Canon Fodder



“What should we do for our date, Momo?” I asked unashamedly. 

“Hmm I’m thinking I want you to set aside a day all about me,” she said. “You can come to my house early in the morning. Clean my room. Then make me breakfast. I’ll use you as my mule again while you take me on another shopping spree. Then we go to a cake store, and you feed me sweets. Call me mistress of course. We can see a romance movie. The sappier the better. A real tear jerker. Then I’ll rent a palanquin and you can take the place of the driver.” 

“Will the driver be sitting in back with you?” I asked. 

“Of course,” she laughed. 

“Then no deal,” I said. “All others are fine in my book. But I don’t take dudes on dates. Sorry, Bakugo.” 

“What?!” He growled. “Don’t drag me into your pervy conversation.” 

“You were listening,” I said. “I thought you wanted to join. And for the last time. No date for you.” 

“I’ll kick your ass,” he growled again. 

“Stop flirting,” I said, giving him a wink. He growled again but someone interrupted. 

“You’re actually taking him up on the date?” Mina laughed. 

“Why not?” Momo asked. “I won, didn’t I? Why wouldn’t I want the winner of the Sports Festival to wait on me hand and foot.” 

“That was the bet,” I said. “Sorry you didn’t study enough, Mina.” 

“Oh my god,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Obsessed with yourself much?” 

“You’re the one that can’t stop talking about going on a date with me,” I said. 

“You need to learn some humility,” Toru said. “I’ve never met someone so shameless. You purposefully stopped trying at our quiz game when Momo started winning.” 

“I can’t help it if she chose to compete in her hero costume,” I said. “It’s very revealing.” I wasn’t shy about checking her out in her costume. She was currently in it, revealing a wide gap between her cleavage. 

We had our quiz game the other day. Momo won of course, she was too smart, but I was a close 5th. Our final exams had been conducted the day before. We were currently on our way to the practical field exam. 

“We ever figure out what the exam is supposed to be?” I asked, changing the subject. 

“I heard we were supposed to fight giant robots,” the Pikachu guy said. 

“Yeah, that’s what I heard too,” Mina admitted. 

“That’s not what I heard,” I admitted. Grabbing my chin as if I was contemplating something. The bus we were on hit a bump, jostling us. 

“What did you hear?” Toru asked from beside me. All of us were in our hero costumes. But she decided not to wear her gloves so we could hold hands without anyone noticing. 

“I heard we would be going against the UA teachers,” I said. 

“Ha, yeah right!” The red haired guy said. “We wouldn’t stand a chance.” 

“Oh yeah, care for a bet?” I asked, putting a wide smile on. 

“Don’t bet him,” Momo said. “Weston, has an ear for these things.” 

“Dammit Momo, why you gotta ruin my good times,” I said. 

“Are you serious? You heard we would go against the teachers?” Midoriya asked. 

“Yeah, they said they don’t want us to go to summer camp. They want us to lose,” I said. That had been the deal. Whoever passes the field exam would be able to go to a special summer camp for UA students. 

“That’s not fair,” redhead said. “There’s no way we can beat them.” 

“Don’t be like that. They all have their weaknesses,” I said. 

“Even All Might?” Tsuyu asked. 

“His is tougher,” I said. “But yeah, he’s got one.” 

“What’s that, oh wise Weston?” Momo teased. I looked to Midoriya, he stared at me, nervous. 

“And give away all my secrets?” I asked. 

“Oh you’re so full of it,” Momo scoffed. 

“I never said I wasn’t,” I said. “But with this, I’m not. All Might has a weakness. If you watched and paid attention, you might have noticed it too.” 

“Fine, a hint,” Momo said. 

“A hint?” I asked. “Hmm fine, but I’m less of a doormat on our date.” 

“Deal,” she said with a laugh. 

“He favors one of his sides,” I said. 

“What?” She asked. 

“Look at his stance. He favors a side. Always. Just slightly. That’s why he stands with his fists at his hips. When he doesn’t stand like that you can see he prefers to lean on his- oh dang I almost gave away which side.” I was mostly making it up. I did know he had been severely damaged on his left side from his last battle with All for One. I didn’t think anyone ever hit him on the left side of his lower chest. But the wound had always looked bad. I bet it would hurt if someone had focused on it. 

