How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 56

Chapter 56. Buy a wizard (3)

“Can I really use this place for us?”

A wizard asks me, barely hiding his overflowing emotions.

Ha ha ha is it that good?

Their environment has already been heard and known.

Most of them are young people who came out because they had mediocre talents and couldn't stay in the Mage Tower for a long time.

It is said that it costs a lot of money to be in the Magic Tower.

Of course, even using the Magical Book Library owned by the Mage Tower.

Of course, for those whose wallets were empty, it was only in their dreams to read the magic books to their heart's content.

“don't worry. I'm not taking money from you.”

The only condition for opening this place to them was to not interfere with their work.

Except for work, they are allowed to read and study magic books as much as they like.

“But I also need to confirm that you guys are working hard, so I want you to check the research records.”

My condition would actually be no big deal to them.

Because they are still in their infancy, they cannot start a grandiose research.

As long as you keep to that level, you can read the magic books as much as you like.

The sound of someone swallowing saliva was heard.

Are you that attractive

‘Yes, that side is good for me too.'

I didn't open the study only for you guys.

I will learn the magic system of this place by examining the materials they have read and studied with my own eyes.

And I plan to secretly learn magic.

It is known that I can't learn magic, so I can't openly ask anyone to teach me.

It's just that you can secretly watch and learn from what other guys are researching.

How to operate mana and the basic magic system, etc.

If you see and learn the basics clearly, then what do you want?

To protect the territory, grow crops, and preserve the forest.

There are many external reasons.

My original purpose was to learn magic.

‘The more usable power, the better.'

Right now, I have the confidence that I won't lose to anyone, but there are still a lot of usable cards, so there's nothing to lose.

At least when it comes to acquiring power, I have no intention of cheating or neglecting tricks.

If you get a chance, you should learn it thoroughly.

What if there is no chance? You can do it like you do now.

Of course, there's no way those young wizards know what I'm thinking.

“Thank you! Lord!”

They are truly thrilled with my consideration.

Yes, I hope you will work hard and study hard here.

Then I will support you no matter what.

? ? ?

Finally, after writing the contract, we began to place the wizards where needed.

“First, I want you to take care of the felled forest.”

He gave the three wizards what to do.

A tree from which paper is made.

However, no matter how abundant the forest is, if we continue to cut through it, one day the trees in this area will run out.

Of course, I wouldn't be in such a problem right now when I was alive. At least, if I committed it, I would have to do at least some sort of follow-up.

“Is it enough to just plant it like this?”

I pointed to the seedlings and seeds planted in advance and asked the wizards.

This area is a place where trees were soon cut down for paper production.

It's not that I don't mind a little bit because the forest that was definitely dense is disappearing in part.

Even if I didn't feel guilty, I needed to come up with countermeasures because maybe someone would criticize me.

First of all, as the wizard ordered, the villagers were mobilized and instructed to plant seedlings and seeds in the area where they had been cut down.

“yes. That's enough.”

The three wizards nodded and thrust their wands deep into the whack.

Then, as he chanted the spell, mana began to flow from the staff to the ground.

‘Right. Is that how they do it...

It doesn't simply shove mana into it, it intervenes appropriately in the seedlings and seeds planted through certain spells.

Soon the seedlings grew and began to sprout from the seeds.

It's like a TV documentary showing the growth process of plants with high-speed playback.

“Wow? This is why magic is good.”

If you have the power of a wizard, you can interfere not only with the forest, but also with the growth of crops.

Through magic, it is to control the growth of the plant so that it grows faster than interference.

‘.... Right. Are you fixing genetic information with magic?'

While feigning admiration, I closely observed the contents of each magician's spell.

The seedlings raised by the wizards grew to the length of my waist and then stopped.

“You don’t grow any more?”

Feeling a bit regretful, I asked, and the wizards showed a puzzled look.

“There are many problems with raising them all at once.”


They said that if the plant grows too fast, there is a possibility that the plant itself will be degenerated.

Of course, this is the worst case, and they usually die.

Plants cannot survive unless they grow regularly after a period of rest.

“Above all... our strength is that this much growth at once is the limit.”

There is also a limit to the amount of mana that wizards can use.

“A mage of 6 or more classes might be able to grow them all at once…but I don’t recommend that either.”

“is it. You can't force it. So, how long can you fully grow it?”

“The next time I apply magic is in a month. In half a year like that, we will be able to restore the forest to its original state.”

half a year

In my previous life, there was a world that suffered from various environmental problems such as desertification. People there will faint when they hear it.

