Canon Fodder



“Sucks you didn’t make it, Pikachu,” I said. 

“Goddamn, Weston, stop calling me that,” Denki said. The yellow haired guy with a black lightning bolt through his hair rubbed his temples. Even 150 years later, of course people in Japan knew who Pikachu was. 

“What? It makes you cuter,” I said. “Next time you’re all zonked out, I’m sure I can get you to say pika-pika.” 

“Leave him alone,” Momo mumbled. “They feel bad enough they don’t get to go to the summer camp.” Denki, Mina, Sato the sugar eater, and the red haired guy were the only ones that hadn’t passed the teacher’s test.

“Why would they even want to go?” I asked. “You know it’s just going to be training.” 

“Aizawa said it was a spec-” Kirishima the redhead said but I cut him off. 

“A special time honored tradition for the first years after their first term. Building comradery, trust, and everything sappy during a week-long summer camp. Under the direct guidance of camp counselors you will all be able to experience the best there is to offer,” I quoted word for word. “In short it’s going to be a week of hell. Training from sun up to sun down. Probably including every classic wilderness trope. Eating only food we make. Last person somewhere goes to bed hungry. See who can sit under the waterfall the longest.” 

“Oh god, you’re right,” Momo said, hurt in her voice. “It is training, isn’t it?” 

I nodded. “And do you really think Aizawa would let you 4 miss out?” I asked. “He will make you guys go through extra hard training to…” I changed my voice with chakra, doing my best Aizawa impression, “teach you 4 idiots what pain really means.” 

The room burst into laughter. “That was spot on,” Toru laughed. 

“Thank you, I’ve been practicing,” I said back in my normal voice. “I can do All Mi-” I stopped as Aizawa walked in. The room stiffened, sitting up straight as he eyed us. 

“Morning class,” Aizawa said in his normal bored tone. “About your end-of-term exams. I hate to say that some of you failed the practical part. And as such…everyone is going to the forest lodge camp.” 

Aizawa didn’t get the reaction from the 4 people that failed that he expected. He frowned. “Who told you?” Mina looked back at me. I glared, shaking my head. 

“We guessed,” she said. 

“Damn,” Aizawa said sadly. “Fine. There were no failing grades on the written exam. For the practical Satou, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero all failed.” I forgot about Sero. He had gone up against Midnight, she put him to sleep so he wasn’t helpful at all for the fight. Sero was the guy that was basically Spiderman since he could use tape and swung from it like the webslinger. He cursed from his seat across the room. 

“For the exam, the teachers acted as villains,” Aizawa continued. “We were all gauging how you faced the challenges we set for each of you. If you haven’t guessed, the Forest Lodge Summer Camp is going to be Boot Camp. We will be training the entire time. And those that failed need training the most, so buckle up for a fun break. We will be busy. Here are the booklets about the boot camp. You can let your parents know about it. Other than that, that’s all I have today.” 

He passed out booklets and everyone quickly poured through the information. 

“There’s barely anything here,” Mina said. “How will we know what to pack?” 

“I’d do bikini,” I offered. “Something…pink for you. It really brings out your eyes.”

“You think?” She asked seriously. 

“Yes,” I said. “We will be gone a week so I’m sure I’ll pack at least 20 of everything, probably only use about 3 things.” 

“Yes, as one should on a trip,” Toru said. 

“You could go naked. You don’t even need a wardrobe,” I said. She appeared, sticking her tongue out at me. I blew her a kiss and she blushed, turning invisible again. 

“We have a couple of days till we go. And exams are over, should we go shopping?” Momo asked. 

“Yes, everyone should,” Uraraka said. “I’m sure we could all use something.” I mentally cursed her, but acted like I wasn’t. I preferred being the only guy there. 

“That’s a great idea” “I’m in” “Can’t wait”” the other’s said. I agreed too and we were soon planning to meet the next day at the local shopping plaza. 

“Training tonight, Tsuyu?” I asked. 

“Nope, I’m taking a break,” she said. “I’m sure we will get enough of it at camp.” 

“True,” I let out a sigh. I already had plans for the night. I didn’t want to be worn out for once. 

I walked into the backroom. Instead of it being empty like usual, there were a few people already sitting at the table across from Okuta. I was back at the club where I had met the information broker. The man’s information was good. I already had an ID for Roronoa Zoro. Zoro was in the process of buying a house with a nice garage near UA. Once the sale went through I planned to buy a car so I could stop with the stupid bus. 

“Roro,” Toga said excitedly, waving as I got closer. I moved to sit beside her and the new guy. He was tall, wearing a shabby black jacket and pants, he had stitches all over his body. The skin from his upper chest to his cheeks was black and burned, held together with staples. His upper arms, and the skin under his eyes were the same. I pretended like he looked like any other person. 

“Good, you’re all here,” Okuta said. “The leader of the League of Villains agreed to meet with you 3. If you are still interested we can go there now.” 

“Of course,” Toga said excitedly as her fists bounced off of her thighs. 

