The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 272

Chapter 272: Counter

Blood sprayed across for an artery hit, “-how can thou be such a fool,” happy of her hit, she stared up at her victim. Standing without so much as bothered, the flowing blood, before hitting the other people, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Thread,* turned into crystal.

*Snap,* no hesitation, nothing, the crystals turned into crimson shaped daggers. The latter, four in total, charged and struck her hands and feet, the momentum proved so great that her body got impaled in a cross on the wall.

*Ancient Magic: Fairy Dust,* immediately, Xula conjured a wall, one that blocked the view from outside in. Though on the inside, one could see out without trouble. Now inside, ex-companions from Dorchester, Xula, and Staxius.

“What happened?” asked Julius for only a second went by, a gust of wind shook his composure. On the wall, stuck and bleeding, the lady who tried to kill a king.

“SISTER!,” In rushed the Silver Guardians, the dress was torn in half, they made a barrier separating the injured Adelana.

“How can you be so cruel?” yelled Ayleth for emotion whelmed from within. Their sisterhood remained true; eyes filled with doubts but ready to protect if needed.

“How interesting,” he approached with a crimson halo, Xula maintained the barrier and watched, her eyes disgusted at their sight. “I’m the one who’s cruel?” a glare that froze the futile resistance, “-I was attacked without provocation. A courteous visit to friends whomst served well in the past. Anyone else would have died from that attack,” he marched, “-enough is enough,” index finger raised. “Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary,” Adete hovered with her mouth-watering. As sharp and tiny as needles, the halo transformed and hovered beside.


“Staxius,” Julius grabbed his shoulder, “-are you sure about this?” he asked.

“Do you wish to meddle in this affair?” turned, the response cold and without mercy.

“I’d prefer not to,” suit jacket taken off,”-but if it’s to protect my companions, then yes,” from behind, he joined with the opposition.

“I see,” the glare changed from cold to freezing, “-Fenrir, Autumn; pick a side or watch, what will it be?”

“Fenrir, don’t join this battle, take Autumn and wait,” ordered Julius.

“Sorry,” the wolf lady jumped to Staxius’s side, “-I’ve sworn my eternal allegiance to my master. Weaklings aren’t worthy of giving me orders,” she transformed back into the legendary Wolf. Affectionately, she rubbed her head against his chest to which Staxius patted her fur.

“Sorry brother,” Autumn jumped in, “-but I’ll join. I’m not a little child anymore,” her eyes filled with the resolve to fight.

“There you have it,” added Julius with a sigh, “-King or not, and foolish as she might be, Adelana is still our companion. I will not stand by and watch, the Silver Guardians aren’t sworn to the Haggard name, they are sworn to the province of Dorchester,” to which, swords materialized.

“As you wish,” *Snap,* vanished.

“I’ve won,” deep and monotonous, it took a second but the realization hit, arms and legs cut, all who stood against were forced onto the ground. The blood turned into crystals the moment it left their bodies.

“What the fuck?” coughed Alyson, her eyes could barely see what happened.

“See that?” whispered, the unconscious Adelana slowly came too, “-those are the people you foolishly threw under the bin. Look at them, despite the selfishness to go against me, they stood up and defended thee from thine mistake,” before her eyes, knelt on to the floor with their hands grasping onto their wounds, the silver Guardians, Autumn, and everyone from Dorchester.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE,” she cried.

“You reap what you sow, and this time, the fruit was a curse,” a flick of the finger later, countless swords embedded into her stomach. “I YIELD.”

‘Wait,’ eyes opened, ‘-w-what happened?’ sat, she awoke to a cacophonic mess of laughter and chatter.

“Illusion spell,” voiced Staxius from across the table, “-I showed you what would have happened if you went through with the attack,” her hand held a knife.

“I-I’m sorry,” the knife fell, “-excuse me,” ashamed, the lady stood and ran towards the exit.

“Go after her,” urged Staxius.

“Damn it,” with a smirk, Julius followed her out.

“Good job Fenrir,”

“Did something happen?” asked Ancret with a flirtatious tone.

