The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 252

Chapter 252: Angel’s Dust

The night sky, moonless and covered with clouds. The breeze, harsh for it acted as a premonition for an incoming storm. The weather over the past few days had grown rather bad, many were forced to bring umbrellas in case of rain.

Deadeyes, laid to rest in the RFS while the rest had dinner, awoke with the sound of thunder. A menacing growl, monstrous in nature – he rose to his feet but ended up hitting the roof of the vehicle.

“Nice, you’re awake,” a voice came from outside.

“Who is it?” hand on where he got injured, the door opened lazily.

“Should I answer?” arms crossed with a deep voice, Staxius stared.

“I do apologize,” he stumbled out, fatigue had gotten the better.

“Let me help you,” arms around the broad shoulders, Staxius helped the marksman. “Dinner?” he offered as soon as they stepped foot inside.


“No thanks, I don’t think my stomach would be able to handle a hefty meal,” not wanting to cause the man more trouble, *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.* In a blueish light, “-good night, do ask Viola if she can let you have a day off tomorrow,” the door closed and he fell asleep.

*Knock, Knock,* the door to the silent library came to life, “-girls, let’s go have dinner,” it opened.

“Coming,” notebooks closed, the two-headed downstairs. From silent to suddenly filled with murmurs and laughter, Marie was taken aback.

“That’s the rest of Kniq,” Lizzie grabbed her hands and led the way. There, it came as a surprise to have a visitor. At first, the uniforms and the smell of gunpowder paired with a faint scent of fire sent red-flags. She wanted to let go and run.

Auic and Undrar took charge for they knew how she felt. Getting the guest to open up wasn’t hard. Avon’s jokes paired with Auic’s rhetoric and Achilles misplaced jokes that were told using a straight face got the room lightened. The Lymsey sisters on the other hand would often doze in and out of consciousness. Being an adventurer meant a copious amount of physical effort whilst holding back the fear of dying. A big family unrelated by blood, Staxius sat back and watched – the same as Marie. At times, he would share a few words then continued his meal. Words that held weight and meaning – he did so only when the room grew into a serious topic. Monsters or the curse of demons.

At around 19:00, the trio headed upstairs to finish the study session. As for Kniq, each one either took baths and headed to bed, or headed into the study to read a book or two. Deadeyes would often go outside and stargaze from the balcony. Though he slept early today. Emma and Emmy had the habit of sneaking into Staxius room in hope of catching him off guard. They wanted to scare him, but ended up getting scared. The sight of an empty room made the twins a little disappointed.

“I never thought of it this way,” both hands holding onto a piece of paper, Marie watched in awe.

“If this continues, I’ll be able to get better grades on exams,” said Lizzie in a pleased tone.

“Yes, we’ll continue this till the basics have been mastered. After that, it will be up to you to navigate thy way around a textbook,” a warning. Letting go early would be beneficial for the students in the long run. Only the basics and not to get dependent on a teacher or anyone else. If the time came where they would have to study alone, the necessary skills were provided.

“Goodbye everyone,” a few minutes later, Void pulled up, the time had come for the guest to return. With a cheerful goodbye from the house, she left with a smile.

“Did you have fun?” as the scenery and nightlight of buildings went past, Staxius asked for he needed to know how she felt.

“Yes,” she turned with a smile; “-I got to know Lizzie better. It came as a surprise to see that Kniq lives in such luxury and doesn’t even pay heed to how much power they wield in terms of property and reach. Adventurers and a high-ranking noble living together, it was very interesting.”

“Should have expected as much,” he smiled then faced the front, “-back home, no one cares about social status or nobility. I may be noble by title, but I’m still their family in some ways. Someone they can rely on if it ever came down too.”

“How do you feel about it though?” she asked with no particular specification.

“Care to elaborate?”

“No, just in general I mean, how do you feel?” she asked yet again.

“I know not myself,” he sighed, “-Listen, I don’t have the pleasure nor time to feel. This world is far too cruel, letting thy guard down for a second and everything might crumble down in an instant,” a dense aura seeped throughout the car.

“Oi,” a sharp voice followed by teeth sinking into his neck, “-you’re emanating aura subconsciously.”

“Ouch,” he turned with one eye closed. The gaze met with Adete hovering with arms crossed. “Fine,” he turned to the road, the dense aura vanished.

“Are you alright?” Adete asked.

“y-yes,” Marie said with a trembling body, “-what was that?” she asked, her eyes seemed to have gotten blank.

“Nothing much, just Staxius subconsciously letting out a bit of mana,” she said with a friendly voice.

“Wait, are you a mage-”

“We’re here,” before she could ask, Staxius interjected for they had arrived.

“Young miss,” outside in the cold with an umbrella as light showers came down, the butler stood. “-Thanks for bringing her safely to us,” he rushed over to the car.

“It was my pleasure,” the window rolled, “-be sure to give my thanks to Luther.”

“Goodbye, Lord Staxius,” the door opened.

“Take care,” he voiced, “-and do ask if you can come around for a few more days. I should be able to wrap up the study session. Talk it over with Lord Luther.”

“Will do,” she said with a smile then was escorted inside by the butler.

“Quite an interesting character,” commented Adete on the girl’s personality.

“Tell me about it,” now in reverse, he backed off and drove home.

