The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 262

Chapter 262: Opening Ceremony

‘I got yelled at by Xula,’ staring off into the distance, Staxius thought about how his wife got mad for the first time. She got mad for a good reason, the man she loved had nearly crossed the line into the realm of no return. Daemonum Gladio, the elusive sword, one that had saved him during the fight for the Symbols of power. For long he wondered about the many voices which spoke inside the mind. Always hidden behind the stoic gaze, the wielder of death wasn’t as powerful as he seemed. Constantly bombarded by thoughts of murder, chaos, woefulness; emotions that on their own would tear from the inside out. Lizzie’s death, a tipping point in the meticulously balanced emotions and mindset; it was as adding a drop of water into an already filled cup – the result, an overflow. ‘Without her,’ he stared at her green hair, ‘-I’d have sunk into my many personas,’ the concert played grandly; all present cheered. ‘Daemonum Gladio, who would have thought that a sword would be so imposing on its wielder. My inner thoughts, the savage side, the side that wishes to destroy, Lord Death’s true intentions. Inheriting the symbols of power has made a hole in my soul. Attaining divinity, I did it, I’m a God standing in the mortal realm; there’s a change. It’s subtle and slow, but I feel it, the voices are growing in volume, my mind constantly assaulted by premonition, the cries of those who’ve died. Not that pleasurable,’ he gazed fondly at his palms, ‘-the pentagram has turned crimson red. A pair of golden wings in the center. Goddess Nike, I’ve never known about such a deity before, the lady of victory spreading bliss over those who fought heroically over the battlefield. Whoever you are, thanks for the help,’ the eyes wandered to the evening sky, ‘-without you or the help of what has been bestowed upon me, I’d have fallen low.’

“Hey, focus on the front,” Xula called with a smile.

“Will do,” the attention turned forward, fingers interlocked, the couple watched as the ceremony began.

“The day has come,” inside the eastern area of the arena, divided into five parts, the participants waited. In charge, their instructors and supervisors. Eira represented Central Claireville Academy, the place where the majority of the previous winners came from.

“No need to say it twice,” Eira gave a jestful reply, her face glowed as the prospect of fighting against stronger opponents stood true. ‘I’m sure to win this tournament,’ a crest of a blue-snowflake had carved itself onto her right arm. Hidden behind the long-sleeved uniform; tis was a secret known to her alone.

“Participants,” an hour into the performance, an announcer rushed inside the changing rooms. “Line up by school with each representative on thy sides. Time to decide the next Prodigy is here.”

Outside, “-thank you all for being awesome,” yelled Aceline out of breath. Next to her, Sugar and his bassist bled from the fingers, they had played the guitars till the skin sliced. Aceline’s guitar, the one given by Staxius, had lit with many hypnotic hues – an awesome show. A bow later, the screen blacked out, musical aura faded.


“As the chosen commentator to this year’s Inter-magical tournament, on behalf of the school and faculty, I’d like to welcome all who are present,” dressed in red with a mic, Sophie Mirabelle. Cameras pointed to her face, the big screen behind also portraited what they saw. Broadcasted to the nation as well, many were glued to their screens.

“As it’s tradition, I’d like to explain how the tournament will work,” after which, diagrams popped onto the screens. “For months, all around the continent, magical schools and dedicated academies allowed, organized private tournaments to choose a representative. Age and status don’t matter for what counts is a skill and ability to overcome their troubles. Thus, 14 students are to battle it out for the coming days. Regardless of how many students there are, the opening battle is always a free-for-all. A contest to find eight students who are to take part in the decisive battle. Depending on time, we’ll be free to change the scheduling. Being smart with saving stamina, mana, and more will be another factor. Pacing one’s self is crucial,” the explanation continued for thirty minutes.

“We made it,” footsteps came from the stairs.

“Prince Ernis, do wait a little,” called a female voice.

“This brings back memories,” stood at the entrance, a blond-haired pretty boy.

“It sure does,” said the voice behind, black-hair with almond-shaped eyes.

“His imperial highness,” Gallienne stood with a smile.

“Queen of Hidros,” cheerful, he approached for the usual exchange of pleasantries. Engaged with speaking to the Queen’s mother as well, Ernis could but show his charismatic side.

“Do apologize my asking,” in the background, someone with a familiar pony-tail stood out, “-I’ve heard of Arda gaining its independence. Is the lady with the white and red hair the queen?”

“Ha-ha,” laughed Gallienne.

“Naturally, I mean no disrespect,” he fired-back quickly.

“No, highness, that over there is the King of Arda, beside him is the Queen. You might have heard of the king; he guarded Aceline on the trip to the main continent. Staxius Haggard, he did cause quite a commotion.”

“Are you serious?” he leaned sideways for a better look.

“Don’t be overly familiar,” whispered Lucy, “-Hidros isn’t that nice a place,” to which his posture straightened.

“Your Imperial Highness, I’d implore for thee to take a seat. The announcements of the students are to start soon.”

“Now then,” still on stage, the explanation ended. “Here’s the moment of truth,” the spotlights turned to the Eastern gate. “Give a round of applause for those chosen this year,” fourteen pupils of differing gender, race, and age. Beside each, a representative.

“From the Central Claireville Academy, we have Eira Haggard with Director Josiah as her representative,” one by one, they queued according to their name.

“From Eastern Claireville Academy, we have, Nathan and Natalie Green with their representative being Sister Jules Parker.”

“From Western Claireville Academy, Erlareo Enbalar and Ygannea Enbalar with the White Sage as their representative.”

