The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 251

Chapter 251: Snow

The ground floor, slowly crowded by beastmen; opened. The doors to a new way of life, one filled with danger but compensated with money and fame. Individual guilds gave freedom though it came with other troubles. The four major guilds would be best suited for Arda. It still wasn’t known that the people could become Adventurers. Though prior, a few did pass the test; most notably, Xula’s private guards.

“Sure, looks popular to me,” said Adete whilst hovering around.

“I guess,” a subtle response with no particular interest. He watched on as if being the wind, rustling through leaves and trees. The dream from the nap did shake his mind into reality. For the most part, he existed in the divide between Clarity and Reality. The subconscious that is – it explained why Staxius could slip into that realm. During that stay, the conscious mind would always be floating around – as if an overseer watching every movement the body made. ‘Best not let it affect any further,’ a shook of the head later – a visit to the Evaluation room. There, many were given the title of Adventurer.

[Member Status: Arda]

[Tier 1 – Platinum: 0]

[Tier 2 – Gold: 0]

[Tier 3 – Silver: 4]


[Tier 4 – Bronze: 1]

[Tier 5 – Ruby: 0]

[Tier 6 – Emerald: 0]

[Tier 7 – Sapphire: 1]

[Tier 8 – Steel: 3]

[Tier 9 – Obsidian: 14]

[Tier 10 – Porcelain : 175]

Shown on a semi-transparent screen, above the guild card, the numbers of people who were accepted into the ranks. The four silvers were Xula’s guards, the Bronze, yet to be known for it but had a name. For a start, the count seemed enough to handle Goblin Slaying jobs. Through said medium, all the available quests, information given from when someone gave a quest request, locations, and much more. A tiny device with the ability to do a whole more than normal humans could.

“I’ll leave the guild to you,” coat on, a portal linked the Ardanian Headquarters with Kniq’s headquarters. In no way was he going to face Xula after that less than inviting dream. Time was 13:00 on a Friday, Staxius, now crowned as the king of nightwalkers – returned to an empty mansion. A quick clean up of Void later, he set out to fetch Lizzie.

Meanwhile in Arda; after gaining their status as adventurers – her majesty gave the green light to escort the winged wolfing home. Leading the group, Serene, now appointed as a proxy between king and people.

The four clans shook, though, with a few manipulations here and there; any further trouble was squashed. The power shifted to one more powerful than the oldest vampire. They each served the Blood-king wholeheartedly. Going against him could result in the annihilation of what remained of the vampires. On the day Serene tried to fool Staxius – everyone witnessed the sheer resolve to kill and destroy they who stood in his path. A day marked by blood, a day that would forever change the vampiric kind. They would play an essential part in a war that had the world on edge.

“Are you really the daughter of a king?” bell rang, rumors about Lizzie and her father’s exploit during the school conference made waves. Higher than a duchess, said person would logically be he who wields the title of King. In that regard, many were correct.

“Not really, no,” she averted the question and stood in the center. Many students made rounds around her, all tried to get into her good graces, “-my dad sure is someone kind,” a smile.

“What happened to him though?” a bitter voice came from behind, “-did he abandon you, worthless commoner, don’t get a big head,” the youngest Goldberg added with a hint of annoyance. Followed by a humph and snicker, she headed off to the main gates.

“Don’t let her get to you,” said Marie, the youngest of three daughters, “-your father sure is a nice person,” a big smile followed by her tightly holding Lizzie’s hand.

“I guess so,” the latter gave a smile as big as Marie. The two girls had grown attached to one another. Despite her not so inviting family stature which suffered at the hands of a curse, Marie didn’t stand down. Her will to challenge even a prince or princess when it came down to it was unbelievable. Strong and unfaltering – her alone managed to get rid of any unwanted attention.

‘I do wonder where he’s at,’ they walked and chatted.

“Lizzie,” a few meters away, Staxius waved.

“It’s him,” her bag dropped and dashed straight at him.

“I got you,” teenager by year, she didn’t seem the least worried about how people viewed her. A tight embrace followed by a few soft taps on his back. “Miss me?” he leaned on Void with a smile.

“Of course, I did,” she backed away and pouted, “-left without saying anything,” then realized her bag fell.

“Here,” Marie carried over the bag.

“Good afternoon, Marie,” he gave a smile.

“Good afternoon, Lord Staxius,” she bowed then turned.

“Hold it,” out of character, he reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

“I apologize if I did anything to offend,” she turned with the gaze on the floor.

“Nothing of the sorts happened,” he gently lifted her chin, Lizzie could but watch the scene unfold, “-from what I saw, you two have grown close. It does make me very happy,” he turned and patted Lizzie’s head, “-she might be a ball of energy but my girl sure is someone reliable. Thanks for taking care of her,” he said with a warm tone, “-on that, care to join us for a study session?”

“I- sorry?” she looked up confused by what he meant.

“A study session, I feel as if Lizzie would focus better if she had a friend to bond with as well. Exams start next week, don’t they?”

“It’s actually at the end of next month,” said Lizzie with a grain of embarrassment. Her grades were still below average.

“Even better,” Staxius voiced content with the new development, “-care to let me have a word with thy father?” he asked.

“But I didn’t agree yet,” a faint mumble stumped by Lizzie’s broody face.

Adamant, finding out Luther’s number wasn’t hard. A quick call to Cake who dug around with haste.

“Come on, it will be fun,” Lizzie said with glee.

“If my dad agrees, then yes,” Marie gave into the two’s forcefulness.

