The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 265

Chapter 265: Qualification

At last, after months and months of training, the bell rang. The rang which marked the start of the fabled tournament. Watching as the participants conjured forth spells, displayed excellent weapon handling, the nobles; royalty included, could but smile.

‘Their numbers don’t diminish,’ each step taken called forth ice, Eira skated across the arena with her magic. The path she took didn’t stay frozen for more than a few seconds. It turned to dust, leaving the dry ground, moist.

*Fire Elemental,* a rocky figure with fiery veins came forth. Not only was there a fire elemental, but the other elements as well. Water, Earth, Air, and Lightning, Sepmora went all out from the start. Strength in numbers, with a smirk, the ladies from said institution began their onslaught. Barely able to survive, the students from the Order used sheer force to stop the attack. Elemental spells against an individual’s magical Element. Any bots who stood in the way were vaporized; Sepmora wasn’t here to play. The staff also made waves, conjuring without stop, each spell with the strength of a B-tier spell.

‘Guess the Order wants to make their prestige is known to all,’ thought Eira with a casual grin. The northern part of the arena turned into a battlefield, with no heed to training dummies, a four versus four.

“Highness, help,” a soft voice pleaded from the back.

*Ice Element: Frozen Barrier,* without thinking, she turned and conjured a semi-circle of a wall. ‘What happened,’ the mind came too, a subtle change; the barrier shielded her from a backstab. The students of the Western Claireville Academy, the Elven siblings, were on her tail. Bow in hand, the sister fired barrage after barrage of arrows with differing properties.

‘Better get back,’ startled, Eira fell back as the brother retreated to his sister’s side.


“Don’t forget us,” *CLANG,* two longswords with the church’s crest.

“That’d never work,” whispered the ice-princess, Greatsword in hand, one of a white and blue color, she blocked the incoming attack. This time, the Eastern branch, else known as the Holy Church. The participants had but one look, the look of wanting to win at any cost.

“Retreat,” they jumped back, subtle as it might have been, she noticed something. The participants of the church were troubled. ‘Their hand,’ she remained alert, ‘-filled with blood,’ unable to take a breather, Gurdan came charging with killing intent.

*Ice Element: Surge,* palm on the ground, spike sprouted out, it clipped the boy’s right leg. From Icey white to crimson, the first injury. *Dark Element: Ethereal Binding,* stopped, the adventurer stared up, realized the sheer power these mages wielded and cast healing spells.

“That’s sad,” voiced someone in the crowd, “-Gurdan’s about to lose,” it sighed.

“Don’t be so sure,?? fired another.

“You’re not going to get the best out of me,” healed, *Skill: Physical Enhancement,* muscle tensed, focus heightened, grip tightened, *Sword-Arts: Level 2, Karzai Strike,* named after the creator, Gurdan grew serious. He vanished in a blink, *Slash,* cut across multiple places, Eira held her injuries.

“Damn your tough” he sighed, *Sword-Arts: Level 2, Spitfire,* the blade took on a fiery aspect, “-that ice armor needs to be melted,” he yelled and charged.

“Don’t be so sure,” thought to be unable to fight, Eira stared up from standing still, “-you got careless,” her fingers gestured to the right. *BANG,* without explanation, Gurdan was sent across the arena, he hit the wall pretty badly that it made a splash of blood. What he didn’t realize was that Eira took the damage on willingly. Young adventurers were often prideful and most likely going on instinct. Seeing an opening, one as big as hers, forced him into giving the final blow. ‘Shadow Element,’ she smiled whilst ice formed around her cuts. It latched onto his leg without knowing, then with a single swipe, she activated the spell. It pulled him to the wall as opposed to the floor, an innovation onto that spell. Normally, Ethereal Binding used the host’s mana into velocity. The stronger the opponent, the stronger the force to which their tied to the floor. From binding them on the floor to the wall, it pulled, thus the result, Gurdan of Blade’s End, defeated.

Simultaneously, four students got blasted away by a final strike. Two from Sepmora and two from the Order. The bots kept on coming, or rather, the sheer number increased dramatically. Caution and restraint were thrown to the wall, tis was a fight for survival. The bots added more pressure than the combatants themselves. In this setting, none really could be classified as strong – it mostly came down to luck. Like Sophie said, teaming up would not matter. Each fought on their own, not against their comrades, however. The battle raged on without stop, Eira got caught in the crossfire between the Eastern and Western Claireville Academy. The intent to kill was palpable, those sent from the Church were appalled by the sight of demi-humans. Not in word, but in action, the disrespect shown, the act of looking down, it forced the Brother into the mood to kill.

*BANG,* an explosion which reeked of oil and gunpowder.

“SISTER,” a voice screamed amidst the turmoil.

“Oh boy...” said the commentator, “-it seems that the SSS-bot has been unleashed,” covered in blood with a broken bow, Ygannea.

“Participants,” now defending against a giant, Sophie spoke through the intercoms, “- the six combatants have been eliminated. There is thirty-minute left, either survive or fight; all who stands in the arena are advancing through the tournament,” not even bothered, the transmission ended.

‘The real battle starts now,’ mumbled Eira, ‘-get injured and you’re handicapped in the actual tournament. Stamina, awareness, and mana capacity will be the deciding factor. It’s as if getting the opportunity to do as much harm to a competitor on the day prior,’ all around, they fought with minimal effort, none wanted to go all out. The pressure to qualify out of the way, the focus turned to defense.

