The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 307

Chapter 307: Arcane Library

Leaned on the chair, a moment of shut-eye for the time said 15:00. *Dring, Dring,* [Caller: Auic]


“Hello, guild leader, I apologize for such short notice. Could you please make the trip to headquarters, I’ve got a couple who wish to speak to you. They seem to know you personally; the lady, in particular, she’s very, very adamant.”

“Alright,” stood with his phone in the pocket, the call ended. ‘I need to go stretch my legs,’ yawned out of fatigue. He walked through a portal, “-what’s the problem?” the door opened as he stepped out into Kniq’s headquarters. A glance showed Auic leaned back on her chair. Her eyes squinted with her fox-ears turned away.

“Anything the matter?” he stepped into her room. A man and woman stood; the former had a backpack as large as him. The latter sat with her legs crossed, her aura felt as if a viper.

“Guild Master,” voiced Auic in relief, “-glad you could make it.”

“Guild master,” their gazes met, “-you’re here,” the man reached out for a handshake.


“Elliot,” he gave a nonchalant once over, “-you seem to be doing rather well, what brings you here?” the stare reached behind towards the lady as well.


“Never mind,” interjected Staxius, “-you’ve annoyed my secretary enough. Let’s head to my office.” The trio stepped out, glimpsing back, Auic smiled as if to say thank you.

*Beep,* toggled, the curtain parted thus letting the sun inside. “Speak your mind,” arms crossed with a tough stare, the guild leader emanated fear.

“Well,” clearing his throat, “-I’ve come to say thank you,” he bowed, “-thank you for letting us have a place to stay. My sister’s condition has improved tremendously. Lady Cake took her to Town Claireville and paid for the medical expenses. Her smile made me motivated to work, I registered with the guild and went on the job. I even got recruited by a party. It all went fine until the truth about my personality came to pass. On a quest, we were asked to protect a trading caravan from Rogues on the outskirts of Riverwood. As expected, we were ambushed. Knightfall in hand, I did my job and exterminated the trouble. I got praised for the skill shown; still, I couldn’t qualm the hunger I had. The more I shot, the hungrier I got, monsters soon became weaklings, my party dropped me because of said thirst,” he held the lady’s hand, “-without nothing to shoot, Knightfall’s ire grew. No money, nothing – I have your debt to repay, sadly, the guild isn’t where I belong. This is why I’ve sought you out, Shadow, leader of Phantom. I heard from Cake that you were in the process of recruiting people for a personal army,” matching Staxius’s gaze, “-let me join your faction. I’ll kill anyone you ask, tis all I’ve done my whole life. In no way can I change back to lead a normal life, it would be selfish. I can’t, with what I’ve seen, there’s no way.”

‘This man,’ thought Staxius, ‘-reminds me of myself. An urge to kill, he’s worked for Kreston. Given their nature, he’s a machine programmed to kill. Knightfall, the spirit of his gun also gives out an aura similar to a demon. It would be a shame to let such a talent rot. A marksman that can shoot a person from 2.5 kilometers away; a Guardian.’

“You wish to join Phantom?”

“Yes,” adamant, the voice screamed of determination.

‘Tomorrow’s the day we deal with the Western army. I fear that they might pull one over on us. That amount of gold is no laughing matter. They could buy fighter-planes if wanted. Miller is the kind of General to fight without relying on machines. I’ve made up my mind,’ he stood, “-if you wish to join Phantom, head to the airfield immediately. Tis out in Rotherham,” reached into the suit, “-give this to the guard,” a card. “It’s addressed to Cake, she’ll be waiting for your arrival.”

“Thank you, sir,” stood Elliot with a smile, “-I won’t disappoint,” another handshake.

“Don’t count your lucky stars yet, you’re but a potential recruit,” firm, he returned the handshake. “About you,” turned to the lady, “-is there something you wish for?”

“No,” seductively, “-I’ve come to assist my young master,” her body flickered, “-you see,” her hand crawled down her waist, “-I crave for one thing,” her eyes seemed to lit, “-and its blood.”

“I do wish that you’d not sully the chair, tis not a bed,” unimpressed, “-the matters of the flesh is meant to be sorted in private,” the gaze stern as her wrist moved gently.

“Stop,” grabbed Elliot, “-don’t you ruin our chance with your libido,” he gritted, “-I’m sorry about that,” he turned with a nervous smile, “-Knightfall is a little, risqué,” he gulped.

“Oh, that matters not,” voiced Staxius who reached for the door, “-if she wishes to partake in the bonding of flesh; I would not mind employing her as a lady of the night. There isn’t a lack of sex-crazed idiots around these parts, what you say?” the eyes emotionless, her response was one of confusion. “Since thine hand moved to pleasure thyself, why not allow strangers to do the same. I mean, thou tried to elicit a response.”

“Fine,” she rolled her eyes, “-sharp eyesight I’d say,” the duo stood, “-you intrigue me, leader of Phantom.”

“I’d wish to say the same thing,” he pointed to a ring on his left hand, “-I’m a married man. Even if I were a bachelor, I’d still not have any desire to approach thee,” giving a smug smile; her face grew harsher.

“Tough nut to crack,” she winked. “-Come on,” Elliot pushed her out the room, “-we’ll make way to the airfield. See you soon, sir,” they argued till the elevator.

“What was that about?” asked Auic who walked out her office.

