The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Vampires

“A new day shines over us yet again,” doors to the balcony opened with minimal effort, Adete voiced poetically.

“Did you have a nightmare?” unimpressed, Staxius awoke with the body still tired from yesterday’s treatment. The curse that was bound to him had taken a worse during the night – it evolved into a high-tier curse. One that brought the host misery and pain, most notably, when it came to family relations. The latter had had quite an influence over the Remington’s.

“Not really,” the bat-girl flew over and sat atop his shoulder, “-the curse we took on yesterday has been defeated. It’s just that, each time you die and come back alive, you’re twice as strong as before. However, it also adds another curse onto thy body. Part of the reason why I think the old body failed and was imprisoned during the fight against the Hydra – was the excessive number of curses. Honestly, we should replace the title of heir to the death reaper with; the curse-magnet.”

“Ha-ha, good joke,” he said with an emotionless face, “-I’m laughing, look,” now changed into a loose fit shirt with no pants, they walked out the door.

“Glad to see the humor works...” she fought sarcasm with sarcasm.

“Curses aren’t that bad a thing,” the bathroom door opened, “-there are better than blessings that’s for sure. Take away the drawback from said evil things and you’re left with an endless supply of dark-energy to siphon power from. As opposed to training and getting stronger, I take on curses and split them – then channel their power into the death-element and physical body. It comes with a risk,” he turned and yawned, “-compared to what I get out of it, it’s worth the effort. Always getting stronger, I need to surpass this realm soon. The god of death awaits, there’s a war brewing. I can sense it – titans,”

“I know, there’s no need to remind me, I was the messenger,” she rolled her eye.


“I was meaning to ask,” oblivious, he spoke, “-care to tell me more about how vampires came to be?”

“Finally taken an interest to thy kind?” she stood and hovered above his head, “-as you already know, vampires are beings rejected by both gods and demons. We were a product of a failed experiment Creation had tried many, many millenniums ago. A sort of mixture between curse and blessings. The first mother, she who inherited the blood, had lived centuries upon centuries till boredom, and the regret of being immortal consumed her existence. I won’t get into details, what really interests you is the part about us being alienated,” a good analysis for his intrigue was as she said. “Well, legend has it that a vampire with the right amount of noble blood and enough time to learn and fully master its a gift – will have the power to kill any god or demon. As you know, each of those entities are beyond the realm of the living. Killing them requires either a blessing or a curse – not the normal kind, it’s the kind that only an elder being could bestow. Tis the reason why heroes are summoned in some stories, blessed by a goddess and paired with a divine blade. It’s the only reason they can kill a demon-lord. The same can be said for a demon, a cursed-blade could also kill a god if he was weakened enough. Vampires fit neither group, for you see, their very existence is shrouded in mystery. It was only during the war between gods and demons that their potential became known. The first Progenitor entered the war as an independent party. A week was all that she needed, defeating a demon-general and a demi-goddess without batting an eye. She found a way to turn humans into her kind without giving her blood. Soon, an army of night-walkers filled the planet. They grew overpowering, neither gods nor demons could fight back – an alliance was created to exterminate Creation’s fail project. This was where she managed to escape, the few survivors fled and lived for ages to come. Generations upon generations, the vampiric kind lived and survived. At the end, when the progenitor transferred over her pure blood to Lord Balthazar, they had another ruler to rally under. It happened around two-thousand years ago. In the shadows we grew, till around two centuries ago, where another fight began. The fight between humans and vampires; vampire slayers were born. People with the ability to control mana and fight off said threat. One could say it was the evolution of the human race. Then from vampire slayers, to mages, and now, adventurers. Humans have always been highly adept at blending and evolving where it was due. Which brings us to now, that’s the reason behind why we were alienated. A true vampire has the power to kill either a god or a demon – the power to ascend to the status of a higher being without its drawbacks. Fate works weirdly, you who inherited the power of the god of death also inherited the First progenitor’s blood. Do you know how improbable that is? Lord Balthazar knew from the first moment he laid his eye on thee. You’re the only person who can truly awaken the first mother’s blood. So, you see, Staxius, there’s no fighting it, you will become strong, with or without training. The death element and blood of the first mother will continue to grow. No matter what is done, the day will come when you’ll surpass the higher beings.”

“The first mother,” he stared up and mumbled, “-I’d have loved to see what she’s in person. Someone of her strength could take over the world if so desired.”

“Did you take only that piece of information from a summary of our history?” with a pout, she stared with narrowed eyes.

“No, there’s no need to worry. The history sure is fascinating,” *spat,* he had been brushing his teeth whilst she recounted the tale. A few minutes went by, all had breakfast downstairs.

“Good morning everyone,” a greeting followed by silence for all focused on the food.

“Delicious as always,” he complimented Undrar and Auic’s cooking, “-now then,” the tone changed to one serious, it grabbed the table’s attention. “As some of you might know, I was made a Gold-ranked adventurer a few days ago, on top of that, I was given the title of Guild Master of Arda. I haven’t said this before, but the reason why I came to the capital was to form a guild for my kingdom. Monsters are also a major burden there. With that goal now accomplished, I’ll have to move back to oversee the opening.”

