Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 118- The War Games Part 1

[Vol.2] Quest 118- The War Games Part 1

On the day the War Games began, the city was abuzz with the event. Several bars and venues were full and excited to see the game begin.

Up on Babel Tower on one floor, several of the gods came to watch alongside Astraea and Alecto.

“Ouranos if we may!” said Hermes.

“I shall allow it.” His voice came from the sky.


At the snap of their fingers, they opened several Divine Mirrors to show the combatants near the flag.

The Astraea Familia were gathered at the base of the hill that had their flag.

“Hm, do you think we should move it?” said Lyra.

“Astraea said to simply leave it there.” Said Alise. “It's against the rules to move it, so the best we could do is go and find the enemy camp quickly.”

“Someone should stay and guard this place.” Said Neze.

“I shall do.” Said Ryuu. “Alise can even up the odds and Kaguya is the most skilled out of all of us.”

“Are you sure you want to guard this place, Lion?” said Lyra.

“Hm, your skills will be far more valuable in helping Alise and the others.”

As they all go over their plan, many others were watching from their Divine Mirrors.


Freya Familia home.

“The match should start soon, Lady Freya,” Ottar said, handing her some wine.

“Mmm… I can't wait for it to start…” her eyes narrow in on the Divine Mirror looking for Cirrus but to no avail. “It seems in the last 4 years he has found a way to escape my gaze… and even the Divine Mirror.”

“… Then he could already be on the battlefield?”

“Now I’m even more excited. How will he make his grand entrance?”


Loki Familia home.

“Do they have a chance, Finn?” asked a young girl with golden hair and eyes.

“I’m sure they have something planned, Ais. We just have to wait and see.”

“If only those dam bastards didn’t get rid of him, they would have a winning chance.” Said Gareth.

“Yeah, with that kid, I’m sure we didn’t have to worry about them losing.” Said Bara.

“?” Ais looked around, confused. “Who are you talking about?”

“Ah, it was an adventure who disappeared 4 years ago. He was the 2nd strongest adventure in Orario. He was 2 years older than you when he got lost at sea,” Loki said with Ais on her lap.

“What level did he reach?”

“5 officially, but we all suspected he was level 6, a true monstrous child that reached level 3 outside of Orario from what the Guild records said,” Riveria said. “His magic was also very versatile and powerful… well, that’s all in the past now.”

“I still remember the time he gave Ottar a good run for his money,” Gareth said, remembering the fight.

“It was quite a fight!” Loki said.

“….” Ais simply sat there and watched the screen.


Mia’s Pub.

“So, how did the order go?” asked Hephaestus.

“Mmmmm… very well, but from it, I learned one can always grow… and that one should strive for perfection!” Eupheme said with an ambitious monotone voice.

“How long were you working on the special order you had to cancel all the orders you had?”

“Uhh…. about—“

“Excuse me, here you!” said Lili, handing Eupheme some food.

“Food!!” She scarfed down the food.

“… A lot it would seem.”

“Hm yes! But uh, the weapon is… well, you have to wait and see!” she said, looking at the mirror.


As everyone is ready, they all wait for the games to begin.

“Alright!!!!” said Ganesha. “The games shall start in one!!!”

The Astraea Familia got ready as they get into a running stance,


Their muscle begins to tense up.

“Three!! I AM GANESHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

They all quickly ran through the terrain, leaving only Ryuu to guard.

“Turn or Mata… whoever comes, I won't let them get the flag,” Ryuu said to herself as she keeps a hawk's eye on the area.

Meanwhile, within the barrier just a few feet away from Ryuu.

“… Do you think I can take a quick nap before anything serious happens?” Cirrus said a bit sleepy.

“… Probably?” said Nox. “Say um… are you sure you wanna go through with this plan?”

“Hmm... I’m sure.” He said, thinking about it for a second. “It's about time for me to truly shine and walk into the limelight."

"Hmmm... I bet several girls are going to feel bad they missed out on this pretty little face," she said, poking his cheek.

"We're almost the same size!"


In the plaza in front of Babel, Ai was watching as she was still on patrol.


“Ai, I know it’s interesting, but we must keep an eye out on the surrounding area.” Said Kushida.

“I am. If anything happens, I could hear it,” Ai said, looking at the Divine Mirror.

“Say, where is Sora?” She asked. “Doesn’t he play around this time?”

“… Something came up, but I’m sure we will see more of him!” she said with a smile.

“Hmm…." She could tell something was up with her and him. "By the way, Ai.” Kushida leaned into her ear. “You know Lord Susanoo is also a God of Love and Marriage, right?”

“Ehh!!!” she said, surprised. “W-why is everyone teasing me!!!!”

"Because it's rather easy and you make the cutest expressions!"


Back to the Astraea Familia.

"So you got the plan?" said Alise.

"I still think it's a bad plan," said Kaguya.

"I'm not a huge fan of it. I mean, we will be in a bad situation if they catch us," said Lyra.

"Don't worry! If we move fast, it won't matter! Your great captain shall lead you to victory!!"

"... Let's get going," Neze said, running on ahead.

"Hm!" The others followed in suit.

"Hey! You are all supposed to praise me now!!" Alise shouted, chasing after them.

Up on the hill, hidden by a barrier, Cirrus strums his guitar.

"You think I should work on a song?"

"Oh? Are you gonna give your introduction some style?" said Nox.

"Hmm, I mean yeah. If it's not stylish, then what's the point of returning?"

"Very true. Also, can't you see outside?"

"No, when it's invisible, it goes both ways. Circe could make it to allow us to see from inside, but it's won't be as strong."


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