“It’s settled,” the phone hung, “-I’ll get you home before eight,” Void opened, “-let’s go.”

Squeezed onto the same seat, the sheer craftsmanship of Void’s inside blew her mind. ‘Is this what it means to be rich?’ she wondered with amazement.

“I am sorry about this,” the car turned on, “-I would have brought another car if I knew that I’d find more passengers,” with a friendly wink, they headed into town.

“First we’ll get food, then have some fun, then return home,” a plan that Lizzie agreed.

“Also, Marie, don’t hold back, I’m here as a friend – no need to keep up faces or act responsibly. We’re but ordinary citizens who have cometh to enjoy the pleasure of Rosespire,” a sentence which set her mind at ease. Normally, in no way would she accept such an offer. Staxius’s charm made it difficult to refuse, a weird attraction was felt. Each time he spoke, there was a connection – a vampire’s allure. Hence, for the next two hours, with Adete on the shoulder, the trio went around the capital. From food to buying books for the incoming study session and more, they had a great time. At one of the antique’s shop, Marie’s eyes fell onto a diamond-shaped necklace with two ruby eyes in the middle. Without much thought, she blinked and headed off as Lizzie led the way.

Time reached four in the evening, “-let’s go home,” he said with a smile. Finding Marie came as a boon, an excuse to take the mind off what had happened in Arda; the dream remained a sore thumb.

An hour drive later, they reached the mansion. ‘The noble district,’ Marie wondered, ‘-and close to the exit as well,’ the door opened automatically. ‘I’ve visited many nobles before,’ they went up the small hill, ‘-but this takes wealthy to another level.’ Amazed by the yard, it was as big as her whole house combined. Then came the actual mansion,”-beautiful,” they stepped out, she couldn’t believe it, ‘-Lord Staxius isn’t a mere noble, is he?’ she looked around in utter speechlessness. Even in the eyes of another noble, what he worked so hard to obtain felt as if a fortune many wouldn’t even dream.

“Go off and roam around, there’s a garden if you wish to have pleasant smells,” he said invitingly, “-I’ll park the car, see you girls in thirty minutes?”

Books in hand, Staxius headed for the library whilst the other two ran around outside.

“Hey Cake,” without much to do, he phoned the strategist again.

“Yes boss, what can I do for you?”

“Give me status on the war against the UO. Did the witch tell anything?”

“We got information that the UO was actually a pawn for an organization that went by the name Syndicate. Probably fake, since they don’t concern us – I’ve sent agents to cause some mayhem. UO isn’t UO anymore, the name they go by is Snow. Pretty uncommon, though it perfectly fits their organization. Based on the mainland, located in the Northeast, a kingdom in the alps. Not as influential as the Dark-guild but an up and coming big shot in the Angel’s Dust trade. Godfather Renaud has been going crazy, God’s Ale is nice and all, but the dust is super addictive. The risk is much more than the ale, you know what I mean don’t you?”

“Yes, a single sniff of that powder and it’s over. Safe or not, if they are selling it at a cheaper price – we’ll be at a loss. Desperation and craving, that’s what they’re targeting.”

“Yes, the real goal was to override our influence over the drug’s business.”

“A sound strategy, cut off our money and we’ll have to use up reserves. Cut off reserves and we’ll get desperate, when that happens, they’ll strike. What does Karlson have to say about this?” more opinions meant more information.

“He told me to make it seem as if we’re struggling,” her reply felt a little excited.

“What about the spy, didn’t we have a leak?”

“It’s been taken care of,”

“-except for one,” he interjected.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I get it,” he smiled, “-how scary can one person be,” a rhetorical question for said person was her.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she seemed proud.

“Continue with the good work, I’ll get on examining Angel’s Dust. You are going to need it for something,” he implied to another concocted scheme.

“We’re on the same line of thinking,” she laughed and hung.

‘The strategist strikes again with another plan. Kill every single spy and let one live. It’s a risky but worthy plan. If we feed him what we want him to hear, Snow will fall in our hands. So far, I don’t think they’re that powerful else a full-on war would ensure. Fighting trade by trade, they picked on the wrong organization.’

“We’re here,” the door opened. Freshened up, the duo returned with smooth looking skin.

“About time,” the persona changed, “-let’s get started,” for the next few hours, he taught them the basics yet again. Most seemed elementary but had another purpose; they showed the practical application. Using logic and wit in consortium with what has been given through the textbook.

Downstairs, Kniq returned from the daily quests. The door opened with a big clash. Work assigned, he headed down to check on the guild. “Welcome home,” leaned on the stair with arms crossed, the tired adventurers walked in.

“Master,” Avon yelled, “-you’re home.”

“You stated the obvious,” Auic gave a quick tap on his head.

“Welcome home to you as well,” said Undrar.

“May we ask where you disappeared to?” Achilles voiced out of curiosity.

“I had to prepare for the guild opening in Arda,” he stepped off the staircase, “-took more work than anticipated.”

“Emmy, Emmy,” voiced Emma.

“Emma, Emma,” voiced Emmy.

“Welcome home,” they dashed and took each of his arms, “-Undrar, s-sure is hard on recruits,” Emmy complained.


“Yes, yes, very much hard on us,” Emma added with a pout.

“Don’t go spreading false accusations?” Undrar voiced with hands on her hips.

“Glad to see everyone in high spirits,” he headed to the kitchen, “-no need to cook, I’ve ordered food. It’s an apology for leaving without saying a word,” the trip to the capital did more than spend time with Lizzie and Marie. Deadeyes was left alone in the RFS, he had a dense day.

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