“Some people I met during my trip to Kreston. The man is a talented sniper, I should be able to find him work.”

“For Phantom?” asked Auic.

“Yes,” he smiled, “-for Phantom. How goes the guild while we’re on the matter?”

“It’s going rather well actually. The news of Xenos being the first platinum adventurer has opened a lot of job prospects for us. Achilles was promoted to Silver a few days ago. Her job in exterminating monsters out in the Tower of Aris proved to be worth the trouble. They’re climbing with a Mid-tier guild named Lampe.”

“I see,” they now stood and stared out the large window panes, “-what about Avon. I heard you two moved in together, are you dating?”

“You could say that,” she sighed, “-he took a few exams and got a job at Junior Claireville Academy to teach the arts of magic. We’re living as a couple,” she smiled, “-too bad he’s a spirit. Every night goes off to replenish his mana. I wish he’d have a physical body. I do love the man; he’s been there ever since the first day. You also master,” she smiled, “-it’s thanks to you that I’m happy. I have a lover, a good job, and confidence in myself. All of that was made possible because you took me in. I never thought the King of Arda would help a play-thing so much. The memories of that crude past have been filled with those of joy and happiness. Kniq and everyone, we’ve grown to be a family.”

“I’m also grateful,” stared into the distance, “-all of this would not have been possible without help. I mostly gave out orders and started the projects, it was the members of Kniq who made it into such a good guild.”

“Yeah, it’s all lovely,” smiled Auic.

“I have something serious to discuss,” he turned, “-I’ve thought about this for a long time. Kniq doesn’t need a leader who is not active. Viola has taken care of it for a while. I think it’d be better if she became the leader, I’ve already signed the papers to transfer ownership. Kniq’s emblem, the wings, is meant to fly unbound by the world. To fly and discover what lays beyond the horizon,” placing a hand on her shoulder, “-do discuss it with the others.”

“Quite selfish of you,” she chuckled, “-I can already see their responses. Filled with swear and insults, we care not if our leader is inactive. He’s the Guild Master of Arda; Kniq isn’t a guild. Tis a family, our family, comrades who have faced much trouble together,” breathing a sigh, “-I’ll ask Viola first. If she’s ok with the idea, I’ll speak it to the others.”

“I’ve always been selfish,” he winked, “-I’m off, take care, Auic.”

“You too, Guild leader,” the door to the portal room closed shut. ‘Transferring Kniq to Undrar is not that bad an idea,’ stepped into the tower, ‘-Avon’s spirit is bound to this realm already. I think I’ll be able to make him a body with the properties of a living human. Alchemy is the way forward, altering the properties of an element will be tough. A large pool of mana will be required, thus my usage of the philosopher stone for Achilles. Not anymore,’ he smiled, ‘-my mana pool as a god is immense.’ Hands on the table, ‘-what is it that makes a human, human?’

[Divinity: Second Boon – Arcane Library]

First came the body, second came the mind. Reflected on the boons, first was the body of a god. The second was the knowledge of a god. Arcane Library, direct access to the Lord Death’s collection of books all stored as memory. Similar to Clarity, the Arcane Library held more knowledge when it came to life, death, and magic. Clarity was a skill any who’d reach their limit could activate. Though Staxius pushed its limit with every trip resulting in his death – the price for what knowledge he got wasn’t worth the boost in power. Arcane Library; an evolution, one of which knowledge only a divine could access.

‘Heavy,’ the eyes opened to a dark-blue world, ‘-water,’ he coughed with bubbles floating upward, ‘-Knowledge,’ inside said realm, turquoise waves swam across as if fishes. Each was a fragment of lost knowledge, ‘-focus on what a human is?’ holding his breath, he dove further. Turquoise all around swirled of which resembled a flock of fishes, a crimson ray shone. Reached, “-got it,” reawoke, the breathing grew erratic. ‘The bottom is far darker, I’ve a feeling that the ocean of knowledge has a mind of its own. Still, it served its purpose. The possibility of creating human puppets exists. Who better to test it on than Avon.’ Pen in hand, the ray he caught held knowledge of the composition of a human body.

‘All that is required can be acquired, a trip to the butchers should suffice.’ The hand grew symbols, a new spell. ‘To transmute the elements into the form I desire; I’ll be the catalyst. First comes the body then the mind. The mind will be the soul and body will be my creation.’ From a pentagram to a hexagon, mixed and matched of which he wrote in the ancient tongue.

*All who live will die, and all who die will be reborn. The soul is a conduit of which I control.*

Written in blood on a scroll. Preparations for the Transmutation of flesh into a human body was readied. A stepping stone, a mere fraction of what was to come. A few hours had passed – sinking into the Arcane Library took more time than expected. ‘All that is left is to get the flesh and Avon. Auic, you wished for the spirit to be human. Lady luck was on thy side today. My vision and your dream intertwined. I’ll use Avon as a test. If this goes as plan, the research on mana will also come in handy.

“Where have you been?” asked Xula who soaked in a warm bath.

“Work,” he joined, “-what about Lizzie, she asleep?” he asked.

“She fell asleep after she had her fill of milk,” moved over, “-are you sure you’re alright, you don’t seem that healthy.”

“I’m fine,” he smiled, “-just had a few things to take care of,” leaned with a wet-towel on the eyes, Xula’s voice turned to silence for the door to the realm of dreams opened.

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