The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 261

Chapter 261: Xula’s resolve

Scheduled to start at 16:00, many made way to the town of Claireville. For weeks, all the preparation led to this event. All special guests rested in the noble district. Including the actors in Autumn’s Blossom with Aceline, a pleasant experience. As for the students, Eira and those taking part tomorrow would rest in the dorms. The unit from the Order had arrived as well. Their location would remain unknown until the start of the tournament.

Not only had the Academy gotten readied, but the town participated. Stalls were built over there as well, the streets covered by ribbons and wishes for a good event. All around, faces held smiles, families walked hand in hand.

Lizzie’s death came as surprise for Julius and his group. They were awestruck, discovering that Staxius had amassed a fortune on his own. The mansion, the cars, the people inside, the furniture, and more. Undrar explained their situation leading up to what transpired. The sight of him shooting himself remained fresh as the car returned to Julius’s mansion. None had the guts to speak out, the change felt unreal.

“Guess he did make a family,” Millicent added as the scenery went by.

“You’re right,” voiced Adelana, “-though, his daughter died,” her voice remained unaffected.

“What is done is done,” Julius spoke out, the voice held a little resentment, “-we shouldn’t bother them. Let’s wait till Staxius makes the first move, I don’t want to trigger anything unwanted,” a good concern since the emotionless face stood true.

“Isn’t that him?” Autumn pointed out the window. A black car drove past as if lightning, a still picture of his stoic face confirmed it.


“Guess he’s headed to the tournament too,” mumbled Fenrir.

“Look at you people,” Adelana added in a not to pleasing tone, “-weren’t you all excited to meet him, what happened to the vigor?” a snicker followed.

“Shut it, Adelana, we don’t care about thy antics any longer,” Ayleth refuted back with a sharpened tone. Relations between the siblings had grown unstable. Adelana took a change for the worst, none knew why, but the lady had some issues to deal with. Only Julius managed to get through her thick skull, anyone else would either be ignored or insulted at times.

“Scott, SCOTT,” in the changing room turned makeup room for the performers, Aceline voiced loudly.

“Over here,” he waved with a bottle of water and a few snacks, “-what’s the matter?” he scurried to her.

“Is Sugar ready?” she asked with a sigh behind curtains.

“No idea,”

“Well go and check,” a live feed of the arena was shown, the place jammed packed.

“Sure,” he headed over to the men’s area. There, a summary of the opening was given per Aceline’s order. The day had come, Eira remained in the dark about the death. Staxius said it best to not bother her mind; since the two weren’t acquainted, it wouldn’t matter.

Sat in the VIP area, north of the podium where only very little had taken place, Xula held one of the highest seats. Besides, Queen Gallienne, she sat with Raulf and a few dukes, in the bunch, lady Goldberg.

“Mother,” said the girl,”-have you heard the news,” her face held a smile, “-Lizzie was found dead.”

“Is that so,” the lady gave a smile in turn, “-I’m just glad the murderer was found and killed. No more of our children will be endangered,” her entourage contained other ladies who smiled and laughed obnoxiously.

“Do forgive my asking,” Gallienne leaned, “-is what they say true?”

“Yes,” returned Xula, “-I’m afraid so,” after which they regain their posture.

‘I’ll put what has happened on hold. The words I said earlier were very hurtful to Xula,’ Void parked next to other luxurious vehicles, ‘-if she hates me, that’s all the better,’ a few steps towards the back entrance, one reserved and heavily guarded, a lady walked at a slow pace.

“Queen Mother,” Staxius called and approached.

“If it isn’t King Staxius,” she stopped and smiled.

“I presume Queen Gallienne has arrived?” he asked in a polite tone.

“Yes,” she replied courteously.

“Do forgive if I overstep my boundary,” he held out his hand, “-care to let an ally escort thee?”

“That’s very thoughtful,” her eyes warmed, “-I’ll graciously accept. The stairs have grown into my worst enemies. They vex me with each step.”

“You jest, my lady,” they walked up, “-in no way have thy grown old. I’d say thou art as pretty as ever before. A flower, refine and dignified, a sight to behold,” the words held weight.

“Quite a master of speech,” she gave a little nudge, “-I’m impressed. The boy I saw as a destroyer so many years ago has grown into a fine gentleman.”

“The angelic Queen Sely of memories remain as radiant as ever,” he led the way. Up, a bright light came in view. Guards armed with guns awaited.

“Queen Mother,” called Theodore, many turned their eyes. The VIP seating was a room under the commentary booth, protected from the weather with food and drinks laid on a table further inside – a lovely experience. Apart from those of Royalty; none were allowed to sit on a select few chairs. Separated from the rest of the nobles, it had a better view, more comfort, and different foods and drinks. Duchess Goldberg, a few meters away, though hidden, boiled inside. Her dream was to be queen once. Resentment turned to scrutinize Lizzie and her household, she joked without much concern. Gallienne could but ignore their frivolous attempt at comedy.

“Greetings to you as well, King of Arda,” Theodore bowed and led the way to the royal seats.

“Did he say the king of Arda?” many upfront turned for the King of Arda was but a myth. Queen Xula and her entrancing beauty must have had a lover.

“Hey, mother,” Dorothy slowly pulled on her sleeve.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Isn’t that...”

“Master Alchemist,” voiced Luther.

“What do you mean?” confused, she turned and stared. Many of who had come to pay their respects earlier, returned when the coffin left the mansion. Since it took hours, heading to Claireville on a special train cut the trip into half an hour.

