How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 57

Chapter 57. I live as a wizard (4) I would like to give a small additional score because I am a science-related sister who seems to be lazy outside of the field of interest, but that was not the decisive reason for selection.

Anyway, the first consideration was skill.

She is a class 4 with only two of them.

He is also the most skilled among the wizards I have chosen.

And... It's a bit funny, but there was something about her that made me remember her face.

when interviewing.

When it was her turn to interview in my office with a strangely blank face, I asked her why she volunteered to go to such a cold region.

“ it to serve Arel-nim?”

He replied, which made me dumbfounded for a moment.

He said so without any hesitation.

When the other wizards were interested in my pay, what I would do, and how I would treat them, she gave a completely nonsensical answer.

After that, he expressed his eagerness to work under me while continuing to praise my achievements for a long time without changing his expression.

.... to serve me.

“No way.... You applied here because I am there, doesn't that mean it?”

I asked in case you didn't know.

Of course, I said this as a joke.

She nodded.

‘... I probably meant it.'

Oddly enough, she was hoping to become my exclusive mage more than anyone else.

Where did you hear my rumors?

I looked at her image just in case. Surprisingly, no evil intentions were revealed.

His skills are also excellent.

Again, she is the best among the wizards I have chosen.

That's why I directly nominated her as an exclusive, and others did not object.

Anyway, that's why I decided to keep her under my exclusive possession, though it's not a very trivial reason.

“Of course, I want you to improve your skills in your spare time.”

“It is natural.”

Of course, she is also a wizard by nature, so she shows a lot of interest in the library full of magic books.

He has enthusiasm and skills.

Also, she has the most basics firmly established.

After the interview, I had them cast a simple spell.

Of course, I didn't understand all the magic here, so I don't know the exact degree of completeness itself.

Still, it was possible to check how much mana was managed without superfluity.

In that respect, the mana felt when she used magic was the most basic in terms of management.

It is the perfect material to refer to while watching magic being used.

Although she didn't say anything, I intend to use her as a reference book for magic.

For that reason, I also want her to grow faster than others.

“Dia. Good luck in the future.”

“yes. I am... Although I am lacking, I will do my best to be helpful for Arell-nim.”

When I smiled and said, Dia answered quietly.

It was a quiet voice and infinitely serious.

* * *

“The management of mana... the most important thing is how much mana that drifts in nature within the body can be accepted without difficulty.”

Dia was explaining the operation of mana step by step in a slightly relaxed tone.

After placing the wizards in earnest, I asked her for an explanation while checking the research records that the wizards had put up as a condition for reading the magic books.

First of all, it is known that I have no knowledge of magic at all, so she is explaining to me without much doubt.

“Even if it’s the same class. Depending on how much mana drifting in nature can be accepted and managed naturally, the amount of mana that can be used and the amount of recovery varies.”

“Hmm? I see?”

I pretended to be interested and listened to her explanation.

As expected, the magicians wandering in nature here... No, the method of accepting mana is almost identical to the existing method of practice that I use.

They also accept, accumulate, and use the mana that drifts in nature.

Unlike the knights, they were learning and training by setting up a plausible theoretical system.

thank god.

If this is the case, I can use my magic with my inner strength without having to train separately.

Of course, it was a secret, so I was happy inside.

“But can you tell me about this?

Aren’t you keeping it a secret in the Magic Tower?”

Wasn't it a trivial theory to me or a secret kept secret in the Mage Tower?

“Not to that extent.”

However, I have heard that there is a possibility that there will be some disadvantage if I find out that you are explaining the theory to me.

Of course, I have no intention of staying still even if I play tricks in the Magic Tower afterwards.

“… I thought it was okay since Arel-sama seems to be heavy-mouthed.”

“I don’t think that alone would be the reason?”

“And I have heard of Mr. Arell's genius. In addition to this...

Dia took out a book from her bosom.

It must be her personal belongings as it is forbidden to take out the book.


“Isn’t Arel the one who wrote this?”

What she brought out was “A Knight Who Can Become a Dog or a Cow, Intermediate Edition.”

Unlike the introductory book, this book describes the understanding of Aura and training methods for dissemination.

.... It's the only unlucky book that didn't sell among the products that went through my hands.

The knights didn't understand at all.

“Among my acquaintances, there is a member of the Knights Templar. I got it from him by chance.”

“Hmm. So why?”

“Here is this part...

Dia slowly opened the book and opened the theory part I had described about Aurors.

