The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 278

Chapter 278: Eira’s Classmates

Stood in line with about five boys and six girls, Eira’s class. From right to left, they stood according to their rank and prestige. In front, a princess, followed by the daughter of a duke, so on and so forth. Four out of the five boys remained at the far left, not too surprising since they were commoners.

“Greetings,” spoken in a deep voice, the face stern and aura menacing, he eyed everyone.

“Greetings,” they bowed, shaken by the experience.

I’d like to introduce my class,” Eira took a closer step and went one by one. Each spoke their name and bowed. The moment the introduction ended, the commoner boys, named: Fletcher, Harold, Simone, and Tony – slacked off their posture.

“Keep it together,” voiced one of the girls named Mille. From there on: Christina, Kim, Anastasia, and Ysmay.

“You’re being disrespectful,” urged Timothy, the only noble among the male group. Scared, doing some weird unnatural motion, they stared up with shoulders not level and neck at a perplexing angle.

‘Seriously,’ without warning, he took a step forward.


“We’re so screwed,” whispered Tony as he stood last in line.

“Good luck man,” the other three turned and gave a thumbs up.

“You’re going to hell,” he mumbled to the traitorous friends. A shadow peered down onto him. Eyes shut, he prayed and whispered some chant to be given protection against evil.

“Stand up straight,” thunderous, Staxius grabbed the boy’s shoulder and straightened his posture. “Chest out, stomach tucked in and face forward, be mindful of how the body looks,” the same way, he went around and sorted the other’s postures. Confused, they could but admire – a man with so much power without care about his standing, reached out. “Listen,” he took a step back and kept a strong front, “-there’s nothing more important than dressing and looking the part. If one wants to make it in the real world, you’ll need to acquire certain skills, skills of which includes adaptability. Thou art young men, act the part, be confident, else, how will you be noticed by the opposite sex,” to which he raised an eyebrow towards the other nobles in attending. “Look at them for example,” he pointed at a few ladies, “-engage or married, some are always on the lookout,” to which some were caught eyeing the King from top to bottom, not only were their ladies but men as well. “-This doesn’t go for me either, take a look at Prince Ernis,” they turned, “-see how the ladies flock to him, that’s not because of rank or prestige. I can guarantee if he wasn’t of noble birth, that man would have more attention than he has right now.”

“It’s true,” they were in awe.

“For the young ladies,” seeing them getting distant,”-why don’t you all come here,” he gestured.

“What’s happening?” asked Ysmay.

“I’ve no idea,” shrugged Eira as she stared Kim and Mille.

“Since you all are in the same class as my daughter; there are things that aren’t taught in school that you need to understand. Bear in mind, tis but the opinion of a man who has seen a lot,” he paused, “-first of all,” he pointed towards Timothy, “-what is it that you aspire to become, young man?”

Startled, “-s-scholar y-your majesty,” a feeling of uneasiness went around their heads – each glanced seeking confirmation of what was to happen.

“Scholar,” he paused, “-what type of scholar, magic or scientific, or both, which is it?”

“I d-do apologize,” Timothy shook his head, “-I misspoke, I mean to say, Alchemist.”

“I see,” he smiled, “-anyone else?” to which, the girls nodded.

“What about you four?” he turned to the commoners.

“Adventurers sir, we wish to protect our village. We came here in hope of learning the ways of magic, monsters have ravaged our fields for far too long; we wish to give back to the people who helped us come here,” in agreement with Tony, they nodded.

“Good,” he breathed, “-we’ll start with Alchemy. What is alchemy?”

“I d-do apologize your grace, but is this necessary?” interjected Eira.

“Do refrain from asking needless questions. I wish to see how the students nowadays compare to sixteen years ago,” strict, Eira bowed and apologized.

“Alchemy is the research on how matters interact with mana and the natural elements. It’s the study of many subjects of which the end goal is to advance mankind into a better future,” Kim answered confidently; top in her class.

“Correct,” he paused, “-now answer me this. With all the knowledge you possess, in true or false. Do you think it’s possible for mana to be extracted from a person and made into a potion?”

“False,” the answer was unanimous, “-mana is the lifeforce of a person, one can’t just extract it for it would be the same as taking away someone’s life,” argued Anastasia.

“Good,” he held out his hand, “-mana is the lifeforce of an individual,” a magic circle engraved itself atop, “-though that is one is led to believe,” in a blueish color, the circle took on ethereal shape and turned into a potion. “You should have learned Sense Mana by now,” he stared up, “-care to try it on this.”

“Whatever you say, sire,” reluctantly, Kim closed her eyes and used Sense Mana. “-Impossible,” her concentration broke, “-t-try it,” she asked her friends to do the same.

“You’re kidding me,” even the boys were at a loss for words.

“So, you see,” the flask turned to dust and the mana in its purest essence floated above his hand, “-with enough mana control, one can construct, deconstruct and reinvent spells and do a lot of things. What you see is but a sliver of my mana,” *Snap,* it turned into a blade and cut Kim’s finger.

“What’s happening?” opposed to blood, a white essence bled out.

“Enough mastery of magic and one can affect another person’s magical circuitry and draw out his life-essence. What the school doesn’t say is that when a person runs out of mana, they don’t die, not immediately – they’re sent into shock, the physical body tries hard to safeguard the ethereal self – which, if not treated within a few hours, the brain will die which beckons the question yet again, what is alchemy?”

“Do you know the answer?” asked Eira.