*Today’s the rise of a new day. I heard from the news that Kniq has gotten pretty famous. Between the training and resting, I haven’t gotten a single ounce of time for myself. I should also probably erase the mistake I made earlier. The tournament is in February and not March. It was probably just me overhearing someone on the Television. Aunt Viola said that Julius and the others from Dorchester will come to stay for the duration of the tournament. I can’t believe it’s coming to reality; a chance to prove myself in front of all those eyes. With this voice inside me, I feel as if I can conquer the world. Quite addicting and blissful for when I call onto her power, the response I get is As you wish, Lady White. It makes me feel as if a princess or something... wait, I am a princess. Talk about being an idiot sometimes. Either way, the tournament is set for the 24th to the 28th. I don’t participate till the 25th, the day prior will be of joy and celebration. Local and friendly matches showcasing skill and prowess by each of the participating magical academies. A concert is also planned at the end of the tournament, which will be on the night of the 27th. Three days to decide who will be known as the Prodigy. I can’t wait to see everyone else again,* diary shut, another entry from Eira who worked hard over the past few months.

‘Angel’s dust,’ sat in Pandora with a batch of God’s ale ready besides, the work began. Research on the Relic scroll came to an impasse around the fifty percent mark. Hence the change of pace. Lizzie and the twins remained home since it was weekend. Undrar and the rest went around doing a few kill quests here and there, nothing major. Head focused on the machine that came to life, the work began. In less than ten minutes, the focus grew so much he seeped into Clarity. All the ingredients, procedures, what made it so addictive, and why it grew to be harmful. Minutes turned to hours, at around 13:00, the dream broke. The instant he awoke, the body shut off, the heart stopped beating and all went slumped – another death.

“Wake up, my heir,” a thin thread came from the top, “-death is thy friend, not enemy,” he reached out and latched onto the thread. Cough followed by a massive inhale, the heart came to life, and he panted. ‘That was a close one,’ he thought, ‘Clarity isn’t that unforgiving. All those constant visits are bound to affect me somehow,’ head now on the table, ‘-guess the ultimate price one has to pay for knowledge is his life. Thankfully, I’m immortal and my soul is linked with the current Death Reaper. I’ll only truly die if he gets killed. The second most powerful entity since creation, none can escape death, for he lurks in every shadow and corner, what a scary persona.’

“I’m fine now,” a quick shake of the head later, the table laid with a pile upon piles of notebooks. ‘I do wonder why I suddenly woke up with the revelation on the only way I’ll be able to die. Is the Death Reaper in danger or something? Last I heard was the fight against the Elder Gods; the titans. For the time being, tis not of my concern.’ It took another few hours to get a handle on the notes that were written down.

‘I was concerned for nothing,’ he sighed, ‘-Angel’s dust sure is complicated to make but cannot rival God’s ale. Sooner or later, people will realize which is the superior drug. With the supplies I have,’ he took a look around, ‘-I should be able to make some without much trouble,’ the eyes focused at the back of the room, a shelf with many ingredients.

Taking a break after such an extensive day of alchemy, a phone call disturbed the only moment of peace he got. “Master, could you come by the guild-headquarters this instant?” Auic asked intently, behind, a girl’s voice seemed to be creating havoc.

“Do I really have to?” he yawned.

“GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW,” she yelled then hung.

“Oh damn,” the eyes opened wide, “-I got yelled at,” he laughed, “-how amusing,” for the first time, he couldn’t believe it. ‘Must be serious,’ note placed inside a locked drawer, with a suit-jacket on, Staxius took the portal.

“I demand to meet Lord Staxius right now,” a female voice came from out the hall, “-he’s the only reason why my daughter wishes to join the adventuring ranks. It’s inexcusable.”

“Mother,” another voice fought back,”-don’t forget he’s the one that gave me a new life. I don’t care what you say, I wish to become an adventurer, it’s my will and you’ll never get in my way again.”

“Either way, I don’t care,” the lady continued, “-I wish to see him right now,” her anger voiced at Auic. The latter could but hide the intent to lash out.

*Click,* the door opened, “YOU,” the lady rushed straight towards him, “-YOU’RE THE REASON FOR THIS,” she raised her pitch, “-I’ll have you kicked OUT,”

“Excuse me,” the face turned murderous, the eyes merciless, “-I’m sure there’s something we can work out,” *snap,* a fireball got conjured, “-you do realize this floor is mine by right. Therefore, I could kill you and burn thy body to a crisp if I wish, Mrs. Remington. In no way am I going to stand here and take this sort of treatment from someone who hasn’t the decency to calmly explain what has happened.”

“Look,” she turned and stared her daughter, “-that’s the kind of person you want to follow, wanting to kill at every corner.”

“Mr. Alchemist,” the girl stood with awe, “-you are the leader of Kniq.”

“Yes, and how can I be of help?” he ignored Carla and faced the girl.

“Thanks to you I can now run around and bathe in the sunlight. I was hoping that you’d let me join Kniq, I wish to go on adventures and discover new places,” her face remained unfaltering, an unshakable will.

“Good,” he said with a smile, “-however, that isn’t my choice to make. The recruitment is handled by both Auic and Viola; the vice leader. My job is to watch over the shop and research magical items,” the tone sincere.

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