The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: Eira’s choice

“Mom, look,” the girl scurried over to her parents. Rather than being, that’s cute, the expression changed. Staxius stared off into the distance, the wind blew – they were at a loss for words. What he had said, though simple upon first look, had a very deep meaning.

“Majesty,” in came a butler, “-Students from Year Two of Claireville academy have arrived,” with a bow, he left.

“We should go greet the guest of honors,” nervously, Gallienne smiled and left with Piers.

“See you later,” voiced Silvester as he locked arms with Sophie and headed out, Meriel followed behind. Her big eyes kept on admiring the ornament.

The atmosphere changed, “-what happened?” he turned and asked, Adete flew to stand on his shoulder, even the lady had put on formal attire.

“Nothing much,” tilting her head, she gave a smile, “-what you said about innocence, was heartwarming. We all felt the sincerity when you spoke, it was as if something tugging on our heart. Pure without malice,” she came closer and whispered, “-evil, good, neutral, you sir, art he whomst mine heart belongs too.” Shy, even the clouds moved in to hide the moon, the land around darkened as the duo locked lips.

“My lady,” without warning, “-you need to head inside as soon as possible.”


“Will do,” nonchalant, arms locked, they walked in.

“Be a little more tactful next time,” he turned to Prophecy for she brought the message, “-thanks for being there,” he smiled.

“Worry not, majesty,” she gave a peace sign and followed.

Inside, the orchestra changed from mournful to one dramatic yet soothing. At intervals, the sheer passion and the pain being portraited through the violin could but make one smile. Josiah at the helm, the students walked in dressed in uniform. The bunch included commoners; it grew obvious by the way some of the boys gawked around. They were obviously new to the ways of the high society. In such manner, they walked in, Gallienne now stood in the center, nobles waited behind her arranged by ranks and prestige. The Ardanian couple stood away since these were two different kingdoms. Even so, the boys and girls could but glance over – Xula’s beauty made many embarrassed. Staxius’s strong stance with a mysterious allure had many batting eyes in fear of it being false.

“Eira Haggard,” spoke the Queen, “-Prodigy, welcome to a ball organized in thine occasion. Tis tradition for the winner to have an event dedicated to them – take this chance and meet new people. Many influential personalities of Hidros are in attending, be sure to get acquainted. Strength can only take you so far, one also needs companions and allies. A man can take on a few soldiers but a team can take on an army,” she paused and stared the other students who knelt,”-this applies to thee also, my children. This country is just as much yours as it is mine. Enjoy the evening and have fun,” on that, they raised their heads and headed off to their families. The music played and the party began.

“Father, Mother,” dressed in uniform, Eira walked with her long hair flowing. Behind, her friend, whomst intimidated, halted as she laid eyes on the King. “What are you doing?” noticing Ysmay, she grabbed her arms then continued.

“Congratulation,” said Xula. For some reason, Eira seemed angry, her eyes were narrowed as if saying, you owe me an explanation. The object of said demeanor was revealed as she took a strong step in front of Staxius.

“Good to see yo...”

“Father,” she cut him off, “-my lineage, a sister named Lizzie Haggard, what have you been up too, there’s so much I’m left out off. I can’t believe that you choose to keep me having a sibling a secret. Finding that out made me very happy, sadly, I later got told by the eldest daughter of the Remingtons, that she was killed...” curled in a fist, her hand rested on his stomach, “-am I not your daughter,” she looked up on the verge of tears. Facing her, a stone-cold visage that sent shivers down her friends back.

“Don’t...” trying to warn, he grabbed her hand and walked off to the balcony. The door shut, ‘-better leave them to it,’ thought Xula. “Over here,” gestured Ernis, the prince had just arrived.

“Are you going to explain-,” *baf,* without warning, arms wrapped around. “It’s not fair,” her anger faded, “-hugging me after so long, you’re mean,” she voiced. Fatigued, her tone lowered to one slothful.

“I do apologize,” he stepped back, “-Lizzie was a girl who I took in after a run-in with a not so virtuous noble. At the time, I thought selfishly since the shop needed workers. Later, I found out that she had gone through a bad upbringing, the only favor she asked was to never pick up a weapon again. To that, I agreed and Auic, my secretary, took charge and had her admitted to a school. I thought It was all good until a few months ago – I took notice of how badly she was being treated. No complaint, nothing, she kept on smiling for my sake and to not cause more trouble. On that day, I decided to take responsibility and atone for such a foolish act. We grew closer, I took her to school, taught her, played, and even invited her friends over. Her fake smile swapped for one genuine. Seeing her have so much fun, I, also, felt relieved. In her I found something worth protecting,” hands on the balustrade, he turned, “-sadly, things are never that simple,” the wind carried droplets of rain, “-I always carried a curse. One that had bound me to never be happy and start over, in fear of said curse, I set off to face my fear. Little did I know,” the grip tightened, “-that it would come at a greater cost – a Pyrrhic Victory. I beat the curse to only find myself losing the very thing I had endeavored to protect, again, for god knows how many times. Still, there was only a thing to do, and that was to move forward – the tournament began on the same day. I thought that if I told you then and there, it would take thy mind off what was important. You have a future to work towards,” he faced Eira, “-that’s just the surface. Your real parents are Prince Consort Piers Riverty and Queen Gallienne Riverty,” the voice grew serious, “-listen, this is a choice you have to make by yourself. I pledged on the day we met, *-In the near future even if thou choose to leave mine own side, you’ll always have a place to return,* that’s part of what I remember. Hence, the decision is up to you. You’re not the little babe I remember so fondly, even if I wasn’t there to see you grow, I can say one thing; you’ve matured into a very beautiful young lady. I’m proud and happy that I took you in so many years ago. Eira, thank you for everything. There were times where thine face helped in overcoming my troubles and insecurities,” stood strong and peering down, “-Choose thine path, Eira. Become what you want to be, I said this before and I’ll say it again if ever the day comes where you choose to fight against me, I’ll face you with all of my power,” the rain stopped, wings sprouted, Nike’s wings traveled from the hand to the forehead – veins turned to gold and went throughout the body. A bloodied halo materialized, the nails grew sharp – ruby eyes lit and an immense presence unleashed itself. “I’m Staxius Haggard, the God of Death and King of the Vampires. What will it be,” he showed his true self – the winds around were like blades, it cut into the balcony, even the weather bowed to his orders.