“Next, from Sepmora, School of Witchcraft: Tatiana Redwood, Cedonia Wolfmoon, Ursa Lovelace, Helga Grail, with Director Dalila as their representative.”

“A very special welcome to Vipan Eqihr, Adarin Odalf, Ewaelle Itarish, and Evira Menyll, and Lady Shanaxis Asigreth II.”

“Last but not least, Gurdan of Blade’s End with Luna Nova as his representative,??? stood as she had called, the fighters. All had stern faces, ready to fight, ready to become the next Prodigy. The ceremony continued with each representative giving a speech. For the most part, it was standard, they enforced the importance of being humble to not get careless, basic at it’s best.

‘It does come as a surprise that only an adventurer is participating. Here I thought mages were nullified, guess we’ll see where this takes them,’ he thought and stared.

“What do you want?” Xula felt the gaze, her tone was one sarcastic.

“The sage is down there with those two who’ve eluded me since the time I came to Arda. Guess they were students...”

“Yes, the elven siblings, the ones you tried to kill,” she chuckled, “-not to worry, they are strong individually.”

“Now that everyone is introduced, the free-for-all is set for tomorrow,” the participants returned, “-give them a round of applause,” Aceline rushed in with new clothes; the concert resumed.

“May I please have your attention,” voiced an attendant, “-the opening ceremony has concluded,” not saying anymore, the lady headed back inside.

“We’re free to leave,” voiced Carla as she headed out.

‘Why...’ lost in thought, memories continued to ail, ‘-why did you leave all of a sudden. I attained divinity and broke the curse of starting over so that we’d have a happy family. Why Lizzie, why did you leave, that playfulness, the smile that always cheered my day. Just as I grew to enjoy taking care of you, it had to end...’ held back, he eyed the ceiling.

“Staxius,” whispered a voice, “-wake up,” Xula’s face stood a few inches away.

“Quite indecent to ask a kiss in public,” he said in jest.

“Oh hush,” she gave a tight pinch and stood, “-the opening ceremony is over, we’re to do what we want,” she stared over at the leaving spectators.

“I see,” he stood, they locked arms, “-shall we?” he led the way. Slowly, the memories were buried, thinking about her death wouldn’t be any good for anyone.

“Excuse me,” a familiar voice called, “-forgive my asking, but are you Staxius Haggard?” a lady with straight long hair stood next to the double door leading into the inner arena.

“Lucy Villareal,” he said with a nod, “-no need to be formal,” the tone felt comforting, except for the blank face, “-I presume Prince Ernis is here?”

“Good,” she breathed a sigh of relief, “-the prince pestered me constantly to go find thy location,” to which, a pretty boy came in sight.

“Staxius,” he reached for a hug.

“Good to see you too,” Staxius reached around for a tight hug, “-I do love how you never care for formalities,” a wink.

“We’re friends, are we not?” he smiled, “-imagine my surprise when I learned about thy title as King.”

“Do forgive me,” Staxius took a step back, “-I’d like for you both to meet my wife, Queen Shanna of Arda.” Lucy gave a curtsy whilst Ernis took her hand for a kiss, “-you keep on giving, don’t you, friend.”

“Could you elaborate?”

“I thought you played for the other team, the way Scott and you bonded was quite interesting. You do seem to not care about genders,” Ernis involuntarily referred to the time in Iqeavea.

“Prince Ernis,” voiced Shanna with a scary smile, “-why don’t you join us for dinner. I’d like to learn more about the whole bonding business with Scott.” Ashamed by his tactlessness, Lucy looked away.

“My queen, it’s not that big a deal,” he tried to defuse the situation. “-Let’s, I’ll recount all of Staxius’s antics,” the prince interjected.

“I’m going to murder you,” mumbled Staxius as a joke.

“Try it,” the prince pulled out his tongue, to which, they all headed into where dinner was served. ‘Marie’s here too,’ Staxius noticed she who stood in the corner.

“You coming or not?” Ernis asked as he stopped.

“Carry on, I’ll join you later,” just as the prince tried to refute, Lucy reached out and grabbed his shoulder, “-don’t,” she mumbled. Upon asking why, a summary of the passing was given. Ashamed by the indiscretion, he headed in.

“Marie?” stared off into the distance, the girl watched woefully at the concert.

“Go on without me, dad, I’ll be back soon,” her voice seemed to tremble.

“Sorry to say this, but I’m not Luther.”

“What do you mean?” she turned and stared with reddened eyes, “-Lord Staxius,” a few sniffles followed by her hands searching for a handkerchief.

“Here,” one white with yellow edges, “-use mine.”

“Thanks,” she cleaned the would-be tears, “-sorry for my not so lady-like state.”

“Don’t worry,” he patted her head, “-don’t cry over her death,” he stared off into the distance, “-Lizzie still lives on in our memories. The girl would have taken arms if she saw us in such pitiful states. That smile of hers will never be topped,” he turned, “-keep that pain close to thine heart. It’s something worth holding onto,” he gave the signature wave and left.

‘It’s easier said than done,’ she smiled, ‘-I’m sure she’s up there getting angry for me not enjoying the moment. I’ll miss you, my best friend, you were always close to my heart.’

“Mother,” a piercing voice called, “-the man you despise so much has contact with the Imperial family as well.”

“No need to worry, dearest daughter, it won’t matter. He may know the entire kingdom for all I care, none will stop my ambitions.” Off in the distance, atop on the arena, a faint glimmer was spotted. ‘Wait and see, King Staxius, I’ll break thy family and credibility soon. Messing with the Goldberg and humiliating me, one who’s had all she wants, will be the last thing you ever did.’

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