“Are you leaving?” Lizzie asked with a saddened tone.

“What is to come of Kniq then?” Undrar asked with a serious look.

“If master is moving back to Arda, then so am I,” Avon voiced.

“I’m going as well,” added Achilles, “-I’m an ancient hero who formed a contract with Staxius Haggard. Where ever he goes, I go,” chatter filled the room, it grew confusing.

“Shut up everyone,” he voiced loudly, “-I never said I was leaving. Don’t forget, I’ve portals that linked both provinces together. It will be as if I never left. Not to mention, you all are here. In no way can I abandoned what we worked so hard to build. Though, as a married man and the king of Arda – I’ll have to stay for days and even weeks. In my absence, Undrar will take charge, this is not up for discussion, in no way can I neglect my duties.”

“We understand,” the twins seemed to take the news without much trouble.

“As long as you’re coming back, then it’s alright,” Deadeyes nodded in agreement.

“You better stay, Eira’s going to be in the tournament soon, everyone from Dorchester will be coming to stay,” Undrar gave the news she got over the phone yesterday.

“Then the matter is settled,” with a fluid motion, he stood and headed outside.

“Lizzie, grab that helmet,” he ordered whilst in the garage.

“Why?” a roar came forth, tis was Cake’s bike.

“We’re using this today,” a smirk followed, one that was filled with excitement.

“We’ll be leaving in thirty minutes, get to it everyone,” seeing Lizzie off, Undrar ordered the others to get ready.

Hand on the handle, the bike sped off the roads at neck-breaking speeds. It would have taken one and a half-hour. With its maneuverability, cutting corners and rushing down the road was made easy, the journey was cut to an hour.

“Here we are,” they came to a smooth stop, “-have a good day at school.”

“You too, father, have a good day,” she gave a quick hug then walked in.

“Isn’t that the man who took the new first seat at the parent’s council?” rumors whispered all around the ground.

“Lizzie,” a quick tap of the shoulder.

“Who is it?” she turned, it was Marie, she stood with a big smile as students walked in from all over.

??Did something happen, you’re usually woeful and unenergetic,” Lizzie asked intrigued by the change of persona.

“Yes, your father managed to heal my big sister. It made mother and father united again, I’m so happy, our family has grown closer,” the enthusiasm was that of a child getting ice-cream.

“Must be nice,” Lizzie’s voice trailed off, she remembered what Staxius said earlier today.

“Did you say something?” lost in her own little world, Marie didn’t notice that her friend was troubled.

“N-no, it’s nothing, just remembering the lessons father taught me,” one that lasted thirty-minutes, Staxius explained in great detail each subject she had been studying. Nothing that related to her textbook, but a short history of said subjects. A trailer to what was to come, one that would hopefully get her excited to learn.

*Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* “-that’s the reason why you wanted to get the bike,” Adete voiced, they stood in front of Pandora.

“Less mana required to teleport me and the vehicle,” parked in the alley, he entered the shop and got ready for work. The morning began with research on the relic scroll. Another subject was added, the demon’s taint. Potions or remedies to help in healing that form of attack was needed to be found. No customers came, at around noon; the shop closed. Time had come to return to Arda.

‘The fresh scent of nature. A feeling of peace and nostalgia,’ he teleported and arrived in front of the castle as opposed to the garage. ‘How I’ve missed this place,’ with a smile, he headed for the gates.

“Majesty,” the guards immediately lowered their gaze and bowed – ones from the Lizardman tribe, strong fighters with strong body thanks to their scales. A few steps inside, elves were seen atop the castle walls with bows and arrows. They also in turn gave a bow.

Across the yard, a bald head walked by, one of a man who seemed in a hurry.

“Ruslan,” he called out, the man was also a vampire. The white skin and sharpened teeth, a definite give away.

“Your grace,” he turned and bowed, “-how may I be of service?”

“Is her majesty free at this moment?”

“Yes, she’s currently taking a break in her private garden.”

“I wish you well,” he turned and walked off.

‘Wait...’ confused, he stopped and watched, ‘-wasn’t that, the king?’ his body had subconsciously moved and reacted for he was perturbed by a rumor of an uprising in one of the southern villages, “-IT WAS,” the eyes opened wide, “-he’s back,” he said with a smile, “-the protector of Arda is back,” a slip of the tongue.

“Is that so,” Niroz, the general, walked and laughed.

‘King Staxius is back,’ in the shadows, Aurora overheard and vanished into a mist. Soon after, everyone from the representatives of races to the nobles – got the news that the very loved protector, had returned. The one who achieved many deeds, from defeating the strongest swordsman in all of Hidros to allying with Queen Gallienne and now becoming the guild master. Long as it might have been, the exploits done were consequential. ‘A worthy king to protect her majesty and her beloved kingdom,’ was on many’s minds.

‘I guess I’m truly back. After meeting with Xula, I should get to finding a place for the guild-headquarters. Maybe her special unit of strong warriors could come in handy.’

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