The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Arda’s Council

‘I wonder what Staxius is doing,’ sat under a now blossoming red tree, Xula had snacks and waited. The garden obeyed her every whim, she could change the weather and season without so much as lifting a finger. A latent power from when she still was a fairy. More often than not, it would change depending on her emotions. The blooming tree was a sign of said effect paired with the more than chilly wind – one that signaled loneliness of which was reminiscent. *Sigh,* her gaze faced the horizon, the plants sang with the wind acting as the messenger. Green hair flowed gracefully, it blended with the surrounding.

“Still as pretty as always,” a voice came from her right side. A voice that seemed familiar.

“It can’t be,” she turned, her expression went from stoic to blissful. No care to tact, her cup slipped for the lady rushed into her lover’s arms. “-You’re back,” she exclaimed with a smile.

“Indee-,” before another word could be said, she forced her lips onto his. Unknowingly, she craved for this day to come, the loneliness would have grown overpowering. Baffled, he returned her feelings – the heart which beat for the sole purpose of living, sped. A warmth raged from within, the same feeling he felt when they first crossed eyes. ‘This is what they call love,’ he thought whilst in the middle of a passionate greeting.

“Welcome back,” her head moved away and rested onto his chest.

“Glad to be back,” he said in awe to her boldness.

“Thy heart sure is racing,” she commented with a coy tone.


“I wonder who’s responsible,” the tone remained calm and composed, though, on the inside, tis was another story.

‘Prophecy, go and block every access-way and portal,’ she ordered and slyly moved her body in a way that she fell with Staxius atop.

“I know what your thinking,” laid atop one another, he whispered, “-you’re mine.” Bashfully, Xula turned away in joy. The sound of love and passion-filled the empty garden.

Outside, the nobles and representatives arrived one after the other. At the helm, the old sage, he stood near the throne and greeted all those who came. The queen had announced what the king had done a few days prior. Even so, most wanted to hear those very same words from the adored King. None knew about the vampiric transformation for in their mind, Staxius was still human – the only human allowed in Arda.

“Great Sage, may we inquire to where the king and queen are?” now sat around the round table, Balthazar asked with a coy tone.

*Cough,* “-it sure is cold today,” he averted the question.

“No need to be bashful,” the great mother, Ayluin, intervened, “-it mustn’t come as a surprise that they would want to partake in the harvest of-”

“Great Mother,” Niroz interjected, “-it isn’t necessary to go into details. We all know that we’re imposing on their reunion. Whether it’s filled with sex and lust or a platonic chat, who are we to judge.”

“General, did you seriously stop the great mother from going into details whilst you blatantly used vulgar terms?” another voice came forth, one of a beastwoman named Mieshre Nufry, the representative for the beastmen. She bore a close resemblance to a wolf. As opposed to demi-humans who were closer to humans. Her blood was more potent, which resulted in her being closer to her origins.

“Honestly,” Ruslan sighed, he who was now her majesty’s only counselor. Currently, the Ardanian crown was composed of seven races, namely: Beastmen, Demi-humans, Dwarves, Elves, Vampires, Lizardmen, and the newly added, Winged wolves. Majority of the populous fit into either one of said categories. There were also other beings, half-elves, and such, but they fell into elves’ subcategory. To name each variation was folly, thus the five primal races. The winged wolves were myth up till now, and vampires, they joined since Xula asked kindly. Each had a representative, apart from the newly allied village for none had been elected yet. Other beings such as harpies, who didn’t belong to any race could easily get in contact with either representative and voice their concern. Their kind could also rally under any representatives – thus, none were ever left out. The system worked flawlessly.

Nobles also had seats on the table, one that had ten-seats in total, however, they were usually vampires or higher beings. Apart from a few exceptions, rare was it for a demi-human or beastmen to be a noble. And even if they were nobles, the rank would most likely be Knight.

The table compromised of:

Great Mother, Ayluin Orilana, a dark-elf for the general populous.

Zachaeus Balthazar of the Nox’s clan, representative of the most powerful vampire clan.

Skokdrag Pebbleheart, representatives for the dwarves.

Ryul Traxina, for the elves. A handsome young boy who always dressed in a robe – a powerful and talented mage.

Krask Jok, for the lizardmen. Light-green scaled vailed behind heavy purple armor and armed with a spear.

Haru Gel, for the Demi-humans. A lovely lady with black cat ears with white spots all over her tail and ears. She also bore whiskers, a noble trait amongst the demis.

Mieshre Nufry, for the beastmen. A proudful cloudy white wolf with the ability to change into one.

A new seat would be added to make a place for the winged wolf clan. It brought the total from nine to ten. On that, the representatives took major precedence over the council.

The last remaining were of the noble clans:

Gabrielle Izora of the Lié par le Sang clan, the clan that was filled with low-tier vampires. A wholesome place for any bloodsucker who sought refuge in trying times. Though she, herself, rarely made an appearance at the table. She held the title of Duchess and was one of the powerhouses in the noble faction.

Tobira Barbara, a Dryad and protector of the forest, she also rarely came for the protection of the wildlife and trees was her duty and pride. Under her wings, the nobles that didn’t inherit the blood of a nightwalker, caring and accommodating – any who had the title of nobility could join her faction.

These ten were those who had power over Arda, together, they worked for a better future. At the head, the Queen and King. On this occasion, only four out of the ten showed. There were also other people in charge of lesser important jobs. All and all, it was Arda’s hierarchy in a nutshell.

