The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 308

Chapter 308: Potential Recruit

*Wahhh, Wahhh,* “-here I come,” half-awake, the long nights of caring for Lizzie had just begun. In what seemed to be the blink of an eye, dusk turned to dawn. ‘Xula,” shaking she who slept curled for it was cold, “-wake up,” he whispered gently.

“What is it?” mumbling, a yawn escaped as she spoke.

“I won’t be here for two to three days,” stood, “-could you take over?”

“What you up too?” she asked with her body relaxed and energized.

“I have to head out to Easel Run-Gard,” the curtains parted as he walked over to the door. “Are you up for it?”

“Still haven’t answered my question,” sat on the edge of the bed, she peered over to Lizzie’s cradle.

“It’s a business deal for Phantom. I can’t discuss it anymore, the only thing you need to know is that a lot of money is involved. We’re talking in the hundred thousand.”


“Phantom again,” now beside Lizzie, she leaned over to caress the babe’s cheek. “No more than four days,” her posture straightened, “-else I’ll have you sleep with the dogs.”

“Do we have dogs?” he asked in jest.

“I’ll make sure to find some,” she joined the laughter. Thus, the day began with the Queen in a good mood.

Preparations began in the Alchemic tower, ‘-this should go here, here, and here,’ sorting the research papers, anything linked to DG and Phantom was concealed. Even in Arda things could still be malicious, especially for a King. ‘The team in charge of the mine have started construction on a stone path as well as the infrastructure around the will be facility. The estimated time is up to one and a half year.’ Status reports flashed across the screen. Read, he sent a reply giving new orders to the problem of monster attacks at night. Simple solution, contact the guild.

‘Tharis,’ holstered inside a black-suit jacket, ‘-Orenmir,’ the sword that was kept unused for so long. *Tap,* invisible, the sword rested on the hip. As for healing, two rare-scrolls were kept inside the suit. Readied, he teleported out of Arda into the mansion. Void slept in the garage. Time showed 09:00, ‘-Elliot should be at the Airfield at any moment now.’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

Cold and damp, the dewy moist air tickled the nose. “Let us in,” shouts came from the entrance, “-we’ve got an audience with Lady Cake,” a familiar voice.

“What’s the matter?” walked over, the gate stood close with a guard atop one of the two towers guarding said entrance.

“Boss, they say that they know you,” turned one of the guards.

“Let them in.”

“As you wish, boss,” a pull of a lever, followed by clanging, the black-gates opened. Elliot and his spirit stood; the formers outfit was one differing from yesterday. In the style of a military uniform without the badges, he stepped in with a bag. The latter, dressed in skimpy clothes, walked as if the cold never bothered.

“You made it,” said Staxius with arms crossed.

“Yes, sir,” he gave a salute.

“Good,” turned the leader, “-let’s go,” he walked over into the office. The breeze blasted through the road leading onto the field grew to be more vexing by the day. All around, the numbers of guards increased gradually, they were recruited by Jason and chosen by Cake. Scanning the surrounding, the recruit felt the pressure of said compound. No idle chatter, complete order, and discipline.

*Click,* the door opened, climbing stairs, a corridor stood. Besides the boss’s office rested another room, one for Cake. “Good morning,” the door unlocked. “Morning,” replied a voice from behind a desk filled with screens. Displays all around, the room felt more like a command center than an office. “How may I help you?” blue glow off, the lady stood with dark-circles paired with a look of despair. “P-p-please,” she pointed to a coffeemaker, “-one cup.”

“You pulled an all-nighter again,” said with a disapproving tone, he reached for a cup and pressed a button. “Here,” hot, the drink rested in Cake’s cold hands. It helped in getting some of her body heat back. Intrigued and confused, Elliot watched Shadow who interacted with a fatherly emotion. His spirit vanished midway as the coffee was made.

“Who’s the new boy?” she asked after sipping the liquid.

“A potential recruit,” stood with arms crossed, “-have you forgotten about him already?”

“Elliot,” she smiled, “-what brings you here, I thought you were working for the guild?”

“Well ma’am,” he spoke out, “-I came in hopes of getting recruited by Phantom. I wish to put my service into my sister’s saviors’ hands. I promised to serve, thus my visit.”

“I see,” she paused and moved to a dustbin, a push and the lid opened. “A potential recruit you say,” her eyes turned to one inquisitive. After which, the conversation turned into an interview, one after the other, Elliot replied to her questions impeccably.

“Who do you work for?”

“For Staxius Haggard.”

“I see,” smiled Shadow, “-I say you’ve passed the first test,” he moved over to Cake, “-I’ll dispose of him if he doesn’t suit our expectation,” whispered, “-I’ll be headed to Halos in a few minutes. You do realize how much trouble it’s going to cause if the deal fails.”

“I understand,” she turned to Elliot, “-guards,” she called, “-get him proper battle-attire.” After, two muscular bodyguards stepped inside to carry him away.

“May I ask how you are to head to Halos? We’ve no aircraft, the helicopters might not make the trip seeing the distance.”

“Should be fine,” he smiled, “-I’ll teleport there. On another note,” he reached closer, “-Antis-2, what manufacturing company was it?”

“Oh, Gate-Six, they went bankrupt. I heard the scientists disbanded, no money means no research, those people are rumored to be freaks who enjoy warfare more than anything. Not the prospect of fighting, but the prospect of seeing their inventions in action.”

“Good,” patting her shoulder, “-get a hold of the scientist who led their whole operation. We might get some use of them.”

“Mysteriously bankrupt,” stared Cake, “-they were well off until a few weeks ago. Did you do anything?”