“Sure,” I said. The man next to me nodded. We were quickly ushered out another back door. Leading right to a street we were funneled into an SUV. Of course Toga sat next to me. I was sure to use Observation at all times. 

“This guy is a little skittish when it comes to new recruits,” Okuta said. “So best behavior.” A driver started the SUV and we headed to wherever his place was. 

“What have you been up to, Roro?” Toga asked, excitedly. “I tried texting and calling. You never answered.” 

“Been busy,” I said, simply. “You didn’t sound too interested in hanging out last time.” 

“You’re shameless,” she giggled. Her hand moving I stiffened, but it moved to the top of my knee, no knife this time. “Relax, I’ve decided to hold off from stabbing you until we are really close.” 

“Jee, thanks there, Toga,” I said. “You’re sure considerate.” She giggled excitedly as we moved through the streets. I tried to act like I wasn’t paying attention but I made sure I remembered every turn and street name. 

“So what’s your story there, Scarecrow?” I asked the guy in back. 

“Don’t call me that, Roro,” he warned. “I’m Dabi.”

“Roronoa,” I said, extending my hand. He looked at it, but took it. We gripped one another, I decided to match his strength. The handshake extending until we agreed the other was strong. 

“What’s with the scars?” Toga asked, oblivious. 

“What’s with the schoolgirl uniform?” 

“I’m still in school,” she said sadly. “Or at least I used to be. Until I killed some people, then they got all pissed and kept chasing me.”

Dabi chuckled. “That tends to happen.” 

“Your turn,” she said. 

He hesitated but admitted, “My blowback.” 

“Ouch, that sucks,” she said. “I don’t know if I have one of those. What about you, Roro?” 

“Sure, I’m forced to know everything around me,” I said. 

“So?” She asked. 

“So, I know you have 8 knives on you, and are on the rag. The driver has 2 guns. And probably a bad case of crabs. And-”

“Enough,” Okuta said. “We are almost there.” 

“That was so cool,” Toga said. Her hand moved smoothly trying to stab my neck. I leaned forward forcing her to miss. “So cool,” she squeaked excitedly as she put the knife away. 

We drove up to a non-descript little bar. I memorized the address and we followed Okuta up to it. “Shigaraki, I got what you asked,” Okuta said as he walked in. We followed. The bar was small. Brick exterior, the floors and bar top were shiny. A man in a waiter suit stood behind the bar. At least he was kind of a man. His head was that of black and purple smoke. I found my annoying warp guy from the Rescue Exam back when the Nomu showed up. 

Across from him, sitting at the bar was good old handjob. Instead of the many hands, he only had one extra, hanging on his face. His white hair shaggy, he wore black pants and a black shirt. Slowly he turned to face us. Peeking through 2 of the fingers of the hand on his face. 

“Seeing you in the flesh…you look creepy as hell,” Dabi said. He was one to talk. He looked like a walking cigarette ban ad. 

“Whoa, you’re a buddy of the great Stainy, aren’t you hand dude?” Toga asked excitedly. “I look up to him soooo much. I want to join the League. Come on, can I, can I?” 

Shigaraki sighed. “Blackmist,” he directed at the bartender. “Throw these fuckers somewhere besides here. It seems like the 3 types I hate the most showed up.” 

“A snot-nosed brat, some asshole that doesn’t understand respect, and some green haired bastard,” he said. It must have been the face because I felt the need to pull my sword. I scratched my palm instead. 

“You want me to cut you, bitch?” Toga asked, a smile still on her face. 

“Now now,” Blackmist said. “Our guests went through all the trouble of reaching out. If nothing else, let us at least hear what they have to say, Shigaraki. Besides, the broker has proven himself. The folk he introduces have always had strategic advantages.” 

“Yo, I don’t care if you want them or not,” Okuta said. “You wanted the best in the area. Here they are. Just cough up the service charge, and my work is done.” The gray haired man stepped up while smoking a cigarette. “Guess I should at least introduce them. This cute little high school girl has been the talk of the town. But the media has kept her face and name under wraps. She is on the run for serial Blood Draining murders.” 

“My name’s Toga Himiko,” she said as if she were in class. “Life is hard. I want to make it a little easier. I wanna become like Stainy. And kill that fucking Villain Slayer that got into his way.” 

Shigaraki growled, but didn’t rebuke her. Okuta coughed, putting his hand on Scarecrow. “This man has committed no crimes that have stood out, but he’s taken to the hero killer’s ideals quite a bit.” 

Dabi mumbled, “I don’t know about this, does this group even have a cause? I mean, you’re letting a crazy high schooler join.” 

“Woah there,” Shigaraki said. “Even crazy girl managed to spit out her name. Be a proper adult.” 

“Fine, I go by Dabi.” 

“I want a real name,” Shigaraki coughed. 

“That doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you if and when I need to. Either way, whether I join or not, I’ll be the one to fulfill the hero killer’s will.”

“Don’t run your mouth,” Shigaraki growled. “Can we leave the hero killer shit out of the conversation for 2 fucking minutes?!” 