“I’m afraid not,” he smiled, “-studying never ends, whether it’s magic, alchemy, swordsmanship, being more social around others, scheming. Anyone can remember stuff they’ve read, that’s not knowledge, you’re but a puppet. The true people who seek knowledge are those foolish enough to question the very fabric of reality, some are called insane and some geniuses, there’s no straight answer.”

“Do apologize my asking,” Anastasia jumped in, “-this may come out rude, but what is taught at the academy can’t be wrong. Are you saying that you know more of what the people who are paid to teach know?”

“Don’t,” Christina grabbed her arm, “-you’re speaking to royalty, mind thine self,” her eyes held fear.

“No,” she shrugged her hand, “-I won’t stand by and say nothing as what we have been taught at school is dragged through the mud as if being nothing but worthless babble.”

“Young lady,” he breathed out, “-losing composure and resorting to lashing out is a justifiable reaction. I’m not here to discredit what has been taught at the academy. Why else would I send my daughter to study there if I wasn’t trusting in how they taught,” a good point made, the girl could but stare away.

“Aspiring alchemist,” instantly he turned to the others, “-have you heard of Clarise and Flein Reinhart?”

“Yes,” she fired back, “-Clarise is a prodigy and Flein is a master alchemist with so much knowledge.”

“What about the Cobalt Unit?”

“An elite group of scholars of various fields working in conjuncture to make discoveries around the world. It’s so tightly fitted that people are only asked to join if they have made a revolutionary discovery or have performed what some might say miracles. It’s the goal of every scholar to become one of their members,” smiled Kim, the prospect made her excited.

“May we ask why you’d bring up their name?” asked Timothy, intrigued by the way the King spoke.

“Not to boast,” he reached inside the suit jacket and took out an emblem, “-I’m an alchemist who was once invited to join the Cobalt’s unit.”

“Hold on a moment,” Eira interjected, “-when did you become an alchemist?” she asked confused.

“Eira, wait,” voiced Mille, “-what sort of discovery did you make, sire?”

“I wouldn’t say discovery though I did help in cracking the methodology of how mana could be extracted and turned into liquid and even solids.”

“You really did extract Kim’s mana as if it were blood,” Anastasia pointed out whilst trembling.

“As an alchemist, I’ll say but one thing, thou aspiring alchemists, work hard and study. Being smart isn’t the full picture, one must also know how to apply the things that he has learned,” with a smile, Josiah approached.

“Sorry for taking so much of your time,” the director bowed, “-let’s go, students, you’ve taken too much of his majesty’s time. There is another guest you need to meet,” after which, the class headed out.

“Eira,” called Tony, “-the king isn’t that bad a person. Given I didn’t understand anything about the whole mana situation, he seemed knowledgeable.”

“I’m sorry for lashing,” apologized Anastasia, “-I just thought he was being pretentious. However, that backfired real quick, an alchemist who was invited to the cobalt unit.”

“More impressive than that was about the possibility of mana potions,” lost in the clouds, “-I’d have wanted to hear more about what he had to say,” she drooled.

“You’re a noble, act like it,” intervened Ysmay.

‘I think I overdid it,’ arms crossed, the eyes wandered till Carla’s face, hidden behind a crowd, was spotted. ‘The Remington’s are here,’ to which, minutes turned to hours, people chatted – the center cleared up, some couple went ahead and danced. Having engaged many people in conversation, Xula and Gallienne walked out onto the balcony to rest.

‘Tomorrow’s the last day. I’ve no idea what’s the plan but I need to think of the future. A problem dealt in the shadows; none will even know that behind said tournament, a potential devastative scheme brewed. As expected, the Goldberg didn’t show. Becoming more involved in the underground seems a good enough goal for now.’

“King Staxius,”

“What is it?”

“I’d like to discuss something,” away from the ballroom, in the garden outside as he strolled, a voice spoke.

“About what?” he turned and faced Gallienne.

“I don’t want to say this, but are you involved with the Dark-guilds,” she stood with arms crossed, “-I’ve got a faint idea on how you managed to keep the revolution under wraps,” she paused, “-that sort of operation can’t be led by one person alone.”

“I’ve no idea what you talking about,” he turned away, “-underground or not, the job was fulfilled. Josiah owes me a favor and so do you,” cigar lit.

“I see,” she walked, “-are you trustworthy?”

*Puff,* “-listen to me,” he smoked, “-do I look like the kind of person to go out of his way to help a former enemy. Daring to question my credibility at this point is tantamount to disrespectful. Not even that, it’s close to shameful,” he turned, “-say what you want to say, Queen Gallienne. My intent from the start was to establish good relations between our province,” using the cigar, he pointed at the back, “-I could go in, slaughter everyone and blame it on you,” the voice held no doubt, “-for all I care, lady Goldberg is still alive. It would not take long to establish a puppet ruler.”

“Good,” she smiled, “-I’m glad,” her gaze stared the stars, “-if you’d had said otherwise; I might have distrusted you. I now know for sure that you’re an ally,” she held out a hand, “-Hidros is on the path of change, will you assist me, King of Arda?”

“As long as it’s within my power,” a handshake.

“I know thine real identity, Shadow,” she smiled, “-I’ve my dealing with the underworld too, don’t forget that I dealt in human trafficking not long ago.”

“I know,” he smiled, “-Viper,” he winked, “-though forgotten, was quite a powerhouse back in the day.

“Things have changed, a new order, I’ve no intention of going back.”

“I might call in a few favors starting next week, it involves cash and property.”

“As long as it doesn’t affect me or the kingdom, you’re free to do whatever you want, neither will the public order nor the adventurers ever question your faction.”

“No restriction?” he asked.

“None whatsoever, do as you please,” she smiled, “-tis how I shall repay the debt I’m due.”

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