“Whatever do you mean,” giving a wink, “-I’m not responsible since their leader was an idiot,” to which the door opened. ‘Gate-six,’ in the corridor, ‘-a secretive research group that manufactures weapons. I got wind of their prowess through a message the Master Alchemist sent. They had close ties with the DG until a new head broke off the alliance. Karlson was out for blood; I only needed to add fuel to the fire. A single phone call to Renaud and here’s the result, a company disbanded.’

“Are you ready?” footsteps echoed to the cafeteria.

“Yes, sir,” replied Elliot readied for battle.

“Alright,” grabbing Elliot’s hand, “-don’t puke,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* the strain put over such a large distance didn’t cause trouble. Since Courtney remained on Halos, teleporting to her location via her mana was as if walking through a portal.

“Sure took your time,” sat on a bed facing the beach, Courtney waved. A well-ventilated cabin with sand all over the floor, it made standing a little difficult. The change from Hidros and here was apparent. The blinding sunlight with the heat could make any cower in fear. Glaring, the sand seemed as if hot charcoal.

“Don’t fret,” the eyes wandered around, “-Halos sure is a paradise,” the door opened. To the left rested the beach and to the right, a road led straight into a large compound. An airfield as well as a port that took one-third of the isle’s size.

“So this is the famed Elliot,” she grabbed onto his face and examined closely.

“Please to meet you, ma’am.”

“Not flustered, you’ve experience dealing with women,” she laughed, “-what’s the deal, why did you decide to come here all of a sudden?” her attention turned to Shadow who stared into the distance.

“I came to oversee the deal,” he gave an over the shoulder stare, “-that amount of money can drive the hardest man crazy. Don’t worry,” the crimson-mask materialized, “-we’re Shadow, two faces of the same coin.”

“Indeed we are,” her mask appeared with a white-flame.

“Let’s go, Elliot,” called Staxius.

“Don’t mind my asking, who are you?” he asked as they walked.

“I’m Shadow,” replied Courtney.

“I’m Shadow also,” added Staxius.

“Could you elaborate?” he asked with a clueless glare.

“Shadow isn’t a person, tis an idea. One that I’ve yet to decide on, a constant remain. Shadow is he or she who slays without mercy, a killer by trade, a being who’s transcended the human limits. For now, there are only two Shadows, one who works behind the scene and one who carries out the dirty work. I’ll let you figure which one is who later,” they arrived shortly after.

“Boss,” sat under a tent, guards fanned themselves with magazines riddled with the naked beauty of men and women alike. “Glad you could make it.”

“Yves,” called Staxius.

“Yes, boss,” he stood straight with a salute. All who worked for Phantom knew of the two Shadows. It wasn’t a secret by any mean since they looked alike with the same hair. None bothered to ask, the only thing was loyalty and obedience.

“We have a recruit who shall be tested today,” pointing at the back, Elliot became the center of attention. The members of Phantom’s stares changed into glares; they examined every inch of the man. “He’s a marksman.”

“I presume he’ll be standing in the craft as the negotiation is handled?” asked Yves.

“Yes,” nodded Courtney, “-You’ll be the spokesperson. Brother and I will hang back, that is unless the General shows himself. Remember, this assignment is life or death, either the cargo is sold or we’re heading into a trap. Hence the reason for the Boss’s visit.”

“We have the power to destroy at will. Still, we’ll be docile and use discourse, violence will be the last resort. Do your job correctly; everyone will be using the same channel,” briefed, the guards who sat, stood, and changed gear. The fatigued faces turned to one emotionless.

“Here,” Staxius threw an earpiece, “-you’re going to need one.” In the background, the TU-03 had its cargo bay filled with arms. “Alright people,” spoke Cake who had the channels split into differing squads.

“Shadow,” spoke another man who bared an accent similar to Renaud. “Our agreement ends here,” he approached with a grey suit, “-we’re heading out. Good luck with the negotiations.”

“Thanks,” he gave out a handshake, “-transporting that much cargo without a ship would have been impossible. Give my regards to Godfather Renaud, the payment will be sent over early this afternoon.”

Thirty men excluding Staxius, Courtney, and Elliot stood at the ready to fight. Armed with DV-43, a gun manufactured by Gate-Six, it was superior to any other model. Less recoil, more range, a semi-automatic rifle that could dent Adamantite. Water on one side and wind on the other, tis was the Magical-Weapon variant. It used the host’s mana as a catalyst, depending on how much mana it got, the more powerful it grew. It fired Elemental Shards as well as bullets.

“The time has come,” spoke Staxius as Phantom entered the aircraft.

“This is awesome,” giggled Courtney, “-I’ve no idea why, but this makes me very, very happy.”

“B-boss,” whispered Elliot, “-I’m weirdly confident, I’ve no idea what we’re stepping into, however, I know we’re going to win.”

“Confident,” smiled Courtney, “-nice, I like it.” Sat in the cargo area, the men stared at one another in silence. To prevent feelings from ruining the mission, all the guards, despite them being very good friends outside, had their hearts locked.

“Ready for take-off,” spoke the pilot. Engaged, the engine roared with power. Armed to the teeth, TU-03 lifted off for a venture into an unknown world.

Midflight, Cake contacted General Miller. The pilot was advised to not fly over the continent. Instead, they would make their way around and come in from the North West.

‘What kind of person are you, Miller,’ thought Staxius, ‘-I’ve no trust in what is to happen. My information is limited, either a trap or a good deal. The information I gave yesterday should have helped in settling my credibility. If it goes loud; Orenmir might come to play.’ Courtney sat beside and grabbed Dragonrend. Ready for anything, the plane flew to the destination.

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