Canon Fodder



Things calmed down greatly in My Hero Academia. I was honestly surprised. Reading the manga it felt like stuff happened all of the time. But no, the next big arc was the summer camp one. Where the League of Villains would ruin summer camp for everyone. I was pretty sure the Villains just liked ruining good times for kids. Probably run by a bunch of adults, jealous of our summers off and lack of responsibilities. 

I spent my time training and studying. I would see my dad now and then, but he was getting more and more serious with the girlfriend of his. He mentioned marriage now and then. I was happy for him, but I had my own life. He was an afterthought. 

We had created a study group after school to help study for Finals. It cut into my training time, but I guessed learning stuff was useful in some way. The study group was made of Momo, Ida, Midoriya, Toru, Mina, Jiro, Tsuyu, and Uraraka. 

“Bored, bored, bored, bored,” I mumbled, reading the Calculus book again.

“Then do something else!” Momo finally yelled. 

“This is your study group!” I yelled back. “You’re supposed to make it fun for everyone.” 

“You keep saying that, but have yet to come up with a solution to make it less boring,” she mumbled. 

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” I said. 

“If you say strip studying again, I will punch you,” Momo said. 

I put a hurt look on my face. “It was Toru’s idea.” 

“It was not!” She yelled. 

“Oh right, you put the idea in my head,” I said. My girlfriend was flickering between visible and invisible now and then. As she got used to turning her quirk off and on she was appearing more often. Challenging herself. Her true goal was to be able to keep it up for a full 24 hours. 

Which I had been helping to push her for. Threatening her with not letting her watch me have sex. It was sad how easily it worked. The girl loved to watch, which was fine with me. I had been having a great time with Toru, Nejire, and Mei. 

“I’m joking…mostly…as long as no one wants to play the strip study game,” I said. 

“No!” More than one voice yelled. 

“Fine fine. I’m thinking a quiz game. A fun little game of Jeopardy or something,” I said. 

“We can do that,” Momo said. “But what’s the point?” 

“It's a challenge. Before the test. See how much random crap we know,” I said. “Here, I’ll even put up a prize.” I pulled out 25,000 yen, about $150. “Prize money. Make it a real challenge. I will even sweeten the pot. If a woman wins I will spend this on a date between us.” 

“Oh my god, why am I not surprised?” Toru said, laughing. “I knew you’d try to get something out of this.” 

“Except you Toru, you don’t get one,” I said, sticking out my tongue. She did the same. Holding herself visible for longer as she stuck her tongue out at me. “You don’t have to take the date of course. But money is money.” 

“I could use money,” Mina noted. 

“Ouch, wait to choose what you win,” I said. 

“Yeah whatever,” she giggled. “I’m in.” 

“Same” “Me too” “Why not?” The others said. We were then sectioned off to randomly start writing down questions. We planned it for a day before the actual exams. I felt more like I had something to work for. If I won I would just offer to take one of the girls on a date…as a consolation prize. I knew Toru wouldn’t care. We had gone on quite a few dates since our first. She might want to follow behind and watch it happen like the closet stalker she was. 

But when the group wrapped up I was surprised to get another call. “What’s up?” I asked, putting on my Zoro voice. 

“Hey, Roronoa,” Toga said nervously. “I was planning on meeting a guy I know to maybe meet the League. Are you still interested?” 

“Are you going to try to stab me?” I asked, bored. 

She giggled. “Probably,” she said. 

Letting out a sigh I said, “Fine. Where?” She relayed the information and I was soon draping myself in dark chakra. Moving through the school as I stayed hidden from the cameras and sensors I knew of. I was quickly off the school grounds. I knew they had sensors watching for people, but chakra was something they didn’t know to look for. I had escaped plenty of times without anyone noticing. 

Running across town on my own 2 feet I was able to easily jump huge distances between buildings. All the while staying hidden from everything. I eventually found the pawn shop Toga had mentioned. Waiting in the alley I put on my Zoro guise. I didn’t have his swords but wore his white wool shirt, black pants, black boots, and black headband on my arm. 

“Hey,” I growled at Toga. She was still in her school uniform. Stepping out of the taxi she smiled widely at me. Widely and crazily. 

I once had a crazy ex-girlfriend. She got way into the relationship way too quickly. That mad look in the eyes was the only way to describe Toga’s stare. Although we had only met once she already had it. A shiver went up my spine, but I kept the bored look on my face. 

“Good, you came,” she said. Licking her lips she asked, “Shall we?” 

I nodded and walked over to her. Pretending to be unafraid as I walked next to her up to the pawn shop. She didn’t make a move with a knife, but using Observation Haki, I made sure of it. Ready for her to strike at any moment I was prepared to slap her around. 

We walked to the counter. An old woman behind it nodded and waved us to a side door. Entering into a new building it was apparently a club. Loud music played down below somewhere. In a dark corridor we moved down the stairs. That was where Toga decided to strike. 

Her hand whipping out of her sweater pocket she swiped her knife at me. Before it got halfway, I smacked the back of her head and she fell down the stairs with a yelp. Catching herself at the bottom I grabbed the collar of her shirt, picking her up. “You done?” 

She smiled heatedly. Giggling as she shook her head. I rolled my eyes as we walked into the club. Moving through the crowd we were guided to another back room. Inside was more of what I expected. The music muffled well from the simple door. I guessed the room was sound proof. A bar on one side there was a large table where I pictured mafia card games happened. But a simple man sat there. 

He was tall. Gray hair slicked to one side he had circular frame glasses, a goatee, a gap between his teeth, and smoked a cigarette. Wearing a business suit he opened his arms widely. “Toga, so good to see you again.”

