The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Blackout

*We’ve got confirmation on two of the three targets.*

*Track their position, send team Beta,* orders flew at one another.

“I can’t believe what is happening?” voiced one of the nobles.

“Tis very much weird, I hope that the tournament isn’t canceled,” in order without worry with the help of guards, the arena cleared.

“Majesty, please don’t stray off too much,” from the shadows, Theodore’s tone changed to stern.

“As you wish,” she agreed and stuck close to Lucy and a few guards.

Down the stair, after a hall, came the outside. Surrounded by trees with the administration building not far off. In the same fashion, on the other side, one where commoners and the general folk had entered, left without much hassle. The blackout didn’t come as a surprise. Most of the credit went to the security, their quick judgment averted any large-scale panic.


“This way,” on guard, Achilles kept Sugar and Aceline close, they left using another exit. Despite being in the same area, the nobles and idols were treated differently for good reasons. Not worried about such trivialities, with her safety entrusted to a good ally, Aceline kept a smile.

“Right in sight,” breathed a man, laid in wait, he watched through a scope.

“You’re allowed only one shot, Wielder of Knightfall – show why thou art fit to use me,” laid beside in a seductive manner, a lady with black hair parted to the right. Long nails and eyelashes that seemed to flow into nothingness her gaze was one of a femme fatale.

*Get ready, the target is a male bearing blond hair, white and golden suit.*

“This way,” holding a flashlight, a guard in uniform, he pointed to the right that led to a more opened area. Serious, Theodore, Lucy, and Prophecy remained on alert.

*The salvage unit is on the move, hold fire,* itching to pull the trigger, the marksman twitched.

*Target sighted,* spoken in a displeased tone.

Leading the charge, Theodore, they made good progress around the arena. “The evacuation zone is to the left,” voiced another guard stationed in regular intervals, they gave instructions. The plan, in case of emergencies, was to head to the first arena, one that would be used later on.

*Permission to open fire.*

“Undrar, are you ok?” asked Avon.

“What, why?” she turned with a baffled look.

“What do you mean why what, something caught your attention, what happened?” the spirit remained adamant.

“It’s just...” she paused, “-I’ve sensed this before,” her eyes scoured all around, from seats to the people in front, through the walls and more.

*Granted.* Echoed across the rooftop, the sound of death.

“PRINCE ERNIS,” he fell, Lucy screamed, no sound, nothing, a bullet wound. The white suit turned crimson; time felt as if it stopped. Panic ran rampant, Xula’s eyes opened, she immediately caught the Prince. Theodore shielded the Queen, Lucy, shocked as she might have been, conjured a barrier that served to blackout any unwanted attention.

*Target hit,* long straight hair covering the left eye flowed.

“Job well done,” the lady wrapped herself around him, “-evacuation should be there in a few seconds.” Not even the cartridge case was left, gone without a trace.

“Get him to the hospital right now,” ordered Lucy, Xula cast countless healing spells to no avail.

“This is bad,” voiced Gallienne, emotions slowly took its toll, “-it’s going to spell disaster,” her heart raced, “-if this gets out to the main-continent, we’re doomed.”

“My lady,” Prophecy appeared, “-his highness is losing too much blood. There’s a curse embedded inside the projectile,” on the wall, the bullet, “-if proper treatment isn’t given, he’ll bleed out.”

“No need to state the obvious,” hands doused in blood, the queen tried her best to stop the bleeding, “-Is there nothing we can do?”

“Teleportation,” voiced the spirit in quiet.

“No helping it,” eyes closed, “-GRAB ONTO ME,” her voice grew loud. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* inside the hospital, knelt on the floor as blood flowed, Ernis who had grabbed onto Xula’s shoulder. “Am I going to die?” he asked with a petrified look.

‘If ever something happens to you or Eira, one that can’t be healed using magic. Then remember this place, it’s where Doctor Jona, a lady who’s saved my and my comrades’ life one too many times, works. She’s very talented, I’m sure you’ll be fixed without worry,’ before the event, Staxius gave a tour of the town,’ in a moment of peril, his words came to mind. ‘Did you plan on something like this happening?’ she wondered as the injured Prince was taken away with Jona by his side.

Back in the arena, the news of the prince getting shot, one of unknown origin, spread around. The populous had no idea, only those who’d be affected directly.

“Nephew,” inside the temporary medical camp, with combatants being healed using magic and potions, Josiah approached with a woeful expression.

“Did something happen,” tending Ygannea’s wound, he turned.

“Could I speak to you in private?” he looked to have seen a ghost. From the green-colored camp to farther inside, a trip onto the upper levels, away from prying eyes. An hour had gone by, the light flickered into life.

“Director, you rarely call me as nephew,” he moved close to a barricade, one from over which Josiah overlooked the arena, scorched, frozen, and bloodied.

“Thing is,” he turned, “-something bad happened.”

“Is it about the prince getting shot?” asked Staxius without any concern.

“You knew?” baffled, he took a step back.

“Obviously,” tired, he stared the arena, “-I was told by a guardian spirit and Jona’s already working diligently.”

“I assume you know why I’m here then?” disheartened, the director seemed like a shell of his prior self.

“There are many possibilities, but I’d like to hear it from thy mouth,” below, workers gathered scraps of the many training dummies.