“F-father?” scared, she backed off – survival took over the body. A mist of a skull materialized behind – *Stand strong,* called a voice, *lady of ICE,* changed, the area froze, a cape, a staff, and a crown of ice – blue hair and blue eyes. ‘What’s happening?’ she asked seeing her power for the first time.

“Lady of Ice,” perched on her shoulder, a dragon, “-I’m one of the ancient dragons – beings who were once considered as gods. I’ve pledged my allegiance to the god of death, he had but one demand,” it turned to the God, “-that was your protection.”

Toe to toe, the ice tried to ease its way into the area were Staxius hovered, however, the presence alone sufficed to create an impregnable wall.

‘Father has never done anything to bring me harm. Even if he’s the god of death,’ she took a step forward, ‘-I won’t back down just because he says so,’ the aura blasted her ice shield the closer she got. *That’s it.*

“God of Death,” she called, and forced her way inside his aura, “-I’m Eira Haggard,” the cape tore, the ice shattered, “-daughter of Staxius Haggard,” hands wrapped around, “-I care not how bad of a person you might be, I’ll always be the daughter you cherish. My father has and will be you, father, YOU’RE MY HERO.”

“Good,” nonchalant, *Revert,* hands pressed, the weather which started to take a turn for the worst, returned to the norm. “Now you know,” as casual as one could be, he smiled.

“Seriously?” baffled, she backed away, “-you showed me your true form and just go back to being normal as if nothing happened?”

“Not really,” he smiled, “-that wasn’t my true form. I did attain divinity but the process of ascension is long and tedious. The current god of death holds all the power, he watches over us even at this instant. At the moment, I can only withdraw power from one of the Symbols,” to which he pointed, “-The Sickle from Kronos, Scythe from the Death Reaper, and Wings from Nike, Goddess of victory. If I did unleash his power, it would cause another Xenosious.”

“Where the world will be plunged into darkness,” her eyes opened, “-you better hold back.”

“What do you think I’ve been doing for all this time,” he sighed, “-holding back is the worst part of a fight,” the head shook.

“Anyway, I’m glad you told me what you did. I’m grateful for everything, Arda is my home now, nothing will ever change that.”

“Shall we go in?”

“Let’s,” she smiled.

‘There are more things that you need to hear. I’m glad that you decided to accept my true self. That was but a test, Eira, if you had turned and run away – I’ve no idea what would have happened. A test directed to Gergusser; I can now rest; it won’t do anything to harm the host. Out of everyone, it had to be Eira who was chosen to inherit that alter-ego.’ A less than normal reunion, one where the father got to saw what he needed and what the daughter decided. No doubts for all the secrets were revealed, Eira walked in with a smile.

“Father, could you wait here a minute?” she asked as they stood near the window.

“Sure,” he agreed with a smile. Across the room, Ernis and Xula were spotted laughing and having refreshments. To the right, Gallienne engaged in conversations with the dukes involved with the whole ordeal. Barons and lower nobles were at the far left, sitting around tables and having tea. Many of the students were in the company of their parents. ‘Boys will be boys,’ he noticed the youngsters checking out all the lovely ladies, mostly, Xula. ‘Take it all in,’ he grabbed a wine glass, ‘-that’s the queen of Arda.’ Flattered by how popular she was, he drank and waited.


“I’m not going there,” Adamant, they refused.

“Come on, her majesty told us to get acquainted with the nobles,” argued Eira, “-let’s start with the King of Arda.”

“I would,” gulped one of the commoner boys, “-but he seems scary, no scrap that, he is scary,” he nodded, “-look at that posture and stare.”

“Boys these days have no balls,” she sighed, “-come Ysmay, let’s go,” grabbing her roommate, Eira charged forth.

“Did she say we have no balls?” commented one of the boys.

“You’re going to get destroyed,” another voiced with a soft and elegant tone.

“Shut up pretty boy, if we don’t do something, the pride of our manhood will be put to shame,” leading the charge, the self-appointed leader.

“Here they come,” voiced one of the girls.

“Yes, just call them out on their manhood, and it’s easy,” leading the pack, Eira headed towards Staxius with her class.

‘Is that her friends,’ glance turned into a glare, ‘-what approach should I use?’ seeing boys, ‘-the stern one.’

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