Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 117- The War Games Preparations

[Vol.2] Quest 117- The War Games Preparations

The night the War Game was first issued.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Cirrus was tapping his finger on the table thinking about the War Games and how to go about it.

“Do you think they’re really going to accept it?” Circe said.

“Of course, they will. It’ll be insane if they don’t.” Nox said.

“Cirrus, what do you think?” asked Circe.

“… They will accept it. I see no better way to get rid of the Alecto Familia. It'll give the city a boost in morale knowing another Familia of Evilus is gone and to know that the Astraea Familia are strong enough to keep the peace."

“But what if they have a trap? I don't think they will play fair in all of this! Even the full strength of the Alecto Familia isn’t even known! Accepting it would be walking in blind into the dungeon!”

“They will have to accept that fact. This is far too good of an opportunity to pass up.”

“Even if it’s a trap?”

“Yes… but unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong Familia to fight.” A grin slowly grew on his face as he stands up.

“Are you finally going to step into the spotlight again?” Nox said.

“Eh! You’re going to be active again! I thought you wanted to lie low and uproot as much as Evilus as you can?” Circe said, surprised.

“Seems that I will be cutting that short. I can't let the ones helping keep this city from fully succumbing to chaos… ahh… it was nice these last few months... but Lili, what to do with you?"

“Seems we will have to tell her eventually.” Nox said, sitting down.

“Hmmm… do you think she will work at Mia’s place?”

“Probably… haa… well, we can’t exactly leave her, so we will find a place for her.”

“I’m sure she’ll be safe with Mia, but what she wants to do after learning of us will be up to her.”

“Guess so… I’ll be at Eupheme’s place for a while. I need to make a few adjustments to my gear and weapons. Maybe also polish myself up a bit more.”

“Hm, I’ll tell Lili you will be gone for a while.”

Next night after the meeting discussing the War Game.

“So your children really left for the dungeon in a hurry huh, Astraea?” Nox said, sitting down on the couch.

“Hm, they’re training very hard for the War Games.”

“Is Cirrus going to join in?” asked Ai. "He left in a bit of a hurry after they cut the festival short."

“He is and it will be his 'official' return.”

“Really!!” Ai said excitedly.

“I’m sorry for making him—“

“It's fine, Astraea.” Nox said while kicking her feet up on the coffee table. “He knows his break was going to end eventually and well, I’m sure he’s a bit angry they ruined your date.” Nox glanced at Ai.

“Oh~,” Astraea said, looking at Ai sitting next to her in surprise as it filled Ai's face with embarrassment. “I can see why you left suddenly, Ai!” She patted her head.

“Waaaah!!! Stop it!!!” Ai got up and away from Astraea.

“They even have matching earrings too! Isn’t that adorable?” Nox said with a big smile on her face.



“Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!” Ai runs away from their teasing.

"If your gonna go to sleep I suggest Cirrus's room!!" Astraea shouted.

"He has a room!?" Ai shouted in surprise.

Thirteen days later.

“You all have grown stronger, Lion. Your stats are above D rank, so this War Game could get you to level 3!”

“Hmm… if only I could achieve it within the two weeks.”

“Don’t worry! Lion, you're with me, we’ll take them down!”

“You idiot, we should aim for their flag! There’s no way we could take on their captain!” said Kaguya.

“Who are you calling an idiot? I am the captain!”

“Hey! Hey! Ai-chan!” said Lyra.

“Hm? What is it?”

“I didn’t get the chance to ask, but how was your date?” Lyra said with a smirk.

The moment those words left her mouth, Kaguya had her eyes locked on Ai.

“Ai!! That damn bard didn’t touch you, did he!!” she shouted as she grabs Ai by the shoulders.

Ai could see a slightly manic look in Kaguya's eyes.

“I-I’m not telling!!” she shouted. "It's private!" Ai stepped back a bit, scared from the look Kaguya was giving her.

“Oho! So something happened, huh?” Lyra said, getting Ai’s legs so as for her to not run away.

“Hii!! Let go!!” she brute force her way through their grips and ran for the door.

"Come back here, Ai!!!" Kaguya shouted chasing after her.

“You know it’s hard to believe she’s 2 whole levels stronger than us.” Said Neze on the couch.

“Hm, we should have fallen for her diligence,” Ryuu said, taking a seat.

“Stop bullying Ai for now!” said Astraea.

"!" Kaguya stopped where she was and turned to her goddess. "Sorry Lady Astraea." Kaguya bowed as she apologized.

“Good. We got word that the War game will be held out on the west side of the city in the open mountainous terrain. The Guild even told us where our flag will be stationed at.”

Astraea then laid down a map of the plains in detail.

“Where did you get this?” asked Kaguya coming up next to Astraea. “These are extremely detailed. Did you go and map it out?”

“Oh no, a friend of mine did it! I just got these a few days ago!” she said.

‘You’re really skilled at cartography Circe!’

As they were studying the terrain, the next day came by quickly and the War Game officially starts.


Out on the field where the Wargames are being held.

'Oi! Get up It.'s time!' said Nox, jumping on Cirrus's head.

Cirrus opens his eyes wearily from his nap.

“Mmm!" Cirrus stretched his limbs. "I'm going to miss being able to sleep in."

'You don't even do that even when you're on break.'

"It's not about doing it, it's about having the leniency to be able to sleep in without worry!"

'Mmmm, no, I think it's about actually sleeping in. Oh, speaking of sleeping in. Hey! Circe! Are you going to join us or watch with Lenoa?’

‘You know full well I much prefer the comfort of the alchemy shop! I am not a fighter, I am a supporter!’

‘Awww… really!? Don’t you wanna be famous along with me and Cirrus!’

‘I think I would be more useful to him if I’m not known about the whole city. Lenoa also agrees with me!’

“Mmm….” Cirrus stretches his limbs. “She is right. Your owl form is practically synonymous with me by this point or, well, I guess not anymore since it’s been 4 years."

‘That’s fine. We all have things we're good at, just don't miss us alright!’

‘Not to worry, we're currently at Mia’s pub."

“Aw, man! Is she having the pasta special?”

‘Hold on…………. uh no that’s tomorrow.’

“Dope.” Cirrus sits back down on a stone throne he and Eupheme made with Astraea’s emblem on it with the flag for the Wargame. He simply lays there as there is no wind. Around him is a hilly terrain. “Man… they are going to shit themselves in fear.”

‘Hahahahaha!!! I’m sure they are!!’

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