“That’s not funny,” Bakugo growled. “You make it sound like the number 1 hero could be hurt.” 

“He’s not god,” I said flatly. “Everyone gets beat up. Everyone has a weakness. Me for instance. A beautiful woman always has my attention. I hope I go up against Midnight.” 

“I hope you do too,” Toru said, laughing loudly. “I’d love to see her kick your ass.” 

“Me too,” I admitted, scandalously. “Maybe I’m into it. Won’t know until I try.”

“Oh god” “Shut up” “You’re disgusting” People around me yelled as they laughed. We soon quieted down as we came up to our destination. Another group of buildings that somehow existed on the far side of the UA campus. It was like the campus was an unimaginably big area like fighting zones in DBZ. 

Waiting for us as we got off the bus were the teachers of UA. Aizawa, All Might, and Midnight were out front. 

“Welcome, students,” Aizawa said. “These buildings here will be the testing grounds for your Finals field test.” He appeared bored as usual. But all of the teachers were in their hero costumes. “You might be wondering why we are all here.”

The rest of the class studied the teachers nervously. Understanding what was going on. 

“Dibs on Midnight,” I said quickly raising my hand. 

“And what are you calling dibs for exactly, Frostwave?” Midnight asked with a slight smile. 

“Oh please, only people I save need to call me that. You can call me, Frost,” I said with a wink. “Obviously, we will be doing some gladiatorial fighting tournament where we are oiled up and go head to head.”

She didn’t bother to hide her smile. “I’ve changed my mind. I would like to go against Weston.”

“Too bad,” Aizawa said. “No, you will be paired up with someone from class. Then go up against one of the teachers.”

“Ugh” “Damn” “he was right” people groaned around me. 

“Enough,” Aizawa said, demanding discipline from us at all times. “The teachers will be wearing weights that weigh them down to roughly double their body weight. Slowing us all down to give you all more of a chance. You will be paired with someone we all feel represent something you are lacking. The objective of the test will be to either handcuff the instructor with one of these.” Aizawa lifted a fancy golden handcuff. 

“The other objective will be to travel through an exit. But all instructors will be guarding these exits. How you want to win will be up to you. For those of you who don’t pass. You will not be able to go to summer camp.”

People were serious around me. Nothing would get in the way of these kids and summer camp. I didn’t blame them. I couldn’t remember if there was a beach day. But that sounded classic enough to belong in MHA. 

Aizawa passed out assignments and we were directed to the respective buildings where our tests would be held. “Good luck, Momo. Be sure to tell Todoroki what to do. You’re good at that,” I said. 

“Honestly, I am,” she said confidently. 

“Toru, I’m looking forward to seeing you use your new skill,” I said. “Be sure to surprise everyone.”

“Don’t talk about it,” she whispered. Her gloves back on she put a finger up to her lips. 

“Good luck Tsuyu, although we won’t need it,” I said. 

“Ribbit,” she said. 

“Well said.” I reached down. She jumped up to my back, climbing to rest near my shoulder. “Jeez, have you put on weight?” She smacked the top of my head, but smiled at me as she held onto my back. She was my partner in the exam. 

“What do you know about this Ectoplasm guy?” I asked. We walked toward our building. We were one of the first to go. 

“He can make clones of himself,” Tsuyu said. “So like you actually.”

“Shh that’s still a secret,” I said. 

“You ever figure out how to allow us to do that chakra thing?” She whispered. 

I looked back at her. “I did,” I admitted. “But I’m not sure if you’d be up for it.”

“What do I have to do?” She asked innocently. Honestly I really liked Tsuyu. At first it had been in a mascot sort of way because she had such a bubbly personality. But after Shinju I had started appreciating the smaller girls. They were just as much woman as the curvier ones I preferred. 

“Hmm we ever go on a date and I’ll tell you,” I said. 

“A date?” She asked with a blush. 

“Of course. You and me. Doing what you want. Interested?” 