“Hold on, I got one more, the best for last,” Okuta said. Shigaraki stood up, but relaxed a little, staring at me. I kept my bored look on. “This is one of many people affected by the heroes. Collateral Damage. After hearing his vague story I did a little digging and there have been at least 30 people killed in mysterious fires around Endeavor’s fights. He is one of many hurt by the heroes.”

I kept my cool demeanor on. I wasn’t surprised by the number, I was surprised he had done some digging. “I’m Roronoa,” I said. I eyed him, then Dabi and Toga. “And gotta love Stain.” Toga laughed happily. 

“Fucking fuck,” Shigaraki said growing angry again. 

“Shigaraki don’t,” Blackmist said. Shigaraki didn’t listen, his real hands reached out to grab us. I pulled out a knife as Toga did, and Dabi extended his own hands. All of our hands met black mist, going through a portal and pointing away from one another. 

“Shigaraki, calm down,” the bartender said. We pulled our hands out of the short range portals. I was surprised, I hadn’t felt much of a change with the spirit energy of the portals. I would have to train further to be able to sense changes like that. “If we are going to continue, we need to expand our recruitment. All eyes are focused on us.”

Shigaraki growled, “Shut up.” Turning around he slam/opened a back door and left the small bar. 

“Anyway,” Okuta said. “I don’t wanna admit this, but he is a little young.” 

“I thought I was gonna get killed,” Toga said happily. 

“Creepy mother fucker,” the creepiest mother fucker, Dabi said. 

“I thought he wanted to shake hands,” I said sadly. 

“Ha, you’re so funny, Roro,” Toga said. 

Blackmist coughed behind the bar. “Might we ask you to give us a few days to reply? He does understand the need for more recruits. He is simply upset about Stain. Give him time to cool off.” 

“Fine,” Toga said. “Can I get a beer?” 

Blackmist’s white eyes squinted then he shrugged. Turning around he grabbed a weaker drink. “I’ll take some rum,” I said. Dressed like Zoro, I had a huge urge for some reason. Sitting at the bar Toga tried to stab me again. I grabbed her wrist, slamming it hard on the bartop, forcing her to let go of the knife. “Not while I drink, or I’ll kill you.”

She giggled, blushing. “Okay.” Putting her knife away Dabi and Okuta decided to leave after I said I would get a cab. 

“So what’s your story there black ghost?” I asked. 

“I am Blackmist,” he said. 

“I know, you look like a ghost,” I said. He handed me a dark rum. I sipped at it with a sigh. Blackmist didn’t reply. I was pretty sure he was a Nomu or something. Either way his quirk was pretty cool. 

If I killed him, he would severely limit the mobility of the League. But I wanted them mobile for now. Do some damage, but not too much. I wasn’t too sure what to do honestly. My cover could be blown at any time. But there was someone here I wanted to kill. The Villain Slayer would be making an appearance soon enough. 

“What about your story?” I asked Toga. She held the can of beer in her hand. Hiccuping her cheeks were rather blushed after only a few sips. “Are you drunk already?” I asked, laughing. 

“What?” She asked, leaning a little too far in her stool. Grabbing the bartop to stabilize herself she continued, “No no no. I’m not, hic, drunk.” 

“Oh my god, you are,” I said, unable to stop the smile on my lips. “How are you a lightweight? I thought you were a vampire.” 

“I am a vampire,” she said, hissing to show her fangs. “A sexy vampire.” She leaned forward as if to kiss me. “You’re cute.” 

“You’re drunk,” I said. Throwing a few bills on the bartop I chugged my rum. “Can you call a cab?” Blackmist nodded. Grabbing a wall phone like a normal bartender he had one to us soon enough. Toga stumbled up. Her legs weak, she kept falling away and to me. I wasn’t too scared she was going to sneak a knife in. I princess carried her out of the bar. 

“Be gentle,” she laughed, kicking her feet as I walked her through the door. The cab showing up soon enough I put us in the back. 

“Where are you staying?” I asked. 

“Wherever,” Toga mumbled, pulling my collar to her, trying to kiss me. 

“No, your home,” I said, dodging another kiss. 

“I don’t have one. I sleep wherever,” she said. 

I looked at her then. She wore the same exact thing I saw her in last a few days ago. Picturing her sleeping in an alley I sighed and pushed her away. “Take me to a long-term hotel that takes cash,” I said to the cabbie. He knew just the place only a mile away. Toga kept trying to be handsy but I pushed her off as she giggled and made suggestive noises. 

Pulling her out of the cab I set her up in the hotel for a month. Taking her to the room she had no idea where we were. Kissing my cheek she kept saying things like, “I want you. Be gentle. It’s my first time. Will I bleed?” All very…sobering. 

I walked her to her room. Throwing her on her bed I pulled some money out of my screen. “Buy yourself some damn groceries and clothes,” I said. “I’ll see you if I see you.” 

Walking out she asked, “Where are you going?” 

“I don’t do drunk girls, sorry,” I said. Or homeless ones. Dropping the key I shut the door and headed back to UA.

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