The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: The Remington’s

“Quite perceptive,” Luther cleared his throat and coughed. At the same time, a waitress brought over the ordered tea. Lady Remington kept a smile during the whole conversation, “-I can assure that there’s nothing shady nor strings attached. We do have a small favor to ask,” at this point, the sweat gathered on the forehead glistened with the overhanging light.

‘An ulterior motive, I doubt it’s anything as scandalous as killing someone or getting a hold of the DG. Their intent isn’t one vile nor malicious. I feel bad for them, the hesitance must be embarrassing,’ to soothe the would-be awkward exchange, a tiny smile, one of compassion and understanding.

“We’ve heard that thou art a talented alchemist,” the moment they gazed upon said smile – some unknown courage raged from within, “-if tis the case, I’d like to hire thy services for a patient hit by the curse of the demons. It’s my second eldest daughter, she has always been an active girl – cheerful and wanting to go live the life of an adventurer.”

“Please,” the wife interjected, “-Is there not something we can do?” her hands locked and seemed as if she was ready to get on her knees and beg. The desperation in both the voice and face whelmed he who only wanted to have tea and chat.

“There isn’t a need to lower thyself, lady Remington,” he sipped tea and waited. “Before we proceed,” after what seemed like an eternity, he spoke, “-care to tell me how that information was procured? It’s not as if I intended for it to be a secret, though it does raise suspicion for I’m unknown.”

Obliged, after exchanging a few glances paired with a nod of the head, Luther answered the question. “Our butler was out on town the day you saved the girl who had been cursed beyond recovery. Through the window, he recounted that a man had healed one who was already at death’s door. Gathering information was simple, Pandora is linked to the guild Kniq, one that has grown in popularity for the past few months. By process of elimination, the one in charge was none other than Gold-ranked adventurer, Staxius Haggard, nick-named, Xenos.”

“I see,” the cup finished, “-good research yields results. I admire the efforts,” the cup rested onto the table. “In no way can I make promises about healing thy daughter. I’m not a god, there are limits to what alchemy can accomplish,” he leaned in, “-if it’s necromancy, I can also help using said method,” the posture relaxed with a chuckle. The chill when the word necromancy was spoken in such a cavalier fashion could but add to the fire of intimidation.


“Father,” a voice came from the hall, footsteps scurried till the table.

“Hello Marie, how are you doing?” the face kind, voice gentle and mannerism caring, the Remington’s stopped to meet their daughter.

“It’s good to see you father,” she gave a smile that turned blank upon staring at Staxius, “-did I interrupt?”

“No, my dear, we were about to finish the conversation,” with a smile of his own, it placed her at ease.

“About our deal..?” the lady remained adamant about getting an answer.

“I-” another pair of footsteps distracted Staxius.

Before the sentence could be formed, “I’m back,” a cheerful voice came and hugged from the back of the chair.

“Lizzie, is that you?” he turned.

“Yes,” she leaned forward.

“Good to see you in such spirits,” playfully, he bumped his head onto hers.

“Marie?” the girls laid eyes on one another.


“Do you know one another?” Luther asked.

“Yes father,” Marie replied joyfully.

“She’s the first friend I made when I came here,” from hugging Staxius to now holding hands with Marie, the girls seemed close.

“The world sure works in an enigmatic way,” he voiced nonchalantly.

“I do agree on that front,” the lady nodded.

“I apologize for the late introductions,” Marie stepped back and stayed at her parent’s sides, “-Lizzie, I’d like for you to meet my parents.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Lizzie. You sure are adorable, aren’t you,” the mother said truthfully.

“A pleasure to meet a friend of my daughter here,” Luther chuckled.

“Thank you for the compliments, Mr. and Mrs. Remington, “-with a bow, she stepped back.

“I’d like for you to meet my father,” as opposed to being formal, Lizzie gave another hug.

“Marie Remington,” hearing her name from the mouth of such an individual, she jumped a little, “-do take care of my daughter here and come by if ever you want to play or study together.”

“I will,” she nodded.

“Back to the matter at hand,” the focus returned to the lord and lady, “-since our daughters are friends, I’d like to take on the job. Depending on the condition, the price might inflate or deflate accordingly, do you agree with said terms?”

“Anything to save her,” Luther pleaded.

“I’ll see you both later in the afternoon. Once this meeting is over, I’ll have to gather supplies, could I have the address?” the phone handed over, the details transferred. It ended with a handshake.

“We’ll be waiting,” the trio remained whilst Staxius headed into the school.

‘Another victim of the curse, guess my services as an alchemist will come in handy once again.’

“Hey, what was it that you were talking about with Marie’s parents?” Lizzie asked whilst hand in hand on the way to the director’s office.

“A business deal, apparently your friend’s sister has been ill. They asked if I could help,”

“Will you help?” she asked with puppy eyes.

“Yes, it’s part of my job after all.” The day continued in the same dull and uninteresting manner. Entertaining nobles in pointless chats followed by a meet with the various instructors. One after the other, it came to an end. The common factor was that Lizzie was below average in all subjects.

Outside standing near Void, the girl held a sullen face – it got to her, all the disappointing remarks.