“You uh see me that way?” She asked nervously. 

“Of course,” I said with a smile. “Unless you want to just stay friends. I-I think I understand. I’m hideous, aren’t I?”

“What? No,” she whispered. “Sorry I just thought…”

“Thought what?” 

“You were into Momo or Toru,” she whispered. 

“Oh I am,” I said. “But I’m into you too, Tsuyu. Especially after our training sessions. You’re very pretty when you get serious.”

She quieted as we entered the building. Following some signs I ran us up to the top floor. “Thanks,” Tsuyu whispered. 

“Always,” I said. We got to the door marked entrance saying, “you ready?”

“Can I?” She motioned at her torso.

“Not till you know you have to,” I said. She nodded. Dropping down she walked in beside me. In the room was Ectoplasm. He was pretty creepy. Over 6 feet tall he wore a brown trench coat like a flasher. No arms showing the only thing distinguishing about him was his head. It was pitch black, from either a suit or his real skin. His head was bald, and his teeth showed at all times. No lips covered them. 

“Hello Frostwave and Froppy,” Ectoplasm said. Not moving his mouth as he talked. “You will find the handcuff there.” His head nudged to our right. Tsuyu grabbed it. “You have 10 minutes to either slap that cuff on my real body or get through the exit. I warn you, it’s a maze behind me. And my bodies are everywhere.”

“Are you ready?” He asked. His eerie voice felt like it came from everywhere around us. We nodded. “Begin.”

Tsuyu and I ran to the right hallway. Tsuyu hopping she was able to keep up, if barely. We met one of the Ectoplasms. I kicked it, making it turn into a silvery ooze. We didn’t halt. The next turn Tsuyu grabbed the right Ectoplasm and I grabbed the left. A simple blow was enough to make them disappear.

We continued running. Never stopping as we randomly made the clones disintegrate. I thought it was useless but he was really trying to tire us out. Overwhelm us. Each turn had more clones. 

Eventually we came to a big room. Tsuyu was breathing heavily and facing us was a good 18 clones. “Alright, you’ve proved yourself,” I told Tsuyu. 

Sighing she stood up, lifting her shirt she revealed a belt of weights around her waist. Releasing the zipper it dropped down. Thudding hard though only dropping a couple of feet. 

Tsuyu let out a sigh. Going back to all 4s she leapt at the clones. Only this time she was hard to watch. Her legs and arm muscles bulging she shot out at the clones. Closing the distance instantly. Moving through 4 she hit the opposite wall. Jumping once she landed Tsuyu swiped through another 8 as her tongue took another 4. 

I grabbed the weight and got the rest of them. Tsuyu was like a new person. Jumping from the floor to the ceiling I struggled to keep up as she moved through the hall. 

Her change was because we had started training together. Since I had more than one weight I had risked allowing Momo to test one. She was able to absorb it and make the alloy again. It was a metal she hadn’t seen before. But once she understood it she could make it again. 

Momo, Tsuyu, and Toru all had a set. Wearing them at all times as they trained. Not as much weight as me, but enough. Tsuyu’s was about 200 pounds. Almost 4 times her normal weight. Her leaps were a whole new level of strength. 

The ending was anticlimactic. At the exit of the supposed maze was a gate with Ectoplasm guarding it. He couldn’t keep up with Tsuyu as she jumped from one end of the room to blow past him. As she jumped I channeled chakra and leapt. Keeping my weights on the whole time. 

He congratulated us and we went to a main viewing area to watch the other challenges. Tsuyu and I sat on a couch. Watching the fights unfold. 

“Nap time,” I said. Yawning widely I laid down on the couch and turned off my brain for a bit. Content in MHA I tried not to worry about the future. Or the other worlds. Things felt different in MHA currently. I was too confident. I wanted to find a challenge. I hoped fighting a battle on both sides would prove enough of one. 

Tsuyu soon laid next to me. Snuggling up to my shoulder. I instinctively ran my hand through her hair and we enjoyed a moment alone for a bit. It was a nice moment. Of course that ended when people started winning or losing their fights. Barging in, making noise, being teens. 

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