The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: Before the Finals

Faced against unforeseen events, due to circumstances, Gallienne, Staxius, and the bodyguards headed to the mansion. There, settled in the locked bar, drinks were served, the one volunteered to mount the counter, Theodore. He knew how to make drinks.

“The place sure has changed, ” commented Gallienne on the way in.

“Credits to my housemates,” he voiced without much interest.

“Shall we discuss the fate of this country?” the conversation turned serious. With a few drinks and cigar lit, opposite one another, A Queen and King.

“Let’s start with stating the obvious,” to which he went into greater details of what had been gathered. ” The events leading up to our current situation have been planned for months. When you mentioned the existence of another heir, the gears clicked. So far, I’ve got a basic idea of what is happening, and I assume that you do. Currently, I’ve got people patrolling the streets in case of all this being a massive decoy. Can never be too careful,” a sip and peer towards Gallienne revealed a focused face. One ready to go to battle. “Now then, based on my thoughts, I think the Goldbergs are responsible. Not just that, but I think there’s another group of people pulling the strings. It’s tough to think of them being able to scheme such a plan. There’s almost no indication, no evidence nor what could happen next. I thought that it was chaos they were after, then that all crumbled. Then I thought of a plot of assassination, even that was foiled. What I’m left with is this, they’re planning to overthrow the current monarchy. You’ve had thine doubts from the beginning, no need to act any longer. The worries were ever-present; though bound by the dying words of thine father, you focused yourself into accepting things as they were. Admirable but foolish. Even so, I think that the way you ruled is nice, I enjoyed seeing the heartless queen grow compassionate. It made a big impression, to which I think the populous agrees,” he paused to breathe.

“Before you start,” she interjected, “-you mentioned something about people patrolling the streets, care to elaborate?” it piqued her interest.

“I’d rather keep that secret,” he stared with shady eyes, “-you’ve done deals with the devils, and these are far worse than demons,” a mild warning for her to forgo any urge of curiosity.


“As you wish,” another drink was ordered.

“Back to what I was saying. There’s another organization, maybe a province, or an underground group. Hard as it may, I know who killed my daughter, tis was members of Snow. Which makes me believe that there’s a bigger plot. Fondly enough, the apostle jumped into mind earlier, for some reason, you announcing her presence cause me to pause and ask. I’ve personally experienced this; Kreston isn’t that virtuous. Part of me thinks that they’re responsible. Though mere assumptions, I think you provoking them might have a tie in all this. Not to forget, the war between Kreston and Dorchester was passed off as a holy-crusade against Sten’s wife.”

“What you say may be right,” her head bowed in embarrassment, “-you might even say that I was involved in that war. On a personal level, that era was different, people viewed me as a monster – and I loved it. If the speculations are true and Kreston is involved, there’s no way to know. Unless another organization is working on their behalf; I’m afraid that it’s impossible. What we do going forward is the issue at hand.”

“I agree,” cigar in hand, “-tis was but a summary,” a puff later, the dim room grew more ominous. “A plan to ensnare and turn it to our favor,” a bold statement.

“Using their plans against them?” she smirked, “-I’d like to do that,” her gaze wandered to the doorway, “-but I’m afraid that they’ve been secretive so far.”

“I agree,” relaxed, calmly enjoyed the drinks being made, “-a coup d’état.”

“In case they do success and pull the throne from under my feet, I doubt the people will stand by and watch. Rosespire is essential for the survival of Hidros, I’m sure that all the inhabitants here know said fact. Unjust as it might seem, it’s the way of life. Therefore, unless I’m forcefully removed under a different pretext other than my death – in no way will that growing spark catch fire.”

‘She’s got a good point, how do we change this around, how do we get the upper hand. So far, the advantage they have is that of her Blood-line, if that wasn’t the issue, her attempts would have her named as traitor to the crown...Eira,’ he mumbled.

“That might work,” her glass emptied, “-I’m sure you were thinking of this. If I had a child, the weak succession wouldn’t be a problem. Goldberg’s claim would get farther back.”

“It’s the advantage we need,” a gesture brought forth more drinks, “-if Eira is announced as thine daughter, one who has been hiding in exile in fear of her life – then the populous and nobles alike would bow down,” taking a puff, the stare turned into a glare, “-it doesn’t hide the fact that she’s the princess of Arda.”

“I knew it’d come down to this,” she sighed, “-listen...” had enough, she tried to stand.

“-No wait,” he stopped her from growing impatient, “-maybe there’s another way. Who says that we need to speak the truth,” he smirked, “I’ve got an idea – tomorrow will be a fun day, just wait. If it doesn’t go to plan, then it’s doomed, you’ll be forced to kill any who stands in thine way, rebuilding on a pile of corpse, what do you say?”

“Fire with fire doesn’t seem overly complicated and is random – I think it’s going to work. If not, we can capitalize on the effect that it will bring.”

“Good,” they stood, “-the end of the finals will also be a defining moment for the continent,” he said with a nonchalant voice. To which, they teleported back to Claireville, only the queen knew of a plan he had concocted.

“Where have you been?” asked Xula in the company of Undrar and the others.

“Had something to talk about,” sat in a lovely restaurant out in town; everyone he knew had dinner. Including the people from Dorchester, with Adelana’s not so inviting face, arm locked with Xula, he walked towards a seat further back – an area reserved for people of importance.

“Master,” called Emma,

“Are you ok?” asked Emmy, still shaken from the passing of a family member, Kniq were reluctant to approach their guild master.

“Yes,” he smiled, ‘-there’s no reason to make them worry over my state of being. It will be selfish, I rather bear everything,’ to which, the tone returned to one somewhat friendlier.

