How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 55

Chapter 55. (2) For that reason, there are wizards who work under wealthy lords to raise funds to open their own workshops in the future or to fund research, and live next to him.

In particular, wizards are elites who are guaranteed high salaries.

Even if it's just 4~5 classes, 5? If you work for 10 years, you can easily set up a workshop.

It is said that there are a few wizards who stay like that even in the royal palace.

However, the young wizards who signed contracts to raise money in that way were children of class 4 or lower.

Anyway, I also need my own magician to stay here and use magic for me like that.

“Should I lose… should I also lose?”

If it's money, it's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time since I've been living in the middle of the day, so I'm going to hire you for the rest of my life.

Even so, the reason I didn't hire him was because of my position.

In a way, wizards are a kind of powerful force.

If you abuse those who control mana and act on all sorts of phenomena, you can abuse them in a variety of ingenious ways.

Let me get my hands on them.

I wonder if there is one or two people who will be annoying.

Rather, it is a rare case of the type like me who wants a wizard for the comfort of everyday life.

‘Will it be okay now?'

But now the situation is different from then.

I also have my own room and achievements.

Even if you use the pretext of maintaining the territory to claim a dozen wizards, the justification is sufficient.

In particular, Asha's recent suggestion that a wizard is necessary for my escort also became a trigger for my concern.

The cause is because of the previous factory raid by mercenaries due to someone's instigation.

Although mercenaries or soldiers of unknown affiliation have been making tricks so far, what if the wizard attacks?

If we were to face each other head-on, the two female knights would be a great force, especially our older sister who is a sword master.

Even a wizard can completely turn the surrounding area into a sword before chanting.

But it's a story of a head-to-head match.

Usually, there is no case of attacking from the front unless it is the stupid black magician from before.

Come to think of it, what was his name?

anyway, that's it

A hidden terror would be a headache if the opponent hired a wizard.

Wizards need to respond with wizards.

“Let’s say okay!”

In the end, after long consideration, I decided to bring in wizards to our territory as well.

* * *

Where do you buy wizards? Can I buy it at the market?


Usually, there are two main ways to hire a wizard.

One is to directly ask the Mage Tower to put in a relay mediation.

Even within the Mage Tower, money is needed for this and that, so if you contact him, he will introduce you to a wizard right away.

If you have a lot of money and are lucky, you might even be introduced to a 6th class mage.

However, there is a problem with this method.

One is that the brokerage fee is so expensive that people say that they are crazy about it.

And another thing is that the magician dispatched from the Mage Tower is unreliable because it moves under the influence of the Mage Tower.

As far as I know, there is also an annoying problem of having to report the usage details of the wizards hired in this way to the Mage Tower.

‘Because it would be difficult if I betrayed even one of them.'

There is no clean organization in the world.

In particular, I have heard rumors about the Mage Tower, so I know how clever they are.

It seems that even with the aristocrats, they are dealing behind the scenes quite a bit. There, without knowing it, I also sent a letter hoping for the back transaction.

On the spot, I burned the letter.

At that point, trust burned as well.

There is also a positional problem, so there is something uncomfortable about bringing in talents who have been touched by outside influences.

So I have no choice but to use the second method.

The second is.....

“Hmm? Can I write it down like this?”

I nodded my head as I reread the words I had written on the paper.

What I am writing now is an announcement.

And bang the seal engraved with the crest of my estate on it! Take a picture.

At that moment, this became a great public announcement that spread my will.

I've written a lot of things here and there, but to summarize.

Looking for a resident wizard.

Accommodation guaranteed. Salary to be discussed later.

Experienced candidates preferred.

There is also support for self-development.

We are looking for a mage to work under Areel Ernesia, the lord of Pahilia, in a family-like atmosphere.

Roughly this is what it is.

good! It's an announcement that, brilliantly, smells like black corporations!

In particular, the part where they promise to treat you like family... no, treat them like family is great!

Now I'm going to put this in each city.

This is the second method.

Recruiting openly and recruiting mages who need work.

Compared to the introduction of the Mage Tower, it takes quite a bit of time and the level of wizards is relatively low.

Still, finding mages to work autonomously like this has the advantage of being relatively less likely to interfere with the Mage Tower.

The introduction of the magic tower is dispatch.

This is because those who are summoned by public notice are in a position similar to freelancers.

The kids who gather through the announcement are basically the kids from the Mage Tower.

Therefore, interference is minimal.

There are different degrees of annoyance.

For me, this is more convenient.

Anyway, if my skills are lacking, I can somehow develop them on my side.

Just like it always has been.

* * *

The notice issued by Areel Ernesia, lord of Fahilia, was later posted on the bulletin board of each city in the most conspicuous place.

In particular, it received considerable attention in that the lord of the territory, which has recently been in full swing, is recruiting wizards.

