Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 116- War Game Announcement

[Vol.2] Quest 116- War Game Announcement

Soon after the announcement, it flooded the city with talk of the War Games. Cirrus himself had never seen a War Games since it rarely happens as it would need to be a drastic escalation to the point of all-out war and it needed to be contained.

The day after they cut the festival short, the gods held a Denatus to set the rules and the type of War Game it will be as well as the reward the winner would receive.

Babel’s Tower, 20th floor.

“It’s been a long time Alecto,” Astraea said, surrounded by other gods in the city with Alecto.

“Fufu it has, sorry about my child causing you trouble,” Alecto said with a grin as she sits before Astraea with a long table separating them.

“Now ladies, please!” said Hermes, mitigating the conversation. “How about we start with the reward huh?” he looked to the both of them.

“I’ll make this simple. I want to crush your Familia and send you back to heaven.”

Murmur! Murmur!

The gods all talked amongst themselves.

“How very blunt!” Astraea said with a stern look on her face. “And if I win, I want your Familia imprisoned and you in Heaven after you tell us everything your 'evil' group has on the others and any plans.”

“Hmmm sorry but this is not about them but about me,” Alecto said with a glare at Astraea.

“Fine, I’ll leave the rest of Evilus out of it, but your Familia must disband and you must return to heaven.”

“Fine by me. I will enjoy watching your children suffer.”

“…” Astraea was getting angry. Many of the gods could see her clenching her fists in anger. If not for the table, she would have punched Alecto right off her chair.

“Okay! Okay! That’s enough trash-talking Alecto! We wouldn’t want Astraea to get violent, would we?” Hermes said with a smile.

“Fine… so what type of fight would you want? I like a battle that fully shows my Familia’s strength like say… Siege?”

“No, we do not even know how many children your Familia have to have a fair match.” Astraea said.

“But aren’t most of your children 3rd to 2nd class adventures?” Alecto said looking at Astraea for a weakness.

“And yours has 1st and 2nd class in spades.”

Alecto could not see past Astraea's strong demeanor, she hid her emotions well.

“Then shall we do a lottery then?” Hermes suggested. “It’ll be the luck of the draw that decides if you two can’t come to an agreement.”

“Fine.” they both said.

After a while, every god wrote some suggestions and placed them in a box. Hermes shook the box around to really ensure it be lucky.

“Alright, I’m closing my eyes,” Hermes said as he sticks and moves around the notes in the box for a slip of paper. “Aaaaand it….” Hermes picks one and draws it. He opens his eyes to find it says. “… Capture The Flag.”

“Ah…. Aha-hahahahahahaahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Alecto laughed as hard as she could at the result. “A numbers game!! In the end, we get this!!!” the grin on her face was now an ugly smile that was ear to ear.

“Fine, we will—“

“Oi Astraea!!" Loki shouted. "Are you sure you don’t want our help?”

“Hah!? Stay out of this Loki-No-Boobs! This doesn’t concern you or even Freya!" Alecto cuts Loki off, not willing to let her help Astraea. "This is between me and her!”

“U-um Astraea…” said Hermes. “A-are you sure? I know they were responsible for you know his disappearance, but taking them on with 11 children is—“

“Hermes,” Astraea said calmly. “Loki, I appreciate the help, but this is between the two of us and this is partly because of the monster you,” Astraea looked directly at Alecto. “released.”

“Revenge, Astraea? My, how Gekai has changed you… Then as mercy shall we start the War Games within 2 weeks? Just so your children can get as strong as they can before my Familia comes down on you as the ocean did to your—“


Astraea punched the table, the table began to get lightning-like cracks from her strike. Many of the gods gulped in fear. They do not wish to see the goddess of justice angry.

“Now Alecto didn’t Hermes said not to trash talk or else," Her eyes were full of anger; they could see her divinity flare up.

Alecto felt the same feeling as Damocles when the king, Dionysius, offered to let him taste the fortune of a great man of power and authority without peer, surrounded by magnificence that was Dionysius. Only to be sat on a throne with a sword hanging up above him from a only by a single hair of a horse's tail to evoke the sense of what it is like to be king.

“I’ll cave your skull in,” Astraea words and divinity truly soaked into everyone at the gathering. "And make sure even your children know it in their bones."

“F-fine!” She said, getting up a bit shaken, composing herself well. “I’ll see you back here in 2 weeks!” She then takes her to leave.

As every god slowly leave the news will quickly spread, and many of the gods felt bad that Astraea would be going in blind to this War Games, all but for three gods.

Dian Cecht Familia Home.

"Hahahaha!! I'm going to rake in some good money!!" Dian laughed manically at the prospect of the wealth that is to come from the betting.

"... Lord Dian, could you help me with this passage?" Airmid said, studying a medical book.

"Hm? Oh right, that."

Freya’s Familia’s home.

“Fufufu! I’m amazed by how good her acting was!” Freya said with a smile on her face.

“Then the long-lost Prince will return for this?” Ottar said.

“Probably yes, if not for that, then I would think rage blinded Astraea to refuse Loki’s help.”

“Mmmm… I will look forward to seeing him return.”

“Me as well, Ottar… we will need to get special snacks to watch the games!”

“I will have the Familia secure food and drinks.”

Back at Astraea’s home.

“Lady Astraea! Will we really be doing Capture The Flag!” said Noin.

“Lady Astraea, I’m sorry Mata beat us,” Ryuu said solemnly.

“Yes, we are and get up Lion, Neze, we have two weeks to get ready, so I want you all to work hard alright!” Astraea said, bringing up the mood.

“Right!” they all shouted.

“Good! Now Loki, Artemis, and the Ganesha Familia will help to cover for us while we get ready! So no need to worry and go into the dungeon!”

“B-but what of you Lady Astraea?” asked Lyra.

“I will stay here; Ai of the Susanoo Familia will be my bodyguard until the War Games begins.”

“Ai-chan!?” said Kaguya. “Does she know this is a—“

“She knows that is why she volunteered to safeguard me.”

“But La—“

“Kaguya!” Astraea shouted.

“Yes!” she said, a bit taken by her shout.

“Trust me and go, every second you stand here is another second you could be in the dungeon. I hope you don’t have to make me repeat it.”

“N-no Lady Astraea!” they all shouted.

“I will make sure we all come back in time,” Alise said.

Knock! Knock!

“Big sis Kaguya!! I’m here!” shouted Ai.

“We will return stronger,” Ryuu said, with eyes full of conviction.

Astraea then looks out the window to see a familiar White Owl.

“I know you will.” She then gives her children a bright smile.

Little down Alecto know that sword hanging over her has already fallen a while ago but was waiting for a fool to sit under it to finally make it's existence known.

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