“Not really,” laughed Fenrir, tis was an inside joke.

“We should be off,” Xula took the lead and excused themselves from the table.

“What did you do?” she asked whilst returning to the other room.

“Nothing much, just a bit of illusion. Adelana had blood lust in her aura, being there, I used a spell alongside Fenrir to show an alternate possibility. In that dream, everyone died.” On that, the dinner resumed, Ernis took to Staxius, both drank and chatted. The ladies, Kniq, included, had fun gossiping and enjoying pastries. Deadeyes and Avon grew bored in the middle and headed off to bar-hop around town.

“Ernis,” unaffected, he turned to a flushed Prince, “-is it true that the couple from Autumn’s Blossom had plans to come to visit?”

“Not had plans, we took the same jet here. The heroine said that she had some business to attend to, from last I heard, they went to Arda, I’ve no idea why.”

“Arda you say,” interest piqued, “-excuse me.”

“Where’s he going?” asked Xula, slightly tipsy from wine.

“OH, look,” pointed Achilles which diverted her attention.

‘What business would Stars from Iqeavea have with Arda,’ stood in an alley, the guild card turned on. It didn’t take long to contact his secretary, Serene. A few minutes of back and forth revealed some interesting information, nothing that relevant. ‘If they were allowed in Arda, it means that they’re inhuman. Be on the lookout,’ her last message of the night.

“Lord Haggard?” *clop, clop,* heels against the stone pavement, two figures approached.

“Who may I have the pleasure of seeing?” unimpressed, he faced the duo.

“I’ve got a bad feeling,” mumbled Adete.

*Woosh,* “-Is this a bad joke?” hair blew backward, pinched between the thumb and index, a sharpened dagger, “-I hope that this isn’t some form of greeting of another land,” veiled by a hat, the attacker chuckled and retreated.

“Now,” she yelled.

“Look a copper coin,” he bowed and escaped a horizontal strike from behind, “-oops,” as if caught off balance, the right foot kicked him who had attacked from the back. “I’m so sorry,” seemingly worried, he leaned over,*SNAP,* the innocent coin pierced his head.

“My hand slipped,” it made a hole through the head and into the pavement. “Enough with the jokes,” stood, “-care to tell me thine name?” he dusted off his shoulder.

“I see,” voiced the figure wearing a hat, “-you are the Blood-King,” the lady gave a curtsy and removed her hat.

“We do apologize for this bothersome meeting,” called the other figure, “-I’m Darius Edmund,” turned into a bat-shaped mist, “-she’s Venus Edmund.”

“I’d like to say well met,” the head shook, “-but tis not a way to greet someone,” the eyes turned cold, “-especially when said someone is known as the Blood-king.”

“We do apologize for said indiscretion,” they bowed and knelt on the dirtied ground, “-please forgive us,” the man seemed sincere.

“Is that so,” he turned, “-keep kneeling till day-break, I’ll come by then. The first progenitor will stay behind and watch,” a scarlet-colored guillotine materialized, “-move one inch and she’ll press the button without a second thought. Stars or not, I could care any less. Those blades will kill you, don’t bet on regeneration,” after which, wings sprouted. Thus ended the night, a meeting with superstars from Iqeavea turned into torture. Afraid of their lives, the duo obeyed. Back in the restaurant, after having engaged people of interest, idols included, arms locked, Staxius and Xula teleported to the mansion.

Gallienne joined the party a little late, things were put in place. Thanks to the information blackout, moving around became easier – Cake pulled an all-nighter planning, re-planning, and filling in holes. Many weren’t aware of said fact, many of the hitmen gave some nobles personal visits. Those who didn’t comply had a family member killed before their eyes, blackmailed, and murder reigned supreme. Gallienne had plans to break out of the previous King’s cursed shackles, the shackles of incompetent and greedy Lords.

Larger numbers than ever before, both arenas filled out. The fight would take place in the second arena whilst the first had screen broadcasting the fights. Not only that but outside rested other screens. Those who couldn’t get a seat laid gently on the green pastured yard. Chatter and excitement filled the vicinity. Merchants walked along the path selling various snacks and toys. Time was around 10:00, “-has everything been taken care of?” asked Staxius.