“Greetings Queen Gallienne,” he nodded, “-same to you Raulf,” a quick exchange later, he sat next to Xula. Her face kept a smile, but her eyes refused to cooperate, ‘-Staxius is an idiot at times,’ she thought about what was said earlier. ‘Carrying all that burden to not add any on mine shoulders. I swear he’s the worst idiot of them all, though I do love him to death.

“That can’t be him, surely,” argued Carla. To their surprise, they caught his eye, “-thanks for coming earlier,” mumbled without sound then followed by a wave.

“Oh lord,” Carla held her head, “-I’ve badmouthed a king.”

“At least we won’t get to see that man’s face ever again,” fired lady Goldberg, “-with the daughter dead, he’ll be put back in his place.”

“Don’t,” he tried to stand but was stopped. Xula held his hand tightly. After which she pointed to Gallienne.

“Lady Goldberg,” the queen voiced loudly, “-I’d ask thy to refrain speaking ill of a girl who died. The reason being that said girl came from the Royal Ardanian household; speaking ill of them is equated to speaking ill of Hidros, have I made myself clear?”

“Yes Majesty,” she turned, saw Staxius, shuddered, then focused upfront.

Fingers interlocked, Xula glared, “-listen to me,” she spoke so that only Staxius could hear, “-about the question earlier,” her glare turned as sweet as honey, “-I’ll wait an eternity, I care not. I’ve heard all about the curse of misfortune from a book given by a trusty spirit. Become the harbinger of death, what of it, aren’t you the god of Death, you’ve attained divinity; if you are so pleased, Lizzie can be brought back at any time. Opposite the one holding dominion over the realm of creation, resides a being as powerful who holds dominion over the realm of death. Similar yet different, the one opposite creation has the power to destroy, though, as opposed to the supreme being, the wielders of death are humans by birth. Souls who’ve transcended the norm; as such, they have the ability to create. Bringing back the dead to the living isn’t much trouble for he who’s awakened symbol of power,” a passage straight from the book. “The decision is up to you, bringing back the girl will require effort though not impossible.”

“What are you saying,” confused, the eyes narrowed.

“What I’m saying is that Lizzie can be brought back. Not from the resurrection, but by placing her soul into an empty vessel,” at that moment, she pulled his hand and placed it atop her belly, “-let me carry thine child,” her eyes seemed desperate.

“Don’t,” he pulled his hand, “-I can’t hope to ever have a child of my own. The curses, my boons; my new body, it’s all for naught.”

“Listen to me,” she reached out and grabbed his face, “-are those based on the truth or some fantasy you made up from a vision. Don’t forget, I’m an angel, and you’re a god; the laws of reality don’t apply to us. Our souls exist on a higher plane, one where gods, angels, and demons live.”

“I d-d-don’t b-believe it,” he tried hard to look away.

“Staxius Haggard,” her voice sharpened, “-will you listen to thine wife for once,” her eyes held contempt, “-we are bound by the vow of never parting. You are mine and I’m yours; let me guide you out of the darkness again. Losing Lizzie must have hurt, to see all crumble before your eyes, to see the world turn to the abyss. The Curse of misfortune may well rest above thy head,” she pointed upwards, “-I’ve inherited the Boon of fortune. Just as water extinguishes fire, let me the one you’re to protect. Leave that curse to me, your burdens are my burdens, like it or not, lord Death, getting rid of an angel who’s close to attaining the status of Demi-goddess would not be that simple.”

“I’ve warned you before,” a spirit shot out his body. “-Hold up,” voice Staxius, a single motion and it stopped.

“Master, can’t you see she’s trying to make thy weak. Embrace the darkness of being a harbinger of death, it’s for the best. Distance thyself from the people you love, that’s the only way to protect those you want,” Daemonum Gladio argued wholeheartedly.

“I agree,” he voiced in a monotonous voice, “-I’ve killed the person I was, Staxius Haggard has died,” the eyes remained cold, “-I’ve learned much from her death. Losing a daughter, someone close will never be fully healed,” the grip grew tighter. “Despite that,” the dullness remained, “-I’ll put my trust where I did so many times before. Cold as I may be now, I do love Xula. I’m her conduit and she’s my guide – if it wasn’t for her, I might have not seen the bigger picture,” dangling from the top, a tiny thread, one held by Xula.

“As you wish,” the spirit sighed, “-show me what you can do, master death, call on me when that feeble morality is to be forgone. Until then, I’ll be watching,” turned to dust, Xula watched intently.

“Welcome back,” she reached around for a hug.

“Thank you Xula,” he whispered, “-sadly, I’m still not going to return to how I was. That state of mind was feeble. I’m going to find a way to be better, both mentally and physically, wait for me.”

“Waiting is all I seem to do,” she laughed, “-nevertheless, take as long as you want, my husband, my love for thy shall never end.”

At the same time, the stage came to life with fireworks; music played loudly, Sugar and Aceline sang. The crowd went wild, screams and cheers, the tournament began.

“About killing a whole nation, were you serious?” Xula asked out of concern.

“Yes,” the reply cold, “-I’ll avenge and destroy those who treated my girl so badly,” he leaned and gave a quick kiss on the cheeks, “-not now though. There’s something we need to create first,” he eyed her belly.

“Yeah, yeah,” she turned his head forwards, “-Lizzie will be brought back as thy blood. I’ll have a chance to see her growth too.”

“LET’S GO,” screamed Aceline, the arena trembled. Having learned more about the god of death from Undrar, Xula held a better understanding of where Staxius came from. She grew to know how much he suffered daily. Having a babe would be a tall order; “-it’s not impossible. Clarity will reveal more, I’m sure that there’s a solution. Attaining divinity comes with more than the title of god,” words of courage from she who has stood true from the day the heir awoke.

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