“You had us worried,” said Deadeyes with flushed cheeks, around him were Avon and Achilles – each bearing the same fate.

“The party began faster than I expected,” a semi-serious statement that got a chuckle out of Auic.

“Still bad at telling jokes,” she laughed.

“Don’t mind them,” interjected Undrar, “-I’m glad Queen Shanna is here. I’ve no clue on how to persuade brother from going off onto a needless killing spree. Thanks for everything, I’m grateful,” for the first time, the demi-goddess bowed.

“There’s no need for that,” with haste, she stopped the bow and turned it into an embrace, “-you’re all my family as far as I’m concerned. I see the love and respect you all have towards one another, tis a thing to be proud,” her charisma never failed.

*Get the men ready. There’s a plan that needs to be put into action as soon as possible. Get it done however you can, I need pictures, videos, witness reports, fake them all, I care not, buy witnesses if needed. Those are the fundamentals needed for tomorrow’s plan. Blackmail the nobles if needed, but don’t let it be obvious – we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Good luck, Strategist,* a message sent when they were at Rosespire.

‘Talk about not pulling punches,’ displayed in greater detail, the plan for tomorrow. ‘You might not give yourself credit, boss,’ she smiled, ‘-but this scheme is far more complicated than is let onto. Time to work,’ to which, using their special channel and blackout as cover, the gears kicked into motion. ‘You’ll fully realize how dangerous the Dark-guilds can be.’

“You seem spaced out, is something the matter?” asked Avon.

“Not really,” he stood, “-I’ll go pay a visit to a friend.” Engaged with one another in conversation, the girls took to Xula, similar to how the Silver-guardian took to her. Seated differently, in another room, the old party had dinner in silence.

“Depressive,” mumbled, a figure voiced monotonously.

“Mind your god damn business,” a not so inviting response from Millicent.

“Aren’t you passed the age of getting periods?” again, the voice spoke or rather, mocked they who sat.

“Leave her alone,” Julius stood and turned, “-oh...” the would-be fit of rage halted.

“Hey,” staring him, an old friend with white hair ending in crimson. Emotionless ruby-colored eyes, facial features close to those of a girl with no facial hair. The lips seemed discolored, the skin, paler than usual – an ungodly white. The outfit, an exquisite and expensive-looking suit with Ardanian craftsmanship. Buttons in which held dark purple Alexandrite. An ore deemed as expensive as diamonds depending on the quality, made an impression. Not only were the sleeve buttons expensive, but he also had a crest, one of the golden dragon being displayed on the front pocket. Even the shoes were made of the skin from a griffin, the sunburst color left another mark.

“Seriously,” Julius took a step back, “-you’re here?” spoken as if they would have never met.

“Are you surprised?”

“Part of me screams yes,” to which he smiled.

“I’m glad to see you,” they went in for a hug.

“You’ve done pretty well for yourself,” Julius commented, “-seeing you left everything to us, all you owned except the noble crest. Look at you now, everything radiates rich,” he chuckled.

“Speaking of rich,” he turned and stared at the ex-companions who were awestruck. “The dresses are looking very nice. Not to mention expensive,” the gaze returned to Julius, “-and you’re calling me rich?”

“You’ve got me there,” they laughed.

“Where’s the blue-haired Fenrir,” asked Staxius for the girl wasn’t present.

“She headed for the washroom a few minutes ago, the food didn’t suit her taste,” explained Julius in greater detail meant in jest.

“Master,” a voice called to which two hands, with inhuman strength rushed in and latched on his back. They wrapped around as if a snake around its prey.

“Yes, calm down Fenrir,” moved as if it were nothing, he turned, “-you’re looking well,” he smiled.

“I missed you,” she rushed in for another hug.

“Excuse me, but have you seen King Staxius?” asked a lady coming from the other room.

“Fenrir?” a lady dressed in a lavish dress walked, her necklace, earrings, and accessories sparkled in the chandelier light. A crown shaped diamond pin adorned with red-rubies rested beside her chest.

“Queen Shanna,” immediately, from hugging Staxius, she went over to Xula who welcomed the attention, “-sure has been a long time,” she smiled.

“Greetings master,” one by one, the silver-guardians stood and bowed.

“There’s no need for that,” he gestured for them to stop, “-I’m no longer thine master, that title belongs to Julius. I’d refrain from doing that ever again, it’s quite disrespectful.”

“We do apologize,” voiced Ancret, “-the force of habit, we didn’t know how to react,” their tone felt hesitant.

“Let’s drop the formalities,” intervened Julius, “-it’s a pleasure to see you well, majesty.”

“Waggle thine tail all you like, doesn’t hide the fact that he abandoned us,” bitter, the sound of Adelana’s voice came as a surprise.

“SISTER!” gritted Ayleth.

“What, I’m just saying the truth. Look at him, rich, king of Arda, and holding more power than we can ever imagine. He wanted it all, the selfish ignorant boy who we once bowed to in fear,” the tone held malice and hate.

“Quite daring for a commoner to speak using such an insolent tone,” not impressed nor troubled, Xula fired back, “-art thou so stricken by jealousy to utter such nonsense at a King?” angered, “-should I remind thee of thine place, lowly guard, I care not if thou were mine friend once. If thy mouth opens to dishonor the King of Arda, then I’ll have thine head.”

Desperate, the sister tried to silence Adelana, “heh, Queen Shanna Islegust. I don’t care who or what you are, lady – I’ll say it once more, that man is selfish and inconsiderate. I’m sure that’s the reason that young girl died. He wasn’t present during her time of need, was he now?” stood with her hands resting on the table, “-tell me that’s not true,” her eyes, ones fueled by regret and distress, “-I’ll kill you,” gritted, grabbing a knife, she leaped straight for the jugular, *Slash.*

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