Certainly magic is cheating.

“That's enough. Please do well only in the line where you are not overdoing it.”

That's enough.

At least the risk of destroying the forest ecosystem here was reduced while producing paper.

Next, we will solve the problem of crop self-sufficiency.

I took another 3 wizards to visit one of the villages.

From there, I went to the managed field, and the field was covered with snow, as if now was not the time to grow something.

“Is it okay if I grow crops here?”

“...but it doesn't matter.”

I scratched my cheek and looked back at the wizards.

“Can you go around all 12 villages and grow crops?”

He shakes his head quickly, but it's good that he knows his fountain.

Of course, the thought of going around the village every day and wringing out magic must give you goosebumps.

Don't worry, I'm not that evil lord either.

“Rather than that, I'll ask you to maintain the field here.”

“Maintenance of the field… is it?”

“huh. At least the residents here are only adjusting it so that they can grow their fields.”

Relying on magic to produce crops is not a very good way.

It was decided that it would be better to provide only the environment and leave the farming to them.

I don't mind relying too much on magic.

Above all, people become lazy.

ruler! look at me! I am like this!

Convenience evolves people into lazy people.

“Is this possible with magic?”

I put the theory on paper and showed it to the wizards.

No big deal.

Just block the cold and cold wind with a transparent barrier. Only sunlight and heat pass through.


Originally, it can be done with vinyl, but it takes time for vinyl to be developed.

Even if I give and encourage theories, it is the people here who research and produce them.

So I'm thinking of replacing the missing vinyl with magic.

“it's possible. This level of barrier maintenance can be installed using magic tools.”

“I ordered the other team to make that magical tool, so all you have to do is supply and maintain the magical power.”

I have already instructed Joe, who is made up of wizards who are well versed in magic tool management and research, to make a tool to maintain the mana house.

It's not complicated.

Just hit the magic barrier like a shield.

It's not for defense either, so the strength is about the same as vinyl.

It was also concluded that this amount could be maintained with relatively little mana.

With this, we will keep the field until it can be farmed, and then we will be able to farm.

“First of all, try to maintain the mana house here on a trial basis.”

When it is completed in earnest, I plan to introduce it to other towns as well.

In addition, good quality fertilizers for farming were also ordered to be produced already.

With this, at least the villagers will be able to produce wheat and barley without starving.

* * *

After that, the other wizards were divided into departments to work on and placed.

The previous six members were in charge of maintenance of the forest and village fields, respectively.

The two are from the magic tool research department.

The three turned to guarding the castle and the estate.

Now the 11 will do what I have instructed them to do.

Of course, as the territory develops in the future, additional wizards will be hired.

Until then, they'll have to work hard.

And the one remaining...

“... what should I do?”

The last remaining mage who has not yet been assigned a job is asking me a question.

She is one of the few female wizards among the resident wizards hired this time.

Dark hair that barely reached her shoulders.

Eyes that seem out of focus for some reason.

The change in expression is also not very diverse.

She is the only 4th class out of 12 wizards.

“I want you to work full-time for me.

Um… so what’s your name?”

There were a lot of kids I hired this time, so I couldn't memorize them all.

“Dia. This is Leckie.”

Dia quietly said her name and bowed her head again.

“okay. Dia. huh! I memorized it now.”

It's hard to think of me as a heartless guy who can't even remember the names of his subordinates.

“By the way... Lord?”

“Call me Arell. He will continue to follow me around, but calling him lord, lord is a bit annoying.”

“yes. Arell. Then I'll ask you again. What do you mean by keeping me exclusive?”

It seemed that he did not quite understand what was assigned to him.

“It is literally. I want you to keep following me and help me with your magic.”

I run errands and do various things.

It will also take care of magic tools.

And first of all, the most important title is my escort.

If there is only a physical threat, escort can be done by taking turns between two knights.

However, since their power and knowledge do not reach the magical threat, they have suggested that at least one person should be returned to me.

On that point, I also agreed.

From the beginning, I had my exclusive mage in mind.

“All right.”

She bowed her head again, as if she understood.

“I will serve Arel with all my might.”

“okay? okay?”

I nodded my head, meaning that I wish you well in the future.

It's a bit overly polite, but I don't have anything to point out because this kind of attitude isn't bad.

.... I want you to stop misunderstanding one thing.

It's not that I made her my exclusive because she's a female mage.

I didn't catch my eye because she was beautiful!

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