She sat at one of the chairs in front of the guy. I sat next to her. Pretending to be bored. I recognized this guy. He was some sort of information guy that the League of Villains used. 

“This the friend you spoke about?” The guy asked. 

“Yeah,” Toga said. Her normally psychotic look was all business now. “Kagero Okuta, this is Roronoa. He wanted to find the League too.” 

“That true, Roronoa?” Okuta asked, with a gap tooth smile. 

“Yeah,” I said and left it at that. 

“Oh, I’ll need you to continue,” Okuta said. “This is a meet and greet. I am your conduit to the League.” 

I eyed Toga. “She said it might happen. You really know them?” 

“I do,” Okuta said. “I am an information broker for a lot of people. I am currently recruiting for the League. If you want them to consider you. You need to impress me. And I know nothing about you, Roronoa. How about we start with your real name, and your quirk.”

I nodded grimly. “I can’t tell you my real name, or show you my real face. I am on the run. I had my face changed. Been kind of wandering for a while until I saw that video on Stain. A lot of what he believed in stuck with me. Kind of gave me something to try to help achieve.” 

“Which is?” 

“A world without false heroes,” I said bluntly. “My parents were killed in a villain attack. A fire hero accidentally set fire to a building they were in. Just a spark, but they were lit up. Never got an apology from the hero. Just a pat on the head. Always had a bad taste in my mouth about them since.” 

Okuta frowned. “Endeavor?” He asked.

I matched his frown, but didn’t offer a yes or no. I let it be ambiguous. I hadn’t heard a story of that happening, but it wasn’t too farfetched. The Hero Safety Commission could probably make something like that disappear. “They said the villain did it. But I was there,” I said. “He did.” 

“Jeez,” Okuta said, acting as if he cared, perfectly. “You really must hate them.” I didn’t answer. Toga moved to stab me again. I grabbed her knife between 2 fingers. She practically came from the show of strength. Moaning excitedly as she pulled the knife away. 

“And your quirk?” He asked. 

“It’s called Observation,” I said. “I know everything happening around me.”


“So, I can’t be caught by surprise,” I said. “Those 2 guys have guns. They can fire at me if you want me to show you my skills.” 

“You can dodge bullets?” He asked, intrigued. 

“I can dodge fingers pulling triggers,” I clarified. “I know everything around me.” Toga apparently wanted to try. Slicing her dagger she went for the back of my head. I ducked down smoothly. Her hand kept going, she pulled it back and tried to stab me but I moved away. Stopping just out of her reach. “I don’t get caught by surprise.”

Toga practically hyperventilated. So excited as she tried to stab me again and again. I couldn’t remember exactly what her deal was, but she wanted to stab and kill everything she loved, because she loved blood.    

“Consider me impressed,” Okuta admitted. “I tested Toga. She is strong.” I continued to sit away from her. Shrugging I let him think what she wanted. “Alright, I’ll put you 2 up for meeting the League.” 

“Really?!” Toga asked excitedly. “We can be just like Stainy, Roronoa.” 

“Cool,” I said. “What next?” 

“Wait. I’ll be in touch soon,” he admitted. “You both good? Need anything from me?” 

“No, the IDs you gave me work great,” Toga said.

“IDs?” I asked. 

“Haha, you’re not the only one on the run, Roro baby,” she said with a wink. Another shiver went up her spine. 

“I want IDs,” I said, looking at Okuta.

“Oh yeah? You got money?” He asked. 

“A bunch. Liberated a lot. I want a money launderer too,” I said.

“Now, that is something I can help with,” Okuta said with a big smile. For a small fee he gave me information for where I could find a money launderer and guy that could make Identification cards. With that I had a way to start spending some real money. 

I was soon out the door. Toga chasing after me as we left the club then pawn shop. “Where are you going?!” She yelled as we left.

“Home,” I said. 

“I want to come with,” she said. 

“Why? So you can try to stab me?” I asked, bored. 

“I promise, I won’t,” she said. I turned around, studying her. She was practically squirming. I could tell she was lying. 

“Sorry, I don’t give out freebies,” I said. “You’d have to pay with your ass.” I decided on trying to make it worth my wild. I was pretty sure she wasn’t interested in sex whatsoever. Part of me was tempted to try, just because crazy girls were an experience in and of themselves, but she was a few levels beyond crazy. 

“But I’m a virgin,” she whined. 

I laughed. “Then sorry, sugar tits. I’m a villain. Not some chivalrous knight.” I continued walking. She didn’t follow. I was a little disappointed, but yelled at my dick for being too horny. I had plenty of women going on. I didn’t need to add a blood crazy one to it. I was soon jumping away and back at the dorm. 

Pleasantly I ran into Nejire on my way back. “Hello beautiful,” I said walking down the hall toward her.

“I knocked on your door, but you weren’t there,” she said with a frown. 

“I’m here now,” I said. “Come for a midnight snack?” 

“Perhaps,” she said cutely. My periwinkle haired beauty putting on her schoolgirl act.

“Let me make you something special then,” I said. Grabbing her ass I led her to my room. “How about I treat you to a nice rough session. It’s a school night. I might have bought a gag to help keep you quiet.” 

“I could be talked into that,” she whispered hotly. “But you’ll have to tie me down. I might try to pull the gag out.” 

“Oh, I’ll make sure you can’t move,” I promised. I soon had her on my bed. Holding her arms and legs down with my own. I fucked her hard while she tried to scream through the gag. Cumming over and over it didn’t take long to make her pass out mid-sex. Filling her up with my semen she slept soundly with me buried in her. I made the right choice in not going with psycho blood girl. Normal cock hungry girls were so much better. 

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