The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: School Meeting

“Before we arrive,” a few turns away from the main campus, Staxius broke the ice.

“Yeah?” Lizzie turned with intrigue, she played around on her phone before he called. She seemed so involved that he thought there would be no way a response would come without screaming a little.

“Care to explain more about this so-called school meeting?” at a relaxing pace, the traffic cleared, allowing the jammed line to move.

“I wanted to tell you this yesterday,” she said in a woeful tone, her face matched her voice. The phone slipped into her bag, “-today is a new day,” a big inhale later, the entire aura changed, from woeful to cheerful in less than a second. “The school meeting is as the name implies, a meeting between the school and the student’s parent. Auic had planned to accompany in case you didn’t show. I’m glad you came,” from him, her gaze wandered outside at the bystanders. “I’ve never been in one, I’ve no clue. From what I heard from my classmates – it’s more or less like a party, a place to show one’s authority. The ways of the rich are unknown to me. It’s a bragging right – people will show with expensive clothes and cars just to rub it into the faces of those not so lucky nobles,” an air of disgust took command.

“Is that so,” he patted her shoulders, “-it should be fine,” he smiled, she turned, “-don’t forget who your guardian is,” a childish wink to calm her nerves.

“Yes, my father is the king of Arda,” she laughed loudly.

“Yes, ha-ha, you needn’t worry,” eyes forward, the expression changed immediately. Two guardsmen stood in front of the Junior academy. White gloves and guns holstered on their belt, with a simple motion – all who had come were permitted to enter the premises.


“Please head to the right and into the parking lot,” one of the guards indicated. As instructed, he drove in slowly. Men in suits as well as ladies in dresses already engaged one another under the warm sky. Vehicles of different brands and models were lined in a tidy way. The moment Void roared and parked, parents who held their children’s hands were baffled. Someone of interest had come, someone very powerful and rich. The aura that emanated from said figure could not be described.

“Oh my, who’s that?” huddled in a group, four women with their hands on their mouths spoke. “I know not,” tis was the common answer. Their kids, four classmates of Lizzie’s, four girls – all bearing blonde hair in different shades. The mothers’ outfits screamed of rich.

*Click,* the door opened, Staxius stepped off first. A glance inside showed a reluctant Lizzie. She had seen her classmates in the rearview mirror. *Click,* her door opened, “-shall we go?” standing outside, a handsome man with an approachable demeanor.

“Thank you,” her hand reached out.

“Isn’t he a bit too young?” the ladies asked without filter. “I must say that it’s surprising to not have seen that nobleman around here before.”

“Mother,” one of the girls called, “-that’s Lizzie,” she pointed with a conniving smirk.

“Is that so?” all turned, “-the commoner, I presume?” another asked.

“Are you sure she’s a commoner, darling? Seeing what she arrived in, and how well dressed both are, I doubt it. Those fabrics and accessories aren’t cheap,” by accessories, she referred to a ruby flower hair clip he had bought when Xula came to the capital.

“Excuse me,” with a dignified tone, Staxius approached those who had thrown speculation upon speculation onto his name.

“Yes, how may we help?” the leader of said group took command. Dressed in formal attire, with her brownish light hair combed masterfully, the aura that oozed off was that another monster. By her side, the leader of Lizzie’s class, a girl named Katherine Goldberg.

“Would you be so kind as to point us in the direction to where the meet is supposed to occur?” smooth and flawless, Staxius’s personality and speech changed.

“Good morning, Lizzie,” the girl spoke out, her face seemed prideful and posture asserting confidence.

“G-good morning, Miss Goldberg,” her grip tightened around Staxius’s palm.

As if nothing happened, Lady Goldberg indicated inside and gave information according to what he asked. At the same time, Lizzie and Katherine exchanged a few words. ‘I see what’s going on,’ whilst speaking, he thought, ‘-Goldberg must be one of the families that hold titles in the upper nobility. The ladies behind are but followers, spineless, and fake. And as it would be, little miss Katherine has inherited her mother’s traits.’

“Lizzie, why don’t you come and have a chat with us?” a few minutes had gone by, the parents’ chitchat came to a close.

“What do you say, Mr. Haggard, shan’t we let our children speak to one another, the meet is due in five minutes,” a request that seemed awfully suspicious.

‘Please don’t,’ Lizzie’s face screamed of fear, he felt it.

“I am thankful for the invitation,” the eyes stared directly into Katherine’s face, “-I doubt that my daughter will gain anything of value if she stays at one spot. One must always broaden his mind, for you see, the world is much bigger than we combine. We are but floating dandelions unable to move nor fight with the wind as our guide,” followed by a courteous nod of the head, he left without batting an eye.

“That man sure is witty,” Miss Goldberg gave a snarl, most might not have got what he said prior from leaving. The words resounded inside her mind; it was an insult disguised as a piece of prose. One that implied that Lizzie wouldn’t get anything from staying with her child, for he had called them ignorant, ‘-don’t underestimate the power of a family that bears the title of Duke, Mr. Haggard.’

School continued as normal; the parents were brought into a different part of the academy. There, each sat according to their rank and wealth. One after the other, the assistant showed the guardians to their seats. The first seat, one that had been the throne for Miss Goldberg was left untouched. She had been placed on the second seat.