“It's almost like we're collecting and recovering mana.”

“That is such a strange coincidence. I was thinking that even after hearing the explanation just now.”

I deliberately laughed out loud.

“Anyone who came up with this theory wouldn’t be suspicious even if they pretended to have learned this much by self-taught.”

She seems to have thought of making excuses in her own way.

“If you are Arel-nim, you can of course teach me this much.”

“hmm? Why me?”

“Of course it's for Arell-sama.”

“.... What are you talking about?”

Come to think of it, didn't you say that you volunteered during the previous interview?

“For me, it feels like I'm repaying a simple favor, so there's no need for Arel-nim to worry.”

favor? I have no idea.

When I expressed my question, Dia hesitated for a moment before saying,

“... The rice was also delicious.”

Is it because of the rice?

Personal interests, money, and the grace of rice.

Should I really say it's because of her?

.... is that really what it is?

In fact, Dia is not the only one showing this kind of reaction.

Other young wizards are also satisfied with the treatment here, and I have heard of occasional conversations about building a mage tower.

Seeing that this level of treatment is considered a blessing, you can imagine how the Mage Tower has treated the young mages that have been released outside without seeing it in person.

“And Arel-nim barely feels mana. There will be no problem with teaching.”

“aha. There is a reason for that.”

Now I have limited power.

Even Fei An, one of the most seasoned mages, couldn't see how much power I was hiding.

Not to mention, she couldn't figure it out.

“The Mage Tower is a little funny to say the least, but it is of little interest to those who do not have excellent mana affinity. There is no possibility that they will pay attention to Mr. Arel... I'm sorry, but there is no.

He hesitated, thinking it might be a bit rude, then explained it like that.

It wasn't that Dia was light-mouthed, and it seemed that she had a line drawn up, saying that this much would be okay in her own way.

“But is this really helpful?”


“... It was for Arell-sama's research, right?”

She knows that the reason I consulted their research materials and bought magic books is because I want to study magic theory on my own.

“Are you researching even though you can’t use magic?”

“huh. I can't use magic, but I might research it myself and come up with some decent theory. Like the book you have.”

As she said that, a strange look of respect lingered in her eyes.

“As expected, you are Arel-nim. You're trying to master magic theory even though you're not a wizard


“I will help Arell-nim master magic theory as soon as possible.”

Maybe he was willing to explain to me that he didn't hesitate. Is it because of this strange loyalty?

More than anything, she didn't seem to doubt my genius.

hmm? Do you want grace from me?

Wouldn't she be willing to cooperate with me for her own benefit?

“don't worry. The theories I researched will teach you too. Rather, I want you to prove it by practicing it first.”

In aristocratic society, I'm incompetent because I can't use magic.

At least in public, you have to use magic instead of me.

yes you are the magic shuttle

“Thank you for the indebted grace.”

“Of course, you know that the Magic Tower is a secret, right?”

I deliberately pretended to be cute and winked.

“Of course.”

Dia had no hesitation.

“Isn't there a reason to report to the Magic Tower, which doesn't even feed you?”

.... Strangely, it didn't seem like a joke to say it seriously.

It seems that this young female mage also has many regrets about the Mage Tower.

“More than anything else, I came on my own to attend Arell-nim. It's none of my business to know the magic tower's gaze.”

.... Seriously, she said so.

No, it's rather cold to say that.

Either way, it seems like she's genuinely loyal to me, so that's a relief.

That's how I learned magic little by little, stealing Dia's magic by following me on a regular basis.

I paid more attention to practice than other times.

Since there are resident wizards in the castle, it was quite difficult to practice while being careful not to let them notice my mana.

Still, if you get stuck here, the name of the professional in your previous life will cry.

Day by day, I was definitely digesting the theories of wizards, including Dia, one by one, and making it my own.

Magic training is also smooth. I want to try to do something else.

After all, training doesn't always produce results if you're impatient.

Right now, my magic skills are almost the same as Dia's, even though I've only just learned them.

Compared to what they trained and studied while pouring nosebleeds from a young age to gain the power they have now, the word super-evolution is a speed that suits them.

After completing my magic training, I returned to the royal capital for my next goal.

“Here you are.”

“yes. Here it is.”

As I looked up at the signboard and muttered, Asha nodded beside me.

For some reason, he had a determined face.

.... I was anxious.

Because the place we are now is the dwarves' forge.

It is all the more anxious because it is in front of the iron workshop.

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