“Yes,” said a fatigued Cake, dark-circles were apparent. “I’ll take a nap, the match doesn’t start in two hours, to which the call ended.”

‘Should be fine,’ phone inside the pocket, he walked into the bedroom, “-ready yet?”

“Yeah, let’s go,” another lavish outfit, *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.* Instantly swarmed by nobles, Xula seemed at ease. More business to attend too, he stepped out. Along the way, Gallienne gave a nod, one that signaled that she was ready. Strangely enough, the crowd kept on growing without stop.

“Have you heard about one of the participant’s lineage?”

“Yeah, apparently she’s the Queen’s daughter.”

“Not to mention that they’re both identical.”

Rumors bearing the same message with differing wording spread around town. ‘Good work,’ atop the arena, Staxius overlooked as people moved. ‘I’ve put you in checkmate,’ he turned and stared the Goldberg’s, “-what will you do?”

“My lady,” voiced a butler, “-the rumors are gaining popularity,” the social groups divided.

“It’s but rumors, isn’t it?” she fired back shaken.

“Our contacts say that it’s most probable, they’ve checked the mana – there’s overwhelming evidence to sway the judgment of the noble. We could stand to lose everything if a move isn’t made soon.”

“It doesn’t matter, we’ve got the backing of a Dukes and Marquess. Oxshield’s council is under our thumb – if the girl becomes an issue, there’s always the option to take her out of the picture,” a pause later, “-be sure to tell our contacts to have the armies ready to march into Oxshield. Gallienne, your rule is over – once I’m queen, I’ll make sure to destroy that annoying power couple from Arda.” Ruler of the border near Kreston and Oxshield, the Goldberg’s powerful as they were, were not that loved by their people.

“Boss, it’s as you say,” suddenly the phone rang, “-Kreston in alliance with the house of Goldberg is moving into Oxshield.”

“Hook, line, and sinker,” awaiting the invading troops, Karlson – he stood above a tank. An unbreakable barrier of weaponized vehicles, “-kill ’em all,” orders given, the spark of rebellion was doused with water.

“Everything is in your hands now, Eira. This victory relies on your win – become the next Prodigy,” beside him laid in wait, a sniper.

“Cigar?” offered Staxius as the wind blew hard.

“No, Sir Shadow, I’ll rather stay vigilant, tis a shot I cannot miss,” dressed in the uniform worn by the Goldberg soldiers, the man waited. Not only that, but next to him, another man, one dead but alive – necromancy, “-are you sure this old man isn’t going to kill me?” he asked.

“There’s nothing to be worried about, the man is but the icing on the cake,” after which, Shadow jumped off the building. ‘The butler you killed has come back from the dead, Lady Goldberg, the rebellion you’re trying to spark will be squandered. Wait and watch, this kingdom isn’t going to topple so easily, not when the throne is being held by strong backbones,’ he returned and sat beside Xula, she held a smile.

“Venus, Darius, where have you been?” Aceline asked with an energetic tone.

“Was held up by something,” added Darius with a not so pleased tone. Combed hair, well-maintained facial hair, and a handsome visage, the ladies were heart struck. Beside him, arms locked, Venus, her black hair, and inviting charisma also did their work.

“Good to see you,” Sugar went in for a hug, “you sure look out of it today,” he commented on Venus’ aura.

“Let’s just say I had a rude awakening,” a side-glance towards Staxius made him chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” asked Eira.

“Nothing much, just karma,” after which, the ceremony for the finals began. Sophie charged in with more energy than before, behind, a band performed, a show put on to celebrate the efforts of the participants.

“Let the final battle begin,” overseeing a chessboard, all his pawns had moved without any trouble, the opposition’s queen grew clearer. The other pieces remained hidden though findable, an elaborate plan. ‘A wise man once said that if he had 60 minutes to save the world, he’d use 50 minutes to understand the problem first.’ Tis was the methodology used these past few days – everything now depended on Eira.

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