“Sure,” he sighed, “-this isn’t just an issue of Prince Ernis getting shot. If not handled properly, I’m afraid it will change into a massive problem. Firstly, our Queen could be called a traitor to the imperial crown. Hidros could be alienated and cut off from the empire. Not only that, but they may also go another way and choose to launch a war. Alone, the academy doesn’t stand a chance; everyone will be held accountable, not only the kingdom but the people.”

“You wish to silence this issue,” said in a shady tone, he demanded answers.

“I’m sorry,” Josiah gazed the floor in shame, “-asking this of a king is insolence at its peak,” the head raised, “Even so,” the face held determination, “-I must ask this on behalf of Hidros, please make sure that this issue doesn’t leave the town of Claireville,” he bowed.

“That’s a tall order,” voiced monotonously, “-for the sake of Hidros,” he paused and thought, “-I’ve one condition.”

“What will that be?”

“If people are to be killed for the quest to be complete, then I want permission to kill, even if it’s noble. Agree to not ask anything about my method, then I’ll consider,” the face had a differing feel, one of grandeur and absolute control.

“Though it pains me, I agree to thy conditions. Dearest nephew, do what you wish, I’ll do whatever is required.”

“It’s settled then,” a pat followed, “-I’ll get to clean up duty, leave everything to me. Make sure that the tournament proceeds without interruption and tie up any loose mouths that might be lurking around – we don’t want this to blow up.”

In the hospital, covered in blood, Xula waited with Gallienne, Theodore, and Lucy. All who were present beforehand headed home.

“Are you worried?” asked Xula with Gallienne beside.

“Yes, very much so,” she lifted her hands, it trembled, “-I’ve no idea what to do. If the Prince is to perish here, it’s going to spell disaster for Hidros, I could be executed and the people forced into slavery, the Emperor isn’t that nice a guy.”

“Let’s hope for the best,” they held hands, “-I’ll welcome thee with open arms if you ever seek asylum,” Xula comforted the best she could.

“Is that all?” outside, a very informative conversation ended.

“That’s about it,” to which, a curtsy later, Prophecy returned to her host.

“What do we do?” asked Adete worryingly, “-might have bitten more than you can chew.”

“Let me think,” teleported to the roof, he stared as the sun went down, ‘-from what I was told, only certain nobles were present. I fear that the one who orchestrated this whole ordeal was one of those. Making a list and asking one by one will feel unnatural. For now, priority must be put on blacking out the information network,’ far out, a large broadcasting tower. ‘I’ll need at least two days to silence those who know too much. Might need to call in a few favors,’ phone taken out the pocket, from Cake to Karlson; Shadow called asking for backup. Without batting an eye, Cake agreed to come by the next day – having her here would be beneficial. On top of that, Karlson agreed to send a few hundred men – it seemed as if they moved to war.

“I??m glad you called, boss,” with a relieved tone, Cake laughed.

“Don’t rest just yet, coming here means a lot of work,” he fired back with a friendlier voice.

“When do you not put me to work,” she sighed, “-make sure that you cause a communication blackout. The moment the tower goes down, that town will be stranded. I’ll meet you at the train station at around 9:00 tomorrow. I’ve got news from Karlson, we’re bringing new toys.”

“Good, be sure to not leak this information,” the call ended, wings sprouted, the tower became the next objective.

“Are you going to blow it up?” asked Adete, the duo flew.

“Probably not, I’ll make it look as if it was a freak accident. A fire that destroyed, we’ll blame it on human nature.”

*Burnt eternally in my domain, I, Staxius Haggard, the god of death, call forth the flame that purges gods and demons alike. Set ablaze for I’ve ordered so; Abyssal Wrath,* a large pentagram appeared round the tower, *snap.* ‘-That should suffice,’ the intense heat caused more damage than expected. Similarly, the duo headed to different areas and sabotaged devices essential for communicating.

“Josiah,” teleported inside the office, “-just letting you know that the town has gone offline. It’s off the grid, a complete information blackout. It should prevent anyone from trying to contact anyone of real value. Make sure some excuse is made,” message delivered, teleportation was used again.

‘That takes care of the issue at hand. If Ernis shows up with injuries to the event tomorrow, then it may raise some suspicion,’ he walked through the door, ‘-I’ve no idea if Josiah has spoken to Gallienne yet,’ the lady seemed in despair with Xula holding her tightly. ‘If this was indeed a well-orchestrated assassination, finding who it benefits the most and how it does will also be crucial. There are more players involved in this game,’ he stood close to Lucy, ‘-moving in the shadow will be hard,’ he breathed, ‘-outplaying them all is going to take a toll,’ Jona returned with a relieved face.

News given; the prince was out of danger but unconscious. On that, she headed out for a break, the entourage breathed a sigh of relief. ‘I can’t rule out the possibility that Gallienne had a part in this game. Judging by how she’s acting and the emotions, I can safely take her out of the picture. Lucy, Theodore, everyone here is a suspect, even Xula.’

“Queen Gallienne, Queen Shanna, Lucy, Theodore, mind coming to the roof?” a sudden request that got their attention. Obliged, they followed closely whilst being on edge. Many had questions as to why such a request was asked. Gallienne had the worst stance out of all, the worry of what it could end into made her heart shudder. The dream of unifying Hidros, one that felt close the day prior, now felt miles apart.

‘Time to see if attaining divinity did anything good, let’s see who’s on my side and who’s the traitor,’ facing the moon, *All-seeing eyes,* hands pressed, the eyes burnt and consciousness jumped out the body, “-I know who’s responsible for the assassination.”

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