“Don’t worry about what they said,” the door opened, “-studying is a thing of pride. One must enjoy the pleasures of learning and its applications. Don’t focus on the textbook, look for ways the apply what has been taught to you into the real world. Anyone can recite a poem but none can truly break it down and reformulate the words for another purpose. It’s the same for magic – if you ever want to try and follow the ways of the mage, learn how to think outside the box, it will help in the future.”

“But they all said that if I don’t pass the next exam, they’ll kick me out,” the stress got to her.

“Listen to me,” a pat on the head later, “-I’ll tutor you if it ails you much, I’m your father now – try to depend on me once in a while. It will be only the basics – I’ll teach about how one can apply what has been learned and using it in a more valuable way,” the car turned on, “-it’s in thy hands.”

“Please do,” the reply was quick and easy.

“Good girl,” the car sped to Pandora.

An hour later, the door opened, “-welcome back, master,” the twins stood with cleaning attire. “It’s good to see you both,” taking the portal, Lizzie headed back to the mansion since the day had been heavy. Minutes turned to hours, time was spend chatting and working with the twins.

‘They seem to be doing much better since that day,’ it reflected on their auras, ones cleared from doubt. The next minute, the door knocked once more.

“You’re here,” tis was Undrar, they had come for supplies, “-here,” he gave each a backpack filled with potions and scrolls, “-tis all you’ll need this month. Do say if there may be changes to be done concerning weapons or enchantments. Each one of you is the sword of Kniq, be confident – I shall assist from the back.”

“Thanks for the supplies, the Qaisar will be deposited at headquarters later tonight. We’re off again,” with a smile, Undrar headed out.

‘The wings on their back sure is nice,’ time felt as if it stopped. Paired with the sun from outside, it seemed as if angels returning to heaven.

“Head home once you’ve had these,” two cups in which laid a crimson-colored drink, “-it’s medicine to help heal. Don’t act as if nothing happened. I heard from Viola that both of you were hurt,” the voice stern, “-be more careful, there’s no next time after one’s dead,” on that note, a quick hug later, he headed out. The twins were told off for being reckless by both Undrar and Staxius. As opposed to being sad, they were happy. Happy to see that there were people who cared.

“You sure have taken to the duty of the father,” Adete voiced playfully, “-I’d go as far as say that you’re the father of the whole group.”

“Is that a bad thing?” they were now on the way to the noble district.

“Not really,” the voice didn’t seem to agree with her words.

“Spit it out,”

“Fine, I fear that you might be going soft. I’m afraid that if the time comes where one of them dies, it might break thy spirit and will to go on. Remember, vampires are immortal. One day or the other, those people you care about will die due to old age. You’ll be left standing, all alone and wandering. That goes for Undrar as well, she’ll be ready to ascend to the status of goddess.”

“Yeah, I know, when the time comes to let go, I’ll let go. Besides, there is much to accomplish, living on forever doesn’t seem that bad. Watching how humanity evolves and ends itself might be a show in itself,” no feeling nor attachment, death was a privilege to the living, an event that he’d celebrate even if someone close would have died.

“Guess I was worried for nothing,” she laid atop his head, “-don’t get lost in the maze of lies you’ve created, dear master.”

“You sure have grown bold.”

Hidden in the middle of extravagant mansions, a small road that led to Remington’s estate. Around a forty-five-minute drive from his mansion, Staxius arrived. A small yard and a small house compared to the others. Though in fairness, the mansion was big in its rights. Alone in a village, it would have looked as if a lotus in a muddy lake.

“You must be Lord Staxius?” a butler stood near the entrance. Void drove forth and parked shy of the house’s porch.

“Yes, Lord Luther must have informed of my arrival,” with a bag packed with supplies, he stepped out

“Do follow me,” he led the way up the stairs and continued down the hall. A room secluded from the rest of the household, in the farthest corner.

“I’m glad you could make it,” Carla waited impatiently before said door.

*Click,” “I apologize for the smell,” the door opened with an instant whiff of dread and nauseating smell of decay. Besides her daughter, hand in hand an unbothered from the smell, Luther waited.

‘This doesn’t look good,’ he stepped inside. “Where and when did she get injured?”

“Two weeks ago, the cut started as small, but,” he pointed at a purple rash growing from her arm, “-it’s getting worse by the day. We’ve spent most of our fortune into getting holy water from the church, hiring doctors, and more, all ended in naught.”

‘That’s why they seem desperate for money,’ bag placed on the floor, “-I’ve got a vague idea, could you kindly leave me to tend to her wounds?”

“Yes, do what is needed,” he reluctantly left with a woeful tone.

“And under any circumstances, don’t enter this room – even if it’s filled with the scream of pain,” a stern glance sufficed, “-this is an order, not a request. If I don’t have thy word, I’ll be forced to reject said assignment.”

“D-do what is n-needed, just b-bring her to us,” the door shut.

“Now then,” the focus turned to the victim, “-you can hear me, can’t you?”

“Y-yes, w-who’s there?” a fatigued voice followed by violent coughs.

“I’m an alchemist,” the hand reached inside the bag, “-I wish I could put you to sleep and start the treatment. Sadly, a conscious mind is necessary. The pain you’ll feel will be unlike any other. This is just a heads-up, there’s a possibility of going insane from the shock – do you wish to continue?”

“Yes, I want to bathe in the warm sunlight once more,” her tone craved for freedom.

“I’ll do what I can.”

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