“You sure were forceful today,” Staxius commented whilst soaking in the bath, it had been forty-five minutes. “I mean, just look at my chest and neck, it’s covered with scratch and bite marks,” he said so in hopes of teasing her, “-Angel, you could have been further away from that word in those thirty-minutes.”

“Leave me alone,” faced away with her arms rested on the bath’s edge, “-things happened,” her cheeks flushed.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said with a chuckle. The regeneration kicked in and no evidence was left. “On a serious note, aren’t we supposed to go meet with our visitors?”

“Yes, it’s been an hour now since their arrival. Worry not, the sage is handling their entertainment. Some alcohol and good food shall suffice, they aren’t that picky when it comes to that sort of thing.”

“Can’t keep them waiting any longer,” he stood, “-I’ll go greet them. You take some more time and rest, I’ll see you later, dearest wife.” The door opened, standing just outside the hall was a butler, he held white towels and shorts. Once in their bed-chambers, he changed into proper attire, one made for a king. White and gold with ornaments on the shoulder pads paired with staff that seemed to come straight from a story. A harmonious blend between a robe and a uniform.

“Staxius,” the door opened.

“Did I not tell you to rest a little?” he faced Xula, whomst was dressed in only a towel. A portal was used since every doorway was linked to one another.

“You wanted me to get a heatstroke...” her eyes narrowed.

“No, that wasn’t my intent, I thought that you needed a bit more rest, that’s all,” he approached with the hopes of giving a hug.

“Don’t,” she held out a hand, “-the clothes will get wet. Let me change,” she scurried off into the walk-in closet and changing room.

“Guess I’ll wait,” he voiced and made way to the balcony. ‘How obnoxious can this staff be,’ held out into the light, a rod made of gold and adorned with jewels of which prices would fetch in the tens of thousands. It wasn’t a lie when many said that Arda was filled with precious stones and resources. The wealth was shown in that staff alone. It could send any nobles cowering – on the top, an orb of unknown origins.

“That’s a dragon heart,” Adete came forth and voiced, “-it’s a crystal made out a Dragon’s heart. It has the special ability to amplify the user’s mana and magic ten-fold.”

“I see,” the more he stared, the more beautiful it seemed, “-just out of curiosity,” he turned and asked, “-where were you?”

*Cough,* “-nowhere,” her wings flapped.

“You’re not going anywhere,” he reached out and grabbed before an escape could be made. “It’s bad to spy on people,” she got tickled as punishment.

“Shall we leave?” Xula came out of the changing room with a royal-blue gown adorned with pearls.

“I guess we are king and queen,” he mumbled and walked closer.

“Did you doubt it?” she asked rhetorically. It was the first time he truly experienced what being a king was like. The prior visits to the castle were but short trips. They never got around to him wearing the rightful outfit.

“Majesty,” the duo arrived at the table. Those who were there stood and bowed.

“Greetings all, please raise thy heads and state thy business,” they sat up front. Ruslan stood beside her majesty. The four present, began to speak about politics and how the opening of a new guild here would benefit many. It was during that discussion that Staxius managed to speak about what was required to fully have an operational guild. A building suited for recruitment as well as serving as headquarters. A place where Qaisar could be exchanged for cash. The more details were given, the more of an idea the Queen had to what was required.

After an hour, the impromptu meeting ended.

“Forgive my asking, your grace, but have you changed recently?” The great mother asked with a child’s curiosity.

“Yes,” he spoke in a deep voice, “-I had to forgo my humanity and changed into a vampire due to my weakness. It was the best course of action, the stronger I become, the better I’ll be able to serve my queen and her kingdom.”

“Very noble intentions, however, care to tell who was the one who gave you said blood?” Niroz asked for the purity was important. A king could not afford to have gotten badly bred blood.

“There isn’t a need to pester his majesty,” Balthazar spoke out, “-it was I, the successor of the first Progenitor, who willingly transferred her blood. It was a given, as the heir to the god of death, there is no other better successor than King Staxius himself. He and only he can harness its immense power,” that information had been kept between a few chosen people. Now, it was out in the open. The reaction was one of silence.

“The All-seeing eyes,” called the great mother, she had taken a closer look to his eyes, crimson and burning as if hot magma.

“That means that his majesty is the third person who directly inherited the progenitor’s blood,” Ruslan voiced, “-here I thought that the bloodline would die with the Nox Clan,” he turned and stared intently, “-majesty, if it isn’t too much a hassle, could you please show us thy wings?”

“If you so please,” he stood a few steps away from the table. *Woosh,* flapped into reality, a third of his height, wings that resembled those of a fallen angel.

“Impossible,” the counselor could but stare in awe, the others had the same reaction.

“It’s as the story depicted,” Balthazar said in a joyful tone, “-the rightful heir would come from a plain higher than the heavens. A mortal with the power to destroy and rule over all he wished.” In turn, the man stood and called for his wings – it resembled one of a demon. “Take a good look, Ruslan, those are the wings of the first progenitor. An element from a god mixed with the curse from one shun by all of creation – the perfect vessel for her incomplete blood,” he laughed without stop, “-all those centuries of searching has come to a close.”

“Yes, Lord Balthazar, the nightwalkers have found their rightful king,” in that instant, both vampires knelt with the head bowed. They, who’d never lower their head even at a queen, were on the floor before Staxius.

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