“This is a waste of time,” ice sprouted from the ground, “-playing defensive,” an ice-cold glare at the fighters, “-how pathetic,” the snowflake in her arm lit. “I’m bored,” white-hair turned partially blue, she leaped towards the SSS bot with a sword in hand. *Clang,* not even a dent – “how dare you mock us,” behind, a volley of spells. A few words and the look of contempt forced their hate outwards.

*HURRRRR,* as loud as it could be, the machine slammed its large palms on the ground, the shockwave made was charged with electricity. On the head, a few guns popped out and began to fire.

“Now you’ve done it,” laughed Sophie, “-good luck, the bot has gone into overdrive in the last five minutes.”

“Forget the bot, focus on Eira, get her out of the running,” adamant, a pupil from Sepmora yelled across.

“Good luck about that,” those sent from the Order made a tiny yet strong barrier. Sepmora and the Order were on bad terms, “-worry not, we’re all on the same boat, doesn’t matter if we help you or not,” unwilling, Vipan Eqihr added.

“We also need to avenge our teammates,” Adarin Odalf jumped in as well.

“Let’s do it,” *Dual Caster: Fire and Lightning – Engulfment,* Fire on top and lightning on the bottom, it closed shut. Hot wins blew across, the bots crumbled as their circuit fried from the lightning.

“Don’t leave me out of it yet,” in the back, *Rogue-Arts: Backstab,* pressed against Helga’s back, a dagger that pierced her stomach.

“You son of a ...” *SLASH,* turned into a lance, the sword of the church pierced Erlareo’s leg. From a free-for-all, it turned into a bloodthirsty battle. The SSS bot made constant waves, the church went full out with the premise of Devine intervention. Blood splattered across the ground, it turned into a killing contest. First Helga, than fell her partner, Tatiana Redwood from a shot to the head – their eyes didn’t seem normal.

“Do you see this?” a voice whispered, “it’s the ballad of misery,” their gazes fell on her, “-what will it be, Lady White, should we demonstrate our strength?” Surrounded by carnage, a warm feeling came from inside, “-yes,” unleashed, pure ice, *Ice Element, Gergusser Variant: Niflheim,* similar to Unleash Aura, Eira unleashed her true potential. A blizzard froze all, it went up the barricades and seeped into the spectator’s booth.

“This isn’t the level of Carnage I wish for. Too weak, not sufficient enough,” half of her face frozen, the ruby eyes turned pure blue, “-you, monster made by man, shall perish on accounts of heresy. Foul play all around, are you people never going to learn,” hands pressed, the air turned into a mist then into the snow; unable to move, the bot cracked.

“It seems like the bot has been defeated,” unknown to what had transpired, the crowd applauded as if it were part of the show. Deep down, the representatives and those close, knew the truth – what happened inside wasn’t a show, it was real blood lust.

“Shut the light,” ordered Josiah, “-we’ve got critically wounded students inside,” to which, it turned pitch black. Questions about what happened were asked, it soon turned into a cacophony of confusion.

“This way please,” armed with flashlights, security escorted the crowd out on the pretense of electrical failure.

“Staxius?” a troubled voice asked, “...” the seat empty, “-seriously,” she sighed.

“Please this way, majesty,” requested Theodore, “-you’re coming with us,” added Lucy. Ernis, Gallienne, and Xula were guarded close for none knew what happened.

“Quick, quick,” ordered Josiah as he led the healers and medics into the arena, “-amazing,” covered in water crystals, not meant to kill but heal, the participants were shielded.

“Eira?” he asked, a small dragon had perched itself onto her shoulder whilst the face remained expressionless.

“Heed my word, mortal. There’s trace of foul play, I know not who or what it was,” its wings flapped gently, “-though the attack was centered around my host. I was able to help today, tomorrow is another story, be sure to guard her, else, all who come with the remote intent of malice, shall perish.”

“So you’re the Lady of Ice,” teleported, a voice startled the dragon.

“Who might you be???? it spoke with caution.

“No one particular,” a single touch on its head made it shudder, “-I’m neither pleased nor displeased, ancient dragon Gergusser. I see you’re here in good faith,” he pulled his collar, “-I’m allied with the strongest dragon to live. Therefore, my lady, I wish for one thing alone, the guarantee that you’ll never do nor let harm be done to my child,” the voice had a differing tone, one more serious than before.

“My purpose in taking asylum is for one reason, we’re not the only ancient beings being reborn. The War waged between gods, demons, dragons, humans, and other entities, though long extinguished, has had a new purpose. The crowning of the new god of time, he has long waited for this day, and it has come. Kronos will come to take back what is rightfully his, Zeus and the others shall pay. Once a supreme god, the ruler of time is thirsty; he waits and watches. Goddess Nike’s dominion, the land of Argonauts has been savagely ravaged. There are more to come, do with it what you wish, God of Death, I’m here as a byproduct. I’ve no interest in being sealed again, my purpose is to live as this lady’s partner,” to which, with a snap, it turned to icicles.

‘The god of time, the raising of beasts from the war that has ended. Better stay on guard.’ Tipsy, Eira was carried off to the side, her injuries weren’t that bad. ‘It mentioned something about foul play,’ he stared, ‘-this lingering sense of dread. I’ve experienced it before, it’s nostalgic.’

“Doesn’t it remind you of the time in Iqeavea with that crazed scholar?” added Adete as the students were carried off.

“You’re right,” he stood, “-this is exactly like that time,” to which the mind kicked into gear, ‘-if what Adete says is true, then someone might have gotten a hand on that research. To what ends though, as far as it seems, the injuries are treatable, far better than what it looks... wait,” realization hit, “-a decoy...”

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