“Surely, there must be an error,” she pointed out to the director.

“All the seating has been done with the utmost diligence of our teachers. Are you to say that our establishment is incompetent?” the gaze stern, the lady could but graciously accept her fate. It raised eyebrows; most were intrigued to whom was to seat at her former throne. Last in line, footsteps echoed, Staxius took charge and sat where Goldberg would have. Many of the lower-ranked nobles hid their laughter. A guilty pleasure of seeing a duchess being humiliated. For too long had she thrown her weight around.

After said debacle, the meeting with the Director continued. It addressed any questions parents might have concerning how the academy was to proceed. For the most part, the conversations were tame and baseless. Nothing of interest happened, Lizzie and her year had classes.

“Before we end, I’d like to hear Mr. Haggard’s thought on how the academy is being run,” Goldberg asked in a curious and uninquisitive manner, a friendly question.

‘I see how it is,’ he smiled, ‘-they sure are unpredictable. Trying to break my still fragile presence. The others have no idea who I am, most are suspicious that I might be a fake. I don’t know her rank, but it must be high. Luckily,’ he stood, ‘-there are people in this room that are joyful to the new change in order – Barons have been led as if sheep up to now.’

“Before we begin,” the voice deep and soothing, “-I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Staxius Haggard, a noble hailing from Arda,” a quick pause to scour the auras later, he continued, “-I know full well of the discrimination between humans and demi-humans. Still, since Queen Gallienne has officially allied with Queen Shanna, nobles from each province are placed in the same hierarchy. I say this as to not cause any further confusion,”

“Could I interject for a moment?” a middle-aged man asked.

“Please do,”

“I do agree that the alliance may become beneficial for both kingdoms in the future. Doesn’t that imply that thou art not human, and what about thy children?” the question that most had in their mind.

“You’re right, I was once human,” the gaze cold and unforgiving, “-that has now changed. My personal life isn’t up for discussion, I respect thy curiousness, however, one must also respect another’s privacy. Truthfully, I’m appalled that a nobleman such as thyself would be so bold as to try and invade mine own private life,” *Dark-Arts: Sense Personality.* “Lord Fran?ois, how would you like if someone would come around and began to pry. Let’s say that you had more than platonic relations with thy assistants whilst being married. I’m sure that it would cause more trouble than is due.”

*Cough,* “I apologize for prying,” he sat back down and had water.

“Please keep the questions for after the meet,” the director ordered for all to remain silent.

“Let’s get back to Lady Goldberg’s query. I have no qualms with how the academy is being run. It’s a place for nobles, and people that are gifted with wealth and prestige. I was once a student at central Claireville Academy. The latter was the place based on merit alone and not one’s social backing. It’s the ideal place and example of how an institution must be run,” he paused and stared the director, “-I see that this school had tried to follow the example set. Sadly, it failed miserably, the commoners were alienated and forced to quit. My daughter, Lizzie, who had been picked, was the only one standing. It came to my knowledge a few weeks prior. I must have been more observant. Nevertheless, Lizzie shares the name Haggard. What I seek is a friendly environment where students and teachers are not bound by prejudice. Learning is a thing of glory, it must be relished – for knowledge is what truly makes someone wealthy,” on that, a silence spread throughout the room. *Clap,* slowly, it came from behind, the Barons and Baronesses. What Staxius had said touched many hearts. It gave a lot to think about, short as it might have been – a clear impression was left. One of a man who knew what he spoke of, a man wise as he is scary.

“Thank you for speaking such words, Majesty,” a slip of the tongue that a minority heard. “Next is a discussion between parents and instructors. Do take some time to rest at the school’s cafeteria,” one separate from the students.

“Lord Staxius,” in the hall coming, two sets of footsteps were heard behind.

“Yes?” he turned with a friendly voice.

“What you said earlier was beautiful. Care to have a few words with me and my wife?” the man seemed kind and gentle.

“Sure, can we head to the cafeteria first? Being formal at all times must be tiring. Shan’t we all relax and converse behind a warm cup of tea.”

“With pleasure,” the trio headed up. A few twists here and there, the entire academy felt as if a morgue. A pin-drop silence, the students worked diligently.

“And you were saying?” three cups of the highest quality were ordered. The price, 750 Silvers each. The couple stared at one another in confusion, 750 silvers to spend on a cup of tea was insanity. Noble by title but average at best, they couldn’t afford to spend such sums on mere drinks. Unwillingly, the man tried to speak out.

“Worry not,” Staxius spoke first, “-it’s my treat.”

“I don’t know what to say?” the lady was embarrassed, she kept on looking at her husband for answers.

“I can assure you that there are no strings attached,” the voice calming, the couple settled down.

“I appreciate thy generosity,” the man nodded, “My name is Luther Remington and this is my wife, Carla Remington,” she nodded as well. “The reason we wanted to speak is on a hunch. You see, my eldest daughter attends Central Claireville Academy – she always comes home and speaks fondly of a girl named Eira Haggard. I was wondering if you were related, since from what I was told – her hair is as white as snow.”

“Your assumptions are right, Eira is my daughter. Though I doubt that tis the only reason we’re having this chat,” he implied that there were more than they let on.

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