“???? Wizard.”

Especially for young wizards who needed work, it couldn't be more tempting.

The wizard who is now staring at this announcement is also in a position where he needs work right now.

A young wizard who has just left the mage tower and is in a position where he has to start standing alone is also the time when life feels most hopeless.

I don't have money, I don't have a home, and I don't even know the world because I've been clinging to magic in the mage tower since childhood.

Talented and promising wizards will receive support from the Mage Tower for the rest of their lives and study and live to their heart's content, never knowing the harshness of the world.

As a pretext, it is to see the wideness of the world, but in reality, it must be that they are not merciful enough to accept children with such talent.

It is just an aimless release in the name of freedom.

Of course, it's hard to see it as complete freedom because I had to report regularly and had various restrictions and pledges.

“.... Accommodation guaranteed.”

In particular, this part is the most desperate.

Even saliva flowed from his mouth at how desperate he was.

If you work under the lord for a few years without worrying about food or a place to sleep, then you will be able to earn enough money to start your own small workshop, right?

Young wizards have dreams like this.

The wizard who is reading this announcement right now also has a dream like this...

“???????? meal.”

.... He is one of the common young wizards who are full of dreams to eat.

More wizards than expected sent application documents.

As a lord, I am quite proud.

I'd like to hire them all and set up my own magician's army. Unfortunately, in practice this is difficult.

For that reason, I had to look at the documents again and again whenever I had a chance to pick out the wizards I could use among the documents that arrived.

“First of all, the background.”

What I prioritize more than skill is, of course, whether or not this mage has the potential to become my enemy in the future.

That's why, even though it's cumbersome, if there's a wizard you like even a little bit, you've spent a little money to investigate that person's background.

Drop out if you have even a little bit of anxiety!

After going through such a process, the wizards who passed the documents decided to have an interview.

Twenty people were selected for the interview after filtering through the documents.

‘It's more cumbersome than when I hired the girls before...'

The actual number of interviewers was less than then, but the process of getting here was annoying.

At that time, I had already been filtered once, so it was over with just an interview.

I don't even want to look at the paperwork for a while.

It is now that I realize three or three times how much my father struggled with the first selection when selecting escort knights at that time.

‘This time, I have to pick up only those who can be useful.'

It would be nice to have a pretty female mage if possible. I don't want to go there this time.

This time, you have to look at your skills and personality.

.... But if there's a pretty girl, I'll give you a bonus point.

“Let’s finish the interview quickly!”

Now, let's start the interview.

* * *

Speaking of results, 12 out of 20 interviewees were hired.

This time, there was no need to insist on the number of people, and it was decided in advance that if there were no problems with the line, it was decided in advance.

And the most important thing is that they will work here for a long time, so I took that into consideration.

For the wizards who were not selected, I personally provided a letter of consolation, as well as generous travel and interview expenses for all the hard work they had done to get here.

It'll be a little annoying if you hold a grudge against this side.

Fortunately, the fallen guys left meekly, as if that alone made them feel better.

And finally, the wizards who were decided to be hired were convened separately.

These are the idols carrying Fahilia in the future... No, they are a group of magicians!

“Since I selected you after thinking over and over again, I want you to work with pride. And one more thing...

He started his welcoming speech in front of the young wizards lined up in the audience room, setting the mood seriously.

This time, I even prepared a speech in advance, so please do not sleep.

? ? ?

After my speech welcoming the young wizards, I decided to show them something that might interest them this time, as I was satisfied with their attitude in listening to my boring speech.

“Move your seat for a while. There is something I want to show you personally.”

The wizards obediently followed me despite their puzzled faces.

I took them to the study in the castle.

It is a place where the study used by the lord was organized once and the interior was decorated to look like a neat library.

I opened my study and spread my arms wide, proudly.

“I will give you permission to use this place.”

When I said it as if I was giving them some kind of grace, the wizards who at first tilted their heads at me because they didn't know my meaning soon saw the books that filled almost half of the library and were shocked at the same time.

“Those things can't be...

” “Yes, that's not possible.”

I smiled contentedly.

You know too.

Before interviewing the wizards, I made a deal with the Mage Tower.

“Are they all magic books?”

The books that filled half of the library were all kinds of magic books.

All of them are genuine products that have been certified by the Mage Tower.

It took a lot of money and persuasion to buy this.

“I want you guys to improve your skills in your spare time here.”

To the end, the justification was to provide convenience for the improvement of the resident mages' personal capabilities.

Currently, the skills of the wizards I have chosen are two of them in class 4, and the remaining 10 are in class 3 on average.

Considering the age group and recruitment environment, this is a level that I would like to have gotten out of the ordinary well, but if I am satisfied there, my name will cry.

I want them to improve their skills and work for me.

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