ride the waves, trusting in her partners not to let her drown or choke to death on anything. The strength of two Pokémon fighting to prove themselves all poured into a dick deep inside her that was already battering her apart, she was a toy for them, and it felt fucking amazing.

It went on and on, just endless sweat, insults, and a hammering pace that touched on every part of Paprika, slaked every itch she had and then some. She'd never been fucked so thoroughly, and then they'd just kept going, showing her new heights.

"I'm getting close," Sarissa growled, Bunny's voice husky and dark with the same desire that had consumed her earlier. Or maybe that was just Bunny now? They'd been going so long that the two sounded the same, hungry to break her and soaked in pleasure.

"Perfect. Fill this beautiful sexpot up. Pump every last drop into her until she's overflowing. Fucking breed her." Okay, that was almost definitely Sarrisa. She got breeding crazy sometimes.

Bunny grunted, and her grip tightened. Paprika felt that terrifyingly large cock she'd gotten to know every inch of twitching and jerking inside her. A rumbling before the storm. The heat was intense. Sweat pooled off her as Paprika gasped. The very air in her lungs had grown hot from the intensity of it.

"Fucking finally, I owe you both so much," Bunny growled, her back arching. Paprika braced herself for the end of all things, ready for the world to be washed away in an endless ocean of bliss. Bunny's cock swelled, the base of it pressed into her as Bunny hilted herself fully, Sarissa using her hands to dig into Paprika's waist and hold on. Bunny Luv's red eyes were blazing with a fiery light that burned with a possessive heat, the two of them as one for just a single moment.

Then Bunny began to glow, her body burning bright. Was she evolving? Now? A nut so powerful it could do that?

Cum got absolutely *everywhere*


"You know Bunny Luv!" Paprika yelled in accusal as a hairbrush wrapped in blue ribbon floated in the air and went through her hair. They were still getting cum out of it. Sarissa had promised to clean her up, and she wasn't done with her promise yet.

"Of course. What do you think I did before I came here?" Bonnie said.

"Honestly, I thought you'd always been here. What did you do?"

"Trained Porn Stars."

"Wait... for real?" Paprika narrowed her eyes. It didn't really sound like Bonnie. She was more the kind of person who wanted to bring order to the universe, starting with the biggest messes. Wait, did that mean she thought Researchers were the biggest messes?

Bonnie smirked at Paprika's stare.

"She's not going to tell." Sarissa sighed, which on a hairbrush looked absolutely ridiculous. "She loves her secrets."

"They do amuse me." Bonnie said, "And it amuses me you evolved Bunny Luv, too. She's going to have a lot of trouble being a Raboot, you know? Her whole image gone."

"At least her cock fits her now." Paprika said, "Though she gave me her number if I wanted to come back and help her try to get that Cinderace dick."

The hairbrush got a snag in her hair and made Paprika yelp. How unlucky! Sarissa really should be more careful.

"Quite," Bonnie said. "Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you. The Good is that you're now officially a researcher. Well done on finishing your training before someone I couldn't fuck into a coma came to fire you."

Yes! Paprika punched the air and hugged the hairbrush, pulling in the ribbon to embrace Sarissa's sword self too. "We did it! We did it!"

Bonnie got from behind her desk, dusted herself off, and then strode past Paprika to the door. There was a click of a lock, and then she returned, taking the brush and sword out of Paprika's hand. "The bad news..."

A blue ribbon looped around her arm, and her black eyes got a steely edge, her lips quirking up into an uncharacteristic smile. "You fucked two Pokémon into evolution, and we both really feel we've missed out on this trick. So we're going to do some testing."

Her eyes softened again, though not by much, as Bonnie regained control. Undoing her shirt and tossing it aside to expose those delicious pale curves. "Think of it as a final review. Don't worry. You've got the whole weekend to get this right."

Paprika gulped. "Do I get a rest?"

"Paprika, sweetheart," Sarissa laughed in Bonnie's voice. "We can both make you fuck all night. Unless you tell us to stop, and I know you, body and soul partner. You won't. You're going to take it until we Evolve or you break."

"You're both the best," Paprika smiled. "But, um, heal me first? I really am sore."

"I'll think about it," Bonnie said, licking her lips. "I can think of other ways to soothe those aches."

Paprika learned so much about Hattena and Honedges that weekend that she even got a commendation from the review board.

The review board being Bonnie. Who administered the commendation orally.

Paprika really did have the best job in the whole of Galar. She couldn't wait to get back to work.

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